
Me and my grandfather were setting up camp in the very center of the woods, where magic was strongest. We had already finished the last few stages of camp and were ready for some magic. “Bill, could I borrow your staff for a moment, please?” my grandfather asked. I passed the enchanted staff to him, sitting on a flat-topped boulder.

“Are you ready for the transformation, Bill?” my grandfather asked, standing up from the table. I nodded, spreading my arms out wide. “Do it!” I said, before my grandfather fired a beam of yellow light at me.

As soon as the spell collided with me, I felt several changes overcome my entire body, and I giggled despite myself. I grinned as dark gray fur traveled across my face, while my nose lengthened into a wolfish snout. I could feel a tail pushing against the back of my shorts, until it finally tore through the khaki fabric, making my tongue loll out of my mouth in satisfaction.

“Yes, keep on going…” I panted happily, wagging my tail in canine happiness. My back shifted into a quadrupedal position, forcing me onto all fours. With the last few changes, my transformation into a wolf came to a finishing point. “How do I look?” I asked, looking over my shoulder.

My grandfather bent down beside me and ruffled my hair, and I wagged my tail in excitement, panting rapidly. I could actually see in the dark, as though it were during the day! And my sense of smell had heightened a thousandfold, allowing me to detect any smell or odor in the surrounding air. “What are we waiting for? Let’s have some fun!” I barked, jumping to my feet.

My grandfather also finished up his transformation into a fellow wolf, landing on all fours. “I wonder…why do I feel so…young? Could my age have reversed? Yes…I’m young again!” he said excitedly, starting to wag his tail happily. His glasses slid down his snout, falling to the ground at his feet. “Come on! Let’s go have some fun!” I said eagerly, getting into an invitation to play. My grandfather barked, bolting after me as I ran into the surrounding trees, ready to have a great time as a wolf.

I could run even faster than ever before, not missing a beat, the wind ruffling my fur as I ran. From behind, I could hear my grandfather panting as he chased after me, until he leaped over my head and landed right in front of me, blocking my path. “Caught you!” he panted, wagging his tail in a friendly manner.

“All that running made me hungry,” I said, sitting down on the ground. “First one to reach the tent first wins!” my grandfather barked, getting ready to bolt. I quickly got in the same starting position, intent on getting there before he did. “Go!” I shouted, and we both started running, hoping to beat each other back to the campsite first.

My grandfather was in the lead, sprinting ahead of me, a look of daring excitement in his eyes. Then I saw a flickering light in the distance, and I quickened my pace, managing to run ahead of my grandfather and win. “I won!” I yelped, wagging my tail in a rush of wild excitement.

“I let you win,” my grandfather said playfully, scratching himself with his back leg. “Are you hungry?” I asked, scratching my head with my back leg. My grandfather shook off the dirt and leaves that had gotten tangled in his fur, before nodding in response. I closed my eyes and concentrated on changing back into a human.

Keeping my eyes closed, I could feel the changes progressing as I reverted back to my normal self again, until the last few changes came to a finish. I opened one eye and smiled with satisfaction, standing up. “I think it’s a bit too late to have a midnight meal. I’m going to bed,” I said, yawning widely. My grandfather was his old self again, with no traces of a wolf visible.

“Good night Bill,” he said, and I followed him inside the tent, looking forward to a good night’s sleep. He carefully blew out the candle and I went to sleep, smiling.

When I woke up, I got out of bed and went outside to get something to eat for breakfast. My grandfather was already sitting at the table with a fresh cup of coffee. “Good morning,” he said when I sat down beside him. “Morning,” I replied, blinking sleepily. The strong aroma of freshly brewed coffee perked me up, the last traces of grogginess leaving me.

I poured myself a fresh cup of coffee and took a sip of it, before setting it back down on the table. “Are we doing anything today?” I asked, taking a bite out of a chocolate covered doughnut. My grandfather took a drink of his morning coffee before answering my question.

“What would you have in mind?” he asked, and I knew instantly. “I’d like to have some more fun being a wolf!” I answered excitedly, getting up from the table. “Allow me to do it first,” my grandfather said, pointing the enchanted staff at himself. The first traces of wolf-like changes began appearing on his face, as his nose pushed out in a wolfish snout. “Strange. It seems as though I retain a few wolfish instincts. I’m well enough able to override them, though,” he said, continuing with his transformation.

It was nighttime, and I stood in a beam of moonlight, feeling something start to strain against the back of my shorts. Here comes the tail, I thought to myself, bracing for it. With a huge burst of fabric shreds, my tail ripped through the back of my shorts, and I sighed in relief, my tongue hanging out of my mouth. I quickly took off my shirt, before my shorts went sliding down my legs, falling to the ground at my feet. I was forced down onto all fours when the next stage of the transformation occurred. Tears welled up in my eyes as my nose started to stretch out into a wolf-like snout, and I tried hard not to laugh.

“Having fun, are we?” my grandfather asked and I instinctively wagged my tail, enjoying the feeling of my transformation into a wolf. “Y-yes I am!” I said in excitement, as fur began to spread across my face, traveling along the back of my neck. A cool wind whistled through the treetops, tickling my skin pleasantly. Then for some reason, the transformation stopped halfway. 

