
Beating the game, Minecraft

Protagonist: Steve
Antagonist: Ender Dragon

Internal struggle: Steve is small and weak but he can use redstone and tnt. The Ender Dragon is big and strong but he can’t get a lot of range.

Resolution: Steve defeated The Ender Dragon and was a hero but kept something precise a secret.

Setting: One small island with hundreds of endermen and six beacons that that healed a huge dragon right in the middle.
Once upon a time there was a everyday farmer named Steve, the village he lived at every one didn’t recognize him. Even if they did they did not like him very much. He did not really like farming either. He always wanted to be a engineer. He always wanted to be a warrior to. He could even set up redstone traps to hunt.

The bad guy appears
When Steve went home one day he heard about a big foul dragon that slain a warrior. Whenever this happens people panic all over. But this is the first time heard about it. Since he doesn’t have a tv yet. But this is the first time in ages.

Solve the mystery
After a week or two a warrior came to the village. He that he told everyone what’s going on. When Steve heard about the dragon coming to the overworld he was rushed into training for redstone. But since he was not as strong he could not handle a iron sword. So he did a lot of sword training.

Dark night of the soul
After a month of training, Steve had proper training and had to go to the portal. One dark night the warriors were split up because of monsters after a minute a creeper found him, when he exploded Steve wasn’t ready for it. He was not even wearing armor at that time. He was very injured and no one was near him. He had hurt his leg so he can’t move so after a time the other warriors found him and healed him with a golden apple and helped him up.

Face the villain
When the warriors got to the end they couldn’t leave the end without defeating the ender dragon. Steve already knew what to do. When a archer took out all six beacons he set up a trap with tnt and fire charges when the dragon got close Steve pressed the button that set off the fire charges. Someone yelled it didn’t work he got worried so he was going to plan b. It was when the dragon landed he would set off a lot of tnt. When the dragon did land Steve automatically punched the button. The explosion knocked Steve out. When he wake up everyone was celebrating and then jumped into the portal. Steve followed.

When he was following he saw an egg. So he took the egg. When he got home everyone liked him. But Steve kept the ender egg a secret.

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