
Here’s a story from Fabian in Germany

English Version below: Schaddows  Fabian.K  Kapitel 1  Ich wachte auf.   Alles war rot und in einer Ecke des Raumes stand ein Klavier.  Auf dem Klavier spielte eine Bleiche Frau.  Das Licht schien sie förmlich zu durchleuchten.  Dann verschwand sie im nichts.  Ich...

Here’s chapter 1 from KoolKidGamer7

Click, CliffFlyer joined the unfinished server that he found online. The server was not named and it didn’t even have an icon. CliffFlyer heard that the server is mysterious, so he wanted to try it out. Not bad, until he started trying to move,  there was extreme lag...
A family’s battle with Anxiety

A family’s battle with Anxiety

How We Helped Our Son Slay His Beast: A Family’s Battle with Anxiety ….. Anxiety arrives: Anxiety relief for our son seemed as illusive as a shadow at midnight. My son’s anxiety symptoms reared its ugly head when he was in second grade. At first, it seemed like...

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