

The most epic analogy ever

Other stories by Comwiz180

Minecraft Fan Fiction:




Diep.io Escape:



Precipitance (Coming Soon)

Operation TPoT:

Operation TPoT

Collab Stories:







AI (Coming Soon)


Note from Author

Hello again, it’s nice to know someone recognizes my existence. I’m out here again, writing a new story. A shipwreck story to be specific. Why am I doing this?

Simple. A couple of weeks ago, while I was writing Operation TPoT, I was reading Swiss Family Robinson, which is a great book,   to be honest. Go read it.

During that, I was writing TPoT, so of course, I had to finish it. Then, I decided I was going to start Shipwrecked, when I got a greater idea to write Compass of Destiny. I know, great job sticking to the plan, but I didn’t have enough planning for this yet.

But now, I’m ready to bring you something. It’s going to great, thanks to myself, Trevor, my editor, Ethan, my other editor, and the competition Ethan brings of who’s a worse writer. Between me and him.

AI is going to come out soon, and it going to be wigin stooky. It’s going to be great and fun, so I hope you like it.

Compass still exists out there, and so does TPoT. If you haven’t read those, go read them. They’re an interesting mix of what my imagination had always had on my imaginary reality. Have fun.

This story, is a new test for me. It focuses on character development mainly, and of course, some of my wry sarcasm. It should be great. Should. That’s reassuring. And remember, I love sacrifices, so if you see yourself in the story, the only reason you’re there is so you can get killed a page later. You’re welcome.

I’m adding a table of contents, which can allow you pop up into the chapters. It will help you if you left off in a chapter. This way, you can quickly return to where you were, just for good access.

Just a challenge. Try to see who’s modelledmodeled after who, QBS&J, not the other characters. Also, oh my god, thanks,  Trevor. I’m dying right now. Legit.

This story I dedicate to Mr. Hotzel, as the longest and most amazing analogy ever. Hotzel hasn’t been with us for a while, and I mean a whilemonth, and I hope to tell him we all missed him when he reads this story.

Hotzel, you’‘re in for thea ride of your life.



Note to Hotzel:

I asked what the class would say if you came back today. Here’s what they said:

Jeffrey: “I’d shut up for a month in smath for you to come back right now.”

Ethan: “Hotzel, can you play chess with me?” (No. Go teach the class.)

Niklas: “Welcome back Hhotzel. Now draw some birds on the whiteboard.”

Beckham: “Hotzel’s here. Hallelujah!”

Trevor: “What happened?”

Nate: “Hi Hhotzel.”

Ryan: “What happened?”

Helen: “You’re not dead! We missed you.”

Renee: “I thought you died. We missed you.”

Claire: “…”

Alice: “I’m going to think about this…”

Jason: “What happened?”

Trevor: “What happened?”

Jasper: “Hi Hhotzel. Glad you’re back.”

Andy: “Glad you’re back. I missed you.”

Jacob: “Hi.”

Change log

March 3: 4 pages. 70 errors. I should fix that. Either way, this was fun writing about. Honestly. So much fun.

Mar: 4: 20 pg. 405 errors. Just writing. Help Trevor! So fun…

Mar: 5: Hilarious. Trevor spent half an hour bringing it from 200 down to 70. Now? I brought it back up to the 450. LOL! Also, writing… 36 pg. Good progress today! Trevor’s here editing. Thanks!

Mar 7: Wow. I’m at 1012 again. Mistake by the way. This is not good and I hate this keyboard and my hands aren’t functioning., Ouch. 64 pages.

Mar 8: My systems are glitching. I’m at 1586 mistakes. Wow… 75 pg

Mar 10: 90 pg. 2153 spelling mistakes. Dang…

Table of contents

Table of contents.

  1. Day 1
  2. Day 1: 12:52 PM
  3. Day 1: 9:45 PM
  4. Day 2
  5. Day 2: 10:45 AM
  6. Day 2 12:33 PM
  7. Day 3
  8. Day 3: 1:35 PM
  9. Day 4
  10. Day 4: 10:10 AM
  11. Day 4: 4:30 PM
  12. Day 5
  13. Day 6
  14. Day 7
  15. Day 7: 11:30 AM
  16. Day 7: 12:30 PM
  17. Day 8
  18. Day 8: 8:30 AM
  19. Day 9
  20. Day 9: 9:30 PM
  21. Day 10 AM
  22. Day 11 AM
  23. Day 12 AM
  24. Day 12: 1:45 PM
  25. Day 13
  26. End Note From Author

Day 1


Hello journal, I’m Jeffrey. Yeah, this is a dumb way to start a journal, but I’ve never done this, so don’t blame me. Wait, you can’t.

Either way, I hope we get to know each other a bit, as you’ll be stuck with me for the next two months. This overseas trip, and it’s supposed to be great. I’m not as convinced, but then again, have some faith.

I should tell you a bit about myself. Me, being who I am, are what you would call an oddball. I love to disrupt class, and frankly, it’s not my fault. I have elevated senses, which leads me to be hyper-observant.

This ability has its ups and downs. For example, when you’re trying to figure out your enemies crush, you could use your senses to simultaneously observe their body movements while spitting out names. Which is a nice skill to have.

The downside to my ability? You can smell the burnt grade 6 pizza from the other side of the school. Self-explanatory.

I got onto the bus this morning, as we drove all the way to Miami. We lived in Florida, and a prestigious competition got me, and my friends into this summer boat trip. We’re supposed to thrive on an island all on our own. Just to expand our creativity.

The bus ride took forever, but me, Quinten, Brenda, Sasha, and James stuck together. It was difficult, and the bus was crowded, but something told me it was going to be worth it. Once we finally arrived, we all knew immediately which one was yours.

It was a magnificent vessel, the new planks already giving off a fresh scent. After this, all my worries about a shipwreck melted away into my dreams.


Looking around, I could tell, the rest of the class was just as excited about this as I. Mr. Hotzle, our chaperone, was already here, loading the bags onto the dock. He began talking, something about what we were doing next. But I was too busy observing every inch of the fine vessel. So, of course, I didn’t listen.

A minute later, he finished his speech, then hurried us off it do what we were supposed to do.

I leaned over to Sasha,, and tapped her on the shoulder. Why do you ask? Why her? Not because I like her. Well, I like her as a friend. Not like like. You know what I mean. I asked her because she’s one of the people who (unlike me) always arrives on time, and takes notes for everything. I mean everything.

She shoved her journal/notebook into my hands for a millisecond for me to use my photographic memory and memorize it, then snatched it back. I’m going to record it in you.

12:30 Head to bunks. Unpack.

12:45 Socialize with your cabin mates. Get to know them. You’ll be spending a lot of time with them.

1:30 Head to the main deck. Safety procedures and lunch. Just a bit late you say?

Yeah, so that’s why I’m stuck with for the rest of the day. Great life. Either way, we head to our bunks, which to be fair, smelled like feet. Just like the boy’s locker room! How great. Except it was worse for me. Great senses greater pain in these scenarios. Not so fun.

But I manage. We’re technically not allowed to do anything socially before 12:45, so we were stuck doing our independent activities. Such as reading. Or sharpening the knife you were supposed to store away in the safe room but didn’t bother because you’re a rebel like Brenda. So safe.

In James’s case and Sasha’s, they didn’t seem to mind socializing. They were chatting, one of them hanging upside down from their bunk to chat. That was James in case you didn’t know.

Normally, Sasha was more an independent person. But right now, she seemed right at home. Curious, but I’m recording that down on my other notebook. Just for this kind of situations.

Once our clock hit 12:45, I took my first glance at the actual room. A set of double bunks sat in one corner, another sitting next to the door. A couch lay on the other side, with a nice glace table and cushions on the floor.


I’m a terrible artist, so please don’t criticize me. Not sure why James and Sasha choose to bunk together, but I’m not going to judge. Actually, I kinda already did. We set up our classic war chess, on the game table.

A special one from China, this one could incorporate four players, which was nice because there were five of us. The last one was usually judged.

“Wanna play?” I asked Sasha. She was just sitting in her corner, reading, or was she taking notes? No, she’s reading.

“I’m good.”

Ok then. No Sasha.

One thing I liked about this game, is that it shows you a lot about the people themselves.   I, for example, am the one who exploits the enemies weaknesses more often. I memorize the classic setup and their opening moves. It gives me a bit of an edge.

Brenda, on the other hand, is a flat out attack and no defence type. She leaves the defending to her teammates, which in this case, is me.

James is an all-out conservative. He prefers to leave his troops near his Camp de Base, which is what you call it in English. Chinese? 大本营. Chances are, you didn’t get that. But I don’t blame you.

Quinten seeks strategy, plotting ahead several moves, sometimes the entire game. That leads him to be vulnerable in the present, where he loses track of where his pieces are. That’s a simple definition of my cabin mates in case you’re interested.

Onward to the game.

Day 1: 12:52


I don’t know why I’m writing to you already, the teacher said to wait. But hey, there’s five hundred pages in you. So you’ll be fine.

The others have gone off to play war chess, which I didn’t care. Yeah, normally I enjoyed it. But right now? Not so much. Either way, back to notes.


  • The ship is called “Cupcakes of Atlantis”? Probably false, maybe from some video game? Not sure. Don’t care.
  • The mast is approximately 50 ft tall.
  • After a really late lunch. Actually, it’s not that, never mind. It’s late lunch. Definitely. Late. Like what kind of idiot makes lunch an hour late? Idiots.
  • Braden is trying to flirt with me. Annoying pig. If it were in mopism, he’s a nimbuscile. Like I’d care.


Oh wait, am I taking notes in you? Oh, hold on. That was meant for my other notebook. Not you. Sorry.


  • Ship is called cupcakes of atlantis? Probably false, maybe from some video game? Not sure. Don’t care.
  • Mast is approximately 50 ft tall.
  • After really late lunch. Actually it’s not that, never mind. It’s late lunch. Definitely. Late. Like what kind of idiot makes lunch an hour late? Idiots.
  • Braden is trying to flirt with me. Annoying pig. If it were in mopism, he’s a nimbuscile. Like I’d care


Either way, things are going well. I guess. The boat trip is gonna suck. Why? Our cabin smells like feet. Jeffrey probably mentioned that already. Because of his Supersenses. Either way, this is gonna stink.

We headed toward the main deck as the day went on. They had set up lame picnic tables as our setting as if that was first class. There were to sit in our learning groups, which apparently consisted of a couple more people. Braden, the idiot. Trevor, who I don’t know. Niklas, Anita, and Isabel are here as well, and I couldn’t care less who died here. Just not James.

Braden immediately set his tray next to mine, and so I moved. James, getting my cue, sat down beside him. H was about to get up, then started talking to him, occupying him. Thanks. I owe you one James.

We mainly sat in silence. Not, just me. The others were talking and discussing things like the recent worldwide trivia challenge, which Jeffrey had participated in but failed. Trevor had apparently also gone in, but like Jeffrey, failed.

They seemed to get along, seemed.

Oh, wait, someone else is coming. Nick? Niklas Barrus? What kind of name is that? Like honestly, go like Nick Miller. Or something better than Niklas Barrus.

But that didn’t matter. Some more people were sitting down at our table now. Some short little Asian kids named Ethan and Jackson popped up and started doing something. Wait, what was that? As far as I was concerned, they were two dirty little idiots who honestly shouldn’t’ be here. But again, I don’t care for them.“Sasha, you ready?”

“For what?”

The two boys started snickering as they eavesdropped on our conversation.

“Like what, popsicle!” I have no idea what they were saying. But it must have been dumb and extremely rude because they were just that kind of person.

The meal, in the general sense, was terrible. Like really bad. Bad as the kids sitting next to me, who werewhich week now throwing poker cards over the deck. One landed at my foot.

One kid reached to pick it up, but I got to it first. I flicked my wrist and sent it right past them and hit the captains square on the forehead.

“Who did that!?” boomed the captain. By the way, I’m pretty sure his name is Mr. Guadeloupe. Ssomething like that.

