
Herobrine Awakens


Books by Jonah Snider

Herobrine Awakens

Saving Notch


Paperback Edition 2016

Minecraft® is a registered trademark of Notch Development AB

The Minecraft game is copyright © Mojang AB

This book is not authorized or sponsored by Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or Scholastic Inc., or any other person or entity owning or controlling rights in the Minecraft name, trademark or copyrights.

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Herobrine Awakens

Jonah Snider




I would like to give thanks to all my friends and family, because I couldn’t have done this without your support. I’d like to thank my editor Kai Gottschalk, who took the time to fix all my mistakes in the story. Mark Cheverton is a big part as well, who gave me the inspiration to write this book, (as well as my favorite author) and the motivation to keep me going.


Author’s Note

I have always enjoyed writing. I am twelve years old and I have been playing Minecraft for about two years, and it is truly my favorite video game. Recently I tried combining my love for Minecraft with my love for writing and this is what I got! Many of the users that appear throughout the story are some of my friends, such as Kaigott and BatmanNicki. I have a youtube channel as well! My youtube channel is called SuperElementAwesome, where I try and post Minecraft gaming videos every once and a while, so if you want like to check that out, it’d be great! If you readers have any questions about my book, then please email me! My email is


I hope you enjoy my book! Look out for me and my friends out on the servers and have fun!

-Jonah Snider


Chapter 1

The Computerizer


The other players were approaching. TronCreeper200 was tempted to activate the trap, but knew he would have to wait for the right time, because if he shot too early it wouldn’t work. These traps were arrow bombs (Arrow bombs are TNT blocks with lots of arrows shot into them). When you activate the TNT, arrows would fill the sky and rain on anyone close enough to it. The four players were approaching, each of them headed towards TronCreeper. They didn’t know his exact location, for he was hiding behind a tree, but it was only a matter of seconds before they found him. He quickly pulled out his bow. It glowed purple and blue with the enchantment of flame one.

TronCreeper jumped out from behind the tree, bow loaded and ready to fire. The other players noticed him but not in time. He shot the arrow bomb as quick as the bow would let him. The TNT blinked and after a couple of seconds exploded.

The ground rumbled beneath TronCreeper’s feet. One player was so close to the TNT it sent him flying, which killed him on contact with the ground. After the TNT exploded, arrows rained on the three remaining players, killing another one. The arrow bomb had rid of half of them. Quickly, he shot one of the two players and he disappeared with a pop, leaving all the contents of his inventory on the ground. With only one player remaining, TronCreeper ran out with his enchanted iron sword and disposed of the last player in a matter of seconds. TronCreeper took a sigh of relief. “I’m glad that worked out as planned!” He said to himself. Suddenly green fireworks rocketed into the sky, indicating that he had won. TronCreeper was playing survival games, a game that he had taken time to master.

“Jonah! We have to go run some errands!” His mom yelled from across the house. His mind popped as he went back to the real world. With a sigh Jonah logged off.

Why do Mom and Dad always make me come on these dumb errands? I’m twelve I can handle staying home alone for like the thirty minutes that they’re gone, Jonah thought to himself. He let out a sigh and walked to the front door.

”So where are we going, the supermarket or the laundromat?” He asked.

“Nope!” Mom replied. “We’re going to the antique store!”

Weird, Jonah thought, We’ve never been there before.

They got into the car and the engine started up. In about ten minutes they pulled into the parking lot next to the store. As they walked in Jonah began to have a bad feeling about the place.

“Well, while I’m here I might as well try to find something cool I could get.” Jonah quietly said to himself. The front of the store was mostly clothes and books so Jonah began to move towards the back. He took a look around and spotted something interesting. “Oh cool!” Jonah exclaimed as he looked at the object on all sides.

It looked a little like a toy gun, but it had no handle and was perched on a stand. It had a compartment for batteries as well as two switches, one marking on and the other marking off. There was a small button on the bottom that read fire. The box labeled it as The Computerizer.

He checked the price. “Only two dollars? Man these people must really be trying to get rid of these, but why?”

Whatever! it’s cheap, it seems sort of cool, so I might as well get it, Jonah thought to himself. As he walked up to the counter his and Mom asked,

“Are you sure that’s what you want to get?”

“Yeah!” Jonah replied.

