
Gameknight sliced through the zombie as he was sprinting towards the village. He was near the mountains.
Gameknight’s head was filled with thoughts like; what if Malacoda Came to the village and was hiding to jump out and attack Gameknight when he went inside the church. Then he saw something. He saw Crafter and Hunter at the village. Crafter seemed to be attacking something but Gameknight could not tell what he was attacking. Hunter was just shooting a zombie villager. A zombie villager!!! Gameknight sprinted towards the village even faster. Finally he arrived. There were zombie villagers everywhere! Gameknight head filled with fear. He knew he had to be brave. He sliced the zombies one by one. The last zombie snuck up on Gameknight an bit him. “OWW!” said Gameknight. He turned around and sliced the zombie. He looked at his heath. He had half a heart! He had killed all the zombies. He ate golden apple (not an enchanted apple) that a zombie pigman dropped. He asked Crafter how he and Hunter got there so fast. He said “it’s a secret. He knew he had lost another village. Gameknight Crafter and Hunter continued through the mountains

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