“I don’t think that’s supposed to happen,” I said worriedly, my tail slowing to a stop. I tried to stand up on two legs, but failed in doing so. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused on my inner magic. Soon afterwards, I slowly opened one eye and shakily stood up, wobbling slightly. I started to lose my balance and leaned on a tree beside me for support. “The staff?” I asked, holding out a paw-like hand for the enchanted staff.

My grandfather hastily passed it to me, and I gripped the wooden staff tightly, taking a small step forward. After a few minutes of walking back and forth, I had gotten accustomed to my partially wolf-like form. “I think I’ll stick with this. Maybe it’ll come in handy sometime,” I said, sitting down at the table. I raised my paw-like hands up in front of me, staring at them in a mixture of curiosity and wonder. I looked up at the night sky, the wind blowing against my skin, tickling slightly.

“Are you hungry, Bill?” my grandfather asked, and I lowered my gaze from the starry night sky to him. “Yes, please!” I replied, wagging my tail a little. In response, he conjured up a crackling campfire and skewered some fish on a stick, lowering them over the fire.

Soon, the delicious scent of cooked fish filled the air, tickling my nostrils as it wafted towards me. “Smells good,” I said, licking my lips hungrily. “They’ll be finished in a moment,” my grandfather said, and I sat patiently, waiting for the fish to get done.

After a few minutes of waiting, the fish were done cooking, and we started eating. “Tomorrow, I’m going to pay one of my colleagues a visit. I need to find out what’s interfering with the forest’s natural magical aura. This has never happened before. In all the times I’ve been to this specific area, so far, the magic has worked just fine. Now, something’s wrong and I need to get to the bottom of it,” he said, bumping a log in the fiery embers with a poker.

I tore off a huge chunk out of my cooked fish, savoring the juicy piece of meat. “Tasty,” I said, with a swallow. I got up from the flat-topped rock, rubbing my snout with one paw-like hand. Suddenly, I felt my tail starting to retract into my spine, while my snout shrank back to normal. Soon, I had completely reverted back to my original self again. My grandfather was also changing from a wolf to normal.

“So, what am I doing tomorrow?” I asked him, stifling a yawn. “You need to stay here and make sure that nothing happens to the campsite. You’ve gotten better at handling your magic than when you first started your training. Can you do that for me, Bill?” my grandfather asked me.

I nodded, feeling suddenly really tired and sleepy. “I’m going to the tent now,” I said, getting up from the table. “I’ll be out here for a little bit. Good night,” he said, and I went inside the tent to go to sleep. When I entered, I got a few of my blankets and settled into the armchair, falling asleep.

That night, while I was sleeping, I dreamt of being in the forest all by myself, as a wolf. The night was peacefully silent, save for the far off owls hooting in the distance. Just as I was really enjoying the dream, I was snapped out of my sleep by a cold wetness touching my cheek.

“Wha-?” I mumbled groggily, before realization hit me. When I looked to the side of the armchair, a pair of inquisitive eyes stared back at me. “How did you get in here?” I asked them, not really expecting a response. But then the creature spoke. “Come with me, young one. The others are waiting for you and me to return to our rightful place among the pack,” the animal said, startling me.

“Who’s waiting for us? What’s this got to do with me?” I asked, getting up from the armchair. As soon as I stood up, the wolf walked behind me and placed its paws on my shoulders, gently forcing me down onto all fours. “Walk on four legs. It is the wolf way,” the animal told me, and I felt strangely compelled to obey.

“Come with me and we’ll be on our way home,” the wolf told me, and I began walking alongside the creature out of the tent. Once we were outside the tent, we stopped for a moment. “Turn around please,” the wolf said, and I obeyed, still on all fours. Then I felt something slide down my legs, and a strange tickling sensation crept along my spine. “W-what are you doing?” I asked, not turning around.

“Relieving you of these unnecessary human garments,” the wolf responded, and I took a deep breath, willing myself not to look back. I could feel a tail start to grow out from behind me, while the wolf continued to make some changes. I could tell that I was becoming more and more of a wolf, and it felt suddenly as though I’d always been this way, as a wolf.

My nose started to stretch out into a wolfish snout in front of my eyes, while fur continued to travel along my entire body. “That’s much better…you’re looking more like a wolf already. There’s just one more change I must make before we continue on our way. From now on, young wolf, I will name you Sterling, for that is what you are. Do you understand?” the other wolf asked, and I nodded, accepting the change.

“Good. Now, let’s make haste. We mustn’t keep the others waiting. Follow me, and do exactly as I tell you,” the wolf said, and I turned around, not looking back once. As we were walking, I felt curious about where we were going. “Is it very far? To this place we’re traveling to, I mean,” I asked, walking beside my fellow wolf.

“At the very least, we should be there by morning. Until then, we keep moving. We must not make the slightest delay in our journey,” the other wolf answered, and I nodded, making no further inquiries about our destination.

I was still transforming as I walked, growing more accustomed to walking on all fours. Somehow, it just felt natural. I began to enjoy doing so, while the transformation continued. My tail lengthened out from behind me, swaying from side to side as I walked.

The moonlight peeked through the parting clouds, bathing me in brilliant white light. “Stop,” the other wolf suddenly ordered, and I obeyed, standing still for any further commands. We both stiffened, before I heard something move close by. “I just heard something,” I informed my partner, listening for any other sounds.

