
The dragons  by Judah Davidoff 

Chapter 1: the egg 


We went to Sandy’s Potomac pet store to pick out a pet for my sister whose hermit crabs had died. When we got to Sandy’s my sister got interested in a giant sea turtle while I went to the counter to sit down on a stool to wait on the display case where there was a big stone. It was grey and it was mossy on one side and there were some curves and a lot more than I can describe. The woman at the counter was saying something over and over again and kept saying “it’s true.” I edged over for a closer look and the words she was saying would haunt me for the rest of my life.

“At the river that’s not a river

there will be a boy.

“at the place where the dead go

there will be a girl

at the second widest and second largest thing in the world

there will be a girl.

and at the fate of witches

there will be a boy.

these four children

have each a power of natural elements

and all will come together

with there greatest pets

to stop the god of evil.”

I just stood there horrified as Charlotte chose the sea turtle and we began to leave. When we were almost out the door the woman ran after us clutching the rock in both hands. “Wait” she said “I want your son to have this.” She gave me the rock and we went home. When we got home. I put the rock on my dresser and went to sleep. When I got up I laid my hand across the rock’s back and I could almost swear that I felt some sort of connection between me and the rock. I went downstairs and everything was normal. I got my porridge and sat down to eat. Just then I heard a cry. Charlotte had spilled her porridge and it was dripping on her skirt. While my parents cleaned it up I went to my room to check on the rock. When I got there it was shaking and shuddering and cracking slowly little by little it began to rock back and forth. Back and forth. A tiny head peaked out And eventually it hatched

Chapter 2: the hatchling


It was my first time on an airplane. The ground shot by below me and I felt a sense of freedom. Just then the airplane began to slow down and stopped. The windows rolled down and everyone began pointing out the window. FLYING THROUGH THE AIR was a  weird old woman. She was carrying something small. She gave it to me and shot off like a rocket. I looked at the thing it was A BABY DRAGON. It smiled and fell asleep. When the plane landed on the runway me and my parents  got off and went home. At home the baby dragon flew around and around in circles then collapsed exhausted. The next day it was time for school. I got on the bus and went to school. When I got there my friend Judah was already at his desk. He looked shaken and when I asked him what was wrong he told me the weirdest story ever “So” he said “We went to Sandy’s potomac pet store….” and then he told me all about the woman (“I did not know she could fly”), about the sea turtle (“why did she pick that?”), The prophecy (“It was weird”), Then finally the dragon (“No seriously.”) When he was done I said 

“Do you think we are in the prophecy.?” Judah nodded. 

“I am going to see if my ability is water and blow up the water fountain.” A few minutes later the water fountain had overflowed and the schools were closed and we were at my house looking at our dragons. Both of them were blue Mine was a light blue and Judah’s was dark. 

“What was the prophecy again?” I asked Judah. Judah said

At the river that’s not a river

there will be a boy.

“at the place where the dead go

there will be a girl

at the second widest and second largest thing in the world

there will be a girl.

and at the fate of witches

there will be a boy.

these four children

have each a power of natural elements

and all will come together

with there greatest pets

to stop the god of evil”

“But how will we find the others” I asked Judah

“We will have to run away” he said

Chapter 3: the phantom


The mining tunnel was dark and spooky. I held my lantern and walked along. The tour guide was explaining how rare rocks were sometimes found here and strange creatures too. Just then we came to a slope in the tunnel. Walking up the slope was a woman. Flying behind her was a dragon nearly grown up. It flew to my side and we walked back. At school I noticed my friends Judah and Kate were acting strange. I asked them what was up and they told me. “What’s the prophecy?” I asked. They said In unison

“At the river that’s not a river

there will be a boy.

“at the place where the dead go

there will be a girl

at the second widest and second largest thing in the world

there will be a girl.

and at the fate of witches

there will be a boy.

these four children

have each a power of natural elements

and all will come together

with there greatest pets

to stop the god of evil”

Ok” I said “I think I am Earth. The place where the dead go.” Judah nodded.

“We are going to find the remaining Child and complete the prophecy. Want to come.”

“Of course” I said. “I will come.”

“Excellent we are going tomorrow.” said Judah. We began to plan. By recess we were ready. We sat down on a log and and began to rest when we heard 

“schools closed from some part of the water fountain that was missed”

“Excellent” said Judah, “ let’s grab our dragons and head to that tree beyond the school boundaries.” 

“and then..” I asked. Judah just shook his head.

“I do not know,” he said.


