
Chapter 1: Team Farmer
Chapter 2: The Nether
Chapter 3: A Nightmare
Chapter 4: Danger is my Middle Name
Chapter 5: A Promise and a Past
Chapter 6: Herobrine’s Rebirth
Chapter 7: Time Passes by


                                        In a large home in the Emerald Village, a newborn villager played. “MAMA!” The baby wailed as her mom headed out the door to go to work. The newborn baby’s Mother was Builder, and the baby’s father was Fletcher. “I have to go to work.” The baby’s mom yelled. “Bye, Fletcher”. With that, she went out the door and headed into the morning fog to work on the new walls. After a few minutes Builder was busily placing cobblestone on the new walls that had been put around the village to protect the Emerald village from Minecraft’s hostile mobs. She thought excitedly about the upcoming huge task ahead that would require builders from every village to work on. “Hey!” She called to a nearby builder. “What was the next big project again?” “It was that underground railroad thingy that we are going to help with to connect the villages so that messengers and kids going to school here can travel more easily!” A voice called to her. It was getting dark and 4 of the village bells were sure to ring any second, signaling that it was nighttime and time to go to bed so that they wouldn’t get caught in the dark with hostile mobs. She stretched and put the rest of her leftover cobblestone in the storage chest that the miners had filled for builders like her to use for the walls. She turned and watched the kids outside the gates, waiting for nightfall.

Herobrine watched on top of a tree as night began to fall. “C’mon, kid,” he said to his daughter, who was about 2 years old and had just learned how to walk. He walked into the night towards that village that he had seen earlier. “I will destroy you, you idiotic villagers.” He growled and then whisled to himself as he walked and typed a cheat in the chat, giving him a creeper egg, which he would use to blow up those kids outside of the wall, hopefully causing some grief. “I will show them what Herobrine is made of!” he roared into the night, his daughter toddling along just behind him.

       Builder was about to head home to go see her family and newborn daughter and looked out into the night to watch the little kids running in as soon as the 4 bells ring, which was always funny to watch. Pretty soon my baby farmer will be joining them she was thinking and was just starting to relax and watch the sunset when she saw a Steve skin with glowing white eyes laughing as he placed a creeper egg on the ground right next to a few villager kids. Herobrine. She thought, panicking. “IT’S HEROBRINE! Help! Kids are being attacked outside the gates!” she shouted. She noticed a scared little user girl around Farmer’s age standing behind Herobrine as if he were protecting her. Weird. She realized that she was being distracted. She ran through the gate and saw the villager kids being chased by a creeper. She charged forward with her wooden sword and struck the creeper. It turned its attention to her and she tried to sprint to the walls, trying to get away so that Archer could destroy it, but her hunger bar was so low that she couldn’t sprint. She devoured a piece of bread as fast as she could and then ran but she had been slowed down by eating. She heard a hiss and the creeper exploded right next to her. She felt the sting and knew she had been hit when the creeper exploded. She heard urgent voices, and 5 bells ringing far away. She saw a healer desperately throw a splash potion of healing her way but it missed and she saw her husband Fletcher running towards her, their daughter Farmer in his arms, knowing that it was too late. The last thing she saw was the kids she had saved. Herobrine laughed again and walked into the woods, the scared little girl walking behind him. Builder’s health bar depleted all the way. That was the end of Builder, Farmer’s mother.

                     Chapter 1: Team Farmer

                               Farmer sat down on a wool block, her head drooping from the hard work she had done all day. She wished that she had chosen a different job but knew that the village needed her to be a farmer. She was only 11 but already farmed more efficiently than almost any adult farmer in the village. She was sure to do good in school in the Farming class. Farmer had made a bet with her enemy, Fisher, that she could finish with higher grades than him and that she would be one of the 5 with the highest grades who would get to go on a tour through all the villages. Man, she could just imagine the look on Fisher’s face when he lost and she won. That would be amazing. She daydreamed sometimes about being in the top 5 students that were getting to go on that tour through the villages. Most village kids had never been anywhere outside Elementia school or their village. Only the Mayor of each village and the scouts and messengers of every village got to go to other villages, other than the groups of kids that traveled to Element school in Emerald village each week.

                    She thought about her mom, a builder, who had died saving defenseless kids from a creeper attack when they had gone outside the gates too late in the night and been attacked by a creeper. Her spirits dived into the well of sadness. She waved to Digger, her best friend, a boy her same age, 11, who was her best, and only, friend and had been for around 5 years and not abandoned her no matter what the trouble she might get into. He waved back and smiled. “Go, Team Farmer!” He yelled. Team Farmer was something that Digger made up to cheer up Farmer a few years back when Farmer’s mother, Builder, died. He used it now and then when he saw she was feeling sad. Am I sad? She asked herself. No more thinking sad. Bad Farmer. she said in her mind. Farmer spirits started to climb out of the well of sadness. She turned around and faced her huge garden. She had so many seeds from farming that she got a steady income of emeralds from other farmers who didn’t have as many as she did because they traded with her to get seeds. Farmer was saving up to get a Diamond hoe, which would help her work incredibly fast. She was almost there. Only ten more emeralds she said to herself. Farmer was parched from working the fields all day. She chugged down a bottle of water. “Hey there noob.” She heard a jeering laugh from the streets, followed by several catcalls by other bullies who were a part of his gang. “Ready to lose 10 emeralds on our bet this year?” “His” name was Fisher and he was the one who she had a bet with. He would taunt her and stick his foot out at her every time he saw her. He had been in her class when they were little kids. Fisher, Digger, and her had been best friends when they were younger villagers, but then Fisher had met bad friends who had influenced him and made him a jerk.  “Go away, Fisher.” She said with fire in her voice. “Ah! I’m so scared.” He said sarcastically when she pulled out her hoe and waved it at him and then strutted away, laughing with his gang. She scowled and returned to her work. “Farmer!” someone yelled. “What is it?” she yelled back. “I’ll trade you ten emeralds for 100 carrots!” Farmer heard the voice say. Farmer jumped in surprise. Just enough for the diamond hoe! She thought excitedly  “Sure!” A second later she was handing an adult man carrots and he was handing her back emeralds and thanking her for a great deal. She ran off towards the blacksmith on the other side of the village, who she saw had a diamond hoe in stock for half a stack of emeralds. As she walked around the house she saw something green in her bedroom window. It was coming from under the bed. She realized what it was and facepalmed. It was her savings from the past few years, two whole stacks of emeralds. “Man! I could’ve gotten the diamond hoe way sooner! Whatever.”