“James and Ethan. Wait, was it Ethan? I can’t remember their names because that’s just how dumb they are.

They opened their mouths to speak, but I quickly stood up and pointed at them.

“It was these two. They’ve been throwing cards over deck the whole time, and giggling.” I looked at them disapprovingly. “Don’t you know how bad that is for the environment?” I turned to the captain. “They did it.” Then I sat down. A couple of kids nodded really stupidly, trying to play along. some of them were just being dumb. Others had probably seen them earlier we’re we’re glad someone pointed it out.

“No, of course not,” started Ethan. “We were playing, but then he threw a card toward the captain. “It’s not even going to hit,” explained Ethan. of course, hilariously, it hit him square on the forehead, exactly where I hit him! Ha!

I covered my mouth, trying to stifle my giggle, but other kids have begun to flat out laughing.

Ethan and James looked at each other, abashed. But then again, I didn’t care.

“You two little scumbags. Below deck, now!”

They looked at me angrily, Ethan and Jackson gave me the middle finger. I simply smiled sweetly, batting my eyelashes like a five-year- year old.

Turning back to the others, I overheard them talk about all that just happened. Chances are, they were going to be next if they didn’t stop.

Quinten stood up and made his way below deck.

“That allowed?” I asked him. Hhe nodded.

I trusted him, then headed below decks with him, where he headed into our cabin.

“I know you threw that card,” he said.

I smiled. there was no way to deceive Quinten.

“Of course I did. Those idiots were acting like the brats my little brother babysits. Of course, they deserve to go off and scrub the toilets.”

“Not everyone you hate has to be gotten rid of,” said Quinten, disapprovingly shaking his finger at me like I was a six-year- year old.

Either way, whatever that had meant, I was going upstairs.


That day went on, as we headed to our subjects. Was it summer? Of course. So why did we have school? Because whoever designed/planned this trip is an idiotic enough to plant it in the middle of the summer. In other words, it was supposed to overlap into the school session.

The first month of school, in other words, we had to keep up with the natural flow of work we’d receive. I went off to L.A., along with Brenda. Most of us got to choose which subjects to go to, except for some idiots that probably didn’t pass the last grade.

Brenda didn’t actually choose. Her subject of choice was the gym, but the gym was already mandatory. Raising the mast, polishing the deck, a pain. But she’d decided to help me out and join me so I wasn’t alone, unlike the other idiots on the idiotic vessels.

We spent most of the time covering what we already knew, maybe except for Brenda. We were to choose our strong subject, for some reason. But if we were to try and learn something, and if this was to help with getting back, shouldn’t we be learning our worst subject? So we could easily fix our easy subject?

Whoever designed this system is an honest idiot. Seriously, what is it  But either way, lights out is coming soon, and we gotta get to bed soon. Actually, I think I’ll join a game of war chess first. Let’s beat them half to death.

Day 1 9:45


Engage. The field marshal, attack! The thought went through my head like lightning as I took swift jabs at the enemies defences. Honestly, this was boring to me. The game had been rearranged, with Jeffrey as a judge.

With Jeffrey at the judge, it was always easier. He simply memorized all the pieces and watches the game. We don’t hand the pieces to him to see who wins, he immediately tells us a winner. Like in this case, Quinten or Brenda.


I was teamed with James, which is honestly the best person to team with. Just my opinion. Jeffrey and Quinten both tell me that it’s because I’m too focused on the offensive. But that’s alright, its how I win.

Another one down, another breach. James had taken care of my defences, as I focused on one target at a time, Quinten first. I choose him for a multitude of reasons. First, it’s cute when he complains that I was just lucky when I win. Second, he’s the strategist, which makes him annoying to have around for any amount of time.

Sasha takes time and patience, to deliver small attacks or to position her troops inside the enemy base. It makes her a dangerous opponent, but James can handle that.


Wait, what! I looked at my pieces again, then realized my mistake. Too quick to attack. As Quinten always said.

“Well, RIP you,” comments Jeffrey. I rolled my eyes.

Hold on, James is yelling at me to focus on the game. Major lieutenant, forward…


It didn’t take long for the game to end, I’d destroyed Quinten once again. Jeffrey had immediately gotten up and snatched ten bucks from James, they had apparently been betting on the winner.

But then again, things happen. James should deal with it. After all, it was him being dumb in choosing not to have faith in team Brenda.

By the time everyone had cleaned our game up, it was a past curfew. At least, curfew on the ship. We settled down, pulling ourselves into our bunks.

Quinten kept shuffling, so I dropped my knife right next to his bed frame.

“Shut it! Some of us are trying to sleep.”

Quinten immediately quiets, having nearly been impaled by a knife. I smiled, then slept peacefully. Now, if only I could find a way to get Jeffrey’s katana…


I woke up with a startle, sounds and screams coming from outside. Jeffrey was already up, slipping on his sweatpants and day to day clothes.

“Brenda, wake up the others!”

I shook Quinten until he slapped me. I slapped him back, then told him to get up. He had apparently slept in his jeans, but I wasn’t going to say anything. James and Sasha had been woken by the commotion.

“What’s going on?”

“Dunno. We’re about to find out.”

Someone outside was yelling orders, something about taking luggage. The others had apparently hearn duties as well and had begun packing up, except for Jeffrey. He was ready.

We rushed outside. “Safety procedures,” called someone.

Now if only I had listened to Mr. Hotzel talk. Too late now. Sasha, immediately took charge, leading us upstairs. We settled down with our group, including those kids who flicked a playing card at our captain.

“Lifeboats! Major store! Go find people you something! In! Go!”

Us, being group 12, were last. We waited in line. The ship had hit a reef and was now shaking dangerously. The lifeboat was ready, and we headed toward it before a gust of wind blew us all down.

The ship rocked dangerously and slammed into the out-jutting rocks. We all hit the deck, but the collision sent the boat tipped. Our luggage slid off the boat, onto the corral. The captain, having been at the wheel, was flung overboard.

I watched as he hit the rocks with a sickening crunch, falling into the dark waters below. There was no one on the ship. The lifeboat had been crushed upon collision. The others were now gone, safe, I hoped.

Hotzel ran up, wrestling the wheel to maintain control. Our vessel was losing valuable chunks of wood, and I could tell we were sinking.

“Go! I’ll keep it stable! Get onto the coral! Go!” Yelled Hotzel, his lungs straining to carry his voice over the strong winds.

We all clambered onto the coral. Actually, not all of us. All but Sasha and I. That’s when a massive wave hit, the cold water smashing me against the mast.

I groaned in pain, a sharp pain had sliced through my back. Up ahead, I saw Sasha, sliding down the boat, panicking. If she hit the railing, she’d be gone. Thinking quickly, I grabbed the rope attached to the mast, ignoring the splinter in my palm.

I let myself slide, grabbing onto Sasha;’s hand. I dangled there for a moment before the rope tore slightly. Really?

I swung with all my strength, swinging Sasha to a nearby crate, which she’d be safe. Then, at that moment, the rope snapped, and I fell into the sea below, smashing through the railing, the wooden pieces stabbing into my spine.

Day 2


I watched as Mr. Hotzel was carried off by the wave in his valiant attempt to save us. Braden stood beside me, trying to hold back tears. Jeffrey was simply out of control. Some of them never knew hotel, but they knew of his attempt and bravery.

But right now, I also watched Brenda save Sasha. And I watched Brenda get tossed into the waves.

I dove in, in a valiant attempt to save her. The cold icy water stung at my skin, freezing my heart, as currents pushed me against the rocks. I cursed, then continued onward, no sign of Brenda.

Right now, you might be freaking out a little. So I’ll tell you why I’m risking my life to save Brenda. Back in New York, when we were ten, she’d saved my life. A pack of muggers had attacked, which wasn’t uncommon in Nnew Yyork. It was also why Brenda always carried a knife in her back pocket.

My parents had always sent me with her because they thought I’d be safe with Brenda, safer than alone.

When they attacked, they held up a knife to my throat and asked for money. Chances were, we didn’t have any. But they’d probably seen me pick up that wallet on the street, and knew I had something worth taking.

Brenda, risked her life to save me. Having been taking karate for eternity, she used her knife to quickly deal with the opponents.s i’m not going to say how, because that’d be inappropriate for our young readers. But I’ll just say she saved me. So I’ll save her.

My mind immediately thought logically. Dark waters means won’t be able to look about and spot her. And chances are, she’s unconscious. She smashed into the railing head first, which meant she was sinking.

I quickly used the trajectory of her fall and her overall weight. The density of the water, etc. Altogether, I quickly turned, then dived deeper.

Finally, I found her, sinking limply in the water. I hoisted her upward, kicking with all my strength, but then realized I was never a good swimmer.

I was running out of the air, and I could tell I couldn’t make it . I pushed her up, as my lungs burned. I forced myself to not take in air, as water would provide none. With a final burst of energy, I hoisted her onto the rocks, as I collapsed of exhaustion.

The last thing I saw was Jeffrey carrying me higher up the mini island…


I woke up with a cold, coughing and hacking. Water had definitely entered my system, and now I was trying to get out. After a solid minute of coughing, I caught Jeffrey’s attention. *Cough Cough.*

“You okay there?” he asked, patting me on the shoulder. “It was pretty nice of you to go diving in the ocean to save your girlfriend.”

“She’s not my -”

Jeffrey held up a hand. “Talk to the hand.”

I slapped it aside, then recognized it was daytime. The sun shone brightly against the bright blue sky. If I wasn’t stuck in the middle of the ocean with my teacher dead the rest of my crew gone, I’d be quite rejoiced to be here.

I sat up, then saw Brenda, being bandaged up by Sasha. Apparently, she’d sustained major injuries while saving Sasha. Something about her spine, she had a lot of blood all over her, and she’d gotten a giant piece of wood stuck in her hand. And calf. And back. And… well… everything.

But aside from that, she was fine.

“We even?” I asked her. She simply nodded, smiling. She was back to her normal self.

James then joined the committee, chattering away. “You have fun down there? Swimming in the middle of the ocean searching for Brenda, maybe almost dying, and you’re also bleeding. And you have a piece of wood stuck in you.”

“What!” I immediately looked and checked myself, I was fine. Meanwhile, James was cracking up in laughter. “You should’ve seen the look on your face!”

So I did what every good friend would do. I slapped him on the face.


Ten minutes later, we’d all recovered our senses. At that point, we decided to look around and take a sem-analysis on what we were doing. We were stuck on a coral/rock thing. I thought it was a rock. Jeffrey insisted it was a coral.

The boat was in ruins, and somehow Jeffrey had his katana, which he was teaching Brenda to use. Partially because she asked, partially because he would die if he didn’t get something to do soon.

Time to get to work.

Day 2 10:45


So, what’s next?. This was taking a long time. They were taking literally forever to prepare and re-organize them. Except for Sasha. She had an actual brain. Wait, what am I saying?

Either way, I fought with the seashells. I threw one at her. It hit her on the head, as she attacked back. Brenda and Quentin had begun a talk on what and what. Something. Obviously, it wasn’t something. It was just something I didn’t know.

Jeffrey had begun doodling, in which I decided to have him join me and Sasha. I threw a shell at him. It missed, but it got his attention. He raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged. Like what else was I supposed to do, throw another one? Dude, he has a katana.

He immediately smiled, then took a handful, lobbing the entire stack at me, or rather, my face. They all hit, but I and Sasha and I retaliated. Within a minute, it was full of war. Until Mr. Genius / Quinten popped up.

Never mind, he’s not smart.

“Gather up group twelve. We’ve got a plan, and I’m pretty sure we’re all itching to get off this island. Brenda and I have a simple plan, one that should work. We’ll split up. We have …”

He said something about how many people we had, but you probably don’t remember anymore. Here’s a general count:

  1. Braden
  2. Anita
  3. Isabelle or Isabella
  4. Trevor
  5. Jason
  6. Nate
  7. Niklas
  8. Ethan
  9. Quinten
  10. Brenda
  11. James /  me.
  12. Sasha
  13. Jeffrey

So that’s it. 13 people. That’s a really unlucky number, so that’d suck for whoever’s scared of 13. Also, Anita was apparently seven? What the heck. We split ourselves into three groups, which according to math, meant 4 ⅓ people per group. So how were we going to do this? Cut someone open?