Chapter 4: the dragon 


As I walked through the ancient history museum I stared at all the relics from ancient times. I was interested in a barn that had a picture of People tying Witches to stakes  and burning them. Amidst the chaos there was a woman riding a full grown dragon. Suddenly she sprung out of the picture on her dragon and landed next to me, hopped off and went back into the picture getting smaller until she disappeared. Just then it was time to go home. I lay down in my bead and fell asleep. In my dreams the woman appeared she said

“At the river that’s not a river

there will be a boy.

“at the place where the dead go

there will be a girl

at the second widest and second largest thing in the world

there will be a girl.

and at the fate of witches

there will be a boy.

these four children

have each a power of natural elements

and all will come together

with their greatest pets

to stop the god of evil.”

Then she said “Go to the olive tree” then she disappeared.

I went outside to the tree and waited. Almost immediately three giant shapes streaked across the sky getting closer by the minute. Three dragons settled on the ground each gigantic. Three people got off, two girls and one boy. The boy said, “We need to go. I assume you heard the prophecy.” I nodded and hopped on my dragon and we soared into the night on the backs of our dragons flying high then low then high again. Soon we came upon a village. We circled above for a couple minutes then flew off. After an hour or so we reached a giant lake but instead of water the lake was filled with lava. We easily flew over it as if it was solid ground. In the middle of the lake there was an island in the middle was a temple.

In it was a chest filled with weapons. Judah got a shining sword. Sky got a silver bow. Kate got a golden scepter. I got a blazing hammer. Armed with these weapons we set out to save the world.

Chapter 5 the sword  


We flew across a valley and over lakes and rivers. With those I could feel something pulling me towards them its strength depending on how close we were to the water. As we flew I saw dolphins and schools of fish swimming around. One of the fish began to follow me and dozens of them joined in. As we sailed over a lake I thought I saw something peeking out at me. As we flew higher and higher I saw something peeking out of the sky. It was smoke. We swerved sideways towards the source and it got thicker and thicker until it was a gigantic cloud in the sky. We descended towards the smoke and we saw that it was coming from a village. As we got closer we heard chanting.

“At the river that’s not a river

there will be a boy.

“at the place where the dead go

there will be a girl

at the second widest and second largest thing in the world

there will be a girl.

and at the fate of witches

there will be a boy.

these four children

have each a power of natural elements

and all will come together

with their greatest pets

to stop the god of evil.”

We shot toward the village with lightning speed. When we were practically on the ground we saw dark cloaked figures with swords and torches running around. Quickly we got off our dragons and stormed into the village. I saw a cloaked figure running around. Unlike the other figures this one was cloaked red. I raised my sword and charged. I flung my sword at the figure and it turned and slashed. I barely missed getting sliced in half. In desperation I flung my sword at him. Immediately the sword shot towards him. (Later I would learn that it was pulled by an invisible current like the ocean.) It stabbed him in the chest and he exploded. In his place was a giant water fountain with silver fish swimming around. 

“Well” I said. “Looks like we’ve won.

Chapter 6 The new prophecy 


We flew through the air doing zigzags going straight and doing zigzags again. As we neared an ocean Judah Lept off  his dragon and fell into the ocean. We watched as he backfloted down the current cheering and clapping the whole way. Eventually he summoned a tidal wave that lifted him all the way to his dragon and he hopped on. We continued flying along. I felt the wind in my ears and in my hair. It was wonderful. We eventually came upon a lake where fish were doing back flips. When they saw Judah they began doing their best to show off. Jumping and twirling and standing on their heads. Eventually they tired out and swam underwater. A minute later they swam out carrying a banner that said Welcome our king. Judah dove under water and about an hour later came out looking a lot better. His old tattered clothes were replaced by armor made out of scales. He had a spiky crown on his head and he was carrying his sword in a coral belt. We continued onward as fast and steady as before. Then Judah held up a piece of paper the fish had given him. It showed the prophecy everyone had been used to but then after that it said

“The four will shoot fire and the first will bring flame. 

He will kill the enemy but beware of this.

The enemy is like a spark.

The flame is released at his death and only the first can put  it out.

Not by water but by the lost word zzzzzzx.

If he can figure out what it means then he will get power beyond imagination.

If he can’t then all hope is lost.

And to figure it out he must make a decision.

Who will win and who will die.”


“Now that’s what I am worried about,” said Judah as he sat on his dragon. I asked him what he meant and he explained how the fish had told him that he must find someone. I asked him who but he said that the fish had gotten into an argument before  they could finish. All he caught was the word Or. 