The other wolf said nothing, his fur raised in wariness. Then a pair of glowing yellow eyes materialized in the distance, coming closer to where we stood. “Stay here. I’ll return shortly,” my partner said, walking forward. I watched him walk ahead and exchange some words with the other wolf that I couldn’t hear or make out, until he returned to where I stood.

“Follow me,” is all the wolf said, walking forward. “Who was that?” I asked, before my spine suddenly shifted into place, making a loud click as it repositioned itself into a quadrupedal position. That felt strange, I thought to myself, shuddering slightly. “A messenger wolf. He arrived to pass on instructions meant for you,” the wolf told me, not looking at me. “But why? What’s this all have to do with me? You never told me why,” I pointed out, wishing he would explain. “There will be time for explanations when we reach our destination,” my partner said.

I started to protest, but I was silenced by his glare. “Not another question. Do you understand?” he said, and I made no further objections. The rest of the way was silent, until he looked up at the sky. “Now we may take a small rest. We have gone a long way from where I found you. But for unknown reasons, you have not yet completed your transformation. I will fix that once we reach our intended destination,” the other wolf told me, and I nodded, before looking over my shoulder. A cool morning breeze blew against my skin, making me shiver in response.

“You require assistance. Allow me to make a few more changes to your form,” the older wolf said. “Turn around please,” he added, and I obeyed instinctively. It did not occur to me to disobey any commands the wolf issued, and I lifted my snout to the air, sniffing the morning aromas that filled the air.

I felt the other wolf’s claws pressing gently against my spine, before something clicked loudly into place. “What was that…feeling?” I asked, still looking ahead. Then I felt a tingling sensation creep up my spine, then across the back of my neck, until the strange feeling reached my face.

I realized what was happening. Fur was traveling all over my body, covering me in a warm, dark gray pelt. “Much better!” I sighed contentedly. “You must be hungry from the journey,” the other wolf said, and I nodded in agreement. “But as you are still getting accustomed to your new form, I will have to teach you how to hunt for your food, as a wolf,” my partner continued, and I turned around, scratching an itch with my hind leg.

“How will I do it, though? I-I’m sorry, but I can’t hunt,” I said, my ears lowering to opposite directions. The other wolf chuckled, and I sat down in defeat, feeling ashamed of myself. “You needn’t concern yourself over it. Given enough time, you’ll soon learn to embrace your instincts. Let go of your inhibitions and embrace your inner wolf. It’s actually very simple,” he said, and I looked up, intrigued. “Can I really do that, though? I’ve never gone hunting before. Much less as a wolf,” I said, smiling despite myself.

“I’m sure you can do it somehow,” he said with an amused tone. “Here’s something you don’t know about me. I’m no ordinary human,” I said. “Not a human. A wolf,” my partner corrected, but I continued. “Well, before I came here with you, before I was transformed into a wolf, I was learning about using magic. Here’s my proof,” I said, closing my eyes to concentrate on my inner magic.

After a moment of concentration, my partner drew back with a startled yelp. “This is my evidence,” I said, standing up in a newer, bipedal version of my last form. “How is that even possible? Never in all my years of living in these lands have I ever seen such magic happen in front of me! How did you do that?” the other wolf asked in wonder, staring at me with disbelief.

I chuckled, before returning to a quadrupedal form. “That’s not all I can do, you know,” I said, lifting my head proudly. “Show me,” the other wolf said, and I channeled the power of my magic into both of us.

When I opened my eyes, both me and the other wolf were standing on only two legs. “Need some help?” I asked him, reaching out to steady his balance. “No. I can walk just f-fine,” he started to say, but nearly fell until I caught him just in time. “Thanks for catching me,” he said gratefully, and I lifted him to his feet, supporting his balance.

The sun had fully risen above the treetops, bringing golden sunlight over the surrounding environment. “I think I’d prefer sticking with only four legs, thanks,” he said, and I closed my eyes. After a few brief moments, I restored both of us to normal. “Was that too much for you?” I asked. “No. It was just startling, is all. Don’t worry. Maybe you could demonstrate more of your magical abilities once we reach our destination,” my partner replied, before we resumed our previous walk.

It wasn’t long before I noticed the sound of indistinct conversation echoing all around me and my partner. “We have reached our destination,” he told me, leading me up a steep hill. As we walked, the wind ruffled my fur, while warm morning sunshine bathed me and the other wolf.

“I’m curious to know what sort of things humans do,” my partner said suddenly, and I stopped short, a few inches away from him. “What do you mean?” I asked, walking up to him. “What I’m asking is what kinds of things would you do as a human?” he explained, walking to a hidden area away from the faint conversation coming from ahead.

“Well, I do like to read,” I replied, thinking of my chapter books I’d left back at the campsite. “Grandfather! He doesn’t know where I am! How could I forget? I was supposed to stay and keep watch over our things!” I said in a panic. “Remember what you came with me for?” the other wolf reminded me, but I ignored him, trying to think of a solution.

“I know I promised to follow any instructions you issued, but I have to go back. I can’t just stay here and let grandfather not know where I am. He’s probably worried sick!” I apologized, lowering my head. The other wolf sighed, relenting. “All right. You may return, but I’m not letting you go alone. I have responsibilities to stay with you at all times,” he told me, and I nodded, turning around to head back down the hill.