                   An hour later Farmer was testing out her new diamond hoe on her large garden, which she nicknamed “lightning” because it worked so fast and took next to no effort at all when she heard three bells ring. The villagers had developed a bell system that worked this way: If 1 bell was rung, then it was morning break. If 2 bells rang, then then it was lunch break. If 3 bells rang, then it was dinner time. If 4 bells rang then it was bedtime, and if 5 bells rang something interesting or scary has happened. Farmer turned and started walking to the house. A small face popped out from the door. “Hey Farmer! I made a really good apple pie for dinner!” called the tiny face, which was her little brother, Baker, who was a 6-year-old genius. Farmer sighed happily, what was left of her mood washing away like cobwebs with water being poured on them. Apple pie was her favorite and Baker was a really good baker. Their family was lucky because they got the biggest house in the village, and they had a baker in their family, and they got to eat ridiculously good cake and pie once a week after dinner. “I can’t wait!” she said as the smell of pie drifted over towards her. She remembered the first cake that Baker had made, which had tasted like puke because he added way too much sugar, and way too many eggs, and that alone was enough to make her laugh out loud, remembering vividly the look on Baker’s face when he first tried the cake. “What is it?” her dad asked as Farmer wiped her eyes in laughter. “Nothing. Just thinking about Baker’s first cake. It tasted like cooked kelp left to spoil and then mixed with sheep wool!” Her dad joined in the laughter as they sat down at the table. Baker blushed, trying to think of a defense for himself but having none, as the first cake that he had baked had been truly nauseating. “On that disgusting note, let’s eat.” her dad said. They dug in.

                              A few minutes later she had just finished her pork and was digging into a slice of apple pie when all 5 of the bells in the village rang. Her dad, Fletcher, Her brother Baker, and herself sat there in shock and then in perfect harmony shot up, spun on their heels, and all leaped to the door and rushed out. Nobody in the village had heard 5 bells ring, indicating that something exciting or scary had happened, in a long time. Farmer had heard from someone that the last time that 5 bells had rung was when Farmer’s mom saved the kids from a creeper attack. They were separated in the large crowd of people rushing to the main bell in the center of the village, curiosity etched on their faces. Along the path, she searched for a friend’s arm to hold onto to avoid tripping and falling in the muddy pathway and latched onto Digger’s arm. He looked at her and smiled and they gripped each other to avoid falling. As soon as the large crowd of villagers made it to the main bell, herself still tangled up in it, the Elders and Crafter stood on blocks to make themselves seen above the village crowd. She saw a young mother behind Crafter, shaking with fear, holding her kids in her arms. Farmer saw that the stripe on her cloak indicated her as a butcher. “We have an announcement,” yelled Crafter, an ancient Elder who makes Farmer’s grandma seem like a newborn, and that’s saying something. “As you well know, we have been left alone for over years by the users. Now, it seems quite the opposite. A user by the name of PRINCEGAMER9067 was seen raiding a village house near the bay. He came by boat and grieved us by setting several houses on fire. Thankfully we now have everything under control. If anybody sees him approaching the village then warn us immediately. Questions?” Someone shouted, “What does he look like?” “Ah. Excellent question.  He has a Creeper t-shirt and black pants. Any more questions?” Crafter asked. No one volunteered an answer. “Good. Have a good day.” Crafter dismissed them back to their dinner. Some people walked in small groups, whispering about who they thought PRINCEGAMER9067 was and how he might have attacked. Others crowded around the mother, peppering her questions. Finally, the mayor shooed away the crowd around the woman, who was still shaken up from having her house on fire. Farmer heard rumors that PRINCEGAMER9067 had put lava in her house that burned it up. A group of builders made their way to the houses near the bay, going to fix up the woman’s house.

                Later, Farmer was hanging out with Digger and a few other kids but after a while, it started to rain. “Farmer!” Digger yelled over the storm. “Let’s head over to my house for some cookies and milk to warm us up!” He yelled. They quickly ran into Digger’s house before we got too wet. “Hello, Digger!” Digger’s mom’s voice yelled from another room. “Did you feed the chickens?” Digger’s mom’s voice said again, getting closer to them. Suddenly Digger’s mom burst into the entryway. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!” Digger’s mom shooed them from the doorstep, yelling at Digger for not taking his boots off at the doorstep and dripping water all over.

             Once they were in Digger’s room, which was about as big as Farmer, they got to talking. “I wonder who PRINCEGAMER9067 is?” I asked while nibbling a cookie and gulping some milk, which isn’t the smartest idea to do while talking because I ended up choking and having milk come out of my nose, which isn’t a fun experience, I can tell you that. Me doing that made Digger laugh. Once I had stopped choking and gagging, Digger answered my question. “I overheard my mom talking to my dad about it and my mom said that the last time that this happened was in the days of Herobrine. He-” Who is Herobrine?” I interrupted. Digger looked at me funny. “Were you paying attention to history class last fall AT ALL?” he said. “Herobrine was only THE SINGLE MOST EVIL VIRUS EVER who wanted to destroy Minecraft before someone stopped him. I mean, I know Mr. Smithy was boring but I didn’t know you thought it was THAT boring.” “Just tell me who stopped him already.” She said, annoyed. He grinned mischievously. “Maybe I wasn’t paying attention the whole time either, but at least I stayed awake to hear the part about Herobrine,” he said. “Suuuuuuure.” Farmer giggled. “I heard a user stopped him.” Digger said. “Hmmm. I guess not all users are bad then.” Farmer said. Digger scowled. “I gotta go, see you tomorrow?” Farmer asked. “Sure.” Digger smiled.

