by Mark Cheverton | Dec 11, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner by Samantha The tiles on my grandma’s kitchen floor squeaked as my mom and my grandma prepared dinner. I held the door open for my aunt and uncle as they walked in the room by the door. “Hi!” she said, in her cheerful voice. She quietly...
by Mark Cheverton | Dec 4, 2015 | Fan Fiction
As Gameknight999 stepped through the Purple and Black Portal, he felt the red-hot netherackk blocks under his boots. he then heard a young NPC appear next to him. Fisher. “Have you ever been here before?” Gameknight Asked. “No. I Don”t Like It...
by Mark Cheverton | Dec 2, 2015 | Fan Fiction
“Erm guys I had I vision. TEN get up! Ten? Snoopy, ajkros, anyone come on guys this is not funny.” Lucky shouted in the darkness.” Oh are we afraid lucky. Come join me and rule this world” lucky turned and saw herobrine and that she woke up...
by Mark Cheverton | Dec 1, 2015 | Fan Fiction
CHAPTER ONE: THE BEGINNING He swung his sword at the multi eyed beast. “hiss!” the monster spat! It jumped at MrMinecraftNerd’s face “gyaa!” MrMinecraftNerd spat as he swiped he hit the spider off his face. “brrr” MrMinecraftNerd jumped at the sound of this “ah!”...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 27, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Gameknight999 had no clue on what to do. Panic was beginning to seize the hero as he stared out across the land, which looked like a bruise against the usually beautiful landscape of the Overworld. Trees were burned and ashes covered the ground. Flowers were left...