“Well isn’t it obvious,” I said

“What” he said

“It’s oracle”

Chapter seven. The oracle 


Our dragons soared through the sky as flocks of birds flew by. A wave of water splashed below us and Judah shot out on the back of his dragon spraying water everywhere except in his direction. A jet of fire shot out of his dragon’s mouth followed by a clicking of a dolphin. Just then the air grew colder and colder until all of us except Kate were freezing. Khole Raised his hands high in the air and the coldness parted followed by a sudden warmness so hot that I was sweating a lot. Judah was sweating but as it fell past him it transformed into water. He dived down into the ocean and raised his hands across the water. It overflowed  

flooding the country side for miles and miles with twelve feet deep water. Khole pointed a finger  at the water. A jet of lava shot out of it and the water turned into rock. I smiled and clapped my hands. Immediately the rock shattered and flew in different directions as a giant arm raised itself out of the ground followed by a body. After five minutes a giant made out of earth began stomping around. Judah snapped his fingers and the giant exploded in a beam of water. I pointed my hands at a certain spot and Judah did the same at the same spot followed by Kate. A sheet of ice starting at the spot spread across the rock. After a minute Khole melted the ice and Kate reinforced it. I pointed my bow into the  sky and shot. Kate pointed her scepter Judah his sword and Khole flung his hammer. All four weapons exploded on contact and appeared in their master’s hands. I tried again shooting at a bird. The bird fell immediately. It began to get cold. Really cold chunks of ice began falling around me each narrowly missing my head. A wind nearly blew me off. My dragon lightning cracked around me and thunder boomed. As the storm whirled around me I caught a glimpse outside it. My friends were just sitting around looking with amusement. A giant fist shot out of the ground knocking everyone except me through the sky. Kate in turn sent a power full wind in my direction and I dodged but the wind followed me. We flew around and around in circles until a giant geyser swept flew the sky, drenching everyone.  “Guys knock it off,” said Judah. “We are almost there.” I looked around. In front of us was a giant temple. Without a  door. A gust of wind lifted the temple up into the air and dropped it to the ground where it shattered into a million pieces. Among the wreckage stood an old woman.

“Hello” she said. “I assume you come because of the second piece of the lost prophecy.” Judah Nodded and said “What does it mean?“The four will shoot fire and the first will bring flame. 

He will kill the enemy but beware of this.

The enemy is like a spark.

The flame is released at his death and only the first can put  it out.

Not by water but by the lost word zzzzzzx.

If he can figure out what it means then he will get power beyond imagination.

If he can’t then all hope is lost.

And to figure it out he must make a decision.Who will win and who will die.” 

“Well” she said “It means that the power of fate lies in your hands.”


Chapter eight. The Word.


We left the temple two hours later ready for anything. As we shot up and down through the sky the wind roared past us getting stronger at the passing second. Soon the wind practically had the force of a giant pushing our dragons away. Kate snapped her fingers and the winds stopped. “One challenge down three to go.” I said.

“Ok but water is still better than fire.” Judah said.

“Is not.” I said

“Is too.”

“Is not.”

WOOSH. “Hey,” I said shaking, the water off me. “Do not do that.” Judah ignored me and shot ahead To continue the argument with Kate on who should claim the seagull as one of their animals leaving me far behind. I immediately shot ahead and blasted some fire at a tree. Immediately it disappeared in a cloud of smoke. A wave of water shot through  the tree taking away all of the fire. I swung my hammer at another tree knocking it down at a force of the hammer and burning it. In about an hour there were not any trees left. Soon we reached an obsidian wall so big that none of our dragons could fly that way. Sky made a whooshing movement with her finger and the wall collapsed into a deep hole. We came to a paragraph of words carved into the ground.

Destroy all you see if you are a friend or cower in fear if you are a foe for the entire prophecy will be completed here right here. “At the river that’s not a river

there will be a boy.

“at the place where the dead go

there will be a girl

at the second widest and second largest thing in the world

there will be a girl.

and at the fate of witches

there will be a boy.

these four children

have each a power of natural elements

and all will come together

with their greatest pets

to stop the god of evil.

The four will shoot fire and the first will bring flame. 

He will kill the enemy but beware of this.

The enemy is like a spark.

The flame is released at his death and only the first can put  it out.

Not by water but by the lost word zzzzzzx.

If he can figure out what it means then he will get power beyond imagination.

If he can’t then all hope is lost.

And to figure it out he must make a decision.

Who will win and who will die.”


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