A few weeks passed by and Farmer farmed in the mornings and avoided Fisher and his gang and hung out with Digger in the evenings. Until Sunday, the day before Element School started. Element school was the largest school in all of Minecraft and all 12 villages and took place in the Emerald Village. All kids traveled to Emerald village and stayed in the dorms set out for students from other villages on the weekdays. Then they would travel back home on weekends. The classes that took place there were: Mining, crafting, building, enchanting, trading, farming, brewing, and Self defense. Enchanting, brewing, and Self-defence were 3 new classes that had started shortly after the first mob attack months ago so that everyone could be prepared in case something happened. There were also optional extra credit classes that most kids, including Farmer and Digger, chose to take to higher their grade, which included: History of BlockyCubes(The server that they lived on, which was the oldest server in all of Minecraft), Baking 101, Mob Fighting Techniques, the How to Take Care of Animals class, and, last but least, the Music Note Block class. The builders and miners made a Nether portal that only Hunters and Butchers were allowed to enter because they were the only ones who were good with weapons. They made this portal so that the Hunters and Butchers could gather Nether wart for the brewing class. It was in the town hall, in a room that nobody could go in unless they passed the security guard that was stationed outside the special room.

                   In the afternoon on Sunday, Farmer and Digger were hanging out, talking about school this year. “Wanna go mining, to practice for the first Mining class tomorrow?” Digger asked. “Sure, I don’t see why not.” So they went mining in a staircase downwards,  and within a few minutes, Digger found some iron and coal. “We could sell this to the blacksmiths and get emeralds.” Farmer cheered. They continued mining, and ten minutes passed without any finds. Suddenly Farmer gasped. “What is it?” Digger asked. “You should see this for yourself.” Farmer said, feeling disbelief rushing through her like a tsunami.  Digger turned around and almost fainted. Before Farmer stood a gigantic vein of diamonds. Digger and Farmer switched to their iron pickaxes and started yelling and cheering and laughing in joy, chipping away at the rich ore. At last, they finished mining it. Suddenly they heard evil laughter. They turned around and there stood PRINCEGAMER9067 holding a bucket of lava that was suddenly rushing over them. “GO GO GO!” Digger screamed. They mined as fast as they could downward so that the lava wouldn’t reach them, but in their haste, they didn’t realize that the lava could travel farther if they went downwards. They broke into a cave and without a second thought sprinted out of range of the lava that came rushing through the place where they had just been. “How many diamonds did you get?” Farmer asked Digger. “Five. You?” “Six.” Farmer replied. “How much health did you lose?” Farmer asked. “A lot,” Digger replied. “And you?” he said. “Just a little.” Farmer said. He ate some cooked beef and passed her a piece of pork. Farmer looked around and squealed with delight. The cave was full of every ore you could find. There were Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Iron, Gold, and everything else you could imagine. There was even an emerald! They mined everything and were figuring out a way to get back to the surface when they heard a zombie moan. “Did you hear that?” Farmer asked fearfully. “Yes. I’m sure it’s just a lone zombie. I’ll take care of it.” Digger said confidently. Digger had so much skill with pickaxes from spending time mining that he used them for combat and he was a brutal enemy to face in battle with those pickaxes. Farmer wished she had his confidence. In a few seconds they heard a zombie moaning again but this time it was joined by a spider hiss and a skeleton’s bones clacking. “Uh-oh,” Digger said, fear starting to seep into his voice. “We need to find a way out!” Farmer screamed but they were surrounded by lava. Digger sighed and then started pouring water on the lava and mining the obsidian. “Craft some flint and steel!” he yelled. Farmer, confused, started mining gravel and crafting. “Here” She tossed it to him. He made a large doorway out of obsidian and lit it on fire, and a purple glow rang from it. “What is this? Wait a minute… This looks like a nether portal!” Farmer yelled suspiciously. “Just jump in!” Digger yelled and disappeared into the purple glow as 10 skeleton’s arrows hit the obsidian at his feet. She saw an army of zombies, creepers, skeletons, and slimes running toward her. At the back of the army, she saw a figure with white glowing eyes. Who is that? Farmer shook her head and looked again. There was no figure. As the massive army of what must have been 150 monsters got closer, a few skeletons arrows hitting her, she considered what was on the other side of the weird glowing purple door versus what was on this side of the portal. “Unfortunately, whatever this door is wins.” she said. She jumped in and a weird sound came from the portal as she twisted and turned in the portal. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh!  She yelled as she twisted and turned, and then popped right out of the Overworld

               Chapter 2: The Nether

                 Suddenly Farmer appeared in a fiery world with lava lakes and creepy mobs everywhere. “Where is this?” She asked Digger, who was battling a HUGE mob that was 4x4x4 and shot fireballs. “What is that?” She indicated to the huge mob. Little turtle-like mobs were walking on the lava lakes. Groups of what looked like a cross between a zombie and a pig were walking around. She charged one of them that came close and hit it. “NO!” Digger yelled. “They don’t attack you unless you attack them!” A hundred or more of the pig-zombies, what Digger called “Zombie-pigman” appeared with golden swords and a few even had gold armor.”Uh-oh.” Farmer and Digger said at the same time. “We have no chance to defeat these Zombie-Pigman!” Digger yelled. Farmer murmured something to herself. “What did you say?” Digger asked. “I’ve got it! We need to pillar upwards! They can’t climb!” Farmer yelled, relieved to have found a solution. Thirty minutes later they were sitting on wool blocks in a hastily built house way above ground, watching Zombie-Pigman stare up at them, angry expressions on their faces. “This place is called the Nether. It is a wasteland covered in lava and fire and there are fortresses with treasure. The creatures here are even more dangerous than in the Overworld.” Digger said.“Then why did we come here?” Farmer demanded. “Because if we were hit by even one of the skeleton’s arrows it would have knocked us into the lava and it would have been sure death faster than you can say ”unfair”. That’s why. Digger said. “How are we going to get home? There are monsters on the other side of the portal and PRINCEGAMER9067 is probably waiting for us to come up the staircase that leads to the surface so he can steal from us and then pour lava on our heads.” Farmer said, frustrated at their predicament.

