by Mark Cheverton | Nov 9, 2015 | Fan Fiction
The gravity was pulling down harder and harder but than a user came out of nowhere than their was another pop an LEC popped into existence and they seemed to have a mod installed cause yellow blocks with question marks on them spawned than they opened them and some...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 9, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Subject: Meeting GameKnight999 and Crafter Flutters is in a deep sleep as she lays on her blocky bed, twisting and turning at ever living second. Morning daylight arose as the blocky god in the sky shined it’s bright light into her glass pain windows. She has...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 9, 2015 | Fan Fiction
The crafting chamber was filled with NPCs and players. There was much fewer villagers than players, and the villagers that were there were being hacked at by shimmering diamond and iron blades. To Gameknight’s horror, the floor was littered with items ranging...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 9, 2015 | Fan Fiction
The Minecraft Diaries – Secrets Under the Surface: Tiny Spiders (This story takes place after all three series from Mark Cheverton and six months after FrozenBoy20’s first series) FrozenBoy20 – Wrecked by Spiders “Eeeeeeek! Spider!!!” Cassie shouted...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 9, 2015 | Fan Fiction
The Minecraft Diaries – Secret under the Surface: GameKnight’s Dream (This story takes place in Mark’s first book in the fourth series (Maybe???) and FrozenBoy20’s third book in the first series.) GameKnight999 – The Dream “User-that-is-not-a-user, you look… tired...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 9, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Sonic the Hedgehog, minecraft’s hero I awoke from my comfy bed in the middle of the night. I heard some pounding on my wooden door that sounded like a KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I knew that this was important, so I opened the door, still in my PJ’s....