This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!
If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible.
If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know.
And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.
— Mark
Here is a great story from MagicSophs
This story takes place after The Jungle Temple Oracle (I am not english, so sorry if I´m not grammatically correct all the time (and sorry if I write so much «he» instead of writing «I» as if he were thinking it haha)(I hope the whole story I wrote was able to fit in...
Here is a nice story intro by Arkterus Boys
Gamenight999 found Crafter, Hunter, and Stitcher battling endermites. Hunter was battling what looked like a Mutant endermite. "I've got to help them" Gameknight said. "Charge" he said as he destroyed a endermite. When he got to Hunter she had almost got crushed by...
I like this one from ArcticWolf999
Gameknight looked at their prisoner, a Zombie. Everything about the monster was strange, the way that he talked(Zombies normally have a rough voice, this ones voice was smooth.), the way that he moved was almost identical to a user and, above all, the speed at which...
Here are the first 3 chapters from Danny’s book…nice work!
Chapter 1: HoloBiome Ready! He jumped on the leafy canopy of the tree, searching for his team. He turned to a rustling sound behind him. Nothing. He typed in the chat Where da heck r u? Waiting a few seconds, Joey opened his inventory and pulled out a bow. He...
I really like this one from Maya
- "Gameknight, maybe Xa-Tul was right. You are a fool." Gameknight blinked and took the slightest step back, casting a glance down at who sat down before him, back against the wall inside the makeshift prison Builder had manage to build with the iron bars Crafter had...
Look at this from Anonymous_User47
Gameknight had found Hunter taking orders from Herobrine. Gameknight couldn't believe what he had seen. He saw someone he had trusted so much betrayed him. Hunter drew her bow as she knew she heard someone,something. No,that was not Hunter,He thought. I'm sure of it....
I like this story from ArcticWolf999
The entire room was empty. there was no trace of battle, but that just made the emptiness more creepy. Suddenly, a crackling sound filled the air as the wall next to him crumbled inward, replaced by what looked to be a end portal with inversed colors. once it had...
Another great story from FrozenBoy20
The Minecraft Diaries – Secrets under the Surface: One Single Arrow (This story takes place in the third book of the second series from Mark Cheverton) =FrozenBoy20 – One Single Arrow= But what difference would one arrow make? Oh, so many, GameKnight. So MANY. You...
Here is a story from FrozenBoy20
The Minecraft Diaries – Secrets under the Surface: Herobrine’s Lost Diary (This transcript of Herobrine’s diary takes place before the story of GameKnight999 and five decades after the disappearance of Steve’s brother. While you’re reading this, the picture may be a...
Here is a story from BlazeGaming
Origins Starts from Chapter 28:Common Grounds ......but together we are strong." Gameknight and Monet giggled.So you are Ba-Jin's teacher, I'm so impressed.Gameknight thought to the Oracle.I thought I'm the only one who can communicate with you. Everyone can...
Here is a nice story beginning from Galvatron23
There were mutant mobs, wrecking the crafting chamber. Suddenly, he was thrown backwards from the impact of a block being thrown by a mutant enderman. The tall black montrosity teleported to him in a haze of lavender. Gameknight leaped at it, swinging his sword with...
Another great piece of writing from Train2000C
Gameknight woke up and found himself in the border between a mesa and jungle biome. He felt the humidity on his blocky face. Judging the sky, and his wet skin, it was raining. The last thing he could remember was Shawny turning on the digitizer. “This isn’t Crafter’s...
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