               Suddenly they heard cackling laughter again and PRINCEGAMER9067 stepped into their makeshift house. “Did I hear someone call my name?” the user laughed. “I learned that stairs are very useful when climbing tall houses like this.” PRINCEGAMER9067 suddenly changed his expression from laughter to hatred. Digger tossed her a diamond sword and drew one of his own. “I made them while you were in the portal,” Digger said before PRINCEGAMER9067 started talking. “I saw you mine those diamonds. Give them to me and I might only kill one of you instead of both like you deserve.” “What did we do? We were just mining to practice for class tomorrow.” Farmer replied. “Awww, how cute. You pathetic villagers think that you are out of the wrong. Well, let me tell you something. You stupid villagers, have been destroying mobs who didn’t do anything to you for AGES. How could you destroy cute slimes and interesting zombies and cool-looking skeletons? And now you’ve come to destroy Zombie-Pigman, and Ghasts who are still sad from what you villagers did to their leader and their friends during The War for Minecraft, and Notch banished them to the Nether just because he didn’t like them. You deserve to be destroyed. He lunged forward, surprising Farmer and making her flash red as he hit her with his diamond sword. “OH NO YOU DON’T!” shouted Digger as he ran forward and hit PRINCEGAMER9067 with his diamond sword. PRINCEGAMER9067 hit both of them and they were both close to death when an arrow struck PRINCEGAMER9067 in the shoulder. “CHARGE!” shouted a crazy-looking boy wielding a diamond sword and full diamond armor and sprinted up the stairs. Another arrow struck PRINCEGAMER9067 in the head and Farmer looked down to see a girl in shining diamond armor launching arrow after arrow at PRINCEGAMER9067 from the ground. PRINCEGAMER9067, seeing that his health bar was almost depleted, yelled one last “I’ll Get you for this!” and teleported to some other part of the Nether.“Hey.” said the boy. “My name is Kaleb. The archer over there is Sophia. We are a pair of superheroes.” “DON’T LISTEN TO KALEB! He is crazy! We just help people, okay?” Sophia yelled from where she had been shooting her bow on top of the hill. “Anyways, what are you two doing in the Nether?” Kaleb continued. “We were mining and that user you just destroyed tried to pour lava on us.” Digger said. Sophia ran up the stairs to join in their conversation. “We broke into a cave but then we were attacked by mobs so Digger made a portal and PRINCEGAMER9067 followed us.” Farmer said. A Ghast cried nearby and Sophia whipped around in search of the mob and quickly destroyed it with her bow, which looked like it had an infinity enchantment. “You’re good at that.” Farmer commented. “We have a home here that has more supplies and a much, much bigger space than this. We might want to head there now.” Kaleb said, still energetic from the battle.

            A while later after they were all ready they packed up and left for Kaleb and Sophia’s Nether home. Digger and Farmer gasped when they saw the mansion that was suspended over a lava lake. They crossed a bridge, with Kaleb slaying any mobs dumb enough to follow them and bartering with piglins as they went. “So you want a tour?” Sophia asked. Farmer and Digger just looked in awe at the mansion. “Come on, I wanna show you my room!” Kaleb said. “Oh no you don’t! Your room is a mess!” Sophia tried to say but Kaleb had already grabbed Farmer and Digger and rushed to his room. “MISTER YOU GET BACK HERE YOU HAVE TO CLEAN YOUR ROOM FIRST!!!!!!” Sophia shouted at them but it didn’t seem like Kaleb cared. “So this is my room!” Inside were a ton of posters, a lot of them having pictures of what looked like a snowball that Kaleb called “Baseball”, which confused Digger and Farmer and caused Sophia to roll her eyes. He also had a weird drawing of himself hung up on the wall. Then came Sophia’s room. It had diagrams of what looked like a base and drawings and sketches of it, lots of supplies were out to make this and there was a walk-in closet with lots of chests of supplies. Digger opened a chest. It was full of Redstone. He opened another. Full of blocks. “What is all this stuff for?” Farmer asked. Sophia seemed to have a loss for words but finally spoke. “It’s, um, just for a place of my own I plan to make one day.” She seemed nervous to say that in front of them as if she didn’t want them to know this but they didn’t question it and Kaleb had already left the room before she said this. “Okay, I bet you guys are hungry, let me show you to the dining room.” she said nervously. Before Farmer or Digger could say anything Sophia had already walked out of the room. “Finally, a moment alone to talk. So, what do you think of them?” Digger asked. “They seem pretty cool.” Farmer said.
“Yes! They are awesome, and the way they fight? Incredible!” “Let’s catch up before she notices that we’re missing.” Farmer replied. They caught up with Sophia who showed them the dining room and offered them cookies. They all happily munched on cookies but Sophia seemed aloof. “Is she always this weird?” Digger asked a bit rudely to Kaleb but Sophia seemed to ignore that question and let Kaleb answer it. “Sophia’s always wei-” before he could finish Sophia gave him a look that made him stop talking. It was obvious this wasn’t the first time they had called each other weird. After they finished eating Sophia started to talk. “So, how’s the Overworld?” she asked. “Well, besides the users coming back it’s been peaceful for the most part.” Farmer said When Farmer mentioned users it seemed to make both Kaleb and Sophia uncomfortable, Why was unknown but something was a bit off. “You know when I was little I used to want to meet a real user…” Sophia said. “Yeah, well, users suck! You’ve already seen what they tried to do to us!” Digger said, an angry expression on his face. “Oh, um… I have to do something…” Sophia said awkwardly before leaving the room. She didn’t want to leave Kaleb by himself with those two but she knew he would join her with some excuse of his. “Oh yeah um me to…” Kaleb said before leaving.
         Farmer and Digger looked at each other but shrugged. “I guess as great of adventurers they are, they’re always busy!” Digger remarked. “Yeah I guess so…” Farmer thought it seemed there were some secrets that Sophia and Kaleb kept from each other which seemed odd; they seemed like really good friends, but Farmer didn’t take too much notice of it.
“So you don’t plan to tell them anytime soon?” Sophia asked Kaleb. “I… it’s a part of me that isn’t exactly me so there is no need to say anything”. Kaleb responded. “And you? Are you going to say anything?” Kaleb asked Sophia. “Really? If I was going to say anything I would’ve plus it’s not important. None of my past is important”. Sophia said. Kaleb looked like he wanted to ask more questions but Sophia was not in the mood. “Let’s return to our guests,” Sophia said. They walked back. After a while of talking and eating they all went to sleep.

