
Chapter 9 – The Right Direction

    Gameknight was hoping to faint. He was hoping to die. With every breath he hoped it was his last. There was more pain than he ever thought humanly possible. Wonder was freaking out back in the physical world. She was begging him to stay alive, to fight back, but he just laid there dreading every moment. In the movies, it shows the hero laying half dead, unconscious on the battle field. Then a helicopter would come and lift him up. Two days later he was back to fight off the robots or Nazis or whatever.
    But that never happens in real life.
  In real life, a girl comes and wrecks your entire world. You underestimate her, thinking that you’ve been through enough to face off her and win yet again.
  But she beats you bad and for once you realize what it was like to the people you attacked. You realize what you had put people through that were being forced. And you realize the good guys don’t always win. Or, maybe, your the bad guy and just didn’t realize it until the good guys are their to destroy you.
   At least, this is what Gameknight was thinking. The world still seemed so far away. Like it was only him and his thoughts. Silvery mist swirled around in his head. He knew he was almost in the Land of Dreams, but could still only see it. He wasn’t in it.
Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. Actually, screaming. “Gameknight!” It was right below him. “It’s no use,” another voice said miserably. “We’ve been searching for hours. She probably killed him.”
  “No!” The first voice wailed. “He can’t be gone!” “But we saw him fall! Gameknight would never fall unless…”
   The first voice started crying. They leaned against the tree. It rocked Gameknight just a bit. Pain filled him and he gave a small gasp. “Wait!” The second voice said. “I heard something!”
   He heard someone building upwards. Suddenly, Hunters head popped up. “Gameknight!” She cheered. She crawled up. Stitcher appeared to. She visibly relaxed. “Your alive!” She sobbed. “We’ve been searching all day! The entire village has!”
  All day? He thought. The entire village? Wow.
Hunter gasped. “What did she do to you?” She said. She grabbed some wool from her inventory and tried to stop the blood. The pain snapped him back. All the sudden it was like he had suddenly zoomed back into the world. All the mist was gone from his brain. He cried out in pain. He gasped, every breath hurting more and more. Tears formed in his eyes. Against his will, they flowed down. “Look! The spirals are gone!” Stitcher said. Gameknight moaned. Hunter jumped up and yelled, “We found him! We need help! Quick!”
   Responding calls answered her. She grabbed a torch and started waving it in the air. Only then did he see they were in a thick fog. “I couldn’t stop her,” he moaned. “She was to fast. I- I couldn’t figure out how to fight her.” Stitcher felt his forehead. “I- I think he has a fever,” She said worriedly.
  Gameknight felt himself slipping back away. Silvery mist swirled around him. And he saw things. Horrible things. First, Herobrine’s death but from a nether rack ledge above the battle. And he was smiling. Then, a diamond blade streaking down onto a long stick and him sobbing uncontrollably without making a sound.
  Gameknight suddenly gasped in pain as he felt someone lift him up. He woke with a start, struggling against his captor. He calmed when he saw it was just Digger. His back was being touched and was hurting uncontrollably, but he stayed as quiet as possible. “Your hurting him!” Hunter snapped. “What am I supposed to do?” Digger boomed. “He’s hurt on all sides.”
   “Flip him over,” Hunter commanded. She carefully moved him over onto his only good side. She suddenly cursed. “What is it?” Digger asked. “He’s hurt on his head too.” He heard Stitcher move up behind him. “Looks like he fell.” Hunter snorted. “Good observation, genius. Ow!” Stitcher had probably punched her sister. “Not now guys,” Digger said. “We have to get Gameknight to Healer.”
   They carefully walked back down through the trees. Gameknight couldn’t really see, but he felt them walking around craters, probably from creepers. He heard other people come and meet up with them, until the entire village was walking together, helping their fallen leader. Suddenly, their was a rumbling sound in the distance. There were whispers. “It’s an Iron Golem!” Someone shouted. “See,” Gameknight mumbled. Digger and some other villagers carefully turned him so he could watch. From the fog, a huge shape emerged. The Iron Golems red eyes flicked from side to side as he watched the villagers stop. He seemed to be looking for something. Suddenly, he saw Gameknight. The golem lumbered towards him. Digger backed away slowly. Gameknight tensed. There was something off about this golem. He looked dazed. The golems eyes rolled back in its head. “Hello, User-that-is-not-a-user,” It said creepily. “Woah,” Wonder said. “What’s up with him?”
