
The Storyteller

By Tyler 

Chapter 1

“Do you want to play Dragon Ball?” John asked. “I forget what is dragon ball,” Jennie said.

“Hmm you kick a ball and you run to the base and there are 4 bases,” said John. “Hmm, oh that

one,” Jennie said with her tiny hand on her chin, “I’m not going to play dragon ball today.” “Ok,”

said John, “but you will have a great time.” “But I never kick the ball very far and I always get

out,” Jennie said with a sigh. “You see, I don’t like dragon ball at all.” “ Oh that is different,” said

John sadly.

“Hey, why don’t we go to the ball field and watch for a while,” John asked Politely. “Hey, that

might be fun!” Jennie said. “Let’s go!” John said. “Hi Jeff, how are you doing?” Jennie said. “I’m

doing just fine, how are you doing,” said Jeff. “I’m doing great,” said Jennie. “Do you want to go

to the park with us?” John said. “No, but I’m going to my house and it is by the park next to my

house so sure,” Jeff said. “Let’s go then!” Jennie said eagerly. “Boy is it nice for a fly,” Jeff said.

“Yeah it sure is,” John said thinking hard, “let’s race!!” “Yeah,” Jeff said excitedly. “3 2 1 goo!!”

John said.

“Yeah, you got a head start!!” John said. “No you are just super slow,” Jennie said meanly.

“Yeah!!!” Jeff said. “I won!!” Jennie said. “Bye guys,” Jeff said. Bye!! “They both yelled.”

“Let’s go sit on that bench,” John said. “That one doesn’t have any gum on it,” so sure,” Jennie

said. “Can I talk to my friends for a second?” John asked politely. “Sure,” said Jennie. “Hi Joe,”

John said. “Hi John,” Joe said. “Can you hit me a home run?” John said, questioning. “Yeah,”

Joe said proudly. “Give me a pitch.” “Here it comes,” Johnny said. Bang!! “Good one,” John said,

“I’m going to sit over there.”

“I have been thinking about the story,” Jennie said. “ Which one there are hundreds, I haven’t

heard yet,” John said. “Come here and I will tell you,” Jennie said. “Ok,” John said. “It is the one

about the school,” Jennie said. “Let’s go!!” John said. “We need to be older though,” Jennie said.

“We are old enough,” John said proudly. “Ok let’s go,” Jennie said excitedly.

“Oh hi Jennie,” Joe said with disgust. “We are going to our grandpa’s house,” John said. “Oh,”

said Joe. “Get away from me you loser!” Said Joe with a grin. “Umm Jennie do you want to go

head?” Asked John. “Sure,” she said with a tear. “Yeah, fly away like a loser,” said joe. “I better

catch up with her,” said John.

Chapter 2

“I didn’t know that you could fly so fast,” John said to himself. “Hi Sarah,” John said. “Ahhhh

don’t scare me like that!” Said Sarah. “Sorry,” said John. “Finally I’m here.” Creek!! “Wow Jennie

you flew fast,” John said, rubbing his wings. “Hi grandpa,” John said. “You are in trouble

because Jennie said you were mean to her,” said grandpa. “It wasn’t me, it was my friends,”

John said. “Still it was your friends and you could have asked them to stop,” grandpa said. “But

but but, but,” said John. “No buts,” said grandpa, “ you get in that corner for an hour. “Grandpa

can you tell me the story about how the humans attacked the school that you went to?” Jennie

begged, “please please!” “John you are out of timeout but you don’t get to listen to the story,”

said grandpa, “ so you start going home!” “No, I want to listen,” John said crying. “GO!” Grandpa


“I just wanted to listen to that story I’ve never heard before,” he cried. “John what is wrong!”

Sarah said. “I got in trouble because my friend was mean to my sister,” John said. “I’m sorry that

happened,” said Sarah. “You don’t have to be sorry they will!” John said. “John, how are you

doing?” Johnny said. “Bad!!” John said. “Johnny this isn’t your Business so please can you

leave,” said John. “Yeah I’ll leave so I’m not in war,” Johnny said. “Yeah it’s about to be a war,”

said John. “You got me in trouble for making fun of my sister,” John said. “O,” said Joe. “So now

it is time to tell your mom that you made fun of my sister,” said John. “Please don’t,” he said on

the ground holding John’s leg. Creek!!! “Joe it is time for dinner!” Joe’s mother said. “Umm Joe

has been making fun of my sister so, yeah,” John said. “Joe you are grounded!!!” She said.

“Finally he got something he deserved,” John said.

Chapter 3

“Ok it is time to go to my Library in my room,” grandpa said. “Why are we going in here?”

Jennie asked. “Because I have a journal in my library that has a word for word what happened,”

grandpa said. “Oh,” Jennie said with her chin on the ground. “Mmmm where is it,” grandpa said.

“You sit there while I find it,” grandpa said. click clock click clock click!! “Why is that clock so

annoying,” Jennie said, complaining. “Just don’t break it please,” grandpa said. “ok I’ll try,”

Jennie said. “No not that one, no, no, no, is this it no,” grandpa whispered. Click clock click

clock. “I can’t wait anymore,” Jennie said. “the last row,” grandpa said. “I found it,” grandpa said.

“Really!” said, jumping up and down. “When can we read it,” Jennie said. “First go pop some

fish eyes then we can,” grandpa said. “Ok let me get some,” Jennie said, “be back in a bit.” Pip

pop pip pop pip pop!! “Let’s get a bowl and go sit down,” Jennie said to herself. “Here are the

fish eyes,” Jennie said. ‘Here we go,” grandpa said.

