

God , Lily thought, this is a big school. It was her third day at Wester springs middle school and she was still getting lost in the winding hallways of the big school. Suddenly the school bully, Ethan Walter strodes out of one of the classrooms talking to his friends. All of a sudden he looks up, “Well, well, well what do we have here? What’s your name little girl?”
“Lily”, Lily replies. “Lily Hale”
“Well, Lily,”Ethan and his buddies sneer, “What are you doing in the eighth grade hall? If you aren’t familiar with the name, it’s only for eighth graders like us.” He gestures to his friends and himself.
“Yes,” Lily responds, “I’m familiar with the name. I just took a wrong turn in one of the hallways”
“Well boys, we’ll just have to show Lily here how we treat trespassers in our hall”
As Lily was thinking of a comeback to what Ethan just said, her sister steps out from behind Ethan.
“Is there a problem here? Or… are you just walking toward my sister looking at my sister like you want to……

To be continued………

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