
As Gameknight999 fell to the ground, Herobrine laughed. Even though Herobrine was in the physical world,his laugh was just as evil and powerful. Gameknight999 could feel the presence of the news cameras, telephone cameras, helicopter cameras and security cameras all focused on him and Herobrine. Everyone had their attention on him. Especially his family. He could see them behind Herbrine still struggling to get out from the monsters arms. He could see his mom,he still remembers the time she made him a 2 foot tall chocolate cake for his birthday. He smiled. Then he saw his dad. He can still see the smile he had on when he finally learned how to ride the bike or when he got out of Minecraft and saved Jenny. His smile got wider but,now he was crying,silent tears streaming down his cheek. He could see Herobrine start to bring his sword down for the final hit. But then everything slowed down in slow motion. Was his life flashing before his eyes? But then, he saw Jenny. Her eyes fierce with frustration as she struggled slowly in the arms of an enderman. Even if anyone was able to help him,Gameknight999, out of the way of Herobrine’s sword. They couldn’t. Herobrine somehow blocked them all out with some kind of yellow force field. Then he looked at all the people surrounding him outside of the barrier. He saw Shawny with his daimond armor cracked and broken. His friend,his only friend that stayed with him all along. He could Stitcher and Hunter with their flame-red hair looking at him with faces of fear. They didn’t want him to die. He finally saw Crafter. His big blue eyes shining in the sunlight. But then, he could hear Crafter humming his sweet melodious tune. And he was smiling. Humming that tune somehow gave him strength. He knew he had to try killing Herobrine,even if it means his life.  With one last muster of strength, Gameknight999 rolled out of the way of Herobrine’s sword as everything sped back up to speed again. Herobrine’s sword hit the ground exactly where Gameknight999 once was. It wasn’t over. Gameknight999 pulled out his two swords. Iron in one,diamond in the other. He stood up and faced Herobrine. “Come on Herobrine,let’s dance.” Said Gameknight999 his voice carrying out like a trumpet call.Herbrine glared at him and smiled a terrible smile,knowing that Gameknight999 was almost on the edge of death. He laughed. “So you finally see what you have to do,User-that-is-a-loser.” Herbrine said horribly as they circled each other.”Yes I do” said Gameknight999 epicly.And the final fight began.

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