“If I may ask, who is this “grandfather” you spoke of before? Is it another wolf?” my partner questioned, looking confused. I shook my head. “No. Grandfather’s not a wolf. But he is capable of transforming into one,” I explained, worried still about how he must be feeling at this moment.

“Is he magical, like you?” the other wolf asked, intrigued. I nodded my head in affirmation, my unease growing stronger. A thought occurred to me. “Hey, I have an idea. Wouldn’t it take less time to get there on two legs?” I suggested. The older wolf considered my question for a moment before answering.

“I would like to get more accustomed to my earlier form. Go ahead and work your magic,” he said, and we slowed to a stop. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, concentrating on the spell. After a few minutes, I slowly opened my eyes, rising to my feet. The other wolf shakily stood up, spreading out his arms to steady himself. “Just take it nice and slow,” I told him, waiting. The other wolf started walking back and forth and slowly gained his footing.

“I think I can do it! This is impressive!” he said excitedly, smiling with confidence. “Let’s get going,” I said after watching him for a few minutes. He slowly took a deep breath, then marched determinedly ahead of me, laughing despite himself. I rolled my eyes in amusement, before hurrying after him.

Soon afterwards, he switched from a bold march to a frenzied run, whooping in excitement. “This is amazing!” he shouted, and I ran alongside him, smiling happily. In the distance, I could hear my grandfather shouting my name, and my happiness turned to grim determination, not slowing down once on my way.

A few yards from the campsite, I motioned for my partner to come with me to a hiding place. “We’ll have to assume a quadrupedal form before we go to him. He’ll understand,” I assured my accomplice, before restoring the two of us to our normal selves. “Can you do what you did last night for my grandfather?” I asked the other wolf, and he nodded. “That’s my specialty,” he said, walking out into the open.

I stayed put, watching from my hiding place as the older wolf silently tiptoed behind my grandfather, and I saw him carefully place his front paws onto my grandfather’s back. A startled expression appeared on his face, and I wagged my tail despite myself. The startled expression turned to relaxation, and my grandfather closed his eyes blissfully.

I left my sanctuary and joined in the process, placing my front paws on my grandfather’s back, gently pressing my claws into his spine. “What’s…happening?” he said slowly, panting heavily. “Just relax and embrace the changes,” my partner told him, as a tail slowly began to emerge from his spine.

My grandfather was forced down onto all fours, still transforming into a wolf. Then the older wolf carefully placed both of his paws on my grandfather’s shoulders, massaging them.

Black fur began to travel along the back of his neck, spreading down my grandfather’s spine. “This…feels so g-good,” my grandfather panted, his tongue hanging out from his mouth.

The last few changes came to a stopping point, and the transformation was complete. My grandfather slowly opened his eyes and looked around in bewilderment, before noticing me and the other wolf. He blinked at me in astonishment. “Bill? Is that you?” he asked, and I shook my head.

The older wolf stepped forward. “His name is Scout. He’s now a member of the wolf pack,” my fellow wolf corrected, and I wagged my tail slightly in response. “So are you,” he added, drawing my grandfather into a hypnotic trance. “From now on, you will be referred to as Mage,” the wolf said, and my grandfather nodded submissively. “Mage,” he repeated in a monotonous voice, licking his lips slowly.

With that, the wolf released my grandfather from his trance, and he blinked in confusion. “Wh-where am I?” he stuttered, before a look of embarrassment appeared on his face. “What am I doing with these…human things?” he wondered, and the older wolf padded behind him to lend some assistance.

“Hold still and let me make some adjustments to your form,” he said, grabbing hold of my grandfather’s trousers to pull them off his hind legs. “Much better. I couldn’t stand wearing those ridiculous garments!” my grandfather said gratefully, wagging his tail slightly. His skin was still smooth and uncovered. “Why don’t I have any fur? A wolf should have a nice luxurious coat of fur,” my grandfather said in confusion, shivering from the cool morning breeze.

“It will come soon,” the older wolf said, before carefully entering our tent, his fluffy tail disappearing beneath the entrance flap. Turning around, I saw my grandfather looking confused and bewildered. “This is the strangest day. I feel as though I’ve forgotten something very important….but what?” he said to himself, his tail hanging limp between his legs.

I turned away and entered the camp tent, while my grandfather hung behind. When I went inside, I found the other wolf staring curiously at my stack of chapter books, intrigued. When he realized I was beside him, he spoke. “If I may ask, could you tell me what those are? And my other, bipedal form might work as well,” he said to me, and I stood up, grabbing the enchanted staff to conjure up the spell.

“Bipedus Maxima!” I commanded, sending a dazzling burst of magical energy at him. With a blink of an eye, he rose steadily to his feet, not struggling to balance like last time. He wiggled his fingers in curiosity, staring at them with wonder. “It never fails to amaze me what magic is capable of. I’ve never experienced anything like this before,” he said, picking up one of the chapter books.

Sitting down in the armchair, he opened up the book and stared at the page curiously, running his finger down the middle of the book. “Haven’t we spent enough time here?” I asked, startling him from his gaze. He hastily got up and set the book down. Clearing his throat he spoke. “You’re right. But I’m curious to know what other wonders can be found in this place,” he said, walking towards the place where I sometimes created works of art.