Either way, they’d apparently already made the groups, without my consent. HOW DARE THEY! Actually, I couldn’t care less.

Group one was for gathering wooden planks. And nails. That was mainly for constructing several rafts that would carry us to shore. That group consisted of Braden, Ethan, Sasha, and Isabel. That group was supposed to be strong?

Group two was just building. Obviously, that was Jeffrey, Quinten, Trevor, and Anita. Like logically, this group needs more, because it was important to build some rafts. Also, designing was a part, so I’m not sure why they didn’t do four groups instead of three. Either way, onward.

Group three, well, I don’t need to tell you. But just in case you’re someone who really doesn’t know how to remember things and is an idiot, it’s Me, Brenda, Nate, and Jason. We were to find and salvage important resources to take online with us.

So, yeah. Let’s go.


’Kay, we’re all here now. We’re below deck, in the main cargo hold. Things should go well. Nate and Jason re-shooting each other dirty looks because of this, but I’m not going to say anything. According to foreshadowing, one of them should pick up a knife and try to kill the other sometime soon.

“ARRRGGG!!!” screamed Nate, as he picked up a dagger. He drove it at Jason, just as he ducked out of the way.

“What the #@(*$&%(#*&%(@&#%(&%#!” I’ve turned the curse into something because we may have a young reader here. Also, the teachers weren’t going to be happy if they saw me writing swears in my journal. Oh wait, they’re dead.

I’ll just tell you what happened without interruptions/comments from me.

Jason sends a kick out but missed. Nate attacked again, but Brenda, with her dual daggers, blocked it. Nate sent the knife flying into Jason’s chest as he fell to the ground.

“JASON!” cried Brenda, but quickly turned her attention to Nate. Jason was most certainly dead. I watched, as they circled each other, Nate picking up another weapon to use against Brenda.

But   Brenda threw her knives, which hews into his hand. He screamed out in pain, but not before picking it up menacingly. Brenda smiled, then pulled out Jeffrey’s katana. Wait, what?

I just noticed she had Jeffrey’s second scabbard on her waist, his weapon held high.

“Bring it. Also, why did you just kill Jason? He was so innocent!” asked Brenda.

“Kill? Of course. I’m hired by Mr. Guadeloupe. Our captain. He’s the one that made the storm, he’s the one that was supposed to rob the school and students. He’s the one that wants any survivors dead. That’s what I and my friend are here to do. Now die!!!”

They engaged in a deadly dual, blades flashing. At one point, Brenda knocked a blade from Nate’s hand so hard it flew and nearly killed me.

But, they were too evenly matched.

“Hands down?”


Both fighters dropped their weapons and kicked them aside. Really? Just keep it and kill others already!

But fighting was about honour, and by now, they were in full martial arts combat, as Brenda brought blow after blow onto Nate. He collapsed. Brenda brought a blade and threatened it to his throat, as a sign of surrender.

But beneath the cowering body, Nate was alive, and held a knife, now jabbing it toward Brenda’s thighs.

“Watch out-!” But it was too late. It jabbed into her leg. She screamed, then stabbed the knife down. Nate rolled out of the way, as blood spewed from her leg. Nate, smiled one last time, then dove into the ocean. A minute later, a collection of bubbles popped upwards, and he was gone.

I let her wrap an arm around my shoulder as I helped her limp back to base. We had some questioning to do. And a potty break. Like, I’ve been holding it for a while now.

Day 2 12:33


So, what’s next? First, we have our ship crashing. Then we have Sasha nearly dying and Brenda getting majorly wounded. Now? Brenda got stabbed in the leg, the one that wasn’t injured yet, which now is, and Jason’s dead.

Seriously? Like Brenda kinda liked Jason. Oh wait, did I just-. Yes, I did. I could tell, she has body movements you know?

Nate is apparently a traitor, and we have someone else in our midst that is a traitor. One that will kill us at night the first chance they get. Mr. Guadeloupe was apparently evil and wanted us dead.

And we’re stranded in the middle of the ocean, with eleven people, and a couple of boats. Yeah, while they had their massive war, we got our boats/rafts set up. Yay!!!

Isn’t it a beauty? We have about 15 of them, which actually built quite fast. We had 11 for each person, then four for luggage. Supplies were important, so we had to leave an extra two. Well, now it’s four because someone stabbed our friends!!!

By the way, Sasha drew this. I did not.

We got onto the rafts, as we announced the news to the rest of team twelve. Most of them looked shocked, some didn’t. That was James and Brenda for you all.

I watched and observed each of them, watching their body movements. Apparently, someone had gotten on different boats. James and Sasha shared a boat for space, and Anita was with Quinten. He took care of her.

And to be fair, this would’ve been a lot to take in. Oone of your group members being murdered? Dang… And at the age of six. Remember.

I quickly jotted down some notes, trying to discover who was going to be the real enemy here, and who was just here because Mr. Guadeloupe destroyed our boat and tried to kill us all. Not easy.

In fact, getting to the island was harder than you’d expect. We had taken the remains of some paddles to maintain stability, but random currently push us around. With our precious cargo in the hold, it was too risky to let anything die.

In a moment, we had reached land, where our stronger people, Brenda, Braden, Quinten, tried their best to unload the luggage. The rest of us were too weak and puny to do anything, so we split up to find food, or at least, some kind of location for a home.

Before we did that, we tried, at least,    tried, to come up with a list of positive things we had right now.

  1. We weren’t dead. Oh wait, we aren’t all dead. Jason’s dead and one’s going to be dead because of Brenda.
  2. We aren’t on a desert island, at least there’s vegetation.
  3. Some of us made it off alive. Ethan should’ve died.

There. With that as our list, I wasn’t really positive we had any real chance of surviving right now, but we had to try.

We set off and were to converge on our point in roughly an hour. We found fifty stopwatches. Don’t ask.


An hour later, we came back, now with some good news, and samples. Quinten had gone with Anita, and I’m just going to ignore that. Did they find some kind of bamboo things, maybe wood?

Quinten really couldn’t come up with a name for it, which was telling you something about how smart he was. James called them cheese trees because they smelled disgusting. Like really disgusting. So there it is cheese trees. Also, it rhymes.

The others found d a good location near a cliff to set up camp, where we immediately set to work. We set up a fallen tree as a triangle, to create what you could call a tent. We covered it with leaves, and one with a tarp.

Sasha claimed the leaves smell nicer and were better in the general sense, so I’m taking her word for it. Anita and Quinten got the tarp, they got it in rock paper scissors, which was really just a set of chance.

No logic in who would win, just pure chance.

We slept kinda in those tents, which we spent our night. Now, that’s wrong. We haven’t spent the night yet. It’s where we will eventually spend our night.

I hope it’ll provide shelter from the unknown, whatever it is. We had major trouble making the fire, everything around here was too moist. We grabbed some wood and did our best to light it. There was only a calm breeze, which helped with our situation.

In the darkness, we tried our best to sleep, but the sounds of the animals and cricketers kept me awake all night.

There was nothing to hope for, we were stuck. Very much stuck. We had to develop a better way of survival from now on. This, was what we call fate.

Day 3


I woke up in the morning, only to find Jeffrey had left. He had probably left for some odd reason, but he’d taken his dual katana’s, so I assumed he’d be found. I tucked Anita in a little more, then looked about, trying to calculate where we were. Tropical island, sand, man, there is a lot of sand.

Inside the forest, a system of animals and plants thrived, which meant some good news, and bad news.

Good news? We’d have a nice meal once Jeffrey learned how to hunt with those things. Bad news? There’s always going to be an apex predator, one that won’t hesitate to challenge those who roam in its domain.

As well as threats, I found this a pleasing sight. The ecosystem functioning and working together gave me a sense of reassurance, maybe that we could do the same.

A long time ago, a meteorite wiped out the planet. Now, this worked fine. Hopefully, we’d be able to recover as it had, or we wouldn’t last too long.

My first priority for the others was water. The general gist of survival was two minutes without air, two days without water, and two weeks without food. Under that circumstance, water was to be found now.

Yeah, we could just drink the water from the ocean. But for some reason, the entire ocean’s salt water harms more than it helps. Not ideal.

I went just a bit into the forest, so if the others woke, they’d be able to locate me. There, I collected a bundle of leaves. From there, I poured them into some seashell is found on the shore, which didn’t give me very much, but gave us each about a spoonful or two worth of water for the day. I needed to develop a more efficient way, but then again, step by step, people.

I headed back into the jungle, this time carrying a giant load. Slowly pouring the small droplets of moisture from the leaves, aI collected a small collection of seashells, which would provide us with more drinkable water than the ocean.

I smiled. Step one accomplished.

Step two, everything else. To think about everything else at the same time, was a little overwhelming. So I did what I did in war chess, I broke it down into pieces. If the main problem was solved, I would work downwards.

For food, we had plenty of rations from the ship. The water fridge had been lost at sea, that’s why I had to get my own source. Food, on the other hand, wasn’t as easy. Yeah, we could probably grab Brenda’s throwing knife and sab every creature here, but how long would it take before we died of poisoning? It’s not possible to know what will happen with random species. Also, we needed vegetables.

Brenda had by now woken up, along with Braden who was trying his best not to go back to sleep.

“Hey, Quinten. You up already?” asked Braden.

I nodded.

“There’s a couple of seashells worth of water over there. Collect them by getting leaves and dipping the moisture from atop into the shells. It should sustain us for a while.”


“Not sure yet. Leave that to Brenda. Also, we should stay here for now. Jeffrey’s gone off into the jungle, so I’m not planning to have more people to go out.”

“Will he be okay out there? Like I don’t have much experience, but I don’t think it’ll be 100% friendly inside there. 50% at most.”

“Fair. Plus, he’s gone through Operation TPoT. He’ll be fine.”

“Wait, that was him? When…”

Our conversation drifted off topic, as we both continued our labour to supply water. Plus, we were the oldest here. We had the most responsibilities.

I told Braden to wait here, then went to a nearby tree. I climbed atop, grabbing a coconut with my bare hands. It had been lucky I was a tree climber in grade 4.

I brought it down to Brenda, where she took the pleasure of cracking it open with two daggers. They snapped, as she fumbled to keep the juices inside the shells.

I happily drank from it, feeling cool and refreshed after. This was a better way for liquids. Efficient, and plentiful.

“Braden? You know how to climb trees?”

“Sure do,” he replied, heading off with Brenda.

I quickly yelled after them to keep some uncracked coconuts, I wanted to try something interesting after this. They brought back some unharmed coconuts, where I began my experimentation.

I recalled my old science textbooks, as I found a bucket in our cargo. I filled it with seawater, then shoved the coconut inside. I did this with a few more before I simply ran out of buckets.

I recalled my old studies, I remembered at least the most important steps. Hopefully, in a couple of days, I would be able to plant these. Chances are, they would never work. But whatever.

Oh wait, doesn’t that mean the ocean would work? I told them to go farther off to collect some. They collected some in which I immediately logged into the ocean. Supposedly, the tide could bring it up every night, which I would then throw it back into the ocean. That would be an effective use. Unless they got destroyed somehow.

By now, it was about noon, and most of the others had woken up. I have no idea how they slept for that long, but then again. They had a massive trauma last night and kind was under a lot of stress. Of course, they’d be in a terrible mood.

But they got up, fine. They immediately sawy the dozens of coconuts, and having not dranks something for a day now, they immediately gulped down one or two, which I watched to my satisfaction. The coconut juice wasn’t anything first class, but it was sweet and gave you a sense that you weren’t doomed anymore. Which was very important.

After that, I directed them to split up. Out of the ten of us still, here, I kept Brenda and Braden on coconut duty. They soon stopped, as they would have to travel farther and farther to reach what they needed. The others tried their best to have two or three people a box to carry our rafts and boats over here, toward, the camp. Once they had brought the stuff here, one or two people, I included, would unpack, organizing things as best as we could in our hasty camp.

