
rise of the wither king book 2 chapter 6,7, and 8

Chapter 6: command block
    After all of the villagers adapted the darkness, they can see a chest placed on the corner of the cage, all their weapon and armor and even food and building blocks were been taken away from then, in the chest held 15 rotted apple, 5 wooden sword, and 5 chainmail chest plates, those were everything they got, suddenly, a silverfish way spawned in the room, hunter jerked up from the bed she was sitting on and attacked the grey insect, it died after 2 hits
     “Grr… this pathetic sword was so bad, it feels like it’s made from sugar cane!” hunter growled
     “At Least it’s something” crafter replied, “so… lets think this through… isn’t silverfish only suppose to spawn in strongholds?”
    “Yeah…” herder replied
    “Hey herder!” stitcher suddenly said, “you remembered when herobrine’s command block made the sheeps fall from the sky?”
    “YEAH!!!” Herder yelled, then covered his mouth in fright when the wither king’s word echoed in his mind, but luckily, the wither king didn’t hear the yell, “yeah… i remembered that, that evil herobrine! But what does it have to do with… you mean… the wither king had a command block???”
      “That’s what i think…” crafter replied

Chapter 7:torture
   After 3 waves of skeletons, their wooden sword broke, the villagers have to finish the rest off with their fist, their health are low, and their apples were all eaten, then, they heard a foot step
   “Shh…” hunter said in a low voice
   Then, the door went open, there is the wither king, with a lantern on his left hand and some pieced of steak on the right, the group stared at the wither king, don’t know what to do next
    “Congrat… you had finished the test, you can now choose which you want to upgrade next, food or weapon or armor”
     “Weapon!” they said together
     “Alright then” the wither king said, then, he dropped 5 stone sword, 5 chainmail chest plate, and 15 more rotted apple
     They eagerly took the apple, then, the wither king left and closed the door
     “Ugh, this apple tastes like rotten flesh!” hunter grumbled between bites
     “Better than nothing” crafter replied, after they ate the apple, they stood up, right then, a trio of zombie spawned in the room, they quickly killed the stinking monster and picked up the flesh they drop and stored them in the chest, they sat down again
      “This is like torture!” hunter growled
     “Better than been dead” crafter replied
     “Grrrr…” but hunter couldn’t disagree
     Right then, a trio of spiders spawned in the room
     “AGAIN?” hunter shouted then stood up

Chapter 8: fortress
    Gameknight cautiously moving forward, sword drawn, he then found that the on the floor and the walls were now all nether bricks

I must be near gameknight thought, right then, some clattering sound of bones against iron proved his thought, but, he don’t know how many wither skeleton are there, he had to risk it
    He put away his bow and pulled out a strength potion, he took a deep breath and drank the potion, instantly, swirls start forming around gameknight’s body, he can feel a fire burning in this throat, then down into his stomach, he pulled out his enchanted bow and fired at the wither skeletons
    “VILLAGER!!” the wither skeleton that got hit shouted, then charged forward, but by the time, gameknight already took care of 4 more wither skeletons
     After some arrows, gameknight destroyed the wither skeletons that’s guarding the entrance, he cautiously walked in the gate and gasped, before him was a fortress similar to the wither king’s fortress in the nether, but this one before him was a LOT bigger.

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