Sensory Emotions

Sensory Emotions

      While attending a writer’s conference last year, I was introduced to the idea of writing about the physical effects of emotion on a character. In most of my Minecraft-inspired novels, I’d say, “Gameknight was overwhelmed with fear.” Or “Fear...
Pixar’s Storytelling Rule #4

Pixar’s Storytelling Rule #4

Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___. The above paragraph is referred to as Pixar’s Rule #4. A Pixar storyboard artist, Emma Coats, @lawnrocket, compiled a list story wisdom she...
Echoing and Character Names

Echoing and Character Names

When I first started writing, I did a terrible job with the two topics of this post: echoing and character names. This is a problem I see in many young writers as well as some older, inexperienced writers like I was a few years ago. Echoing is the use of words...

“Ender’s Invention” by TheNightshard

Ender’s Invention By: TheNightshard Table of contents 1: The idea 2: Ender’s game 3: Phase 2 4: the other gamers Chapter 1: The Idea He was just another kid on the block, the one with an unusual name.  That is, until he started inventing.  His name was Ender.  He...
The Important Power Of Being You!

The Important Power Of Being You!

Understanding What’s Important  A lot of us look at others and wonder, Why can’t I be like them? I worked with someone who was super successful. They were promoted, received raises, and climbed the corporate ladder with ease. Everyone was impressed with...
Rewriting my Novel

Rewriting my Novel

Writing is Rewriting Writing is rewriting is a phrase many authors hear, but not as many employ. Rewriting my novel is always an important process to me; this where you get the story to really shine. I spent a lot of time rewriting my latest Young Adult fantasy novel,...

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