Then, Jeffrey returned.

Day 3: 1: 35


That, was when Jeffrey came back. Wow. Like, reallyactually. What kind of idiot wanders off and goes around searching in a jungle without notifying his associates? Idiot.

But I told him we were glad under that he was safe, but under my breath, he was still an idiot. Current supply check!


  • Coconut things. No, they were shells. 34 still had stuff in them. 12 were empty. They said to leave it there, but I still wanted to chuck them at the idiots who decided to run the program to keep them.
  • 11 people, with Jeffrey out there. Not enough to start a country.
  • Plenty of random supplies. Forks, hammers, some planks, and of scouse, our giant war chess game.
  • Seven kinda min-ish tents made of cheese wood, which James named. He is such an idiot. Ok, not exactly. He’s better than the other boys. But still, cheese trees? Really?
  • A million leaves
  • And a bunch of knives, katanas, and weapons of some sort.



Jeffrey came back covered with scratches and wounds, which Isabel attended to. I was glad at least someone else would do something like no one else would be kind enough to help others.

Jeffrey seemed to enjoy being fixed up. Yes, I called the process being fixed up. He’s like a robot. Dumb when told to be dumb. Idiotic when told to be an idiot. Annoying just in the general sense. He does that all on his own.

Quitnet called us all together in which we began to make a list of good now and bad news. This wasn’t very pretty, but hey, we tried. Also, Jeffrey brought  u some bad news. He fought a monkey today. Eyah, big deal idiot. But apparently, it did all this to him, but not before he stabbed it with the blade of his katana. He was currently cleaning it.

Good news:


  • We’re not dead.
  • The island isn’t completely devoid of life
  • Coconut shells will provide us with some kind of water, at least for now.
  • We got no legit water. Like who calls coconut water water? Coconut water is absolutely disgusting. Completely useless, and is terrible.
  • We got weapons


Bad news:


  • Braden exists
  • Niklas still has a dumb last name. I’m calling him Nick the stick from now on. Nick and stick rhyme. James is reminding me that something else called something also rhymes with Nick. It wasn’t very appropriate.
  • We have food/cookies that taste like freak’n dirt.
  • Food sucks
  • We no longer have a mini fridge
  • Ethan is still on our ship. In a metaphorical sense. Don’t get it? What kind of idiot are you?
  • Jason died. Quiet nice kid never did anything dumb, unlike Ethan. He shouldn’t have died.
  • Jacob and Jackson both died in the waters.
  • Brenda still has major wounds that are healing. Though she’s sprain with Jeffrey just fine.
  • Our boat is way out of reach and destroyed.
  • We have no means of communication with anyone in this world. I had once wished for that, but I definitely didn’t mean it like this.
  • Quinten and Jeffrey both know way too much stuff and it’s really annoying
  • Trevor is now part of the annoyance clan. He’s a science geek, like Quinten. Idiots.
  • Braden still 100% likes me and I want to kill him ok now I really want to kill him. Either him, or me. Take a guess.
  • Quinten is cuddling with Anita? What the heck!?
  • Brenda still has daggers in which she can probably kill us all if she wanted.
  • And most importantly, one of the eleven of us wants to kill the other ten and is apparently going to kill us in our sleep.



Also, that’s five good to 17 bad. This is going to be great. And did I forget to mention that Braden still exists? He should’ve drowned.

So right now, we’re in a bad position. Jeffrey brought back more bad news. And we;’re apparently stranded here on an actual island that is not connected to any piece of land. So we’re most certainly doomed.

I helped with the coconuts, using the empty shells on the side of a big tent, which apparently had been set up with a giant collection of poles. The tent looked nice and provided shade, which was helpful. Quinten started a fire there, where he boiled water. He could definitely sense our discomfort, at least, Jeffrey’s, with coconut juices.

So he set a boiling set of water, and there we go. It would probably take another eternity before we got fresh water.

The night iswas coming, so I’m going to bed.

Day 4 1:00 AM


I’m awake, I’m most definitely awake. I’m bored half to death, so why not write in you. Oh, wait, something rustling.

I stayed quiet for a moment before I settled down to sleep again. Then, rustling occurred again. I quickly grabbed Jeffrey’s singular katana and headed outside, carefully stepping to avoid detection.

I’m wearing sneakers. *Facepalm.*

But, I don’t have too long to worry. A giant monkey jumped at me, and before I knew it, it was clawing at my face. I could feel the claws tearing into my face, but I stabbed it, as it fell off, wounded.

I swung the katana, slicing into its chest, leading a small crimson cut in the moonlight. It ran, and I follow. Yes, I should’ve stayed here, but then again. No harm in doing what I’m doing.

It swung around, circling me. I swung again, but it easily dodged it. Instead, it clambered onto my sword and climbed up, slashing at my face. I dropped the katana and slapped with my knife, forcing it off.

It fell, then attacked again, slowly putting me down. This was a losing battle. But I managed one good it before it began to retreat.

I followed it, deeper into the jungle before I got tired of the game. It was leading me in a circle. So the next time it stopped, I took out the daggers I slept with, then chucked them, hitting the monkey right between the eyes.

It was dead.

I put my katana back into my scabbard, then retrieved my throwing knife. I turned around and prepared to head home when a leg swept my feet from the ground. I fell, then looked up, spotting a humanoid figure standing there.

“Goodbye,” it whispered.

Then, it hit me over the head, and everything went black.

Day 4 10:10


I woke up this morning, shaking my head and waking myself up. Man, was this new island routine. But I knew what I had to do, and again, like yesterday, I got up. Only then, did I realize something was wrong? Someone was missing.

I did a head count, and in a moment, I disuncovered who it was. Jeffrey, and Brenda. .If I had to guess, they were probably out training, but where? They weren’t anywhere in sight. And Jeffrey’s katana was still here.

I quickly woke Braden up. He shook with discomfort and nearly slapped me, but he got the idea. He stayed here, where he would care for the others, while I’d go and find where they went.

It only took a single minute. Jeffrey was in the jungle, searching for a vegetable that was edible. Brenda wasn’t here.

“Jeffrey! Where’s-  ?”

“Wait, what? I thought she was still sleeping.”

“So you don’t know where she is? She’s missing.”

“Eh, it’ll be alright. She’s capable of taking care of herself. Also, did you bring my katana’s? I kinda forgot them.”

I was about to reply when I stopped. Katanas? Plural? I had only seen one at camp. She took the other one then. But where was it?

‘Uh, we may have a problem. One of your katanas is gone with Brenda. But we don’t know where she is, and we also have a problem with your katana. We gotta get her back. She should be back by now. “

“Chill, she’ll be fine. Just help me carry these back to camp, I’m going to test whether or not they’re poisonous. If they are, well, at least I die bravely. Plus, the others better see this happen.”


An hour later, Jeffrey had taste tested the new things. They were apparently not poisonous, which was good. The only problem was that he passed out a minute later. He fell to the ground, sound asleep. At least he was fed.

A couple of minutes later, he woke up, muttering something about potatoes. Wait, what?

“Oh my god, did that taste good. Wait, what time is it?

“You’ve been out for ten minutes. Apparently, it’s a kind of sleeping drug, It seemed like it was tasty though…”

It was.

By now, there still wasn’t any sign of Brenda. She’s been gone for way too long, and I’m not sure she’s ok. I signalled Jeffrey to hurry up, so we could go after. Brenda. Braden took care of the others back at camp, and for that, I was grateful.

We set off because I was going to save Brenda. Again.

Day 4 4:30


I woke up, a groaning pain in my head. I felt as if some maggots had come around and eaten me inside out. I sat up, surveying my surroundings. What the heck.

I picked up Jeffrey’s katana, along with my two daggers. The scabbard was slightly dented, which Jeffrey would definitely rage at.

I try to locate where I am, but I can’t tell. Oh, wait, someone’s coming. I ready the katana, then realize that they’re too far. I throw a dagger, just because, to see if I can scare it off. It stabs into a tree, stabbing straight through a branch, splitting it down the middle.

“Hey, hey. Whoever’s there, chill.”

I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Quinten.

They step into view, as Jeffrey picks up my knife. He tosses it to me. What’s next?

“Brenda, why are you here?”

“Umm… I dunno. The last time I was anywhere, I was at a camp. Oh, wait, no I wasn’t! Last nightheight, I heard this sound. I was attacked by a monkey. I killed it right over there,” I say, as I point to the tree nearby. But there wasn’t anybody.

“Brenda? You sure you weren’t sleeping?”

I consider this for a sec, then shake my head.

“It was too real. It couldn’t’t’ have been a dream. There was too much pain. It wasn’t possible. But there was something else. Remember when Nate told us there was someone else aboard this island that wanted us dead? I think Ii had met them.”

“Wait, how?”

“Last night, after I beat up the monkey, someone came up to me. They knocked me unconscious with… a branch? I can’t remember. Anyway, they said goodbye, and then I was ere probably knocked out.”

“Do you know how it was?”

No idea. I was too dark.

Either way,, we headed back. It was crucial that I got some more first aid, I had scratches and bruises all over my body. Seriously, why is it always me?

We get back, to see Ssasha, James, and the rest of them. They seemed occupied with their own tasks, but they immediately rejoiced when I returned. I told them of my knees, and wow, did the others look surprised.

At that point, Jeffrey had offered me a sparring session. Sure, I was a better martial artist, and way better with my knives, but he’s been using that katana his entire life.

We both set up in your starting positions, blades ready. He immediately attacked, as I parried it. I spun around, then drove it at his chest, almost hitting him.

He ducked to the sideissing my blow by and inch. He swept the katana at my feet, the blunt end catching me of guard. The second I hit the ground, the katana was lowered at my throat.

“One nothing.”

We returned to the starting position, as we immediately started to spar. Trading blow for blow, we were perfectly matched. I skimmed his arm, which relay, just cut his shirt. A cut the size of a paper cut occured, doing no major damage.

He backed up, grabbing a bundle of sticks. He threw them at me, then rushed, catching meem off guard. I stumble, as he nearly got me, but I managed a retreat, but not before getting another light cut.

I ducked won as a glistning blade whistled over my head, as I leveled mine to his nose.

“One one.”

I grew excited. I had managed to returned to my starting stance. I returned to our average duel. In a minute, I had been cornered, again.

“Not bad, but at least you won one this time, right?”

“You just got lucky,” I replied with a smile.

“Well, see how lucky you are with this. He’d invited Bbraden to help, as he left to check on something he and Quinten were building. I didn’t want to know.

“What are you going to do?”

He didn’t reply. he took out a bundle of coconuts, which he held in each hand. He then settled the rest onto the ground, then got into throwing position.

Oh, I get it. I’m going to cut coconuts. I readied myself, as he got my cue. He launched a volley, all aiming for the parts of my body exposed. Face. Feet. Stomach.

I sliced the first one in half, spraying me with a pool of water. The second one caught me, hitting me square in the forehead.

“Sorry, but Jeffrey said not to stop until I shot over 100 coconuts. Plus, this is tiring for me as well.

He launched more, another one catching me in the stomach. I grunted, thin sliced the next one, and the next. One hit my shin, whiihch immediately sentd pain surging into my veins.


I cut most of them, but still some hit me. I had killed about two hundred coconuts, all of the shells laying neatly at my feet. Braden looked impressed, as I cleaned the blade. I wiped the sweat off my brow, as I breathed a sigh of relief, but I didn’t mind the pain, as aA good warrior needed to know how to adjust to major pain. Honestly.

Another person came into view, Jeffrey.

He smiled, seeing a gazillion nicely cut coconuts on the ground.

“Thanks, Brenda. Now, you get training, and I will try to feed the others with this.”

I smiled, trying to look happy, but in reality, I was exhausted. I had been training all late afternoon, and the sun was setting. My shirt was cut in a dozen spots, some stained red, from Jeffrey. I was probably bleeding under the skin, because Bbraden had tossed those coconuts wso freak’n hard. But the thing head down me some good. I felt refreshed, and the coconut milk had kept me cool in the tropical sun.