Once they got home Jonah took a closer look at the computerizer. “Hmm… this thing is definitely weird,” Jonah said to himself. “I’m just gonna play some Minecraft.” Jonah set down the computerizer on the desk and started up the game. He pulled out a sticky note from his pocket, which was the IP for some new server his friend Kai gave him. It was supposed to be really good. Jonah typed the IP into the box and joined the server. After a few seconds the spawn loaded up and he looked around. He had spawned in a valley surrounded by green rolling hills. He spotted a single tree about twenty blocks away, as well as a cave near by as well. Yes! A survival server! My favorite! He thought

TronCreeper sprinted over to the tree and quickly broke it with his fists. “Alright! First let’s make some weapons.” TronCreeper went into his inventory and made a crafting table. He placed the crafting table down next to him and quickly crafted a wooden pickaxe. “Let’s get some stone.” TronCreeper said to himself as he sprinted over to the dark cave and started digging some stone, hoping that no monsters were nearby. If any monsters spotted him he was practically dead, considering that he didn’t have a weapon.

After TronCreeper had mined about 20 blocks, he headed back to the crafting table. “That should be enough,” he said as he dropped the materials onto the crafting table. Within a few seconds TronCreeper had crafted a full set of stone tools and a sword. He finished with a chest to keep his loot in. TronCreeper put his possessions in the chest and stopped playing for a moment to reach for his headphones. He didn’t really know why but he liked to wear headphones while using the computer, probably for the surround sound effect. As he reached across the desk he accidentally hit the computerizer off the table and it fell to the ground.

“Aw crap!” Jonah said, “Hope I didn’t break it!” He picked it up off the floor and gave it a little shake. “Phew, it seems okay.” He put it back on the desk and put his headphones on. He was about to go back to the game but Jonah heard some sort of whirring sound and some lights flickered and blinked on the computerizer. Before He could react a white beam of light shot out of the computerizer, reflected of his screen and hit him in the chest. Jonah started to feal sleepy, his eyelids heavy. What the heck is happening? Jonah thought. He tried to keep them open but they closed anyways, and everything began to fade away.

Chapter 2

The Monsters of the Night


TronCreeper200 slowly opened his eyes and stared at a blue sky, topped off with puffy white clouds. He took a look at his hands. “What the…” TronCreeper said in both confusion and surprise.

He looked around. He was in a valley surrounded by blocky green rolling hills. A nearby pig oinked, and a cow mooed. “What the heck happened?” Then one thought passed through his mind. The computerizer! “It must have pulled me into the game!” TronCreeper said in astonishment and horror.

TronCreeper looked into the distance and saw the sun begin to touch the horizon. “Oh no! It’s almost night!” Quickly TronCreeper ran over to the chest that he placed earlier and took out the contents. He took his stone sword in his hand, and put the other items in his inventory. “That’s strange,” he said. Since he was in the game instead of being a user, he couldn’t see his inventory, but somehow he knew his items were there. “Why not climb that nearby mountain and try and see which direction to head in.” He said to himself.

TronCreeper started up the mountain in hopes of finding a sense of direction. He looked behind his back to see a large cluster of zombies at the bottom of the mountain, slowly making their way up. “Well it looks like I can’t go down the way I came up.” He said. After another minute or so he reached the top. TronCreeper looked across the land, he could see a birch forest as well as a village in the distance.

“I don’t have enough wood or time to make a house or bed, so my best shot is to get to the village!” He looked down towards the bottom of the mountain and saw a small pond, just enough to break his fall. I don’t have enough time to climb down, he thought, I’m gonna have to jump and hopefully let the pond break my fall. TronCreeper backed up a few steps and jumped as high as he could. The ground began to rise up to meet him. He tried to aim towards the pond and hoped he would hit his target. With a splash water surrounded him from head to toe. He swam to the surface and crawled out gasping for air. He blew the water out of his nose and said, “That was close!” TronCreeper scanned the forest for hostile mobs, but found none.

Cautiously he moved through the forest, in hopes of not facing any threats. Suddenly he heard a thunk. TronCreeper flashed red and pain shot through his entire arm. His instincts took over as he dove behind a tree. He hopped out from behind the tree hoping to find who or what had shot him. Suddenly something moved in the shadows and he had to squint to see what it was, his eyes just beginning to adjust to the darkness.

TronCreeper found his match, a skeleton hiding deeper in the forest, and it had an arrow loaded and pointed at him. Quick as a flash the skeleton shot his bow, but he was off. The arrow whizzed by TronCreeper’s head, missing by a mere inch. “Whoa!” He said as he ducked behind the tree. “You just made a big mistake Mr. Skeleton!”

