
Rise of the wither king: darken soul

         chapter 1: sword of apocalypse

“Hey gameknight” crafter moved to gameknight’s side and whispered in his ear “did you realize that the wither skeleton from others there act a little weird after he got his hand on that black sword?”
“Yeah… I had never seen those before, what are they?” digger added
“I think… to be honest, i don’t know, but… we can ask him” gameknight replied
He moved up to the wither king, and nudged him to get his attention
“What is it?” the wither king asked
“So… just  curious, what’s that sword of yours?” gameknight asked
“Oh… you mean this?” he held up the dark sword, now, gameknight can have a better look at it, it’s a black sword, it looks very old, and, in fact, it has so much cracks that it feels like it will break if touched, at the end of the hilt of the sword, there is a black piece of thing “this… is called the sword of apocalypse, commonly known as the sword of death, it’s a legend been going around for hundred of years, every monster knows that weapon, it was said that 10 greatest dark warriors had created the sword, but, it’s been told to be just a legend, but now, it looks like it’s not…” wither king replied
“Like… what i meant it is what does it do?” gameknight asked again
“Hm… it eat up your power to make itself stronger… that weapon is really strong, anything alive can’t handle its power and will turn to dust by touch, it… eats up your… k… let’s not talk about it” the wither king said, then, his bright eye dimed a bit, his kindness in his eye faded a bit, it’s so little that nobody could recognize the change, but gameknight though, saw it, then, the wither king’s work echoed in his mind, and gameknight, guessed the second part of this unfinished story

It eats up your kindness and hope

Chapter 2: lack of kindness

Gamekight woke up in the sound of sword fighting, he got up, then checked the sky, it’s still dark outside, he pulled out a torch and lit the area beside him, then he saw it, 3 blocky figure of
What looks like NPCs are fighting against a armed skeleton, then, another villager joined the fight, she pulled out a enchanted bow and aimed that the skeleton, the magical light from the weapon shined off the armor of the girl, it’s hunter, then, sound of many angry wolfs can be sounded, digger pulled out a torched and lit the ground beside him too, he could now recognized the villagers: crafter, hunter, stitcher, and cobbler, the one they are fighting… the wither king, digger and gameknight jump up, right when wither king’s dark sword cut into hunter’s armor, tearing a huge gash
“NO YOU DON’T!!” stitcher yelled and fired 3 quick shots at the wither king, the first one found it’s target, but the second and third were been parried by the wither king’s blade, by the time, more villagers joined the fight, see that he can’t win the assault, wither king seeked his opportunity to retreat, then, he leaped into the darkness, then escaped.

Chapter 3: a weird cave

Gameknight haven’t slept for the entire night, by the time it’s morning, he is exhausted, but he kept going, herder suggested that he will get a horse for him, but gameknight refused, after a day of walking, they found a opening of a huge cave , then are in the bottom of a cliff, the only way to get past the steep edge was to go into a cave and hopefully they will find an opening that will lead them to the surface, that cave there look promising, digger had the same though as gameknight, he mentioned everyone to follow him into the cave, crafter and gameknight stayed behind to collect the torches hunter and digger placed on the front of the army, so they won’t run out, there are 2 attacks of a few zombies and skeletons, but due to the great difference between the army and the groups of monsters, they were defeated easily, but, things now were getting a bit weird: the stones of the cave are turning into netherack and magma block, gameknight held up a hand and mentioned everyone to stop, by now, everyone notice the changes
“What the…” hunter muttered
“Is this… supposed to be part of the nether?” digger asked, confused
“Hm… what about we go in and check it out?” crafter suggested
“Looks like that’s the only choice here” gameknight replied

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