
As Gameknight999 stepped through the Purple and Black Portal, he felt the red-hot netherackk blocks under his boots. he then heard a young NPC appear next to him. Fisher.

“Have you ever been here before?” Gameknight Asked.

“No. I Don”t Like It Here. Can We Go Now?” Fisher Replied.

Gameknight chuckled to himself and continued on, not answering Fisher’s question. he could hear the haunting whimpers of tortured souls…Ghasts. Raising His Bow, He Fired Off one shot after another, until he herad the final cry and then, silence. he dashed through random netherackk structures, not wanting to encounter any other horrifying creatures of the underworld. suddenly, Gameknight Tripped! He fell towards a large pit of lava. it looked like the end of Gameknight999.

“AAAH! HELP!” Shouted Gameknight.

“Gotcha!” Said… Who said that?

It was another user! Not GreiferKing, thankfully, But… a staff member?  The username over his head read: “CharlieBrown4321”.

“so Gameknight… what r u doin?” Clearly, CharlieBrown wasn’t in the game.

“Thanks for saving me.” Gameknight Replied.

“yea np. btw, do u no where a dood named GreiferKing is? Asked CharlieBrown.

“Yes! He was really mean to me, and almost killed me!” Gameknight Exlaimed.

“yea well he banned me luckily the owner saw what happend and unbanned me he is gonna ban GreiferKing soon.” CharlieBrown muttered.

“Could you pull me up, please?” Gameknight answered.

“xD i fergot srry.” CharlieBrown laughed.

as he pulled him up, he looked up, and saw a huge nether fortress! and… and… could it be? he saw Crafter behind a iron bar window!

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