He charged out from behind the tree and towards the skeleton, sword in hand and ready for battle. The skeleton shot another arrow, hitting TronCreeper. He yelled out in pain but continued onwards to the skeleton. The skeleton notched an arrow and fired again, but this time but TronCreeper was ready. He blocked the arrow, and it harmlessly bounced off his sword and to the ground.

Soon the skeleton was within reach of TronCreeper’s sword, and he swung it with all his might. Soon enough the skeleton recovered and began to load arrows, but TronCreeper didn’t stop to deflect the arrow, but kept hacking at the skeleton in hopes of ridding its health points before it could open fire. He kept swinging his stone sword, a blow to the arm and one to the ribs.

TronCreeper hit the skeleton in the side of the head and it lost its balance. It fell to the ground, and with a pop, and it was gone. The only evidence of it ever existing was the bow and three arrows lying on the ground, as well as a few orbs of XP. Quickly he collected the items. “This could come in handy,” He said as he put the bow in his inventory. TronCreeper scanned the forest for any more mobs, but found none. Once again he set out to the village in hopes of finding shelter.

As TronCreeper neared the village he noticed something strange. There seemed to be no monsters around, at least none that were interested in him, but there were many zombies, creepers, and skeletons, heading for the village.

Zombies were pounding on the doors of the houses, hoping to break through and devour those within. The skeletons surrounded the village, stopping anyone from getting in, or out. The creepers approached the houses, ready to explode and leave the villagers inside exposed.

TronCreeper couldn’t stand by and watch helpless NPCs (villagers) meet their doom, he had to find a way into the village and stop these monsters before any villagers could get hurt, or worse. He knew it was a suicide mission, and it’d be safer to stay out of sight and do nothing. He told himself that he couldn’t just stand by and watch the village be destroyed, and he had to do something. Suddenly a creeper started to approach the ring of skeletons, in attempt to get past it and to the village. TronCreeper had an idea.

He pulled out his bow and aimed at the creeper, but held his fire. He watched as it began to near the skeletons. After what felt like an hour the creeper was right next to the skeletons, and was attempting to get through.

TronCreeper shot his bow, the arrow’s flight curving in an arch, and hit the creeper in the back. The creeper began to detonate, and before any of the skeletons could do anything it exploded. The explosion sent skeletons flying, as well as creating a great hole in the surface of the landscape. Before any nearby skeletons could recover TronCreeper ran around the crater and through the arrows and bones discarded on the ground, picking up all the items as he ran. A few nearby skeletons opened fire, but he ran in a zigzag pattern to confuse the skeletons and make hitting him almost impossible.

As TronCreeper neared the houses, he could see an iron golem trying to fight off the spiders and zombies. Although it was strong, it was to slow to stop them all and was outnumbered. TronCreeper could see a zombie pounding its clumsy rotten fists on the door of a villager’s house, and he took out the zombie in three quick shots from his bow. A few other zombies noticed their fallen comrade and stared at TronCreeper. At first they just stood still but in a few moments they all charged towards TronCreeper. “Time to put these old PVP skills to some use. Let’s do this!”

The zombies charged at him. TronCreeper dodged away from the first zombie, and hacked at the head of the second. The third zombie ran up next to him and punched him in the side. He was in pain but didn’t give up, for that would guarantee his demise. TronCreeper backed up against the wall of one of the houses so nothing could sneak up on him from behind. One of the zombies ran out to attack him, but the zombie’s clumsy fists were too slow for TronCreeper’s sword. He blocked an attack from the zombie and then struck it in the side of the head. The zombie attempted once more to attack but it was too slow, so TronCreeper hit the zombie in the chest, then the waist, and with a kick to the stomach the zombie fell to the ground, and he was gone. Another zombie attempted to get to TronCreeper but the zombie wasn’t fast enough for TronCreeper’s bow, and within a few seconds, he was gone. Rotten Flesh and a couple of XP balls replaced the decaying beast. The last zombie began to back away, and then turned around and ran, or at least tried to run, zombies aren’t very fast.

I Might as well let the zombie live, violence is almost never the answer and only should be used in an emergency, he thought.

Suddenly a spider jumped down from the roof of one of the village houses and landed in front of TronCreeper. The spider leapt forward to attack. TronCreeper barely dodged out of the way in time. The spider turned around in another attempt of attack. But TronCreeper was prepared. Once the spider leapt into the air he sank a arrow into the spider’s soft belly. Before the spider could recover he lashed out with his stone sword. A blow to the abdomen, then the head. The spider leapt out at TronCreeper in one last act of defiance. But before it could reach him he fired one last arrow into the spider, and it disappeared.

