
Here’s a new story from Lisa in France

Chapter 1: The Return … Tommy decided to see his friends again with the digitizer. Then he made preparations to be able to transfer inside the game. He turned on the digitizer, put a sign on the cellar door and finally sat down on a comfortable seat. He started...

This is “The Hidden Celestial” from Sky

The  Hidden Celestial Chapter 1:        Lightning struck from the darkening sky,  the atmosphere dimming, the blue sky replaced by the dark space, the once beautiful sunrise turned into a disaster, with giant monsters flying overhead, the dangerous rays of sunlight...

Here’s a story from Fabian in Germany

English Version below: Schaddows  Fabian.K  Kapitel 1  Ich wachte auf.   Alles war rot und in einer Ecke des Raumes stand ein Klavier.  Auf dem Klavier spielte eine Bleiche Frau.  Das Licht schien sie förmlich zu durchleuchten.  Dann verschwand sie im nichts.  Ich...

Here’s a super cool story from Lily

SynopsisHave you ever imagined being unloved, unwanted, and alone?  If you have you know how little Amira feels every day. Her mama was poor and unable to afford the little child’s needs. She had to leave poor Amira on the doorstep of an old orphanage.   This is where...

Here is a story from LuckyEnderCreep

She just spawned in a wonderful quartz place with 2 portals she looked Around and another user gave her diamonds, and a bow. That was it she went to the door and gasped… She saw a wonderful landscape with a ghast and gameknight_999 made of wool. And homes every...

“The Hidden Celestial” by Sky

The  Hidden Celestial   Chapter 1:        Lightning struck from the darken sky,  the atmosphere dimming, the blue sky replaced by  the dark space, the once beautiful sunrise turned into a disaster, with giant monsters flying over head, the dangerous rays of...

Here is “Life when Upside-Down 2” from Henry

Life when Upside-Down 2: Revenge of the Ancients By Henry M 1  I woke up and was startled by the sleek modern design of my room, and my grand bed. Oh, right. I realized I was in the White House, and remembered that whole crazy adventure. Never again, I thought. I was...

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