
Before I write this part, I’m just going to say some stuff 👌 My little brother now loves reading the Gameknight999 series. He used to just play video games, but ever since I forced him to read one of the GK books, he’s usually reading one of those books. thanks for getting my brother into reading Mark Cheverton!

Gameknight opened his eyes. He was inches away from th ceiling. He fell and landed on the bed with a thump. He blinked multiple times, perplexed. The air above him was glitching. Then he heard someone laughing.
He turned his head and on the other side of the iron bars stood Glitch, on her knees laughing her head off.
“Your face…” she wheezed ” I can’t… breathe”
Gameknight sighed and got to his feet. He couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
After a few minutes, Glitch finally stopped laughing. She immediately asked him questions about the real world. That was mostly the only things she asked him. Sometimes she asked her questions so fast, it didn’t seem like she was even trying to breath.
Gameknight liked talking to her when her eyes weren’t completely white. She was normal enough and never seemed mad. Okay, well, she did get mad at times but not as mad as she would’ve get when her eyes were white.
Maybe it’s an alter ego, Gameknight thought watching Glitch do a handstand in the air.
Glitch grinned and suddenly Gameknight was upside down in the air, glitching.
He had to admit, she was pretty fun to goof around with.

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