
Chapter 3


When I woke, I immediately noted that I felt much better. Opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful room full of sunlight, sweet sounds of birds chirping, and musical laughter.

I pulled back the soft silken sheets on the large bed I was in and swung my legs off the mattress. I gasped as I saw a long cutline running across my entire leg, pale and faint but visible.

Sighing, I looked around the gorgeously decorated abode. I realized my clothes were not there, but there was a pretty velvet dress draped across a table near my bed. It was dark, forest green with a short train, a sweetheart neckline, and ‘ball gown gloves,’ sleeves that were not connected to the dress and worn halfway up your arms.

I did a double-take. Who could afford a dress like this?

Walking over, I noticed a deep blue cloak with a hood and lace ties on the chair next to the dress. But then I saw it.

It was a beautiful circlet with silver leaves. In the very middle of the front side, there was a larger leaf, more elegant than the others. Its fronds appeared to be holding a pale, shining blue, teardrop-shaped crystal.

Donning the clothes I was provided, I stepped into the hall. My bare feet trodded gently on the grass as I walked aimlessly, admiring the scenery of the cascading waterfalls and the enchanting castle’s views.

This, I pondered calmly, seems all too familiar, although I don’t feel that I’ve been here before. I wonder where I am and how I came to be here during horseback. Maybe my phone…my phone! It was in my riding coat’s pocket! It must be in my clothes, then.

“Well well, someone is up late!”

I turned a corner to see a strange group of people, standing and sitting, their eyes transfixed on me.

Blushing, I recognized the speaker, the fellow who had first come across me in the woods. Sam was next to him, and I counted about 5 or 6 others with them.

“H-hello,” I stammered, brushing my wavy brown locks out of my face before hurriedly dipping into a curtsy.

“No, fair maiden. Do not bow to us. We are at your service,” the man assured, the group making slight bends in return to me.

The man spoke up, smiling.

“I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, though you may know me to a different name, as I have many.”


My jaw nearly dropped open in awe, but luckily, I was able to contain myself. These people, normal-looking (well, except the clothes, weapons, fancy vocabulary, you get it) were characters from my favorite book and movie series; The Lord of the Rings!

“Have you maybe heard of us, lassie?” asked a stout, chubby man, some of his long red hair and beard tied into a few messy little braids.

“Yes! You are Gimli, son of Gloin, I think,” I said, much to the surprise on the usually-gruff dwarf’s face.

“Well, I’ll be! If it isn’t Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took! I’m sorry, Merry and Pippin,” I added with a smile. “It’s so nice to meet you!”

“Boromir, son of Denethor of Gondor? You need to support your brother Faramir, and tell him to look out for Lady Eowyn of Rohan. Samwise Gamgee, never thought I’d see you out of the Shire. Aragorn, I should have known! You looked all too familiar in the clearing. Frodo Baggins. Nephew of THE Bilbo Baggins? I watched every part of his adventure with Thorin and the company, even in the Lonely Mountain with Smaug. I also watched your adventure, but I probably shouldn’t tell you about it considering you have to figure it out for yourselves. I think I’m being too talkative. I’ll just go away now and let you plan in peace.”

The group stood mesmerized, staring at me incredulously. A blonde-haired brown-eyed elf pulled Aragorn aside to speak privately. Unfortunately for him, though, after spending much of my time in the forest near my cabin, I’d gained an incredible sense of hearing.

“Who na-he? Tur-min estel heri? Nathe mellon ben foe?” (Who is she? Can we trust her? Is she friend or foe?)

“Im am a mellon, Legolas Greenleaf Thranduilion,” I reassured him in Sindarin, causing him to turn red and step away from Aragorn.

Turning to walk back to my room, I blushed. They are probably confused and weirded out, not to mention I most likely just ruined my only chance of talking to my crush, I reasoned with myself dejectedly.

I had begun to take a few steps forward when I felt a hand on my arm. Legolas had walked toward me, his bow and quiver full of arrows slung across one shoulder.

“Don’t leave. Where did you come from? What is your name? How do you know Sindarin?”

I stood in silence, weighing my options. Should I tell them the truth and risk them believing I’m insane?

I could never lie to them.

“My name is Syndra. Syndra Emmalyn Melody. I come from America, but you wouldn’t know where that is. Damn it, I’m already messing this up!”

Taking a deep breath, I explained the Black Riders, Aragorn and Sam’s appearances, and everything that had happened in between.

“I know we are in Rivendell, but my question is this; why have you not left on the journey? You have a long way to go and limited time.”

The Company became quiet, suddenly interested in other things such as a singing thrush or a group of young Elvish children frolicking in the sun’s rays. Gimli stepped forward, looking down at his feet.

“M’Lady, the majority of us have been caring for you. We refused to leave your side until this morning when Elrond-”

The dwarf clapped his hand over his mouth, his face turning a slight shade of pink.

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