
So noob1234 was waking in the street and heard screaming. So he went to investigate the House and saw a zombie eating a girl. So noob1234 punch the zombie in the Face and the girl was a zombie. He went downstairs to get a bat and Hither. Then the whole town was filled with Zombies. he Ranned to the gun shop to get a meingun, then he got in the town and started to shot all the zombies.2 years since the zombie apocalypse happened there were still zombies everywhere. Only one alive and that was noob1234, god the zombie apocalypse is still happening I wonder if people are still alive said noob1234. I think I should start making a car that has blades on it and guns said noob1234.so he started to make the car, it took him a couple of days to make the car. It was ready he needed to get out of the town said noob1234.he said to the GPS Go to New York. look there is New York. So there was a kid on the floor his name Bob but. Ok look their are zombies everywhere kid but it is impossible to kill all zombies said noob1234. I know said, Bob. Let’s go to Nebraska said.             Noob1234. hahahahhahahahahhahah said, Bob. I am a secret VIP to the world you are coming with me said, Evil Bob. So we are going to test you on zombies to see how long a human can last said, Evil Bob. Please no, try it on yourself please no 😞 said noob1234. So bob got to the place to see what was happened to his old hideout. He checks out his hideout to see if the virus was still in his bottle. Bob said yes it is stilll there. But then Bob got out of the van to not turn into a zombie. Bob said time to come out of the van, but no one was there. Bob said come on we do not have all day. bob went to go see if he was still there. he was not there. So noob1234 was walking in the forest.noob1234 said it was like the old times like when the zombies came to Louisville.Noob1234 took a long silence a long long silence. But there was a trampoline in the forest. He went on it to see if was strong enough. He did a front flip and did 4 back fips. But the trampoline broke and noob1234 laughed. Then evil Bob heard the trampoline broke. Evil bob said come he noob our should I call bleb said evil bob.Noob1234 said come get me if you can and you are a bleb said noob1234. So you are evil that’s weird, so all that time you were evil said noob1234. Evil bob said stop you are hurting my brain.No why should I if it is making you not evil. So evil Bob are you not evil said noob1234. Fine I am not evil anymore said nice Bob. But watch out the zombie potion is falling move Bob said noob1234. Bob moved in time but the ground turned into zombies.Noob1234 said get back in the car. They made it in time and the zombies the zombie just stop.

The maids’ revenge 

So maids were walking on the street and we were ready to turn everything into gold. Madis is unstoppable. Then he saw a group of zombies that want to eat him. But then Bob and noob123 were still standing. Maids were like how are you guys are not gold.Noob1234 and Bob said get maids zombies. But all the zombies turned into gold. Then Bob and noob1234 were gold midas was Invincible. Maids started on his doomsday device. His device will make a big big big big wave that will destroy the USA and everything else in the world. The big wave was getting ready to destroy everything it was on its last shot. Day 40 the day that maids destroy everything. But one thing happened Bob and noob1234 came back but they were superheroes. Bob had the powers to make a Force Field, and noob1234 got dr. dooms powers. Midas said well well well you guys are back alive I never knew that. Midas press the button to start the wave the rain was in England then London then the USA. But then the wave hit the USA and China and then where they were maids had not had a plan for that but then Bob came in and stop them with a force field. Then noob1234 broke The Machine. it was broken.

Among us

So they start in the Spawn area.


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