
The Band of Brothers


Once there were three Triplet brothers and their names were Jake, Jack, and Josh. Jake had the power of singing, Jack had the power of beat, and Josh had the power of dancing. But just to tell you how they got their powers, let’s just start at the beginning. So it all started in High school.


“ Hi Sara,” Jake said to his girlfriend a bit nervously “ so… are you going to the school dance tonight?”
“Yes, Jake I’m going to the school dance, um… would you like to go with me?”
“Are you serious? I’d love to!” Jake said, trying to stay calm “ So where do you want to meet up at?”
“How about at the concession stand,” Sara suggested, “I heard they’re having a chocolate fountain this night only.”
“Ok, that sounds great,” Jake replied. “So it’s a date?”
“It’s a date,” Sara answered.
“Great, I’ll see you at the dance!” Jake said.
“Ok Jake, bye…” Sara replied.
“Bye,” Jake replied
Jake already knew she would say yes but hearing it in person made him feel great.


“Hey Chloe,” Jack said to himself, “No, no, that’s not good enough. Hey ‘sup Clo”, Jack was trying to come up with something to say to Chloe because he wanted to ask her to the school dance, but he did not know how to ask her. “No that’s just weird. Ok, ok I got it, hi Chloe how is your day? Yes! Yes, that’s perfect. Ok, let’s see how this goes.” So Jack went over to Chloe’s locker and this is what happened.
“Hi, Chloe. How is your-” Jack was about to ask her the question when Chloe interrupted him.
“Yes, yes, yes I would love to go to the dance with you. Please tell me that’s what you were going to ask me!” Chloe said to Jack, a bit nervously.

“Um…yeah… that’s exactly what I was going to ask you. Um, can I ask you how you knew that’s what I was going to say?” Jack asked Chloe.
“I overheard one of your brothers talking to his girlfriend asking if she wanted to go to the dance, and had a feeling you were going to ask me too,” Chloe replied to Jack.
“Wow! Wait… How did you overhear my brother without getting caught?” Jack asked Chloe
“Hey, who says I can’t overhear someone’s brother and not get caught by them,” Chloe said.
“Well… Yeah, you have a point there,” Jack agread.
“So where do you want to meet up at?” Chloe asked.
“Uh… how about near the front doors of the dance, I guess,” Jack suggested.
“Yeah, sure that’s fine,” Chloe replied.
“Well, I guess it’s a date then?” Jack said.
“Uh. I guess so, now let’s get to class before they count us tardy… Ok?” Chloe said with a little laugh.
“Yeah, ok. Let’s go to class,” Jack replied.
So they both walked to class in a good mood just thinking about the school dance.

“Hi, Hailey. How is your day going?” Josh said to Hailey in math class.
“I’m doing well,” said Haley,” but can you not talk right now, I’m trying to work on these questions and I don’t want it to get homework. Not to be rude or anything. Is that okay?” Hailey asked Josh in a low voice.
“No, no, I understand. And that’s good that you are having a good day, we can talk later though, right?” Josh asked Hailey.
“Ya, I hope so,” Haley said getting back to work.
Once Math class was over, Josh decided to take advantage of the time and talk to Hailey.
“Hey, Hailey,” Josh said to her after math class.
“Hey, Josh” Hailey replied, “So what were you wanting to ask me earlier?”
“Well, I just wanted to ask you… Umm… So you know the dance that’s coming up, right?” Josh said with his leg shaking a little.
Hailey started to smile a bit. “Yeah. Why?” she said, starting to blush.
“So I was thinking that maybe we could, umm, go to the dance together?”
“Well, that actually, sounds… Great!” Hailey said excitedly.
“Nice, uh, where would you like to meet? Or I could pick you up?”
“You could pick me up if you want. I don’t really know where it is anyway. I’ll give you my address and my number just in case something comes up, I guess.”
“Okay that would be great, thanks!”