But now, it’s time to head home. I settled down in my tent, feasting  on my hard work. It was satisfying to see your hard work come together into something worth relieving and keeping.

But the sun was setting, as I had to got to bed. Being exhausted for am hours and hours of training, It didn’t take long.

I fell asleep to the sounds of my friends playing chess….

Day 5


I woke up in the morning, the others already getting to work. I watched as the others cut down more cheese trees, with axes. We were all gifted and innovative people, so we worked effectively. One cut a tree down, others skinned it. Then, it was sawed in half and in half by someone else, where it was lastly passed onto Quinten. Braden was dragging a log somewhere, further downward down the beach.

I followed, then helped him out, lugging the logs. Ahead, the beaches seemed never ending, as the sand sunk under my sneakers.

I took off my shoes and socks, walking calmly on the soft sands, the waves splashing at my ankles. My shoes rested on the log, where we carried with ease.

Soon, we found where we were going. Jeffrey. A giant tree was beginning to show construction, as planks already forming a complex floorboard. A hasty ladder led upward toward the platform, as Jeffrey hammered more boards into the thick trunk.

“Let me guess, a tree house?”

He grinned, showing his approval. I shook my head in disapproval, then headed upward, carrying the plank up the hill. It didn’t take long, as the hill was a shallow slope. Once at the top, Jeffrey and Quinten, who’ve been working on this, sawed the log into more usable pieces. Wait, Quinten?

The last time I saw him, he was back at camp. Now, he was here, working like he’d been here the whole day? What? I didn’t see him pass us, how did he get here before us?

“Quinten? How did you get here before us? Like, we spent half an hour migrating here like house sparrows. You, on the other hand, got here a year before us. Like seriously, what just happened with us?”

“Oh,” he said with a laugh. “First things first, house sparrows don’t migrate. Second of all, I took the short path. You took the long path. It was extra exercise, no bad in that. Also, I’m not carrying a giant piece of cheese wood, professor,” replied Quinten with a laugh. Apparently he enjoyed this.

“Seriously? Like I’m dying right now. How could you be so mean?” I demanded in a pouty voice. “Why? Why did you betray me? I trusted you?”

Quiten laughed it off, then continued. I helped out, sawing the wood into its with Braden. The planks were given to the builders to create a floor, the rounded edges for the roof.

The sun has been setting for a while now,   and iIt’s not the safest to stay out at night. After all, hadn’t Brenda been attacked by a psychotic monkey?

So there we were, heading home, a half built treehouse behind us. By the time we got back, most of them had fallen asleep.

So I went to bed too.

Day 6


I had been working for a while now, having known the tree house wouldn’t be finished on its own. The thing was coming together, and Quinten was notified of our absence. The treehouse was looking up now, the three floors now covering what they are supposed to. Semi walls and been erupting from the sides of the fbloors, creating a nice chamber. The farther branches had smaller huts, in other words, the living space. It was connected to the main area, for access.

Nearby, we had been planning on building a storage there, or maybe starting a raft. That would be helpful.

I spent about half an d hour on this, sizing planks, and hammering them into the walls. It was tardy and organized work, and the planks were beginning to slant. Slants had to be fixed, or the entire building would be tilted.

The treehouse itself consisted of three main layers. The first layer was an entry room, where we could burn a small fire. We’d made a covering of sand to prevent the fire from burning down our home, and the nearby area was protected.

The other side consisted of a mini storage, for coconuts and whatever fruits we may find here. It would be like a fridge, except without the temperature. It that was alright. We collected what we needed and we ate it all that day.

Meanwhile, the second floor was a game floor. We were planning on running a couple small voyages to sea, where we may be able to recover more items. The general furniture would be helpful, but that was probably too heavy to carry.

The game floor was where we would chill, as James would say. It’s where we would play ouru games and enjoy our homemade chess. A tree stump might be recovered, but that was unlikely.

The third floor was something of an extra space. We had no idea what do do with it yet, maybe an extra set of rooms? Not sure yet, but it’ll be great.


I looked behind me. Was someone calling me?


Yep, someone’s calling me.

I scanned the surroundings squinting to find where my seeker was. Quinten, far below, waas waving a giant leaf, which did more harm than good. He just blended in more.

I waved back at him, then climbed down the uneven rope ladder. I met up with them, then addressed his concerns.

“What do you need?”

“There’s something you need to see.”

I raised an eyebrow to show my question, but I followed him anyway, sprinting down the nice beach. If you thought about it positively, we were just on a vacation.

I was about to ask him again what it was, when I saw. A small sapling, a coconut palm, by my guesses, had sprouted a couple centimeters off the dirt. It was growing.

The  coothers crowded around us to see, our voices sparking his interest.

“Wait, Quinten, how did you plant this? Asked James, pointing at the   small palm.

I knew. He had spent the last couple days soaking the coconuts, which was the first step to creating a nice seed. He had probably planted it sometime later, but now, wow, it was showing its progress.

I explained this to James, as Quinten beamed with pride. It must’ve been nice having someone acknowledge your work.

But meanwhile, there were still issues to address to. We needed to return to our original vessel, and maybe search from some kind of stuff. Maybe supplies? Someone else needed to search for a fruit that didn’t act as a sleeping drug. We need a more sustainable food source rather than coconuts every single day.


Day 7


Today, everyone was already up, preparing our rafts again. We had to prepare to recover items from our original ship, which would help. On the other hand, someone needed to find some fruits in the Jungles. We decided to go with the ship first,  as we would need supplies a lot sooner than food.

“Who’s going?”

“Trevor, Me, (Jeffrey’s talking) Anita, and you. We’ll be having a light crew, so we can carry more back. We’ll have to try our best not to sink, so, let’s hope for the best.”

We followed the beach farther up the island, searching for a nice current that would carry su into sea. Ahead, a small passage led to the ocean, where our boat lay on the horizon.

I pulled the boat into the waters, as Trevor was the first to get on. He left his shoes on shore, wearing the rest of his clothes. Why not?.

We made our way onto our new rafts, made from cCheese wood. Don’t ask. Actually, go ask James why he named it this way, his fault.

IMe on the other hand, was responsible for transporting supplies. Trevor was in charge of manning the ships steady, while Anita was to stay with him. Me and Jeffrey were to head outward and search for stuff. We’d bring it over, as they landed them onto our rafts.

Me and Jeffrey first visited the cargo hold, where we immediately found tools and nails, along  with screws. I’m not sure what that’ll be for, but you can be certain i’ll be helpful.

So we headed off, searching for what couldmay be helpful.

Day 7 11:30


I sat on the boat, as Aanita sat beside me. Suddenly, a loud clang sound off, the sound ricocheting off the wood.

“I’ll go check on them, “ said Anita confidently. She had a lot more confidence for someone who was only six. Or was it seven? I’m not sure.

I wanted to go after them, but why were only so many people. Someone had to look after the boats. I decided to stay, after all, Anita could take care of herself.

But, when a scream sounded off, I knew I had to do something. I tied the boat to the main ship, then headed off, running after Anita.


“I’m coming,” I yelled bravely. I’m not sure if I actually felt bravely, but it was what I said anyway.

I followed her voice, until I reached a room, with a locked door on the other side. Someone stood in between me and that door. And did I mention it was locked?

The person was small, about Anita’s height. In both hands, they held a curved blade.

“You want Anita? Come and get her,” spoke the voice in a tone unfamiliar. It sounded threatening, and tempting.

Surprisingly, they’d left me a s  set of swords, and a spear, whichever I prefered. Apparently they were going to do this honour style, aye?

I knew some skills from my fencing   classes, as I picked up a spear. I remember arguing about weapons with Jeffrey, which was better. Spear, or katana.

But now, it was more a matter of life or death. If I didn’t well, that wouldn’t be nice. They struck, just as my spear parried it away. They ducked under my blow, then grabbed the spear, pushing against it with a leg. The energy put into that push sent the spear stumbling from my hands. I picked it back up.

They swung, as I barely dodged it. I swung, while they caught it in between their blades. Thgey twisted, sending the spear slipping. I caught on, but she’d rushed forward, stabbing at me. It hit me in the chest.

The pain was amazing, not in a good way. I doubled over, falling in pain. Fire stabbed in my mind as the blood poured from my wound. I was going to die.

And so was Anita.

And with one last smile, the enemy plunged their knives into me, then ran, leaving me in the dark.

Day 7 12:30


I was simply walking down a set of our main stairs when Aanita’s scream pierced the hallways.

“Jeffrey, slow down. Anita’s in trouble.”

“What? I thought we told her to stay on the rafts with Trevor!”

“We did, but I can bet a hundred bucks she’s not there right now.

He didn’t’t’ argue. I rushed down the hallways, following my instincts. In a moment, I arrived at a door. A locked one. InNside, blades were clashing, as a groan occured. A body hit the ground, as footsteps ran away.

“We gotta get in there.”

Jeffrey grabbed the handle, then took his katana. He sliced the handle off the door, the kicked it open, revealing trevor, dead on the ground, blood flowing freely from his body. In his hands, a lance, beaten and battered.

What had happened here.

“Umphh,” mumbled a light voice. A door lay aside form this, room, as muffles came from behind it.

“Jeffrey, could you help with the lock?

He broke the lock open, then opened the door. Inside, Anita lay, faced against the wall on her stomach. She was gagged, a set of ropes biounding her wrists and ankles.

Jeffrey took his Katana, and raised the blade high.

“Be careful!”

He sliced downwards, the ropes snapping. Her gaga was removed by me, as she immediately began spitting out words.

“Some-SOmeone a-a-attacked. T-,” her words stopped as she saw Trevor, laying in the opposite room, dead.

“Calm down,” Ii reassured her.”We’ll go back, like now. Someone.” I carried her onto my back. She was light.l

We made our way onto the rafts, mMe comforting Anita as Jeffrey spent his time keeping the boats steady, wrestling the paddles. We lost a raft as it was destroyed when pushed against a set of rocks. We made our way back, with nothing but negative one Trevors, and a lost raft.

Day 8



I prepared my notebook, putting in a singlulare dagger into my pack. We were heading outward toward the jungle, with a compass and a hope we would find something other than coconuts. Yeah, the coconuts were better than the crackers, but it still began to grow on me. We needed a new food source, more more of us would die.

Speaking of death, Ttrevor died yYesterday. Apparently some kind   of assassin had killed him. I’ll think about it later.

Meanwhile, let’s make a list of alive and dead.


  • Me
  • Jeffrey
  • James
  • Brenda
  • Quitne
  • Isabel
  • Anita
  • Braden
  • Ethan


  • Jackson, who is as happy was dead.
  • Jason, who was stabbed by Nnate. Little traitor.
  • Nate, he just got what he deserved
  • Jacob
  • Lost in the Jungle. Not found yet.
  • Trevor, now dead because of some didot who was idiotic enougtht to gag and kidnap a little innocent girl like Anita. Seriously!

Ok, so this was a nice list. We had someone who was trying to kill us, and a bunch of people that were alive. Trevor was now dead, and we’re stuck with some annoying boys.


But either way, I hated the crackers and coconuts more than I hated the fruits, so I’m not going to complain.

Gonna think about the case of the murdered larter…

We started our journey, trekking through the tropical Jungle, Brenda at the front, slicing aside vines, branches, and leaves with her machete. Don’t ask where she got it.

The scenery was beautiful as we made our way atop a hill. While jeffrey had been gone, We’d spent our entire day fixing up and finishing up the Treehouse.

We unpacked our luggage, we’d come back at night. We would spend an entire day searching and collecting what we could from inside the jungle, then return at sundown with hopefully good news.

We’d need something to cheer up those idiots who can’t’ do it themselves. Also, what’s it with Brenda? She’s been kinda laggy lately. Injuries? Not sure.

No fruits were in sight yet, but it should’ve been figne. Me and James headed off as a group, to maximize our area coverage.  We were told not to return before sundown, andadn not to head too far.

After a full hour, we found something that was or looked like bananas. James, took a test bite, and sure enough, it was a banana/.

