
Chapter 1: The Entity

(EDITOR’S NOTE: I just want to point out that the Gameknight vs. Null is an existing idea that has been used in some fan fiction stories. So while this idea is being borrowed, the content is completely my imagination.)

(Disclaimer: This is supposed to be a horror series. Read… if you dare!)

With another fresh wave of grief surging in, an entity deployed his last tank. Covered in sadness as he is colored in black, he still couldn’t overcome the failure of his two friends, even though it happened several years ago. He still remembered what they called their group as… “The Three Terrors”. Although the trio is distinctive from each other, one thing remained the same: their burning passion to take over Minecraft and enslave and kill the pathetic villagers in it. However, two of his friends have suffered the same fate. All because of a puny user. Or the one and only User-that-is-not-a-user. His name is Gameknight999.

This is Null. His two fallen friends are Herobrine and Entity303. They were as close as brothers. But now, he is alone.

Null could’ve credited the efforts his friends did, though he wished he’d warned them about their ideas. But he didn’t know.

He didn’t know, at that time, that Herobrine’s monster kings and shadow-crafters or Entity303’s bizarre mods are no match for the User-that-is-not-a-user. Even if he did know, he was painfully shy. And his shyness brought him to the fact that he’s an expert at hiding. But it came at a cost. And that is how Null witnessed his friends’ failures. He saw Entity303 lash from being a threat to Minecraft to being a softhearted individual. And he even managed to go to the physical world, invisible, to see the Herobrine-infected computer being crushed to smithereens. And those burnt a painful scar to his memories.

All because of that good-for-nothing User-that-is-not-a-user.

Even the mere nickname left a bad taste in his mouth. He sensed the happy buzzes of the bees and the jolly chatter of the villagers, and he cringed to it, calling those noises as “sheer torture”. But someday, all of that is going to change, when he uses his creations to rip Minecraft apart, destroy Gameknight, and succeed where his friends failed to take over Minecraft.

Lacking eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and heart, he uses his far superior brain to sense what’s going on in the world, create bizarre stuff like the tanks he’s deploying, and use against the User-that-is-not-a-user and avenge his friends’ deaths. He can’t talk, but can still communicate via chat. He loathes seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, or even smelling pain, hence that’s why he doesn’t have them. All he cared for is beautiful, colorful destruction.

Null sensed himself smiling as he worked on another tank. Things will be beautiful and colorful indeed.

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