The dance

And so later on that day, when school got out, they started getting ready for the dance.
“Please, tell me you all have dates for the dance tonight,” Jake, Jack, and Josh’s dad asked his sons.
“Yes dad, we all have dates,” Jake replied.
“Yeah, there is no reason to worry,” Josh added.
“You should be worried. You have no idea what is going to happen tonight,” their dad said to himself.“Just be careful, ok?”
“Ok, dad,” Jack replied. So they go to the dance and meet up with their dates and this is what happens at the dance for Jake.

Jake’s Date

“So Sara, do you want a chocolate covered strawberry?” Jake asked with a smile.
“Sure, I would love a chocolate covered strawberry, Jake,” Sara replied.
“Ok, I will get you one.”
“One dollar please,” the cashier said.
“Ok, here is one dollar,” Jake said to the cashier.
“Here is your chocolate covered strawberry,” the cashier replied with a smile.
“Thank you. Now I believe this is supposed to be yours” Jake said to Sara, bending over like he was giving her a rose.
“Oh wow, how thoughtful of you Jake, thank you,” Sara said laughing a bit.
“So umm, you like to work on computers a lot, right?” Jake asked Sara. But then he started to feel a slight pain in his throat.
“Yes, I love to mess with computers. One of my most favorite things to do on computers is anime,” Sara replied.
“Ow… ow…It hurts,” Jake tried to say in a low voice. But he was loud enough, that Sara was still able to hear him.
“What hurts Jake, should I go get the nurse?” Sara said loud enough so that the closest teacher could here.
“What’s going on here?” a teacher asked.
“Nothing 🎶” Jake sang a bit, “ 🎶 everything is ok 🎶”
“Jake, stop singing! I know it’s a dance but now is not the time,”
Sara whispered.
“ 🎶 I’m not trying to 🎶” he replied “I🎶, I have to go, sorry Sara, but I can’t stay🎶.” Then right there and then Jake ran out the door, and far away.

Jack’s date

“Jack, you are so funny,” Chloe said.
“ Haha. Yeah,” Jack replied. Then he started to feel funny, but not in a good way. Then he saw his brother, Jake, run out of the building leaving Sara behind on the dance floor. And he knew he would NEVER do that. Also he was starting to feel weird.
“Um, Chloe, my brother just ran out of the building. I think something is wrong.”
“Um, ok, well if there’s a problem I might be able to help. My mom has taught me some first aid skills.”
“Thanks, Chloe. Um, how about you go get somewhere safe,  I have a bad feeling that this is not going to go well… Ok?’
“Ok…” Chloe agreed.

Josh’s Date

Oh no, I don’t feel so good, but I can’t just leave Hailey here. Josh thought to himself. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw both of his brothers running out of the building. What was it that dad said, “You should be worried. Oh, no. Well I can’t just leave. I have to find a way to get out of here so I can try to figure out what is happening.
“Um, Hailey, I am getting a little tired.”
“You know what, I am getting a little tired too,” Hailey responded.
“How about I take you home, okay?”
“Okay, Josh.” Hailey said. Fhew, that was a close one. Josh thought to himself. So they both headed out of the building and all the way to Hailey’s house.
“Thank you for walking me home, Josh,” Hailey said
“No problem,” he responded
“Bye, Josh”
“Bye,Hailey.” Now, what is going on with me and my brothers. Josh thought to himself.