We celebrated, then collected as much as we could. We left a bit for further reproduction.

We wanted to see what we could conclude right now, from what we had.

Here’s what we got:

People dead:

  • Nate
  • Trevor
  • Jason

People still alive

  • Quintentne
  • Brenda
  • James
  • Me
  • Jeffrey
  • Ethan
  • Braden
  • Anita
  • Isabel
  • We know that the PBS&J + Jeffrey wouldn’t betray us. So so out of the others, who’sS who?

Main primary suspects

  • Braden: Strong, and annoying. Likes, me, and tries to and fails to flirtat flirting. Would want to kill us, but only under circumstances. If he liked me, then he wouldn’t do this, because he wouldn’t want to kill ’em. But, he might have been faking, in which I’m grateful. Under tThat circumstance, he’s only to tip me off. That’ll gain us trust but then have the skills to backstab us after. Plus, he’s strong, and seems ok at fighting? He would have the abilities to knock out Brenda, whatever the case and put up a fight with Trevor aboard the ship. Threat: 9
  • Ethan: Trouble maker, genuinely annoying. Wouldn’t have the capabilities to knock Bbrenda out, but then again, a log to the head should do it. Not sure how he may have put up a fight with Trevor, but not judging. Has gotten into trouble before. But, captain Gguadeloupe didn’t seem to like them, and he’s not that good at faking. Jeffrey would’ve told me if it was a fake. So probably not. Threat: 7
  • Anita: I would immediately say she’s off the list, but I suspect everyone. No one’s off the slits. She came onto the boat with us, she would have the chance. If she put on some kind of rec origin while she fought Ttrevor, she might have been able to fool h. Him. Plus, according to Quinten’s analysis, Trevor probably followed Aanita, where he was baited into a fight to gbet killed. If that’s the case, she’s probably the primary suspect. Threat: 10
  • Isabel: She’s too quiet. If she had something to say, she should’ve said i. It. She seems to be hiding it. Also, I can tell she attracts Jeffrey. IF she has a brain, she’sd been intentionally doing this for the purpose of winning over our best observer. Under that case, she’d be able to defend her case. Threat: 8
  • Someone dead: I’ve read And Then There Were None. It’s   very possible someone dead killed Trevor. It would make sense, and would work logically. Faking their death to remove suspicion, then pit us against each other. Hopefully, we’d kill each other, then they’d attack, or strike. When, they’d complete their mission while having our heads, And we’d never suspect anything. Very smart
  • Someone of the PBS&J. If it were Quinten, it wouldn’t be possible. He risked his life to save one of us, just to keep us alive. Brenda. It wouldn’t be likely he did this. Threat level: 2.
  • Brenda: She’d have the fighting capabilities. Wait, she’s actually likely. She could’ve faked that night, and actually ate some of James’s new fruits. Then, she would’ve been out cold for a while before she was found. She’d get away with it, as well as keeping suspicion off of her. Threat level: 6
  • James: If James did this, well, he wouldn’t have the opportunity. He spent all his time with us. He wouldn’’t’ have the time to plot or initiate one of these plots. AlsoSAlao, he slept in the same tent as me. His cot was unshifted since hes slept. That wouldn’t be possible., unless it was intentional. Under that case, he’d be a much higher threat, but would also be smarter. But the main problem with James is the’s a weakling /. Shrimp. He wouldn’t stand a chance against any of us, except for maybe the other girls. He would’ve been annihilated by Trevor. Threat level: 2
  • Jeffrey: creative, and resourceful, he would have the creativity and brains to plot this attack. But the problem was he offered them a choice of weapon, and apparently the person knocking out Bbrenda happened in the middle of the night. His tent flap was sealed shut with duct tape, which he used to keep out the bugs. I hd ahtna taken it for my ten aat swell. It was in my tnet. He wouldn’t have had a way to open his tent without destroying the leaves covering it or without stealing   duct tape from me, whichin which, would be impossible. But this brings up another point. What if there isare more than one person behind this? Then this just gets complicated, so let’s skip that for now.
  • Me: I know I didn’t do this, ok? Just let it go.

Things we need to know:

  • Who murdered Ttrevor? The boat was only accessible by certain individuals, which included Jeffrey, Trevor, Quinten, and Anita. If someone else was there, then how have they continued on to this point? Also, where’d they get the weapons? We’ cleared it completely. And surprise surprise, I’m betting James’s life that when we get back to camp, we’re going to be missing a lance, and two curved knives.
  • Who it was: This is a general question that basically says who said this what in the general sense, who did this. This was important, and the key reason we’;re doing this. We just gotta wait for someone else to die before we get more clues.

So, this is all we got. Any better ideas? No, I thought so. You’re a book not a Ssiri. I like you better as a journal thought, just saying.

We should also head back to camp by now, it would be smart for that to happen. The sun was going down, and Jjames had started eating some bananas. Let’s go.

Day 8 8:30


Ok, let’s do this. We had all eaten an OK dinner, with Quinten making chicken soup. He wasn’t actually that bad, the soup wasn’t that terrible. But not perfect. But good.

Fibegin the first time we’ve had meant in a couple days now, i’ll accept whatever. We got banana;’s from sahara and James, and they were delicious. I’ve been missing out on all civilized fruit for the past couple days, txso, i was quite rejoiced to see them bring back bananas.

Wee hada set up the war chess, where we now had a collection of pieces. We had painted them with berries, so we could identify teams. Since there were nine of us, we went into teams of two . Jeffrey and isabel, Quintin and anita, Me and James, Brenda and braden, Ethan as Judge. Ethan and Jeffrey’s sub for judge

Our game started, as I collected my classic offensive setup. Jeffrey awwas already watching me, he had apparently memorized my epieces when I had dumped them out, ,and now he knew everything in my kingdom.

I reverted my troops positioning as he directed Isabel, our systems of beliefs and reality now differing. It wouldn’t be that easy.

Meanwhile, Braden kept knocking over his pieces. I laughed at him, and to be fair, itti was pretty funny.

We started the game, as I prepared my inner defenses.  Due to my average predictability, Ii had reverted to a more balanced set up I had read on google.

Jeffrey already knew how I played, but he didon’’t ‘know who I was going to play. It was going   to be harder.

Quinten had probably guessed out what happened with me, as he had clearly been expecting this. He smiled and gave me a cute thumbs up, which I replied to with a head shake.

Obviously, he wasn’t getting satisfaction that easily.

I struckr at Jeffrey, as I guessed his most vulnerable position. A good part about playing with Jeffrey for six years and always   being an offensive for those six years was that you got to know your opponent.

In a matter of minutes, he was dead. A sense of surprise crossed his face, as he nodded his head understanding. He quickly subbed spots with Ethan, playing judge. He walked a full circle, looking at everyone’s pieces, and memorizing them.

Now, the game would begin.

Day 9


We all woke up, already beginning to head out. We collected as much as we could, Jeffrey land Quinten beginning to draw plans for a supply shed. Things were going well. A dozen new coconut sproutlings were popping up, like tiny in the grasses.   

Things were going well, and a set of people were beginning to transport things to our new base. Braden was building the roof of our treehouse, which was nice, as the sky would soon rain.

Sasha and I had been on collector duty.; We set out, searching for supplies, and bringing back more bananas. We found what we believed to be potato’s, as QuintenQUinn immediately set off to figure a waywakya to plant them.

Our mini home was shaping up, as our system worked quickly and effectively. It was handy, and provided us with the necessities to survive, at least of now.

In the afternoon, we were to go have another search at the boats.

I was to come along. I boarded the raft, as we tried our best to search for another route. It would be nice if there was another flow of water that would carry us out to sea aside from our original route, which was an hours walk from here.

We paddled hard, fighting the tide to reach the deep seas. In a moment, we were there. Along with us, were the Quinten, Jeffrey, and Anita. I don’t know why we keep on bringing Aanita, but QuintenQuite seems to insist on it. So don’t ask.

We reached the ship, as we all split up, taking individual parts of the hsip. I took the middle layer, Jeffrey took the upper cabins. Quinten and Anita took the lower deck. This should go well.

I headed down the stairs, the footsteps I products muffled in the carpet. I found where Trevor was murdered. I quickly threw his body into the sea, he could be disposed of. I had collected some things by now, some supplies in the general sense. Mainly building tools, and supplies, because I knew Quinten wanted those.

I entered the lower cabins, retrieving my katana from the scabbard. Actually, it was Jeffrey’s scabbard, but che was letting me use it for the day. I sliced the door lock off its hinges, then kicked it open. I was feeling pretty confident about myself.

Then, an explosion sounded. Things were supposed to be going well.

That was, until the ship rocked, tilted, and sent me falling, right at a door. In case you can’t tell how things are going right now, I’ll give you a hint. The wall was the floor. The other wall and floor were the walls. That’s what it’s going to be like in these situations.

I smashed into the door, crashing through it, then heading to the next door. I got onto my fea, and stabbed my katana into the wall, the metal tearing the wood away from the structure. I slowed to a stop when I rested again on the surface of the next doorframe.

“What’s going on?” I whispered to myself.

The boat rocked again, as I stumbled, getting to my knees for balance. I put the katana back into my scabbard, then climbed the nearby shelves upward. What was going on?

The ship rocked again, as the shelving came loose. I slept to the others side, grabbing onto the edges. The shelves held. As I made myself up toward the top. I exited the room, as I realized something. Wehere, I was originally standing, had been flooded. It was now covered with water, the liquids pouring inward from all sides.

I made my way to the stairs, where I realized the ship was starting to sink. I was going to drown.

The plank above me shattered, spraying water all over me. The sudden occurence sent me falling, back into the water. I treaded water, keeping head above   the water, keeping a steady supply of air.

A chair fell, but Ii weaved out of the way, just in time. I could feel my arms begin to tire, I was running out of energy.

The water had begun pushing me toward the next doordre, one that had a lock. I

I pulled for my katana, but it was stuck, something had noted the waistband around the hilt of the blade.

I pulled out my daggers, the pried it open, cracking the wood. The door flung open, drenching me with another facefull of water.

I coughed, then kicked upward, my feet propelling me upward to the surface.

I broke the surface, gasping for air, I had to find a way out of this.

The nearby room was open, as I pulled myself to the dry wall/. The water was already starting to rise, clearing to my anklesangels on this new ground. I ran, keeping pace, before breaking open another door. Then, someone showed themselves. An assassin.

Dressed in a watertight jumpsuit, they carried a set of curved knives in each hand. On each knife, there washed blood. I immediately knew these were the knives used to kill Trevor, and this was the person who killed him.

I charged, using both daggers and an offensive and defensive weapon at the same time. I slashed and wiped them, breaking aside all their blows. I landed a strong kick in their stomach, sending them tumbling down onto the ground. I raise a knife at their throat, giving them a chance to surrender, but they didn’t. They send a leg out, as I jumped over. That jump tave them time to recover, then land a blow at my face.

Blood flowed freely from my nose, covering my nose.

I threw a dagger at her, the assassin ducking nimbly out of the way. It came at me with a flurry of attacks, blades shining.

With only one blade, I simply did the most reasonable thing I could, I stabbed.

They hadn’t been expecting me to go offensive in such odds, and that hesitation allowed me to roundhouse kick her knives from her hands.

So far, so good.

I landed two blows, back and stomach, sending her backwards. I slashed with my knife, slicing through her wetsuit, as they yelled in pain.

They send another flurry of punches at me, as I realized what was happening.

They had a snorkel suit thing. I didn’t. They were delaying me for the water to rise. It was already at my knees, and it would be impossible to escape. The tunnel was too long, and I had gone too far. Either Ii retreated, and let my opponent get away, or I stayed.

But if they were left with a vulnerable target, why wouldn’t they just attack?

But of course, being hot headed, I charged, only to realise they clearly had the upper hand. My wet clothes dragged me down, as my movements were sloweed. They quickly hit me a dozen times, before I could recover.

They sent eme underwater, then kept a foot on me.

I choked for breath, my lungs already beginning to burn. I punched and kicked with all my strength, but their grip helled..