               Sophia couldn’t fall asleep so she sat up to see if Farmer was awake so they could talk. When she looked around to where Farmer was sleeping she wasn’t there. Sophia started panicking. She rushed out of her room and breathed a sigh of relief. Farmer was standing right there on the balcony watching the mobs below. “I thought everyone was sleeping, why are you up? You scared me. I thought you got lost or something.” Sophia asked Farmer. “Sorry. I wanted fresh air but the Nether doesn’t seem to have that.” Farmer joked. “Yeah. You’d think it wouldn’t”. Sophia said. “So, tell me more about yourself. Only if you want to, of course,” Sophia said. “Sure. I have a younger brother named Baker, and my dad’s name is Fletcher. No mom, though. She died when I was little.” What is the deal with villager’s names? They are always so weird.” Sophia asked, yawning. “They are named after their jobs. It’s weird having crazy names like Amanda or Billy so a long time ago our ancestors decided that villagers would be named after their jobs. Anyways, some eye-witnesses say that my mom was killed by a creeper that spawned from a creeper egg that someone placed down. They say that the person looked funny. Something about his eyes. They also said that there was a little girl about my age standing behind him.” Sophia got that weird feeling that people sometimes get when they feel like they are close to remembering something important. Sophia hated that feeling.  “What do stars look like?” Sophia asked, purposefully changing the subject. “In the Overworld what do they look like? Kaleb told me about them but I wonder what they look like”. “They are beautiful, and sparkly, and hard to describe. You would have to see for yourself”. Farmer replied. “Hey. Say when we go back home, why don’t you and Kaleb come with us? I’m sure my village would love to meet you both!” “Kaleb would love to go, and don’t let him tell you any different but my home is the Nether. I can’t leave. I don’t ever leave.” Sophia responded. “Hey, would you do me a favor? Kaleb has been here so long and hasn’t been to the Overworld in a while. When you take him up there can you convince him to stay up there? He has friends and family he hasn’t seen in a while and as much as I can provide here he should have his adventure up there with you guys. He can come and visit though”. “Sure I guess but if he wants to go back then I won’t stop him and if you change your mind you’re always welcomed!” Farmer said cheerfully. “mhm,” Sophia said but she knew what she had to do… I’m a monster Sophia thought. I have to be locked away. As soon as Kaleb and the others are back in the overworld I’m destroying every Nether portal. It’s to keep Kaleb and everyone else safe; I’m too dangerous. Farmer had already gone back to her bed and Sophia decided to go to her bed. She fell asleep.

             Chapter 3: A Nightmare

                      As Nathan attacked the beast that was their brother, Herobrine, He heard crying. “Harlee!” He yelled over his shoulder. “Go check around! I heard crying and there are no Ghasts around. I’ll take care of Herobrine! Be careful!” Harlee came to a crater in the ground where she had last heard the screaming. The tension in her bow decreased as she realized that everything was safe. She cautiously peered into the crater and saw Herobrine’s children, Kaleb and Sophia. “I found the kids!” she yelled to Nathan. “You shall never live to touch my children!” shouted Herobrine and lunged at Harlee. Harlee winced at the blow she was sure to receive but suddenly Nathan was there guarding her back. “Go! Take the kids! I’ll hold off Herobrine!” Herobrine saw Harlee picking up the children and lunged out, grabbing the girl. “I will get you for this!” Herobrine yelled before he teleported to safety, the girl in his arms.

    Sophia gasped as she woke up, thinking about how vivid it had been. She had been having this nightmare for several weeks. She glanced around, and stood up, going to the boy’s room. Farmer had slept in her room and Digger had slept in Kaleb’s room. She woke them up, waking Digger easily and having to bang an iron sword against the stone wall next to Kaleb to wake him up, all the while thinking about how she always had to wake up Kaleb because he would sleep in too late. They ate a quick breakfast of bread and then started looking around the Nether to find where Farmer and Digger’s portal was. Around noon they located it and started to say their goodbyes. It’s almost time Sophia thought… As they all hugged goodbye Sophia said something. “Hey, Kaleb why don’t you go with them for a while even if it’s just to see the Overworld again. You can come back, you know”. Sophia lied, sadness engulfing her. “Okay, sure! But only for a day!” Kaleb said cheerfully as Farmer, Digger, and Kaleb all went through the portal. The odd sensation filled them all. As they left, Sophia sighed, pulled out a pickaxe, and started breaking the portal blocks.

Chapter 4: The Betrayal, and The Fight

When they got back to the Overworld there weren’t any mobs around but then they heard something else. It sounded like someone breaking a block then the entire portal broke and all the obsidian blocks were missing. The obsidian was gone and so was the portal! But as it disappeared there was a sign that popped out of the disappearing portal after it was fully gone. Farmer went to investigate it. Farmer read the sign and turned a sad sympathetic face to Kaleb. “She closed all portals and prevented new ones from being made. I’m so sorry.” Kaleb quickly turned his face away but before he did that Farmer could see the shock, confusion, hurt, pain, and suffering written all over his face. “Go. Go back to your village and leave a trail for me. I need some time alone.
                     “Poor Kaleb,” Digger said to Farmer some time later at their village after explaining where they had been the last few days to everyone. “He must be going through a lot right now.” “Hey, did you remember to leave a trail for him!?!” asked Farmer, alarm in her voice. “What? No! I thought you were doing it!” Digger replied, also scared
Who just double spaced it?
for Kaleb. “We must go find him!” Farmer said. “Are you kidding me! Our parents would never let us go back after us being gone for 5 DAYS!! But something bad could happen! Like really bad!” Digger said. “What’s worse than knowing that we turned our back on the person who saved our lives!?!?!” Farmer said. “Okay, okay, let’s go before our parents find out” Digger replied. They started back so they could make sure Kaleb knew the way to the village.