In a forest

After some searching, Josh finally found his brothers.
“What happened out there?” Josh asked.
“🎶Can’t you s-e-e-e-e w-e-e-e-e are trying to figure that o-u-u-t!!!🎶” Jake responded.
“Here’s my question: Jake, why don’t you stop singing and take it all seriously, or we might have to call dad,” Jack said sarcastically.
“No!!!” Jake tried to say as clearly as possible.
“Oh wow, now you decide to man up,” Jack mocked.
“🎶S-s-s-s-t-o-p,🎶” Jake cried.
“Actually, I think it is a good idea to call dad,” Josh said, as he came out of his hiding place amongst the bushes.
“Okay, two questions: one, where did you even come from and two, why would you even want to call dad?  He will just make things worse.”Jack yelled.
“🎶Aaa,  actuallyyyy I  agreeeee with him,🎶” Jake said.
“Another question, Josh” Jack said, ”are you serious??!!”
“Were you even paying attention to  dad when we left? He said that we should be worried. So this is why we should be worried, Jack” Josh said.
“Ugh, fine, let’s call dad.” Jack agreed. After talking to their dad, he finally showed up.
“I knew something was going to happen tonight, I just knew it,” their dad said.
“Well, we can’t get anything solved when Jakey- wakey over here doesn’t take anything seriously. All he has been doing is just singing everytime he talks,” Jack said sarcastically.
“Jack, please, it’s not his fault, he can’t control it,” their dad said in an ambitious tone. “He is just starting to get his powers.”
“His WHAT!!!?” Jack and Josh asked.
“You heard me. His powers. And Josh, guess what your power is. You have been practicing it for years, trying to beat the bullies every time they picked on you and your brothers.”
“Beat bo-“ then Josh was cut off by his dad.
“Not beatboxing, just beat. Jake, try singing, and Josh, once he starts, try coming up with a beat to the song,” their dad instructed. “And Jack, I want you to dance!”
“Wow… um dad, am I hearing you right? Did you just say you want me to dance…? You know I am not good at dancing at ALL!!!” Jack said sarcastically.
“Just try… for your dad, please,” his dad insisted.
“Fine… but I’m only doing this just because you told me to,” Jack said sarcastically. They practiced their Powers for a while, then they went home, apologized to their girlfriends, and went to bed.