My mind was starting to grow dizzy, as I begun to get flashbacks.

Drowning to death will be a very long and painful demise. Do not try this at home.

My old teacher had told me that, but I had no choice, I was going to die.

My memories came back at me, meeting Autint, our ice cream kinda or not really date, meeting Jeffrey and the others at the new school, and playing Diep.io together.

That was when I realized I couldn’t die. If I did, none of those memories could be recreated.

I struggled to stay functional, as I looked around. There, a knife. One of their actually.

I reached for it, just out of reach.

I grabbed it, then plunged it toward the enemies leg, striking a direct hit. They released me, as I immediately got up.

Gasping for breath, I felt my sore neck, a s I cleared the water from my eyes. This was so going to end.

I attacked, sending a swift blow to the face, where they were hit, sending them back as they dyed the water below them crimson red.

That was my chance.

I ran for it, going deeper down into the tunnel. The water was at my shoulders now, I was going to run out of air if I didn’t get out of here.

I grabbed my knives on my way, outr, then sliced at the string oif my katana scabbard. I grabbed my katana, then jabbed it at the next door I could. It flew open, as water gushed in. The water gushing from its source. I ran, sprinting ahead, leaving my opponent in the dus.t. I pulled a bookshelf, sending it toppling and blocking their path. They were blocked off.

I ran for cover, as the continuous set of bookshelves began to collapse.

I was in a library, at least, aa hall fo the giant library. I was either going to be drowned, or I was going to be crushed by the massive bookshelves.

None of those options were ideal.

Thinking fast, I used my daggers and pried the wall open, exposing another room. I ran in, and immediately looked for the stairs.

And then another explosion sounded off. The last time this happened, the ship spun 90 degrees. Same this time.

I fell to the roof, my arm bashing against the wood. Water immediately flooded in, sedingin me back to my original plight.

I swam, as the water hit my head. I was going to make it.

The stairs were just ahead, which were now the devil steps from Aamerican Nninja Wwarrior.

I had trained to become one of them, thought I never made it. But, one of the things I did manage was to learn how to do the steps. I grabbed the first steps, my upper body strength pulling me step by step. I should train more often.

A floorboard came loose, sending meem to the point of no return.

My other arm was still on, as Ii recovered my grip, catching on. Then, the ship tilted, twice. Really?

I tumbled to the roof, or what should be the floor. I crashed against the floors, banging my head against the wood.


But that gave me a space to run, and with a huffing breath, I found Quinten, and Anita.

Quinten and Jeffrey were on our original corral island, as Quinten held Aanita’s hand. Anita had been bandaged, a wound on her shoulder. LHer nose contained a little trickle of blood, but quite explained that she’d been hit by a bookshelf that cut them off from each other. She was swept away by the current at it reached her waist, and she had been lost. I later found   her after the second rotation, where she was injured. I got her back here, so now she’s good.

I smiled. It was nice to know Quinten still had someone he cared about. Something other than strategy.


Then, the entire ship bobbed, then sunk, leaving behind a trail of bubbles. All our reaches and possibilities of escape and survival were gone.

Day 9 6:30


We had begun our war chess game of the night, the others hadn’t returned yet. For some reason, it made me feel reassured, that they’d be find in the end..

And I was right.

In a couple hours from their original departure, they returned, a small dot on the horizon. I immediately took out a sheet of paper Outline had given me before we left. A systematic morse code.

I flashed our lights in a sequence pattern, signalling theme of the fact we knew they were going.

Quinten and Jeffrey both knew morse, which was helpful, but it seems they forgot to pack a strong flare or something. They had probably been trying to use a flashlight while this happened, the lights flickering lightly in the distance.

I didn’’t’ really care. The important hints was that we knew they were coming. And that they knew we were ready for them.

“Guys! Stop the game. They’re coming. Prepare the arrival, and then we can return to the game. Actually, we’ll restart the game.”

We rushed down the rope ladder, Braden climbing a tree instead. I have no idea why. But it works.

We got onto the beaches, as they rowed into sight. I waved at them.

They waved back. The others immediately took off their shoes, then got into the water, keeping themselves in the shallow areas. The cool wind had came and would most likely cause sickness to the remaining ones.

They got onto flat land, and cheered, as the oher greeted them.

Then, I noticed something. They were injured.   Hold on, Sasha wants to write in my journal.

“No, go write in your own journal, Sasha.”

Day 9 9:30


Ok, James wants me to write in you, so fine. Jesus.  Either way, I’m going to RIxos what I see.

What I see:

  • Brenda injured.
  • Anita injured.
  • Brenda wet
  • So is Anita
  • Quinten is wet, but only the shoes and part of pants. Jeffrey isn’t wet.

So what?

  • I have a couple predictions on what happened. First, they could’ve had a raft problem.   The boat may have collapsed, which got Brenda and Anita completely wet. QuintenQuiten probably was sitting on the edge, and dipped his legs in , which would be why his feet and pants are kinda wet. But the doesn’t work, because I know Urine would insist on riding with Anita. Also, what is it with them. They’re real each other like brothers and sisters for some reason. Chances are, Quinn probably had a little sister that died a while ago, soor something like that. Now, seeing someone that he could help, it probably reminds him of his old sibling.
  • Second hypothesis involves an leak. The ship may have leaked, causing the research to fail. Brenda must have been on the bottom layer, which is why she’s completely soaked. The second layer must have been quenten and anita, where they had a leakage problem. Quinten probably ran ahead of Anita, where the water reached up. Anita may have fell, as the water being fine for Quinten doesn’t mean ok for her. Then, she would get completely wet and Quite would get a bit wet.  

So what actually happened?

“Guys, what happened? Supplies maybe? Or were you to idiotic to bother?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Actually, something else happened. Long story. To start, we set off on our journey, rushing deep under the hull. Then, Brenda found a cargo hold or something, where – “

“How about you let me do this part?” Asked Brenda, giving him a playful shove. “I went below deck, when an explosion sounded off. The entire ship flipped 90 degrees. For me, I fell, and I discovered a leak. I realized that oh dear, I was going to die. So after narrowly avadin bookshelves I ended up fighting the same person that killed Ttrevor. So we fought for I while, I hit her, she hit me.

Then, I realized she was trying to drown me as the water rises, so I kicked her in the face, then ranthaen rna. Then, the boat flipped over and over again, until I couldn’t take it anymore . Aat that point, I simply gave up, then climbed to the top of the ship. Where everything was normal. Confusion, but nah, Ii couldn’’t’ care less.

My logical brain was already working. It wouldn’t make any sense. Her story was missing somethings, such as where the assassin went. I don’t believe they drowned, because according to the story,  they’d been wearing snorkel gear or something like that. They wouldn’t drown, so were they still there? Also, another problem had arisen. What next?

One last thing that didn’t match. According to Brenda, the boat flipped a bunch, but Jeffrey and Quinten made it back perfectly find. The water also somehow was flipped, but QuintenQuitnen and Jeffrey had gotten back perfectly normally. How did that work? When she climbed to the top, she’s been in the upside down phase. But everything instantly righted itself once she got onboard. What was going on?

My logical side would probably work on this for eternity, but I knew now was not the time for this. I headed up, then finished our war chess game.

I was in Enemy HQ, with my second most powerful commander. Their most powerful commander was somewhere in their base, lurking to kill me. I’m not sure where or not James had figured out where I was, but I was certain this wasn’t going to go well if he caught me.

This also reminded me of our current situation. One of the many people here are the killer. We’re t, being the rest of the non killers, the innocent ones, the ones who are trying tno to die. Wrong move, you die. Wrong move for them, they’re caught.


Great, I’m dead. So either way, I’m going to bed.


Day 10


Ok, now was time for us to get off this island. It’s been nearly one and   a half weeks, and I’m not staying here for much longer. I am getting off of this sandy hill.

I headed downstairs, into our kinda kitchen, where I sat on the floor. Tiny splinters dug at my feet, but oh well.

I got out a piece of paper, and started drawing. How were we going to get off this island?. Things were going to be much worse if we didn’t get off of here sooner or later, as I’m not sure we’ll survive here much longer. After all, there’s a cynical maniac killer out there that probably wants us all dead, and yeah,m great life we have here.

My original original plan was to fix up the muffin boat, but now that’s no longer an option. With that gone, the only chance is to rebuild a new ship.

BuildingRebuilding would provide us with one giant problem. Materials.

We had the wood, but the other supplies? Nails, those type, we didn’t have enough. Also, making a watertight seal for the hull would be a problem.

The others would wake up soon, and then I’d have to get to work. I want to get something down before I did something else, ut I honestly was stumped. How was I going to do this.

As I predicted, we went back to collecting resources for the night, and building the supply shed. Over the course of the day, nothing more helpful than eating bananas occurred.

Until we got an idea.

What if, we could sail off on rafts to find a new land? What if we just used rafts? That would work, wouldn’t it?

And so, we all set off, on our tiny rafts, more than enough supplies packed. Oonward ho!.

We had tied our boats together, to survey the nearby ocean, and scan the rest of the island. Now, wwe weren’t planning to get all the way out of here. BUt was all that we were going to do for today.

We circled the island, As Sasha jotted notes. We had been trying to survey the island for a while now, but finally, we had a choice.

Everything was swell. We had food, and our camp at home was good. That was until Ethan’s boat exploded.

Day 9 6:30


Wait, what just happened? Ethan’s boat was thrown high into the air, straight at Jeffrey. heeh jumped off his boat, splashing into the water, as his boat was crushed to smithereens. What the heck was happening?

Ethan however, was nowhere to be seen. He was gone.

We  completely.

And then, I saw him. Underwater, sinking under the weight of his own body fat. No, that was a lie, but I couldn’t tell.

Brenda, chain saw him as well, jumped into the waters, swimming deeply. He caught him, and brought him up, pushing him onto her rfaft.

She put her ear to his   chest, and shook her head.

“He’s dead.”

Wait, what just happened? Which idiot among us did this? I surveyed the others, but they were all just as surprised as I was. So what happened?

Brenda looked at the wreckage, inviting Quinten to take a look. At the bottom, was a small black crater,  still partially smoking from what must have been an explosion.

Brenda touched it, then pulled back, sucking on her finger.

“It’s hot.”

“No duh, Sherlock,” replied QuintenQuite.

The party had been stopped short, as we now knew nothing was safe. What we had thought was reliable would never be as safe as before.

What had happened today, whas indescribable.


I have no idea how I’m going to solve his case, and al s were btn. I ES ‘l go back to it utto see how to do ths. Motiv:he had to haeccssto nin  multitude of ways, buoh form the danger yet for everyone, and for the crime. The first scene was Brenda getting attacked in the woods. If they had the opportunity to kill her, why not do it? This makes me feel like they’d be too nice to kill her, but then again, no logic.

Second, we have our boat incident, which is nearly impossible to describe. First, of the living, we have Quite, Trevor, Jeffrey, and Anita. If we were to start simple, they had to get onto that boat somehow. If they were the one that murdered Trevor, then they had to have opportunity to do so. QuintenQuite and Jeffrey couldn’t have done it. Tthey were ion this together. Also, Quinten most certainly likes Anita, he’d never go along with hurting her. If Jeffery did it, he’d be caught by Quintenquite. If it was QuintenQuite, wellheel, he’s too innocent.

Trevor couldn’t have killed himself, and there was another problem.
He was stabbed by thin knife jabs. He couldn’t have done it himself while having a spear in hand, unless he had help.

Anita wouldn’t have the fighting abilities to take down Ttrevor. Also, she couldn’t’ be bound at the back of the room while being attacked by Ttrevor. And according to the story, no one fround any trace of the enemy.

So right now, that leaves us with two other possibilities. Someone either swam there, or someone’s who

isn’t dead isn’t.

Me, Brenda, Ethan, Isavell, and James were back on shore. The ship was about three to two kilometers off the coast. I know none of us are that good at swimming, except for maybe Brenda. BuUt even if she did it, I’ve seen her swim. Her record is in the 2000’s. If she managed to arrive at the vessel, Ii doubt she’d have the strength to fight Ttrevor.