“What is this?” he asked, picking up a piece of paper with an unfinished drawing of mine. “That’s art,” I said, walking beside him. For a moment, he said nothing. He cleared his throat pointedly before turning to face me. “I’ve seen enough. It’s time we returned to the hill. We’ve delayed our arrival for much too long,” he said, and I closed my eyes, reverting back to a feral form. By now, morning had turned into night, the sun setting below the horizon. But for some reason, I was starting to turn back into a human.

“Uh, wolf? I’m switching back to a human. Could you fix that?” I asked, whimpering a little as my tail began to shorten. He walked behind me and gently pressed his claws into my spine, forcing me onto all fours. “Much better,” I sighed, as I began transforming into a wolf once more. “I cannot fully restore you to your true form until we reach Wolf’s Peak. My magic only works completely when I’m within the kingdom. So for now you will have to cope with the cold of the night. Will you be able to deal with it?” he asked me, and I nodded, shivering from the cold wind blowing against my bare skin.

“I’m not going to lie. This is undignified,” I said, exiting the tent. I still had some remnants of a coat, and it was just enough to sustain me for the journey ahead. Grandfather was standing where I’d left him, the same look of helplessness on his partially transformed face. “Him I can fully transform into a wolf,” my partner said, approaching my grandfather. “Who are you?” my grandfather asked fearfully, cowering.

“I may have overdone the mental changes. I’ll restore his memory,” the wolf said, looking into my grandfather’s eyes. After a moment, my grandfather fully understood where he was. “I feel so strange….Bill. Oh heavens. Bill? Where are you?” he said in a panic, before he noticed himself. “What’s happened to my body?” he asked, just before the wolf silently padded behind my grandfather and began working his magic on him.

Jet black fur began sprouting all over my grandfather’s entire body, and his transformation was complete. Then his eyes landed on me. Taking a step forward, he squinted at me through his glasses. “Bill? Is that you? What’s happened to you?” he asked, and I quickly walked over to where the other wolf stood.

“By the way, you never told me your name,” I said, waiting for him to answer. “I am the ruler of Wolf’s Peak. You may refer to me as King Roan. I sensed that you possessed a certain aura that only true wolves have. That is why you are in your current form. You are a reincarnation of our long lost rulers. So I was sent to release your true identity as a wolf. Only then can you rejoin the pack,” he explained, and I nodded, deciding to go along with it.

He turned his gaze towards my grandfather, who was silently watching me and the other wolf. Finally, he spoke. “Am I truly to believe that my grandson is really an incarnated form of a deceased wolf?” he demanded skeptically, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. “Yes. Come with me and you shall find out my words are the truth. Follow me,” the wolf said, walking away, leaving us with no choice but to follow.

My grandfather walked alongside me, looking at me in a mixture of bewilderment, shock, and was that disgust I saw in his eyes? Either way, I wasn’t sure, so I looked pointedly away and followed the wolf silently. After a few hours of endless walking, we had reached the beginning of the path leading up to Wolf’s Peak.

“Where are we, Bill? Or should I call you Sterling?” he questioned. “Why are you so suspicious? There’s nothing wrong with Roan,” I told him, and my grandfather relaxed a little, the suspicion in his eyes replaced with trust. Roan turned around and walked down to me. “Turn around please,” the old wolf instructed, and I obeyed instinctively, bracing myself for what was to come.

An especially freezing gust of wind whipped against my exposed skin, and I whimpered unintentionally. “I don’t like the feel of this!” I stuttered, my teeth chattering uncontrollably. “It is close to winter, the season of great coldness,” Roan explained, pressing his claw into my back. In a few seconds, I felt my spine click loudly into place, shifting into a quadrupedal stance.

I was starting to enjoy the nice sensation of transforming into a wolf, especially when the wolf shifted my spine into its proper position. I could get used to being like this. Maybe I’ll stay a wolf permanently! I thought cheerfully, wagging my tail in excitement.

“That can easily be arranged,” Roan said, surprising me. “You can hear what I’m thinking?” I asked him, bewildered. “Of course. You’re one of us now!” he replied affectionately, and I wagged my tail in delight. 

“Now, before you enter the kingdom, you must agree to obey any commands that are given to you. As a wolf, any member of the pack must follow this rule. If an order is disobeyed, there will be consequences. Now, I’m not especially worried that you would break this rule, but you must agree to the pact. Otherwise, you can turn back now. It’s your decision. Will you choose to embrace what you were meant to be? Even if you don’t agree, by sundown tomorrow night, you will be stuck as a wolf. Permanently,” Roan said, waiting for my answer.

Grandfather stepped in between me and Roan. “Now wait just a minute. I’m not going to stand by and watch you take my grandson away. Not without my consent,” he said firmly, blocking Roan. “What is your name? I only transformed you because I have a duty to uphold. It would be a great dishonor to insult the laws of my ancestors. Tread lightly,” Roan warned, baring his teeth.

“Grandfather, I feel like this is what I’m meant to do. I can’t just stand by and not do anything,” I pleaded, looking up into his eyes. “What about you learning magic? Isn’t that more important?” he asked me, still blocking Roan from coming any closer.