TronCreeper looked in the distance to see the sun slowly rising from the horizon. The zombies and skeletons caught fire, and the spiders and creepers retreated into the forest. “Phew!” he said. “I’m glad that’s over!”

Suddenly something appeared behind TronCreeper. It’s green and black mottled skin bathed in the first rays of sunlight, a creeper. It’s ignition process started, giving TronCreeper little time to react, and it exploded.

Chapter 3

The Village


TronCreeper200 woke up with a start.

“What happened?” He looked around the room. He was lying in a bed, inside of one of the village’s houses. Then everything came back, the computerizer, the creepers, the village, everything. TronCreeper stood up and began to walk to the door that lead outside.

“Where are you going?”

The voice made TronCreeper jump. He quickly turned around towards the voice, an arrow loaded in his bow and ready to fire. He saw a villager. He was cloaked in a white smock, had emerald green eyes, as well as brown hair, and seemed to be the source of the voice. “Put down your weapon. You’re safe here TronCreeper.” the villager said.

“How the heck do you know my name?” TronCreeper asked. “And how are you talking? Villagers can’t speak!” TronCreeper stated in amazement.

“You users think that because we don’t do it in front of them.” The villager said. TronCreeper finally studied the villager and noticed something strange.

“Your arms…” TronCreeper said.

“We’re not supposed to show the users that as well.” The villager replied.

“So why are you showing me this?” TronCreeper asked, “And why’d you put me in the bed?”

“Because.” The villager said, “You’re not a user, you’re in the game. Enough about me, now who are you?” The villager asked.

“I’m TronCreeper.” He replied, “But you didn’t answer my question. Why’d you put me in bed? Why did you take care of me?” He asked. The villager sighed.

“Well if you hadn’t fought off those monsters, my village would have been destroyed. You saved my village.”

Hmm… this is weird, TronCreeper thought, How is this villager talking? And his arms. How are these villagers even self aware?

“I know you must have many questions, but we must save them for later” Said the villager.

“Okay,” said TronCreeper “But one more thing, what is your name?” He asked.

“It’s Henry. My name is Henry.”

As they walked around the village, Henry pointed at a nearby villager, who was going about, farming, walking around, and doing whatever else a villager might do. “That’s Max.” He said as he pointed to a villager child. The kid had blond hair, and a small pack of wolves at his heels. “That’s John.” He said as he nodded towards the blacksmith, who was standing on the porch of his house. “And that’s Aly.” He said as they passed by a young villager girl. She had sandy blond hair and a bow in her hand.

“Well enough about the villagers. We can get to them later.” TronCreeper said.

Henry’s unibrow creased with confusion. “What, why?” Henry asked.

“Because.” TronCreeper replied. “We need to figure out what to do. Just trust me. First we need to fortify the village, so the monsters can’t get in. We’re going to have to send some of the villagers to mine some cobble stone for the walls, as well as materials for armor and weapons. And last but not least, we’re going to get ourselves some warriors, especially archers.”

Henry’s face was full of confusion. “Warriors? But we can’t fight, talk, or really do much of anything around users.”

TronCreeper smiled. “Were not going to have users.” He said, “We’re going to train the villagers how to fight.

TronCreeper walked by the target practice area. He was impressed, but there was still room for improvement. The best archer seemed to be Aly. She hit the bullseye every time. As he passed her, TronCreeper said, “Nice work!”

As he walked over to the hand to hand combat section he spotted many villagers swinging their swords at armor stands, Henry among them. He called Henry over.

“What is it?” Henry asked.

“I don’t think this cobblestone wall is gonna keep them out,” TronCreeper said as he glanced at the partially built stone wall. Builders were working on the wall that would eventually surround the village, as well as putting watchtowers in the corners as they were instructed. “I think we’re gonna need to hide some redstone traps around the battlefield, to help with the mobs.” He said.

“That sounds like a plan, but do it quickly, you don’t want to get stranded out there when night comes,” Henry replied.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” TronCreeper said as he headed towards the gates.

“WAIT!” John the blacksmith came running up to TronCreeper.

“What is it?” TronCreeper asked, worried.

“If you’re going to take part in this fight, you’re going to need the proper gear,” said John. “While the miners went down and mined the cobble and iron, they found some diamonds. Since you saved our village last night, I thought this would be the best way to repay you.”

John tossed him full set of diamond armor. TronCreeper looked at the incredible armor, it’s blue surface sparkled in the sunlight.