    “Thank you for your little gift,” It said. It’s voice was weirdly flat, like it wasn’t talking for itself. It laughed. “Like my little powers? Their the same ones that are going to crush you like the infestation you are. Don’t worry about your friends. Their in a safe place. A very safe place.” The golem laughed again. “Heal fast, User,” It said. “Your precious villagers are going to need someone to fight for them. We both know their worthless.”
   Gameknight was shaking with fury. “I was going to just have the golem tell you what happened, but I’m really bored here so I’m talking to you live from the camp. I even made a iron earpiece to connect to this golem like the things you use in the physical world. It’s a little ironic, isn’t it? You send someone to spy on me, but I’m the one watching you. Oh, right. This is yours.”
  The golem handed something to him. He looked at it, confused. It was a square vial full of some kind of lime green liquid. The sun was burning through the mist, and the strange potion seemed to glow. Hunter snorted. “As if he’s going to fall for that- Gameknight, no!”
   He drank it. Stitcher moaned and covered her eyes. “I can’t look!” She wailed. Gameknight looked around, confused. “Uh… nothings happening.”
   “Oh no!” The golem said in a fake scared voice. “It’s doing- exactly what it should be doing! Stand up, dummy.” Gameknight was even more confused. He slid off Diggers arms. He was still sore but could stand up fine. “Wow,” He breathed. “Awesome!” Wonder chatted. “But that’s not all,” the golem said. “Here’s the real reason I want you to be in walking condition.” She started laughing. Suddenly, in his vision blue arrows appeared. “Wait, what?” He asked. “Those arrows only you can see,” Void said. “Just you. They point toward where ever I want you to go, on whatever path I want.”
    He stared at the arrows, which were moving in the same direction to the north. “Hope you li- hey!” Gameknight turned to look at the golem. “What are you- Gameknight!” He froze. Void had not said that. The voice was full of panic. “Gameknight, don’t go to Dragons Te-“
   The voice screamed. Suddenly, the sound disappeared. But the golem was still standing there, looking dazed. Suddenly it lurched forward. Gameknight ducked right as it swung its arms at him. Hunter grabbed her bow, but right then Wonder appeared. They all dropped what they were holding and crossed their hands against their chest. Wonder stayed there until the golem was gone. “It was under a spell,” she typed to Gameknight. “It’s was being controlled.”
   Gameknight told this to the others. “So?” Hunter asked. “It still attacked you.” Gameknight glared at her. “But it wasn’t it’s fault,” He snapped. “It was Void. And who was that?” Hunter bit her lip. Stitcher looked at the ground. Digger shifted uncomfortably. Gameknight glared at them. “Guys?” He said, his voice rising. “Who was that?”
   “You see…” Digger said. “Herder and Crafter went to trail the monsters and tell us of their position.”
 Gameknight’s blood went cold. “You mean…” He said. Digger nodded. “That’s not the worst part,” Hunter said softly. “How can this get worse?” Gameknight moaned. “Your sister was with them!” Stitcher blurted out. Gameknight swiveled around to look at her. “What?!?!” He yelled. “How could you let her do that?!”
    “We tried to stop her!” Stitcher said. “But she ran after them!” Gameknight fell over. Digger grabbed him. “I can’t believe this,” Gameknight moaned. “Monet followed me into Minecraft, Herder, Crafter and Monet are captured, there’s a half stranger at the Digitizer,”
  “Hey!” Wonder said.
  “And, oh yeah! A crazy Herobrine girl is slowly destroying me!”
He sighed and looked at the ground. The villagers are quiet. Suddenly, Hunter stepped forward. “If she’s gonna destroy you, she’s gonna destroy me too.” Stitcher stepped up, too. “Voids gonna have to get me to.” Gameknight stood up. His side hurt, but he ignored it. He did his best to ignore the arrows, but wasn’t doing so well. He was proud.
