
Rise of Kings Chapter 1

By Judah

Through the gardens I had planted. It was peaceful and quiet. I walked through the rows and rows of flowers until I came to a clearing in the center of the garden. I sat down on a bench and examined the flowers. It was truly beautiful. I should take Planter here sometime, I thought. Planter was my girlfriend. The war had split us up for a while and sometimes it made me want to walk towards one of Krale’s wither skulls. Luckily, that had changed and now we were almost inseparable. Unfortunately, we almost never got some quiet time. I mean we were heroes. We had defeated Krale and his Wither army. I had sometimes wished I hadn’t destroyed the magic in the cloak of invisibility that Tharus had created. There were also some changes that I can’t get used to. Without Needle at my side, I felt weakened and vulnerable. As I sat there thinking, I heard a rustling in the bushes. Immediately I drew my enchanted diamond sword Needle. Not the same Needle as before but it made me feel more comfortable. “Who’s there?” I asked. Slowly, Er-lan came out of the bushes.

“Do you mind if Er-lan sits here?” he asked. 

“Sur,.” I said. “Please do.” 

We sat there for a while listening to the trees rustle. A phantom flew down. Er-lan held out his hand. The phantom  settled in it, clucking at a piece of rotten flesh. Hearts appeared above the new pet. With a smile I sat there for a while until I got really tired. I walked out of the gardens to my house. I walked through the living room until I got to my room. I lay down in my bed and fell asleep. When I woke up, I got up and opened my chest and pulled out Needle and my enchanted bow. I walked over to the stables and saddled up my horse and waited for Planter to meet me there. Soon she came. 

Noticing my horse she said,  “You always travel in style.”
“So do you,” I said. 

She laughed. “Oh shut up,” she said and punched me. 

“Ok ok I deserved tha,.” I said “Now are we getting to school or what.” 

Planter laughed again. “Of course we are you idiot. Come on”

When we got to school I hopped off my horse and walked to the training field. When I got there, I drew Needle and walked over and joined the line of young NPCS ready for school. 

“OK.” said Mapper “Time for your first sword fight. Who wants the ultimate challenge of battling Watcher. Slowly Blaster stepped forward. 

“I’ll take a piece.” He said 

“All right,” said Mapper. “You can have a free-for-all. I really want to see that.” 

Watcher nodded and drew Needle. Blaster drew a TNT sword, probably from the village enchanted crafting table. 

“Begin now.” said Mapper. 

Unfortunately for Blaster, I had enchanted my sword with the wither effect. Our two swords clashed in midair quickly before Blaster could register what he was doing. I struck him. Blaster flashed red and doubled over flashing red again. I gave him some milk to stop the wither effect and said, “Next.” 

“Uh ok.” said Mapper. “Planting time.” 


Planting time was good. Planter excelled at the class and I did pretty well. Next was crafting. Me and Planter managed pretty well there too. We also did well in farming and baking and building. But not so much in redstone. I didn’t care though. School was over and now me, Planter, Blaster, Er-lan, and Kobel could have some fun. First we went to the blacksmith for blaster to fix his knives. Then we worked on the wall we were building around the village. Then we took turns riding the phantom Er-lan had tamed. Finally it was nighttime. Er-lan retreated to his little cave Kobel flew up to his obsidian treehouse and Blaster went home. 

“Care for a walk?” I asked Planter. “I need to show you something. She took my hand and we walked through the village to the garden.

“It’s beautiful,” she said. 

“You like it?” I asked

“I love it.” she said. 

I smiled. This only existed in my dreams. The moon shone above us and right now I did something that I had never done since the zombie lord Tu-kar had attacked. I relaxed. I mean, well everything was perfect. Nothing was going wrong so far. I took a seat on the bench. Planter sat down next to me. The wind was quiet and nothing had gone wrong. It was just me and her listening to the trees swaying and the grass rustling. A little while later I heard a rustling in the bushes. Er-lan came out and sat down beside us. Blaster soon joined him. Kobel flew overhead. It was perfect. 