The weekend had passed. The boys had learned to control their powers and how to use them on command. Then it was time to go back to school, the day that everyone hated because obviously it’s Monday. Jake, Jack, and Josh were walking through the halls when the school bullies came out and pushed Jack onto the floor and kicked him really hard.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I did not see you there, dweeb,” Mike, the head bully said.
“Hey,  that was my brother,” Jake complained.
“Would you like to be next?” Shawn, Mike’s helper asked.
“Jack… You know what time it is?” Jake asked confidently.
“I sure do,” he replied, self assured and a little hurt from what Mike did to him.
Please don’t mess up on what you are about to do, Mike takes things way to seriously, John, Mike’s second and Newest of bully’s thought to himself.
“What are you talking about?” Mike asked in rage.
“Mike… Let’s have a beatboxing competition,” Jack said loud and clear.
Oh no… John thought.
“Bring it on Jack you and me, right here, right now,” Mike yelled.
Please don’t hesitate Jack, please. I’m beginning you, John pleaded in his head. The both of them went on for an hour until Mike could not come up with anything else.
“No… No… NO. How did you beat me? No one has ever beaten me at anything before. You must have some kind of power or something,” Mike said in frustration.
“As if that could be possible. In your dreams Mike. We will be having a party tomorrow for our birthday and you are welcome to come,” Jack offered.
“Ahhhhh. I will win against all of you, just you wait,” Mike said furiously.
“Ok, good luck,” Jake, Jack, and Josh said cheerfully on their way to class.
I need to warn them, he might do something Terrible to them. Why did I agree to do this. John thought. Latter on after school, John found the triplet brothers walking home.
“Jake, Jack, Josh. I need to talk with you!!!” John said in a confident voice.
“What is it?” Josh said a little annoyed.
“Okay, one, I’m not here to bully you, nor do I like doing it anyway. Two Mike is going to do something taribil to you if you talk to him that way!” John explained.
“Wait, hang on, your telling me that you don’t want to bully us, but yet your on the bully team! Please explain yourself before we even think to team up… Please,” Jake said confused.
“Well, Mike was bullying one of my friends and almost knock them out one day. I begged for him to stop. Of course I said I will do anything and that is why I am on his team, please I’m being you don’t go down the path you are taking now,” John said crying a little. The triplets did not know what to think about this. They did a group huddle and thought about it.
“Alright, John. We will help you,  but in return you must never tell anyone about what we ever talk about… Got it,” Josh said seriously.
“Got it,” John replied. They all walked home together until they had to go there separate ways to there own house.
“So… we’re cool?” John asked before turning down his road.
“Yes… As long as you keep your word on not telling anyone are family secret,” Jack said.
“Yes. I keep my words,” John replied. Jake stared at John for a while and then finally spoke.
“Okay, but if we catch you telling anyone… Well, you don’t want to know,”
“Okay,” John replied in worry, as he started down his rode. There is just something about him,  that seems off, Jake thought to himself. The boys finally got home, did their homework, played on there games for a while, and then it was time for dinner. Everyone was done eating and had gone to do something else, except for Jake and his Dad as usual.
“So what is on your mind this time, Jake?” his father asked.
“You know I always want to tell you, except this time… I really don’t want to talk about it. In the nicest way possible,” Jake responded.
“Tell me…” his Dad insisted. Jake took a deep breath and finally spoke.
“So Mike the bully leader tried to bully us again but we won and there was a new bully. He came to us after school and we talked on the way home. I have a really big vibe about him like, something about him is misplaced,” Jake explained.
“Well… What’s his name?” his Dad asked.
“John,” Jake replied.
“What did you just say his name was?” Jake’s mother and father asked, determined.
“John… Why?” Jake asked. Jake’s Dad went silent for a few minutes, then spoke.
“Don’t tell your brothers what we are going to tell you. John, is a really nice guy but he is not who you really think he is,” his Dad explained.
“He is a secret person,  that is part of how we oregonly got are powers,” his mom added.
“So, wait… He is part of the reason me and my brothers have these powers?” Jake asked getting how this all makes sense.
“Yes, but he is only part of the reason… He only helped. I will only give you one word who really did this… Piece,” his Dad said in a low voice.
“Peace… Like Peace forever, or. Piece… Like a Piece of the pie?” Jake asked very confused.
“like a Piece of pie,” his Dad answered.
“Oh… ok but why is her name spelled like that?” Jake asked.
“No one knows… In fact no one knows where she even goes half the time,” His Dad replayed.
“Okay… well I guess John knows about this conversation and is probably going to tell her?” Jake said out loud.
“You are exactly right,” John said from outside a window. “You are such a clever boy, Jake.”
Jake, his mom, and his dad did not know what to say.
“Thank you, sir?” Jake said finally.
“Oh… No need for thanking,” John said as he finally got into the house. “This is not what I actually look like.”
“Then… what do you look like,” Jake asked a little nervous. Then John held up a finger as to say hang on, then John slowly turned into a man in a black suit with smooth dirty blonde hair. Jake was shocked. His Dad asked “so why are you here?”
“I came here for Jake, Jack, and Josh. Piece Ninja needs them for something that I don’t know of… She said that you can come to… Parents of the Band Brothers, We will meet on Saturday at 5:00 at the back of the school ” John answered then left. There was a long period of silence, then Jake’s Dad finally spoke. “We must tell your brothers about this in the morning.”
“Agreed,” said Jake and his Mother.
“Well it’s still Monday so we got a few days,” Jake’s mother said. “So you should go to bed.”
“Okay, Mom!” Jake said while heading to his room.
“Oh also… What are your guys real names?” Jake asked before heading to bed.
“Well my name is Dan and your mother’s is Cherry,” his dad replied.
“Oh… ok. Good night.”
“Good night, Jake,” his father responded.


Jake had told his brothers Jack, and Josh about what happened last night while they were heading to school when out of nowhere Mike trucked Jack into the side of the School.
“Did you think we were done smart Boy,” Mike laughed. John and Shawn was right behind him. Shawn was wearing his Blue Hat and Jacket as usual.
“What are you gonna do about it!” John asked in a bully tone but Jake knew what he truly meant by that, he actually meant what are you doing to do to save him.
“Hey Mik, why don’t you go do something more useful, then get in trouble in front of the whole school,” Jake yelled. Surprisingly the Principal was right there and everyone else in the school.
“Oh… um this is not what it looks like, Dr. Smith,” Mike said nervously.
“Detention… Now!!!” Dr. Smith said.
“You did great,” John whispered to Jake. Jack just smiled back.