    One by one, all the villagers came and stood by their leader. Gameknight smiled. It reminded him of a time when he had been in the Great Zombie Invasion. Something Weaver had said came back to him. Villager mountain.
  The pieces began to click into place. What the voice had said. “Gameknight, don’t go to Dragons Tee-“
  Dragons Teeth!
     His heart started to pound. “That’s it!” He yelled. They all looked at him, confused. “That’s what?” Stitcher asked. He looked at her, his eyes shining. “I know where Void is!” He shouted. “At least, where she’s headed.”
   “Where?” Hunter asked. “Dragons Teeth!” Gameknight said. Hunter stared at him. “Where?” She asked. “Dragons Teeth,” He repeated. “Never heard of it,” she said. “Of course,” He sighed. Of course. Hunter hadn’t even been born yet during the Great Zombie Invasion. None of his friends had.
   “Dragons Teeth is four mountain positioned in a square,” He explained. “During the Great Zombie Invasion, Herobrine kept all his forces there. That must be where Void is going! And I bet she’s bringing our friends with her. Let’s go!”
    Gameknight sprinted towards the North. “Gameknight!” Hunter called after him. He glared at her. “You can’t stop me,” he warned. “Oh, I can’t wait to go slaughter some mobs with you,” She said. Some people laughed. “Except we need to prepare.” Gameknight looked down at himself. Void had completely shattered his diamond armor. “Oh,” he said. “I forgot.” More people laughed. “Okay, I’ll wait two hours,” He warned. “But then I’m leaving.”

      Void broke the sound connection. She spun around to face Herder, fuming. The lanky boy was cradling his arm where she had hit him. But he still looking up fiercely into her eyes. “You are very stubborn.” She said slowly. “Am I?” He said. “I didn’t notice.”
   “You think your so smart,” she spat. She teleported away. She appeared on the newest addition to the Feeding tree- the Dome. It was a, well, dome. It’s made of green stained glass, like leaves. But she stood on it whenever she wanted talk to the monsters.
   All the mobs walking by formed under the branches. Even Herder leaned against his pillar, still nursing his arm.
  Void waited patiently until all the mobs were watching. “You all know were going to Dragons Teeth,” She said. The crowd moaned and clattered in agreement. “But thanks to someone,” She said, gesturing to Herder. His eyes widened in fear as the mobs turned to look at him, growling. “They know to early to go there. They were supposed to be led farther south until we were ready.”
     The monsters looked hungrily at Herder. “Don’t attack him,” She ordered. “He’s still useful. Besides, the User-that-is-not-a-user isn’t here to watch. Anyway, now we need a faster way to get to that mountain. Which is why we’re teleporting.”
    The monsters looked around, confused yet excited. Even Herder perked up. “Everyone will be assigned a Enderman. At least, if they agree.” She looked to the shadowy creatures. They nodded their dark heads. “Good,” she said. “I understand we don’t have enough Enderman for everybody. So, the other half of you are going to fly.”
    Now the monsters were really confused. “Fly?” A skeleton clattered. “Are you crazy?” Void just smiled. Suddenly, she held her fingers to her lips and let it a high pitched whistle. At first, nothing happened. Then blue and white shapes flew out of the woods. “Meet the phantoms!” She yelled. The phantoms looked down on them from the sun shield. “Some of you will be riding on them through the skies. We leave at dawn!”
    The mobs cheered. “By the way,” she said. She started ticking things off her fingers. “Zombies, skeletons, and phantoms, you no longer  burn in the sun. Spiders, you don’t always have to click and can attack during the day, creepers don’t die after exploding, Enderman can go back in water again and can attack however they want, oh, and zombies can put their arms down. Enjoy your powers!” The mobs ran off to try it out. The phantoms shot into the sky, determined to play in the clouds. Void teleported down. She leaned against the tree, looking smugly at Herder. “You’ll never get away with this!” He screamed, fighting the ropes binding him. “You’ll lose!”
     She smiled. “Will I?” She said softly. “Will I?”

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