“Watcher?” Planter asked. 

“Yes,” I said. 

“I’m tired, may we leave?”

“Of course.” I said. “Any time.” 

Planter smiled and got off the bench and walked into the distance towards her home. I walked off in the opposite direction toward my home. When I got there I lay down and fell asleep. The next morning I got up and left for the stables. When I got there, Planter was waiting there for me.

“I thought it’s time you stopped saying it’s about time whenever I was not the first one here,” she said 

“Planter,” I said. “Sometimes you outsmart even me.” 

“Come on or we will be late for school,” she said. 

When we got to school, Mapper said, “Today we will be doing something different. We will attack a Wither.” 

“Wait a minute,” I said. “That’s really dangerous. I have battled the Wither multiple times and I wouldn’t have been able to do so without Needle or the Fossilized Brow of Destruction. Besides I will not fight a wither again.” 

“Don’t worry,” said Mapper. “The wither will be easy for you.”

 Mapper took out three blocks of soul sand and three wither skulls. He placed the souls in a T and put the skulls on top. Immediately the blocks began to shake. And they exploded into a wither. The wither looked just like Kora, only smaller, the size of Kobel. A female, I realized. There were screams and panicked students running this way and that. The wither fired a skull at me just missing me. The field was in chaos. Just then Kobel flew up  to her. The tiny wither said something and the other wither flew up to them.

“Sorry about that,” she said. “By the way my name’s Kit.”

“I guess we can forgive you.” I said.

“We already have two withers,” Blaster said. “We should be making some wither armor.

I’ll tell the blacksmith.” Blaster hurried off. 

“School’s canceled for the day,” Mapper said. Me and Planter walked off.

“That was weird,” she said. 

I agreed. “That was definitely weird.” We walked together in silence. Finally I said “Planter.”


“I’m dying to go on another adventure and I was wondering if you want to go on one with me.” A smile grew on her face. “I’m guessing that’s a yes,” I said. 

“Of course. Come on let’s go get our friends.” 

A minute later me, Planter, Blaster, Er-lan, Kobel, Fencer, Cutter, and now Kit were standing in front of the stables. I got on mine and Planter got on her horse followed by Blaster on his and Fencer on hers. Followed by Cutter on his. Er-lan got on his zombie horse and Kobel and Kit hovered in the air. 

“Alright,” I said. “Lets go. 

We walked through the village towards the great forest. When we stepped inside it was like we were already under attack. Every tree seemed like a creeper and every three block obsidian pillar seemed like an Enderman. Wait a minute we didn’t have any three block obsidian pillars. “ENDERMEN,” I screeched. Immediately fifty five endermen teleported right into our midst . In seconds we were surrounded. Kobel and Kit tried firing skulls but the endermen simply teleported away. I swung Needle as hard as I could but hit empty air. A blood red endermen stepped out of the midst and walked right up to me.

“You dare trespass on our territory, former boy wizard.”

“If it’s your territory then where is the end stone?” I joked

“Where’s the dragon?” Blaster joined in.

“Where are the obsidian pillars?” Planter smiled.

“Don’t forget the ender crystals.” Fencer giggled

“There isn’t any void.” Er-lan was getting into it.

“We are on solid ground and we’re not on an island.” Kobel laughed.

“I don’t remember traveling through a portal.” Kit apparently had a sense of humor.

“QUIET!.” The lead endermen roared.

 We stopped joking around. 

“I am Krag, king of the Endermen and you are disturbing our peace.”

“Please tell me you’re a warlord.” I said. 

Krag laughed. “Got some practice with defeating warlords. Well I’m afraid to burst your bubble former boy wizard but I am much stronger than the other warlords and you don’t have any magic on your side. 

I laughed. “I don’t need magic anymore,” I was happy to say. “I’ve still got something you don’t.”

“And what is that,” Krag said.

“Surprise,” I said and launched myself at him.



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