by Mark Cheverton | Jun 21, 2017 | Fan Fiction
Hi! My name is Caleb or as my friend likes to call me, Craft, which is my user name. I prefer the name Craft but i don’t truthfully care… much, but you should know something about me… i… am completely sealed off from the world to everyone because i’m always...
by Mark Cheverton | May 25, 2017 | Fan Fiction
FNAG Suggestions for story Dedicated to EnderDashx5x for the idea Tommy walked through the pizza place making sure Hero hasn’t set up any traps. Hero invaded the nine kids once,so Tommy wouldn’t let Hero raid there place again. Hunter came running into the...
by Mark Cheverton | May 16, 2017 | Fan Fiction
We all hate griefers, and we know what they do. They destroy your builds, just for their own selfish pleasure. Don’t be that person. Please don’t. It absolutely destroys someone’s confidence and pride, and adding a false ban hammer or kick can put...
by Mark Cheverton | May 9, 2017 | Fan Fiction
Mayo and the Racusion Energy Collision Chapter 1 A dark night It was dark outside in the savanna. ALSknetucky1’s best horseman Preston matches was at a village. What he didn’t know is that a bunch of skeletons on skeleton horses were heading towards them. ...
by Mark Cheverton | May 9, 2017 | Fan Fiction
“Stay back . . . we don’t need to fight,” the virus said. “We can still stop the violence and work together. Everything is different now after the Awakening. We can sculpt Minecraft into any shape we want.” He took a cautious step forward and lowered his sword. “We...
by Mark Cheverton | May 9, 2017 | Fan Fiction
Chapter 1 Into Minecraft Jason got on his computer very excitedly. He was finally home from school and was ready to play Minecraft. He knew about the strange events and rumors about Gameknight999. He heard about the near crash. He was on Minecraft at the time. The...