“I can still practice magic, but it would have to be here, at Wolf’s Peak,” I offered, hopeful that he would agree with me. My grandfather sighed, caving. “All right. That might work. What do you think, Roan?” he asked, looking toward the old wolf. “Scout will have to return by morning. He may leave Wolf’s Peak, but only to get what he requires from your dwelling. Bring whatever you need, but not too much. You have from tomorrow morning and the rest of the day to get what you need and return here. Any later is unacceptable. Do you understand?” he asked me in a serious tone.

I nodded my agreement, turning around to begin making my way back. My grandfather followed closely behind me, looking over his shoulder at Roan, who watched silently as we walked away. When we were out of earshot, he suddenly spoke up. “I must admit, I never dreamed that my own grandson was actually the descendant of a great ruler,” he said in slight admiration. I tried not to laugh.

“I never expected to be told that either!” I said, chuckling a little. “Well, I suppose it’s been set in stone, then. We’re going to a couple of strong, determined wolves, aren’t we, Sterling?” and I laughed, rolling my eyes in mock exasperation. “There’s no doubt in my mind that Sterling really sounds better than just plain old Bill,” I said, feeling like a new person, or rather, a new wolf!

We said nothing more, marching confidently. By the time we made it back to the campsite, I had once again started reverting back to a human form, my tail shortening behind me. My paw pads ached from the long way back home, and I felt relieved to be in the tent once more. Turning around to face my grandfather, I spoke to him.

“You’re way better at compartmentalizing things than I am. Would you?” I asked, standing up, my paw-like feet aching painfully. My grandfather nodded, before closing his eyes and muttering indistinct words I couldn’t hear. Within moments, everything including the tent was packed inside a tiny miniature leather pouch, which my grandfather wrapped around his neck, and we were ready to go.

“Let’s get going,” I said, wagging what remained of my tail. My grandfather looked up through the treetops, figuring up the amount of time we had before nighttime arrived. Then he looked back at me. “We’ve got plenty of time before the sun goes down. Let’s go,” he said, leading the way, and I followed closely behind him, not looking back even once.

As we were journeying to our destination, I further reverted back to a human form, the last few areas of my fur falling off my skin. The only hint of my wolf form was my slightly short tail, which still had a considerable amount of dark gray fur. My claws had not yet shortened into fingernails, and the palms of my hands still looked like paw pads.

Somewhere in the distance, I could just make out the cliffs of Wolf’s Peak, and even higher up, the silhouette of Roan, sitting watchfully. “We’re almost there!” I said cheerfully, wagging my tail. “That’s…a…relief,” my grandfather panted in exhaustion, walking slowly. When we had reached the bottom of the hill, Roan came leaping from cliff to cliff and landed right in front of us.

“Welcome back. I assume you have everything you require?” the old wolf asked inquisitively, looking from me to my grandfather. “Right…here!” my grandfather panted heavily, slipping the miniature leather pouch off his neck, dropping it at Roan’s feet. “I see that everything is in order! Let us rejoin the others, shall we?” the old wolf asked, beginning our ascension to the top of Wolf’s Peak.

“As I am the ruler of this domain, I have a certain obligation to announce your presence to the pack. You are required to stay with me at all times during my announcement. Is that clear?” Roan asked me, leading the way up the hill. “Loud and clear, Roan,” I replied in agreement, as the top of the peak came into view.

The indistinct conversations grew less mixed and soon gave way to intelligible voices. Somewhere close by, I heard a female voice gossipping incredulously. “I can’t believe that one of our long since lost ancestors has been reincarnated into a human being! Really, can you imagine something as unprecedented as that?” the voice was saying, and I moved on, while Roan led the way within a hidden cave tunnel, lit only by scarce beams of sunlight. “Many many centuries ago, our ruler, King Sterling The First was the bravest and most beloved of our kind. Then later on in the future, he bravely led the battle against our oldest enemy: The People of The Shadows. In the end, our side of the battle won, but with a painful cost: The life of King Sterling himself. Now, as of the present, we will be reunited with him once more!” Roan explained, entering a hidden entrance.

Just then, I felt what was left of my gradually shortening tail disappear, and I had completely reverted to my original self again. “Um, Roan? We might have a problem here,” I called desperately, heading into where the old wolf had entered. “Hmmm. Come here and I’ll see what I can do,” Roan said, before my grandfather entered the room as well, slightly less wolf-like than a few minutes ago. I eagerly waited for the transformation to begin, holding my breath with barely contained excitement.

“Do the thing! Do it, do it, do it!” I said, bracing myself for what was about to happen. Not long after I’d said it, I felt Roan’s claws pressing against my spine, until I was forced onto all fours when my spine shifted into its proper position with a loud echoing click. “That just makes me feel so good,” I sighed, waiting for the next stage of the transformation. “Hold still while I make the changes,” the old wolf told me, and I obeyed instinctively, before I felt a strong tickling sensation creep down my spine. Then I looked over my shoulder in time to see a small nub form at the base of my spine, slowly lengthening into a tail. I bent my back, which further repositioned itself into a quadrupedal stance, feeling very good.

I let out a howl of delight, wagging my tail in ecstasy. Then I felt Roan’s claws press firmly against my back, which had not completely shifted into its proper position. “Something’s not right,” the old wolf said suddenly. “What do you mean?” I asked, not moving. “Never mind. I figured out what was wrong,” Roan said, and I let out a sigh, waiting for him to continue making adjustments.

