
The NPCs have been defeated by a massive army of droids led by Herobrine as they race on to a desert town as Herobrine and Gamerdawg clash Gameknight and Awesomeclash watch anxiously,as the clash goes on

The duo watch Gamerdawg struggles to fight of Herobrine’s attacks. On a hill there was the duo moving cautiously with their enchanted diamond swords. Sneaking away while Herobrine was occupied. “We gotta moo,” Awesomeclash11 couldn’t finish his statement, Herobrine was delivering damage to Gamedawg.

He didn’t wait to deliver the killing blow to Gamerdawg; He hit Gamerdawg causing him to flash red and die. “Noo!” screamed Gameknight as he threw his Iron sword at Herobrine.

It was blocked and sent flying at Gameknight. It hit his Diamond chestplate causing it to crack. “Ha your toys can’t damage me in my awesomeness,” mocked Herobrine. Awesomeclash11 grunted and ran for his life. His blaster rifle in his hand ready for incoming peril’s.

None were in sight so he kept walking until he heard scampering diamond boots jogging towards him. “Awesomeclash Herobrine won’t stop destroying the NPCs unless we surrender,” informed Gameknight. “I will challenge him for unity and unity only!” yelled Awesomeclash11 with his blue blade out and ready.

“I see you have thought you could run and hide.” said Herobrine. “Show yourself to us virus!” shouted Gameknight999 “Well come get me,” muttered Herobrine with a vile malice in his voice. Awesomeclash11 ran to a desert hill and found Herobrine waiting for him.

“You think you can outrun me,” said Herobrine sternly with a happy smirk on his face. “Uh duh you think I wouldn’t try.” responded Awesomeclash11.

Suddenly he heard wheezing behind him. He was startled to find Crafter and his NPC soldiers right behind him. “Expecting we were dead.” said Crafter through his clone trooper helmet.

“Uh yeah,but how did you guys survive?” asked Awesomeclash11. “We retreated and followed you two down here,” replied Crafter.

Herobrine snorted. Then he created an army of battle droids. “Give me some entertainment,” ordered Herobrine; The battle droids did as told and fired lazers at the NPCs as they fired back.

Gameknight999 rushed into Awesomeclash11’s sector with a blaster rifle in his hand. “All ready for fire,” said Gameknight “Okay open fire while I deal with Herobrine.” commanded Awesomeclash11.

He pulled out his blue blade and creeped slowly up to Herobrine. “So will we fight?” asked Herobrine in a knowingly way. Awesomeclash didn’t respond he charged at Herobrine, but he only sliced thin air then he heard the lightsaber sounds behind him.

Herobrine spun around and around with his double sided lightsaber. The two clashed each other. Awesomeclash11 uppercutted Herobrine sending him flying Flash red then taking fall damage flash red.

Herobrine growled then chuckled. “If you know where I am come get me.” said Herobrine as he teleported to a random direction. Then he found Herobrine about ready to strike Gameknight.

“Behind you Gameknight!” shouted Awesomeclash11. Gameknight swung his Iron sword at Herobrine. He lost his sith outfit. “For once you have beat me,” said Herobrine as he drank a potion of strength.

“How yu gonna damage me now.” mocked Herobrine as he teleported into a large ship. “That had droids dropping. “Fire now,” commanded Crafter. The NPCs fired at the droids who fought back. “We need to get up there,” said Gameknight999 “But how?” asked Awesomeclash11.

Gameknight999 explained his plan then pulled out some moss stone to get up into the ship he pulled out his Iron pick soon the duo were placing moss stone on the ground then minning up to the ship. They were caught in the ship.

“Enemy alert,” called out a battle droid,but it couldn’t get backup in time Awesomeclash11 slashed the two battle droids. “Path is clear.” reported Gameknight. “Good now follow me,” said Awesomeclash11. Just then they heard Crafter and his surviving NPC troopers.

“We’re in,” said Crafter. “All right.” responded Gameknight999. The army walked to a hall “We just need to get to pilot station to find Herobrine,” informed Awesomeclash11.

The army walked through long halls until finally they reached the pilot’s room. While Crafter and his NPCs guarded the perimeter. Awesomeclash11 and Gameknight999 went to challenge Herobrine. “You’ve broken in I see,” said Herobrine. “We are ready to challenge whenever you are.” muttered Herobrine.

He smiled then teleported towards Awesomeclash11 with his double sided red lightsaber out and ready. Awesomeclash11 fought Herobrine the two clashed then Gameknight took his chances and blasted a blue laser at Herobrine.

The laser hit Herobrine flash red then Herobrine threw his double sided lightsaber hitting Gameknight’s diamond chestplate causing it to crack then a ginormous chunk fell off. Herobrine chuckled then continued to fight Awesomeclash11.

Awesomeclash11 saw Gameknight wounded on the floor. “We gonna keep fighting?” asked Herobrine in a knowingly way Awesomeclash11 swung his blue blade causing Herobrine to flash red “No no no!” screamed Herobrine. “This isn’t the end.”

Herobrine died. Then he saw Gameknight barely walking. “Gameknight I defeated Herobrine!” yelled Awesomeclash11. “Good job.” said Gameknight999 as he drank a healing potion. “Let’s get back to Crafter,so we can blow this thing up,” suggested Gameknight999.

They met Crafter at the escape room. “Crafter before we escape I need to ignite some TNT,” informed Gameknight999.

While doing that Gameknight ignited a nearby TNT block. Then ran as fast as he could to the army. Crafter pushed a button and they were shot out by sticky pistons,and landed safely on the ground.

They watched Herobrine’s ship blow up. “We are a good team,” said Awesomeclash11.


The End

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