Chapter 4

Me Jake and Billy were all great friends. We did almost everything together. We all were on the

same Dragonball team and dragon basketball team. We were going to basketball practice and

something jumped in front of us and we jumped back so far that I fell. Grandpa said. “ Who is it,

who is it!!” Jennie said, interrupting. “Let me continue with the story and you will know, ok?

Grandpa said. “Ok,” she said with her nice voice. I think I hit my because I was dizzy and one

side of my head hurt. And when I came back to my senses. I touched my head and it was

bleeding. And then I see my friends getting bullied. Are you going to cry like a baby, a bully

said. No, you should cry, Jake said proudly. Let us Through the door because we need to get to

practice, Billy said. Do you want to stay here all day? the bully said. Sure! The other bully said.

Let’s go the other way, Jake said.

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! They said. “Why are they screaming,” Jennie said. “O my goodness let me tell

you and stop Interrupting me OK!” Grandpa said. “Ok,” said Jennie. “I think I have a

concussion. We need to get you to the nurse.”

Chapter 5

Let’s get you up, they said to me. Then I Fainted, but I opened my eyes every once in a while

and I saw weird lights flickering then I closed my eyes for good. I woke up and I was looking at a

pillow and I asked where I was. You are in the nurse’s office and also go back to sleeping intel

your parents get here. AAAHHH!! “Hmm who is screaming,” Jennie said. “Ok just stop if you

don’t I won’t tell you the story,” grandpa said. Then she realized who was screaming.

“O my goodness you are bleeding!! What is happening I just woke up and my head is hurting so

bad. I almost cried. Your son has a bad Concussion and he won’t be able to play dragon

basketball for a while, The nurse said. But I want to play!!! I will give you a couple of minutes to

talk about it, the nurse said.

How are you doing, my mom said. Ok but my head hurts and I think my friends are in trouble

with my basketball coach. Ok, I will tell her to not Punish them, mom said. Thank you my friend

will appreciate you.

Chapter 6

You are 30 minutes late!! Said the coach. But but. I couldn’t hear the end of that sentence but

after he finished……. Get running around the gym 100 times, said the coach. But!! Jake said.

Get going!! Yelled the coach. Coach, o coach, COACH!! My mom yelled. What!! The two kids

running around the gym were late because my boy got knocked over by bullies and got a

concussion, mom said proudly. Oh my, is he ok? Coach said. Yeah, he is just not going to be

able to play basketball for a while. “Darn, he is my best guy,” the coach said.

Bang!! Hi honey I’m going to have to go to work, and I love you. I’m going to be ok. Wait, do you

want to come with me and I can drop you off?? No, I will be ok. Ok, see you later. I slept a

while, I mean a good 4 hours. Then I was woken up by the principal and he sat down. Who did

this to you?? It was the two carrot brothers. Ok, what happened?? They jumped in front of me

and my friends. And out of me and my friends, I fell over and hit my head. How hard he asked

  1. Hard!!! Ok, they will be punished. He got up with a jerk. Get better soon.

I slept for a while. “I know, for a long time,” Jennie exaggerated. “No, I only slept for about 10

minutes,” grandpa said. “Oh, you can go back to the story.

Chapter 7

Bang bang!! Come on in, I said. Did I wake you up?? Jake said cracking the door. Yes, but it’s

ok because I wanted to talk to you. Is it ok if billy is here too?? Yeah sure. Creek!!! Ok time to

talk, I feel like that gym coach is planning something. She acts so nice around our parents and

sooooo mean to us. Yeah, I never thought about that. Jake said. So I think we should keep an

eye on her, I told them. Yeah, we probably should, they said.

Ok, now what did you want to talk about? Oh, I wanted to talk about my new high score in pit of

fire! “Umm, what is pits of fire?” Jennie questioned but interrupting.“So it is a game that all of the

older people used to play all the time,” grandpa said. “ is it still a game?” Jennie asked. “No, so

many people didn’t play it that it didn’t have enough money to keep going,” grandpa said. “That

is a sad way for it to go,” Jennie said, “Yeah, what a sad way to go ok, let’s go back to the story.”

How high is your Score? I asked him. I got 8765. Jake said. Oh my, I don’t have enough time to

finish my sentence. Boooom!!

Chapter 8

What is that? I asked everybody. I don’t know. Billy said. Intruder! Intruder! Get to the 21 floor

now! The intercom said. Get up get up! Jake and Billy said. How do we get this side off? Jake

said screaming. I’ll jump off, I yelled at them. Let’s go to 21 floor fast, Jake yelled. What floor

are we on? I asked them. We are on the 5 floor. Jake yelled. Oh no we go a lot of stairs to go

up!! I yelled. Let’s go!! Billy said.

All you could hear was the pounding of their footsteps trying to get up the stairs as fast as they

could. All of a sudden they hear voices yelling stop stop right there. They knew that was

humans’ voices. Run!! I yelled. They were fast. They only got 3 floors up then they thought they

would eventually catch up so if we went on this floor and jumped off we would escape. I thought.

Guys stop, do you want to jump off this floor? Yeah but we need to get our wings ready to fly,

Jake said. Let’s go and hide and get our wings ready.

Ok where is a table where we can stretch our wings, I asked Jake. Jake you know this building

like it is your house, Billy said. I know I know let me think, Jake said. Come on, I said. ok we

should go this way, jake said. Ok lead the way, Billy said.

Chapter 9

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