I felt his paws firmly pressed against my spine, until a stabbing pain shot across my back. “OW!” I yelped, “What was that for?” I asked. “Sorry for that. It was your spine. It wasn’t firmly shifted into its proper position. Now you don’t have to worry about losing your true form,” Roan explained, furthering my transformation.

“Yeah, well, just don’t scare me like that again,” I muttered, recovering from the temporary pain. My nose slowly stretched out into a wolf-like snout, while my pants slipped off the back of my hind legs, dropping to the uneven rocky floor. In a few minutes I’ll be a wolf! This is so exciting! I thought in excitement, wagging my tail happily.

“It definitely is exciting,” Roan said, and I remembered that he could hear my thoughts. I tried not to laugh, instead focusing on the changes taking place. I watched as my hands became paw-like, both my thumbs shrinking into the sides. Then my middle and index fingers fused together into a single toe, and then my hands had finished becoming paws.

“How long is this going to last?” I wondered, enjoying the transformation. “After today, you’ll be a wolf for the rest of your life,” Roan answered, still making the adjustments to my form. I felt an odd itching sensation spread from the back of my neck and along my spine, which I realized was fur traveling across my entire body. Soon, a coat of fur started growing on my face. Looking behind myself, I noticed that my grandfather had nearly reverted to his original form. “Um, after you’re finished, could you help him?” I asked, while Roan made some more changes. “I will. Just keep still. I’m almost finished,” the old wolf replied. I could feel my hind legs bending and reshaping themselves, which in turn caused my hind paws to stand on the tips of my toes.

Then, after some further adjustments, the process of my transformation into a wolf was complete. “Go ahead and try walking around. You need to get accustomed to walking on all four legs,” Roan said, and I did, walking a bit shakily in my new form.

After a few minutes, I got the hang of it. “I have to admit, this feels amazing!” I said, wagging my tail in excitement. Roan chuckled, looking at me affectionately. “You’re on your way to becoming a great member of the kingdom, my friend,” the old wolf said, before approaching my grandfather.

“Oh no, not me,” he said, backing away from Roan. “You’re also required to undertake the transformation as well, Rory,” the old wolf responded, and my grandfather sighed in defeat. “Oh, all right. I might as well get it over with,” he said, and Roan placed his front paws on either side of my grandfather’s back.

“This better not be painful,” he said, closing his eyes. “I never said it wouldn’t,” Roan said shortly, carefully pressing his claws firmly against my grandfather’s spine, digging in until something clicked loudly into place. “Well. That wasn’t too bad,” he said, and Roan chuckled slightly. “That was only the beginning, my friend,” the old wolf said, pressing in even further. “Hey! Cut it out! What are you-YIPE!” my grandfather started to say, before yelping loudly in pain.

“That was painful! Watch what you’re doing back there!” my grandfather complained, inhaling sharply. I walked closer, and Roan motioned for me to lend some assistance. “Oh, right,” I said hastily, placing both my paws on my grandfather’s back. “Ready? One, two…three!” At the same time, Roan and I both pressed into my grandfather’s spine, repositioning it into the correct position; He yelped louder than before, his cry echoing all around the three of us. After a few moments of further adjustments, we were done.

“From now on you will be expected to walk as a wolf. Not a human. Is that understood?” Roan asked. My grandfather dipped his head in agreement, before he asked a question. “How come you two have a coat of fur and I don’t?” he inquired, scratching at an itch. “Until the moon rises high above the horizon, you will not have a pelt. You must stay here until the sun sets below the horizon. Your grandson and I will return momentarily,” Roan explained, leading me out of the cave.

I heard my grandfather sigh. We traveled along the same way from before, except this time, I was about to come face to face with an entire pack of wolves! I wagged my tail in excitement despite myself. Calm yourself down. You need to make a good first impression. Keep your cool and just act natural! I thought to myself, taking a few calming breaths.

“So, how is it being a wolf, Sterling? Or would you prefer being called Bill?” Roan asked, looking back at me as we walked. “I think I like being a wolf! It’s great!” I said cheerfully, wagging my tail. Roan gave a small chuckle. “Well, about what I said earlier. When I said permanently, I didn’t exactly mean permanent. There might be times where you could be human for a certain amount of time. Maybe we could make some arrangements, work something out between the two of us,” Roan continued, and I walked closer to him, intrigued. “Really? You really mean it?” I asked, looking at him in wonder.

“Sure! But first, we must make your presence known. For the wolves of the Peak!” Roan said, leading me out into the open area. As we were walking, I heard faint whispering. “Do you see? It’s him!” I tried to ignore the fragments of various conversations about me, staring pointedly ahead. Then we began ascending a plinth of stairs, which led to a raised platform overlooking the court.

The babble grew silent, and I gulped nervously. “Just remember what I told you. Only speak when spoken to,” Roan whispered in my ear, and I nodded, taking a few deep breaths to steady my heartbeat. “Fellow wolves. I have come with some wonderful news for you all! After many centuries of my rule, we gather here today to reunite with our most beloved member of the kingdom. Sterling!” the old wolf announced, his voice echoing all around.

The crowd of wolves broke out into cheers, and I wagged my tail a little, pleased. “We will be celebrating our beloved member by moonrise this coming night! Until then, Sterling will be with me to get a good look around Wolf’s Peak!” Roan said, leading me down the plinth of stairs.