                                      “What did I do wrong? Was it not cleaning my room? Why did she do this? I thought we were never going to leave each other…” Kaleb felt misery. What had he done to deserve this? He heard something and when he looked up he saw an enderman, who he quickly defeated. It dropped an ender pearl. Nice. He heard a second sound and when he looked up PRINCEGAMER9067 was right in front of him, wearing diamond armor enchanted with Protection III. “Awwww. Having a pity party now? Your friend locked you out of the Nether?” PRINCEGAMER9067 taunted. “You! I’m going to make you pay!” Kaleb pulled out his sword and started to attack. PRINCEGAMER9067 teleported behind him and struck his diamond chestplate, weakening it. It had already been weak from living in the Nether so long and being attacked almost every day that it was almost broken, along with the rest of his armor. Being the master enchanter that he was, all Kaleb’s armor had protection IV, which was very difficult to acquire. Kaleb poured lava on PRINCEGAMER9067 but accidentally hit himself with it, as well. The lava caused Kaleb’s boots to break, while PRINCEGAMER9067’s armor was fine. Kaleb ate a piece of steak then charged forward and landed a series of blows that hurt his enemy a lot. But then the user did something Kaleb never expected. The user ran away into the jungle. Kaleb thought to himself. Did he just run away? Kaleb thought. Kaleb heard a noise behind him and suddenly Kaleb was on his back and PRINCEGAMER9067 was standing over him, laughing as he pulled out his blade, and swung hard at Kaleb’s face. Kaleb rolled over and struck him in the legs, getting under his enemy’s diamond pants, which were starting to look a little worn themselves. This time, he used his building skills to fight as he quickly built an obsidian cell around PRINCEGAMER9067, which he managed in a new record of 5 seconds, taking the evil user by surprise. He made a hole in the ground and stepped in and mined the obsidian block near his face, which would make it so that he could hit the user but the user couldn’t hit him. He hit the user 4 times, bringing him near death but the user teleported before Kaleb could land the killing blow. Kaleb turned around and stepped out of the hole, and the two circled each other, Kaleb waiting for PRINCEGAMER9067 to start eating to rejuvenate hunger and health points. As soon as he did, Kaleb would attack. The user started to eat a piece of steak and Kaleb lunged forward. PRINCEGAMER9067, anticipating this, teleported behind Kaleb, dug under Kaleb’s feet, making him fall, and then placing obsidian over his head, trapping him in a cell of his own. When Kaleb tried to mine the obsidian above his head PRINCEGAMER9067 was there, attacking him. He was already tired from the fight and now that he was stuck and being hit continually and there seemed to be no way out.  Suddenly Kaleb remembered the ender pearl. He chucked it out of the mini cell he was stuck in and teleported back to the grass behind PRINCEGAMER9067. “No more tricks up your sleeve now, huh?” The evil user laughed. Do you think that’s all I got? You’re dumber than you look, Kaleb, adopted son of the great warriors”. Kaleb looked confused. “What?” the evil user continued to laugh and suddenly placed a cobweb at his feet, trapping him and started flinging cobwebs all over him. Once Kaleb was completely unable to move, PRINCEGAMER9067 started hitting him over and over again when suddenly an arrow hit the user in the face. “GAAH! WHO SHOT THAT!” He yelled and was hit from behind with a sword. Two figures stepped out and Kaleb gasped at his rescuers. Digger! You handle PRINCEGAMER9067 and I’ll free Kaleb!” yelled Farmer. She ran over and struck the cobwebs keeping him stuck with an iron sword and then Kaleb wished she had left the cobweb on his head to prevent him from falling as he tumbled to the ground and took enough fall damage to knock him unconscious. Before he blacked out he heard a cheer and a “LATER LOSER!” coming from Digger. His last thoughts before he fell from consciousness were that they had defeated PRINCEGAMER9067 and he smiled as everything went black.

   Chapter 4: A Promise and a Past

Kaleb was lost, it was his first day in the Nether and he was lost! How was he going to find the portal back? While he was pondering his thoughts he didn’t notice he was walking on gravel he was going to place his crafting table down in hopes he could make something that could help him but he didn’t notice anything at first until the gravel started to fall. Oh no! he thought. This is the end! I’m going to plummet to my death! Right as he thought he was going to die something changed. A mysterious figure had caught him. At first, he didn’t understand what just happened until the figure spoke. “First time in the Nether? If so, next time watch where you place the blocks.” as the figure pulled Kaleb up. Kaleb introduced himself. “My name is Kaleb. I got a little lost in the Nether. What’s your name?” The figure hesitated then spoke. “My name is Sophia and if you want I can help you find your way back to the nearest portal that I know of; it’s at my base so after we go there you can go home”. Kaleb was delighted but then thought about it. “Could I maybe stay with you a bit? I came here in search of better items to brew and enchant with.” Kaleb then added “please!”. “Ugh. Fine. But if you bother me too much I’m going to send you back home. Until then follow me and try not to step on any blocks that I don’t step on, Sophia replied. As they made their way back to the base, Kaleb thought. This was the beginning of their friendship, then there seemed to be a time skip still in the Nether but Kaleb looked different, almost like he’d been there a while now. “I’m going out to get more supplies,” Sophia said. “I’ll be back soon”. “Okay! And please try to bring me some Piglins, they seem to have great trades!” Kaleb said. “Okay but if I don’t find any, sorry.” Sophia responded.

                                           Hours seemed to pass but Sophia was finally home followed by some piglings that were following her for the gold she had in her hands after she made a little cage for them she walked up to Kaleb. “Is this what you wanted?” “YES! THANK YOU!” Kaleb seemed so happy and decided to hug Sophia. She jumped but hugged him back. Then when they stopped hugging Kaleb asked Sophia something. “Do you promise you will always be there for me?” Sophia thought about it for a moment. She hadn’t had anyone in a long time and here comes this kid named Kaleb. He was almost like a little brother to her, annoying and messy but overall a good person to have around. “Yeah, I’ll always be there for you!” Sophia promised. “I will too!” Kaleb said. Then Kaleb heard something else.