The rest of us simply don’t have the strength to swim two kilometers..s]

Lastly, someone dead could be alive. Jackson, Niklas, and Jjacob are all supposed to be alive. The only problem with this is our search. When Quitne passed out, somf us ventured onto the boat to kill them all off. Sorry, ai meant to find stuff. They searched the entire boat top to bottom, taking all food and water, including a refined search for survival=ors.

If the enemy’sies goal was to kill us, they could have easily killed us off then. But they didn’t. So they wouldn’t be alive and trying to kill us like that. I’m confused, dand I’m going to bed.

Whatever’s going on, I’m going to get to the end of ths.

Day 11:


I woke up thin tht emorigning, helping Quintenquinte craft his wooden raft. It was going to take some time, but it was going to be worth the result, whatever it was. I was planning on getting us off this stupid island.

I’m doing a lot like Sasha, aren’t I?

Either way, QuintenQuinine had begun to construct facts. Yes, actual rafts. Not just the rafts fart, but a canoe, or a kayak. That’’s James’s department. He’s been carving boats from cheese trees, which is starting to shape up.

He’s going to hire Isabel for a price of three bananas to paint the canoes, which is going to be great. I’m not going to debate about whether or not it’s a canoe, or whatever it is. Waste of time.

The other had begun to wake up, already Helping Quite. Whether it was sanding the hull, or refining the interior, none of us wanted to stay on this wretched island any longer that absolutely necessary.

Coconuts were collected, as long with our giant war chess game. It was all packed onto a massive raft, like the actual raft. Just a giant collection of cheese planks nailed together.

Isabel had collected berries, and had begun to use her fingers to paint literal letters onto the canoe. It was looking up, she painted mine first. Yay!  

Outside of our interior fears, we were looking forward to this. We all wanted to get off of this world

But inside of our positive attitude and Isabel’s bright smile,  we were all scared. We weren’t looking forward to being the next victim.

The fact that someone was out there and wanted us dead was horrifying, and wasn’t something to look forward to.

But we knew we were all going to get off this island, even Anita. Being the smallest of us, she probably hold more courage than any of us.

No, I didn’t make this. I’m not that good at inspirational compliments. It was Sahs. har har har , the irony. No, it was Quite. Of course it was quite. Who do you think?

Our treehouse now held a new sign,  and on the trunk, it heald our name.s.  
We spent the rest of the day burying the remains of our dead companions. We all hated this, it was terrible, a pain.

The reminders that we could be next.   And the fact that so many of us were already dead, it shook us to the core.

But we continued on anyway./

Because we knew that if we didn’t get off, we were going to be the next victims no matter how much preparations we made. This person had been murdering the rest of us, and none of us stood a chance.

What was to say we stood a chance now? Answer: Nothing. We are absolutely doom if we didn’t get off. Also, I read through Sasha

‘S notebook, please don’t tell ehr. I found out that she was right, one of the supposedly dead people could be alive. If we got out of here, they’d have no chance of survival. They were doomed as we Were.

That was great, and nNow I felt great. We had a chance now. But whatever happened, we need to do something about our problem. Supplies and navigation.

Yeah, we could use the compass, but how long would it take? And also, how do we know we weren’t going to lose anything in any way possible? What if we lost some supplies? We could have very well be lost, and that might strand us without water. If the weather forecast didn’t give us rain, well, now we’re really doomed.

But I had faith, so let’s get to work. Go go power rangers!   Wait, why did I write that? That was way too random.

Day 12:


Okay, here we ares. Several complete boats, all painted with deep engravings and swirls of paint, from Isabel and Jeffrey. ShHip it.

Okay, actually, Jeffrey, if you’re reading this, I don’t. So don’t use your katana on me, okay? Us e it on cheese trees. Thanks.

Either way, our things were going well. We had completed more than enough rafts to float our way around the world, and man did the kayaks look good.

“James, they’re not kayaks. They’re canoes.”

“Are not.”

“Are so. Here’s a comparison: Differences between a canoe and a kayak: Sitting position: In a canoe the paddler either kneels on the bottom of the boat or sits on a raised seat. … Number of blades on the paddle: A canoe paddle usually has a blade on one end, while a kayak paddle is bladed at both ends. S o R.I.P.rip Jjames.”

“And you call your sourcer accurate? What to say?”

Jeffrey rolled his eyes, then pointed at the boats. He had given up. So in other words i was superior to him in more than enough ways. SoO go James.

We set sail today, our kayaks gliding peacefully in the waters. A raft the size of, hold on, how big is it?

“Quitnten! How bigs the raft?”:

“20 m squared. That work?”

“Yeh, got it.”

So yeah, you heard it, 20 meters squared. Go figure.

We had already begun packing things onto the raft. Most of it was taken up by supplies, but there were decent space, and a set of rafters to keep the raft stable.

Two on each side, each a hollow pieceeacha  hollow epice of wood. It floated, and just in case the wood soaked in too much water, it was hollowed. Ask QuintenQUtine.

The boats were all at front, trailing a raft behind it. You could abandon the kayak and go onto the rafter to eat or play war chess, but someone always had to be manningboib be maning the boat. It was mandatory in that way, and also made it nice and smooth, as some people are sacrificed for the good of others.

We played a down games of chinese chess, all slowly swapping from paddling to playing. Everything went well, until an argument arose.

Anita accidentally mentioned gravity flips, and a theory conjunction to that. Now, ASasha, being a suspicious rat, accuse her of using gravity againstghaint us. ShHe claimed that Anita shouldn’tshouldn’t’ know about it in anyway, and was too little to understand or give theories.

Anita defended herself, as she said she heard about it while Bbrenda was describing it to you guys. Also, what’s to stop a six-year-oldsix rea yr old from making space tech theories?

Except then, Sasha lunged at her, and tore off her bandage.

Which showed a single, bleeding spear wound.

Day 12 1:29


O, why is it always me when bad things happen. Jeeze.

Now, I just discovered something very valuable. Anita was the evil one? WhHat is going on. I’m going to take this down seriously. Also, is it just me or is it always me writing when a fight happens? Why!?

Of course, at that point, Anita whipped out a dual set of knives, then faced Ssasha. Now, she honestly looks much more devil. Quinten looked scared now, or really sad. Depends on how you look at ti. He must have felt quite betrayed, his kinda little sister that he may be really like and love awas now turning out to be aphyocpaathis murderer that tries to kill us. Wow is that nice.

“Anita? If you are evil, could you at least tell us how you did it?” Quintente was crying now. I’m just not going to say anything. Remind me to yell at him later.

Now, I saw what he was doing. He was trying to delay her so I would have timeahvetiem to assemble my wits and attack. Wow, this was not going to be fun.

I took out my katana, as Jeffrey tossed me his other one. Anita, suddenly realizing what was happening, charged.

“You took my brother’s life, now I’ll kill yours.”

Wait, what? Oh jeez, hold on. I would describe you how this battle is going, but I’m getting tired of writing down battles, and plust, you know how it goes. I attacke, she parries. Jeffrey throws a coconut, which hits me instead of her, in which then she hits me in the arm, and oh my god does that hurt.

And I’m dooding all this while writing in you, so now helping. Hold on, Queens going to write in you for now. He’ll write what she’s saying right now. Yeah, so let’s get to it.

Oh wait, Quinten canQuine coan write in his own journal.

Day 12 1:45


“You idiots. So easy to fool. I simply ruled everything out. Knocking out Bbrenda was easy enough, QuintenQUinte is such a fool to charm. I easily went out while she was asleep. Plus, I’m short, and I blend in with the night. On tThe boat, I easily annihilated Ttrevor. I put on a recording on my own screams to fool him, and the rest of you. He rushed in, while I likely changed into a black jumpsuit.

When the rest of you popped in, I hid the stuff in   a closet. You never checked, because Quintenquentin was too hurried to find Aanita. I went in and bounded myself, it was easy enough. You all fell for it, because you are all gullible.

I made the rest of it easily, but you’re all too foolish to notice. I planted explosives under Ethan’s boat, which killed him. It worked, and have fun.”

She stopped talking all at once, and at that point, rushed Brenda. She told me not to record what happened in the battle, but I’m not going t to argue. She could probably kill me if she wanted to.

That was, until she tossed Jeffery the katanas and attacked Ajeffery the katana;s,and attached anita with her knives. They traded oh wait, am I describing a battle again? I should stop.

But hen, it didn’t take long, but aanita landed one great hit, on Brenda’s stomach. She fell to the grund of the raf, bleeding and groaning, as at that point, oh should I help her now.

I picked up her knives, then charged out of pure fury. SThe charge sent her staggering, as Jeffrey used the sharp end of his blade to disarm her. She fell to the ground, blood pouring from her hands like alieka  waterfall. I care for Brenda more than Aanita!

Oops. Ii said that out loud.

But I didn’t care, but I drove her back, before she was at the edge. She tried one last time to make a cute face, but I kicked her off, as she struggled in the water. It was time for her to leave.

I threw my knife down, and with a   burst of red dust, she died. I retrieved the bladebalde, then held it to Jjeffrey. He put it away then I rushed to Brenda’s side. She was probably dying right now. ShHe had gone limp, but it was too late.

She was probably dead by now.

And with that, my day ended.

Day 13


It was going to end, because the boat was going to die. Our raft had gone dead, all our suppliers dead. Brenda’s knives and Jeffrey’s katana werewas to be saved, as they were sacred to their owners. Now, we were going to die.

“Man overboard!” I yelled as I fell off my okat. Braden hold me back onto his canoe, but that wasn’t before his entire vessel tipped.

We both fell into the water, the dark waters pulling me under. God dang it, I don’t know how to swim. I bubbled for breath, gasping and choking under the water.

I coughed, then broke through the surface, another raft pulling me aboard. I didn’t get enough time to rejoice, because the boat smashed into a coral, splintering into a million pieces and sending me ono the coral.

Did I really have to destroy a boat wherever I went? Jeezus.

I climbed a bit higher, but a wave knocked me down, bringing my arm against the jagged stones. The wind wasn’t helping, I was losing the endless battle with waves and the ocean. Then, ata last, the world went black, as my brain fell under the gap between life and unconsciousness.


I woke up, coughing and sputtering. I was on a raft, with the others around meem. We were hopeless. Huns Were terrible, and things were going to lead to our death. Things weren’t going to go well. Because right now, we’re going to live?

I sat up, squinting against the bright sun. The raft was approaching, and on the horizon, land was approaching. We weren’t dead after all.

Until I caught glimpse of the land we were approaching.

It definitely wasn’t earth, and I knew right this moment, we weren’t ever going to get home. We were approaching a massive jungle, and nowhere lose were any sign of humanity. AlsoAlos, I noticed that the sun was still there, but something had changed. Where the moon should’ve been faded,now held a duo of moons, both faded, but there.

We weren’t on earth.

And we had no one to save us.



Note from Author:

Okay then. This turned out a lot shorter than I anticipated, but I’m not going to say anything. It was worth writing, and I thank Jude Watson for most of what I put in here. It was thanks to her I got my inspiration fro this, don’t ask.

AI is going to come out soon, and it is going to be GREAT!!! I hope so. Actually, it might turn out terrible, but that’s alright.

If you want a buddy quiz for the QBS&J, here it is: QBSJ

I thank Trevor, my editor, for editing the thing top to bottom. He also was the one that supplied me with some of the resources.

Ethan, Jacob, and my family put up with my countless hours of working on this, and I owe this to their patience. I know that you guys want me to writ the collab, I’m sorry, ok?

Overall, thanks all of you, and let’s go write AI. What’s that trevor? I have to go write Precipitance? And Jacob wants me to write enhanced and Ethan wants me to write collab. Help!!! Ahhhhh! I’m outta here.

~Comwiz 180


Coming Soon:

Operation TPoT: Fallout (To James)

AI (Planning…)

Shipwreck 02 (No faith in this. Don’t look forward to it)

Precipitance (later)

Enhanced (probably should get that done…)

Distrust (NOW)


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