At lunch

The triplets we eating lunch as usual at the same table they eat at every day until, John came over.
“What are you doing here, John? Aren’t you supposed to be eating with you buddies,” Jack complained.
“Um… well I can’t because there in detention still and I need to talk to all of you still because I know that Jake did not get to finish telling you all what happened last night,” John explained.
“Oh ya that’s right… also how do you even know anything about what happened last night?” Josh asked so confused.
“ Well let me just tell you the rest of the story,” John replied. John explained everything that happened last night, even the things that Jake left out then the bell finally rang for them to get to class.
“Wait, Jake!” John yelled.
“What?” Jake asked.
“Go to the spot where you and your brothers found out you had powers, at midnight. Piece wants to talk with you privately,” John said seriously.
“O… okay, John,” Jake replied. Are you serious. Piece Ninja, the one who even made any of this happen, wants to talk to me… just me for a reason I don’t know of. I hope this ends good. Jake thought.

12:00 at night

Jake finally found the place and just waited. “Yep I remember this place very well”. Jake thought to himself but then he heard someone say “And I remember it clearly too.” Jake was so confused he heard someone but he did not see anyone.
“Who said that and how did you know I was thinking that?” Jake asked to the darkness of the forest.
“Look up, Jake,” the voice said. Jake looked up and was incredibly shocked at what he was seeing.

“surprised to see me, Jake. You did not expect to see someone like me… did you?” Piece Ninja asked. Jake was shocked at who he was seeing. PieceNinja was wearing a turquoise hoodie and cape, black  pants, a Ninja half mask, and had her hair in a ponytail.
“Um… yes I am surprised… also why do you look a little glitchy?” Jake asked.
“It’s nothing to worry about… Really. What you should be asking is why you are here.” Piece Ninja responded.
“Oh… right. Why did you only want me and not my other brothers to come here?” Jake asked.
“You and your brothers are special. You have the power of singing. Jack has the power of beat. Josh has the power of dancing. Together you can make music, that is way more than just music,” Piece Ninja explained.
“Meaning, what?” Jake asked.
“Meaning, when you use your powers you will not just make music, you will make something even more than just that,” Piece Ninja responded.
“So, does that depend on the song?”
“Yes it does,” Piece Ninja responded.
“Hmm, but that still does not answer my question from before. Why did you only want me here?” Jake asked again.
“Because you are the team leader and I need to show you something” Piece Ninja responded.
“Um, ok. So what is it that you want to show me? ” Jake asked.
“Hold my hand and I will show you,” Piece Ninja responded.
“Um sorry but I already have a girlfriend,” Jake said nervously.
“And I like someone else… now take my hand so I can show you something please,” Piece Ninja said.
“um … ok fine,” Jake said. As Jake took Piece Ninja’s hand they immediately got teleported to a completely different place.
“What just happened, where are we?” Jake asked a little scared by what just happened.
“I teleported you and me to the thing I wanted to show you.”
“But why are we in a long golden hallway?”
“Ah, Piece Ninja I didn’t expect you to be back so soon, and why is Jake here? Is this what you meant by, I have to go get something important?” someone who looked very similar to Peter Parker, from Spider Man, said.
“Um, Piece Ninja, is this the actual Spider Man? Like the one from-” Jake was eminently cut off by Piece Ninja.
“Yes it is Spider Man,” Piece Ninja said with a little worry in her voice. That’s strange. Why did she cut me off like that? I have a feeling something is not right.
“Follow me Jake, I need to show you something. Bye Spider Man,” Piece Ninja said as she started walking off, down the hall.
“Bye, Peter Parker. Maybe we can hang later,” Jake suggested.

End of the 10,000 Mile Hall

Jake had been getting tired of all the walking and felt like he was going to fante. He was looking around at all the dores and notested that all of them had Peoples names from all of the TV shows and Movies he had seen and heard of, on the right of every dore. Everything was gold except for the dores, gold walls, gold doorknobs, gold everything. He started to wonder if he was even going to even get out of this place. Am I even going to see my mom and dad again. More importantly am I going to see my brothers again?  Jake thought to himself.
“Hehe, don’t worry Jake, you will be able to see your family again. Besides, time hasn’t passed at all in your world,” Piece Ninja said.
Jake was surprised about this, he had only heard about this in movies and stories, “wait, so in my world time has not passed at all?”
“Precisely. But I am the one not letting time pass in your world. Because someone might get worried if you don’t answer your phone when your supposed to,” Piece said a little mockingly.

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