
The Pranksters’ diary by Judah 

         Prank one Anjin

Today I had an idea. Me and my friend Andrew  could start a pranking club and I would be the president. I told Andrew my plan and he liked it alot. So today is our first prank and I was a little nervous. We were supposed to set off a flock of chickens in history and it was almost time. I was in the middle of my test and I had to answer these questions

   1 Was the cold winter from the american revolution A Fort Knox, or B valley Forge

2 was the revolutionary American commander A George Washington or B Thomas Jeffroson

3 the winners of the revolutionary war were  A the British or B the Americans

4 The declaration of Independence began with A as us Americans or B four score and seven years ago.

And then I had to hand in my paper about castles

The first castles were just a big dirt wall but then they became more civilised. Castles became big structures that were owned by the upper ranks of the feudal system Which went like this. Kings gave the Nobles land who in return supplied the King with Knights who the Nobles gave land and in exchange the Knights helped the Nobles in battle and when they weren’t busy they kept an eye on the pheasants and gave them land in exchange for taxes.

And after all that we talked about America and said the pledge of allegiance 

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands. One nation. Under god. Indivisible. For liberty and justice for all.”

Finally it was time. Wish me luck

                            The next day

Wow I can not believe what happened yesterday. I raised my hand and said “May I please use the Restroom” and walked out. Then I went to the Janitor’s closet and opened the door. Then I ran down the hallway screaming at the top of my lungs “CHICKENS.” Instantly the school erupted in pandamonium. There were students running, Teachers screaming, Chickens clucking, And in the middle of it all me smiling         


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