                                                                    “Is he awake yet?” The voice sounded faint and Kaleb’s head felt cold. Kaleb sat up at the speed of light, waking up instantly. When Kaleb woke up from this dream he half expected to see his bedroom in the Nether and for it to be Sophia telling Kaleb to wake up and stop being lazy like he normally was. What he saw next disappointed him. He was in a village house with Farmer standing over him with a cold towel on his face. His hopeful face disappeared when he saw Farmer standing over him in what WASN’T his room. Weird dream. Kaleb thought, overcome by tiredness and heartbrokenness that Sophia had broken her promise to him and abandoned him. Farmer stuck her head out of the door and yelled something that Kaleb was too tired to hear and suddenly a familiar face that he hadn’t seen in a long, long time stuck out of the door. “Luke?” Kaleb asked. “Is that you?” Luke broke into a grin. “Yes. It has become apparent that I am me.” Kaleb’s little brother joked. “We ran into each other when we were carrying you here to the village. Farmer explained. Digger jumped into the room along with Farmer’s parents. “What village is this?” Kaleb asked. “Wait, you know about the ranks of the 12 villages? Digger asked, surprised. “Yes. I used to live here, you know.” Kaleb said weakly. Farmer, noticing how pale Kaleb was, quickly addressed everyone else. “Give Kaleb some room. He’s tired and needs rest and something to eat”. After everyone had left the room, Farmer said “This is the Emerald Village, my home.” Kaleb missed Sophia, a lot. Why do I even miss her? She rejected me. Kaleb thought to himself. But I miss her. She was like a big sister to me. Said a small part of himself. He hated battling with himself. He always lost. “I wonder where PRINCEGAMER9067 respawned?” Farmer said. “I don’t know,” Kaleb said as he ate a piece of steak. You know, I think I’m gonna be good to go. I just need a few more (yawn) minutes.” and he fell asleep.

         Chapter 5: Buckle up, Herobrine’s back!

Herobrine slowly opened his eyes. “PRINCEGAMER9067!” Have you returned from your travels?!” “Yes, Master!” his servant called from another room. Good Herobrine thought to himself. “Bring me some milk and steak! I’m feeling up for a good meal.” Herobrine called. PRINCEGAMER9067 was there in a few seconds with his meal. “Servant!” He called. “What?” PRINCEGAMER9067 called. “Initiate Plan A for annihilation.” The user grinned. “Right away, Master.” Herobrine thought to himself Good. He’s eager. I like that in a general. I should tell him. “USER!” “What? What is it, Master?” PRINCEGAMER9067 called from across the room. “You are to be my general in the army, the user. Herobrine’s smile vanished. “I am still weak. Start building the army now and by the time it is finished I shall be strong enough to fight alongside our monster army through whatever we might have to face, be it those puny villagers who defeated you along with my son, Kaleb, or my daughter, Sophia, though I get a feeling that she is going to be a powerful piece in my army in a few weeks. “Yes, Master.”

                                                                     Little did Herobrine know that his kid, Sophia, whom he had left in the Nether to be taught by the creatures how to fight, had betrayed him. She had begun to attack the creatures and was on a mission to somewhat “cleanse” the Nether. Sophia felt proud of her work. To everyone else, the time would be slower but to her 5 days had already passed since Kaleb and the others left. She missed Kaleb a lot, but she had to make the Nether safe and keep it in check. She had wasted time by slowing down time in the Nether for Kaleb so he wouldn’t be so homesick all the time, but now she had the time and the advantage. Now it was her turn to strike. Poor Kaleb She thought. He was back in the Overworld, but he was conflicted. Sophia could sense that Kaleb would be wondering what he could have done to stop this even what he did wrong. Sophia felt bad, but time would go by faster here, so it shouldn’t be too long, right? Maybe a few months will pass for Kaleb but it might be a whole year for me. Sophia looked down. She saw an item. It was a compass that Sophia had made for Kaleb so he wouldn’t get lost. Sophia picked it up. “I will complete my mission and once I do that then I can give this back to you myself. Until then I’m going to miss you…” Sophia began her work on making armor and traps so that she could take her revenge on the Nether.

                                                       Kaleb stirred in his sleep. I wonder what Sophia is doing right now. He moaned and woke up, and turned around to sit on the edge of his bed, staring into space. She probably isn’t even thinking about me right now. I think she wanted to keep me safe. But… from what? I can and have handled myself from the Nether monsters for years before she kicked me out. I wonder if I’ll ever see her again. Kaleb thought to himself. “You miss Sophia, don’t you.” Farmer said. “What?!? No! Of course not.” Kaleb lied. Farmer looked at him doubtfully. Kaleb stood up, wobbling a bit as he hadn’t stood up in forever. He walked out of the door and thought At least I have Luke with me. That’s good. He saw a fast-looking villager walking by. He suddenly had a brainstorm. “Hey! Go find the fastest villagers in the village and tell them to go to the nearest village and tell them that He grabbed a carrot and chewed on it while he walked around the village, Farmer walking alongside him. “Farmer! Now that Kaleb is okay, you need to work on your school!” Fletcher, Farmer’s dad, yelled. Farmer groaned. She had had to catch up on a lot of schoolwork while Kaleb had been asleep. She was way behind on school since they had been on the Nether adventure and spent most of her time in the library studying with Digger, and she was a top student in farming, and she was surprisingly good at enchanting and building, with an A in Building and Enchanting and an A+ in Farming, but she was really bad at Mining and Crafting, as well as Trading. “You are going to classes tomorrow morning, hon, so you should study.” Digger’s mom advised Farmer.

                  As he walked, Farmer having to leave him for school purposes, Kaleb saw that the walls were only a block thick and there was no lip to prevent spiders from climbing on them. “That’s not good enough.” He said to Farmer as they walked towards the wall. He grabbed all the cobblestone that the village could spare, which was about 5 or 6 stacks, and started thickening the walls and building ledges on the edges that would prevent spiders from climbing them and making the wall 2 blocks thick around the village, which took so many blocks that he had to get 10 stacks from the miners who had their inventories full of stone and other resources. “That’s better. Now let’s get started on traps.” Kaleb grinned to himself.