The crowd of wolves parted to allow passage, whispering among themselves as we walked. I could hardly contain my excitement, wagging my tail happily. Roan led the way through the hidden cave tunnel, before we reached where my grandfather was waiting.

“So how did the announcement go?” he asked, looking at me with interest. “It ran smoothly,” the old wolf said, and I nodded, smiling. Roan changed topics. “I would like to see what other magic you’re capable of performing,” Roan said, and I looked at my grandfather.

I cleared my throat pointedly and he understood my meaning. Closing his eyes, my grandfather began muttering unintelligible words that I couldn’t pick up on. The miniature leather pouch was lifted from around my grandfather’s neck by an unknown force, releasing our belongings all around the cavernous area, before the process was done.

My grandfather opened his eyes, before I started concentrating on my magic. I felt my spine start to reposition itself, and I rose to my feet, wobbling a lot. Then for some reason, without any action on my part, I began to revert back to my human form.

“That’s not supposed to be happening,” I said nervously. Roan cleared his throat loudly. “You’re right,” I said, before the old wolf came over to me. “Turn around, please,” he told me, and I obeyed the order. Not looking back, I felt the old wolf’s claws pressing firmly against my spine, until my spine was shifted into its proper position. “You will need to keep still,” he said, before the old wolf pressed against my spine even more firmly, until I was forced down onto all fours, when my back took on a quadrupedal stance.

This is my favorite part of the transformation, I thought to myself, waiting for what was to come. I willed myself to stand still, before something began to lengthen out from in between my hind legs. Looking back, I watched as a long furry tail grew out from behind me, and I smiled.

“Hold still, You’re nearly finished,” the old wolf said, and I nodded, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. My nose was beginning to push out into a wolf-like snout, before my transformation came to a finish. “Much better!” I said happily. “Glad to hear it,” Roan said. I looked around the cavernous room, realizing something. “But how can I be able to use this stuff like this?” I wondered, trying to think of a solution.

When I turned around, I noticed that my grandfather had once again started to revert to his original form. Roan must have seen me looking, and approached my grandfather to provide assistance. Walking behind my grandfather, the old wolf placed both paws on his back, pressing firmly against his spine, until with a loud echoing click, my grandfather’s spine was repositioned into its proper place.

“Better, isn’t it?” Roan asked him. My grandfather nodded, looking at me. “You might as well call me by a different name. Roan, what name do you think would better suit me? Sterling and I are a member of this kingdom, after all,” he said, awaiting the old wolf’s response. “I concur. From this moment on, you will be referred to as Hugo,” Roan answered.

“Understood,” my grandfather replied, getting up. Roan walked over to me. “Is there anyone else that you know who needs me to work my magic?” the old wolf asked, and I remembered what Hugo had said. “A friend of his needs it,” I said, and my grandfather nodded in agreement.

“I can summon him to this very place,” he told us, closing his eyes. Before Roan and I could react, a sudden burst of light erupted in front of us, before a man materialized out of thin air. “You called?” the man asked, before taking notice of the area he was in.

Hugo stepped forward, and Edmund blinked in astonishment. “Rory?”

My grandfather shook his head. “It’s Hugo now, Edmund,” he corrected, and a look of utmost confusion came across Edmund’s face. “What do you mean? And where are we?” he asked, looking around in bewilderment.

I looked back. “Roan, you know what to do,” I said, and the old wolf dipped his head in acknowledgement. Roan silently went behind Edmund and carefully placed his front paws on Edmund’s back. Then he began pressing firmly against his spine, claws pressing in. “Hold still,” the old wolf told him, and a look of bliss overcame Edmund, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. “Oh, this feels so great,” he sighed, eyes rolling back in relaxation.

I walked behind Edmund and went to work repositioning his spine, making it assume its correct position, a loud click echoing around the cavern. “Oh keep going. It feels so…YIPE!” Edmund started to say, but instead yelped out in pain. “What was that for?” he asked angrily, before a small nub appeared near his tailbone, slowly lengthening into a long tail. “This feels strange…but so satisfying…” Edmund panted, starting to wag his newly emerged tail.

Black fur started traveling all across Edmund’s entire body, swallowing up any bare skin. Edmund shuddered as the black fur spread across his body, his eyes closed tightly. I had reverted partially between a wolf form and my human form, my spine half shifted into a bipedal stance. “I could really use some help over here, Roan!” I called nervously, still staying on all fours.

“I’m nearly finished with your friend. I’ll come to you next, Sterling,” the old wolf responded, before stepping away from Edmund.

Edmund suddenly came into realization at what had just happened to him. “What’s…going on?” he wondered, staring back at his tail in bewilderment. We all ignored him, as Roan approached the spot where I stood, walking behind me. “Go ahead, Roan. Work your magic,” I said, steeling myself for what was to come.

I soon felt the old wolf begin pressing his claws against my spine, forcing it into a different position. This time, I was prepared for the sharp stabbing pain, and did not yelp. After a few minutes of Roan’s adjustments to my form, I was fully restored to my lupine self. “Ahh, much better,” I sighed in contentment, wagging my tail.

“Where am I?” Edmund demanded to know, and we all turned around to look at him. Hugo walked over to him.


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