
I awoke to find a strange world around me. I was still in my house but when I looked out of the window, I saw that the village I lived in looked different. The villagers looked more like players than villagers. The village street had been replaced with a wide black road with white arrows pointing in different directions and yellow lines separating the road into four black strips with signs along the sides of the sidewalk. Even though most of the things in the village were blocky, there were strange and unblocky things that had red things on their backs and a yellow thing on their front along with symbols such as a yellow cross or a circle patterned with blue and white with black surrounding the side and the words BMW on the symbols. The village buildings had been replaced with tall black buildings and houses that looked like upgraded village houses. The lights were grey and looked different. I couldn’t understand what happened. Suddenly I thought that it could be a mod (modification). I remembered my friend telling me about mods. He said that mods could make things look different. I’m off to find out what happened to my village, I guess, I thought. So I made my way to a strange building, hoping it could give me something for transportation. Behind the building, I found rails and more player-like villagers boarding a strange and long object on the rails. That thing will probably work just like a minecart, I thought. I was nearly right, the only problem was that I needed something I think was called fuel. I found some fuel in a nearby chest and boarded the strange thing again, and when the similar-to-a-furnace menu popped up, I put the fuel in the empty slot and the strange object started moving itself along the rails, taking me with it. Ahead, I saw a player use TNT to blow up the rails ahead. I tried to stop the train by taking the remaining fuel out of the slot, but it still did not stop. The hole in the track was getting closer. I could feel the strange object I was in tilting. I was falling into the hole! What was I going to do now?

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