The next day Kaleb rummaged through the village storerooms in search of gunpowder, TNT, Redstone, and any other materials that could be used in traps. A few minutes later he emerged from the storeroom with arms full of TNT and covered in redstone. Digger’s mother, Booker, a librarian, who had taken care of Kaleb during his time in the village, shrieked when she saw him and demanded that he take a bath in the river before he did anything else. Kaleb looked both interested, confused, and amused. “What river?” he asked. “There is a river on the south side of the village.” “Oh. I haven’t seen it before.” Kaleb said. “You came into the village unconscious, remember?” Booker said. “True”. “Now hurry and jump in the river before you drown in redstone powder!”

After he had a bath in the river, he set to work making traps using the knowledge of redstone Sophia had taught him, also teaching Digger and Farmer, and before long he had a literal class of kids and adults alike curious on how to use redstone and TNT to make traps. After about 3 days they had the outside of the village covered with TNT in strategic spots that wouldn’t blow up the wall. Kaleb split the class into 3 groups. Who he thought was the most skilled placed redstone, the second best placed TNT in strategic places, and the 3rd ran around making one block holes where the second group placed their TNT. Everyone else built a control room full of levers that had redstone attached that would leave the control room and go out into the TNT. After that everyone grabbed a shovel and had peppered the ground with 2 block deep holes near the walls so zombies, skeletons, and any other 1×2 mobs would fall in and be trapped. On the 3rd day of TNT placing the mayor approached Kaleb. “As I’ve been watching you these past three days I’ve been very impressed. I would like you to teach an official class on redstone in Element school.” The mayor said. “The pay is 3 emeralds a class and you could teach it out here in the fields outside the wall.” “Really?” Kaleb said, dropping a block of TNT on the ground in surprise. “Sure! I’ll do it. When’s the first class tomorrow?” Kaleb exclaimed. The mayor consulted his notes for a second and then said “You will have two classes every day since we have so many students. The first one is 12:30. The second is at 1:30. I’ll inform the students of the new class tomorrow.” The mayor smiled. “See you then, I guess.” Kaleb said, still slightly surprised and happy.

When Kaleb and Digger came home to Digger’s house that day from the field for dinner Kaleb was full of joy. “What were the mayor and you talking about?” Digger asked, having seen from a distance that they had been talking. “A secret.” Kaleb answered with a mischievous smile. “That you and Farmer are going to love.” Digger sighed unhappily. “You’ll find out more tomorrow.”

Kaleb went into his room to work on his first class and decided to use the first class to learn all his students’ names and teach them about redstone gates. Digger and Booker went back to work on their jobs and he visited the Mayor’s house to talk about details for the class he was going to teach.

    These activities kept him busy all week and a good way into the next week… and during this time, Herobrine was raising hundreds of mobs in a cave deep down, almost to bedrock. “Almost finished, Master.” shouted PRINCEGAMER9067. Herobrine evilly laughed. “Perfect.”

                 Chapter 6: Time Passes by

                                       While Herobrine’s army was getting stronger and stronger each day, Kaleb decided to make more reinforcements to the village. With an evil user on the loose in Blockycubes, they needed the extra protection. it had already been a month in the Overworld. How time flies… Yet nothing about Sophia has been said yet, and as far as everyone knows the Nether is completely cut off from the Overworld. Kaleb eventually let Sophia slip from his mind so he wouldn’t have to be sad all the time but thought about her occasionally. Farmer and Digger were helping Kaleb prepare for if the user attacks again and Luke talked with him in the nighttime about where Luke had been the past few years since Kaleb had visited.

                           But in the Nether where 1 month had barely gone by in the Overworld, 5 had taken place in the Nether. So many mobs had fallen by the hand of Sophia. she was taking all the mobs out where she could of course more spawned but she wanted to get rid specifically of the ones that had tried and succeeded to make her do horrible things. It still wasn’t safe for kaleb to come back yet one day… “one day I’ll bring him back” Sophia said to herself. “Then it’ll be safe for him to be around me without getting hurt”. Sophia kept training and destroying as many mobs as possible, but she did miss Kaleb. Even when he was annoying at least he was here. Sophia had already lost track of time; where there is no day and night it’s hard to say what time it is. I hope not too much time has passed up so that way Kaleb won’t have to miss me for too long.

                                       Back in the village,  Farmer could hardly contain her excitement. The village was already looking amazing! And who knows that out of anyone in the village she would get to meet amazing adventurers! And have an adventure of her own! It was all exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Plus, Kaleb was starting to feel better. Even Fisher and his gang of bullies weren’t being so annoying anymore now that the village has had so much adventure. This was the beginning of something. Something much bigger than Farmer could have ever imagined. So much had happened all so fast. Farmer was excited for this adventure. Kaleb was feeling happy. He had Luke and his other friends to help him make defenses around the village. Digger was a bit scared for what was to come. Luke was excited for another adventure. But while those four were having fun more and more time passed in the Nether. Sophia had started to become like her old self before she met Kaleb. Cold, heartless, and emotionless. It was hard for Sophia to feel the pain of missing Kaleb so she just shut out her emotions. Sophia hardly thought of anything besides destroying the mobs in the Nether and containing it. In a way Sophia was losing herself to the Nether, which was just what she had been working so hard to avoid. Now the Kaleb was gone, and the portal was closed, Sophia was becoming like the Nether itself. Kaleb was barely getting up in the morning when he saw something flas. For a moment he was in the Nether and he saw Sophia. “Sophia?! It’s so good to see you!” Kaleb said. But as Sophia looked at him, he knew something was wrong. She looked different, almost dead inside in a way. “Hahaha” She began to laugh but it made Kaleb feel uneasy. “Is this some cruel joke? In hopes that I’ll take pity on the Nether? Hahaha, well, you’re wrong, oh and you can tell the Nether creatures that made you that I’m coming for them! I’m coming for all of them!” Sophia was cold and refused to believe he was there and just as sudden as he had been there he was gone. Kaleb woke up on the hard cold ground, well if felt cold compared to the Nether. Kaleb didn’t want to believe it. There was no way that was Sophia; it’s like things had changed and changed drastically. It’s only been a month and a half! there is no way things changed that quickly. Right?

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