
Big problem little solution
protagonist : steve
flaw : can’t use sword
antagonist : ender dragon
Flaw:can’t fly without help

In a forest next to the ocean in the forest the air smelled of salt water they had crops but their were lots of noises at night and at day time they had just enough sunlight to grow crops and had water for crops to grow and that was important so they could eat and survive in the forest.


Once upon a time their was a village and in that village lived a guy whose name was steve he was one of the guardians of the village but couldn’t use a sword but was very good with a bow.But one day he claims he saw the legendary ender dragon in the woods but they did not believe him because they said it was a myth and they would have saw it so he was made fun of like they would tease him saying hey it’s the ender dragon spotter what should we do and he was sad. So one day he went in the forest looking for the dragon he found the dragon and saw that it was planning to destroy the village but he was spotted and was running he got to the village and told them that the dragon was coming but they didn’t believe him and laughed only to see it was right there they yelled in panic they tried to shoot it but missed and they ran away steve was the only one left but a fireball hit him knocking him back on the ground then he thought it’s time i be the hero he got up and shot one off the minions and the lost control as it crashed into the church building and crashed to the ground and he stood up but then it got up and crashed into the building stumbled and fell then the warriors came with more guys only to find the dragon was defeated they cheered and they never doubted him again. When ever he said there was like a wolf they jumped right up and prepared and they contained the dragon and eventually trained it and it helped with battles and protected the village the end.

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