“Thank you.” TronCreeper said in astonishment.

“Wait,” said John. “There’s more.” John tossed him a diamond sword and a bow. Purple and blue waves of enchantment moved over both weapons.

“The bow has the enchantments of flame one, power five, and infinity. The diamond sword has sharpness three, and knockback two.” TronCreeper stared at the weapons in disbelief.

“Thank, thank you John, I’ll make sure to put these weapons to great use.” His voice was full of gratitude.

John smiled. “No problem, just make sure to take out some of the monsters with those!”

TronCreeper grinned. “Trust me, I will.”

TronCreeper looked back at the wall. It was finally finished. With watchtowers at the corners, a moat surrounding it, as well as one bridge leading across it.

Good, he thought, they’ll have to come in the way that we prepared, and we will be ready.

TronCreeper returned to placing his redstone traps. He placed two oak tree saplings, and pulled out some bone meal that he made from all the bones he had collected during his first battle. TronCreeper used the bone meal on the saplings, and they instantly became trees.

He then set up tripwire between the trees, and hid a few surprises that would activate if the wire was triggered.

TronCreeper moved to his next trap. TronCreeper then put some more traps under the bridge and linked them with redstone to a lever in the castle.

TronCreeper ran inside the castle and posted a villager by the lever. “Pull the lever when I say to, but until then I need you to stay here.” The villager nodded his head and TronCreeper began to walk towards where the archers were standing.

I can’t believe I’m asking all these villagers to fight, He thought. I don’t even know most of there names!

He looked into the distance to see the sun lowering over the mountains. Oh no! It’s almost night! I have to get everyone in position! He thought.

“All archers! I need you up on the castle wall and watchtowers, because It’ll be a good place to fire down on the approaching monsters. I want a villager at the gate, and open it on my command! Swordsmen and cavalry! Stand at the gate and don’t do anything until I give the command!”

Henry walked up to TronCreeper.

“So any other bombshell secrets about Minecraft I should know about?” TronCreeper asked.

“Only one,” Henry replied. “Us villagers aren’t the only things that are self aware. The monsters, the animals, everything is alive and self aware.”

TronCreeper’s face was full of confusion and fear. “Wait. Hold up, so the monsters aren’t just mindlessly attacking us? They can plan and strategize to?”

Henry looked at TronCreeper and nodded. TronCreeper looked into the distance, the sun was now fully behind the mountains, and the moon began to show it’s face over the horizon. As he looked into the nearby forest he thought he could see shadows moving through the trees.

Oh great. The mobs. They’ve already started coming, He thought. Pride and fear was painted on the faces of the warriors, and he could understand why.

“You ready for this?” He asked Henry.

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Henry said.

“Archers! hold your fire until you can clearly spot the mobs. When you do fire on them as they approach. Don’t hurt the endermen though, we don’t want to fight those dark nightmares if we don’t have to,” TronCreeper commanded.

“Let’s do this!”

Chapter 4

The Battle


The monsters approached TronCreeper200’s position as fast as they could, which wasn’t very fast. The archers of the village rained arrows down on the approaching mob.

TronCreeper pulled out his bow, which glowed purple and blue from enchantments. Instead of aiming at the monsters, he aimed at one of his traps, waiting for the monsters to get close enough.

“Almost there, come on, come on!” He said as the approaching mob neared. He let go of the bow string at the right time and the arrow fired. The arrow went sailing towards the mob, but instead of hitting one of the monsters, it hit a TNT block.

“Perfect” He said with a grin on his face. The block of TNT was filled with arrows, an arrow bomb. The TNT tore a gash in the approaching monsters, and arrows rained on anything that was anywhere close to the explosion. The TNT ignited another nearby arrow bomb, and another, and another, like an explosive chain reaction. The trap enraged the remaining mobs and they ran at the castle as fast as they could.

The villagers continued to fire down on the approaching mob, tearing it to shreds, but there was still a great number of mobs left, and they were nearing the castle. Suddenly there was another explosion.

They must have got to the tripwire, TronCreeper thought. The mob army was torn in half, bones, string, gunpowder, and rotten flesh littered the ground everywhere. As the mob continued its approach, the skeletons ran ahead of the rest of the army and began to fire upon the villagers. Many of the villagers flashed red, but luckily no lives were lost, yet.

The skeletons kept firing at the archers. The villagers were losing to the skeletons. The skeletons had been using a bow their whole lives, while the villagers only had one day of training. The approaching mob finally reached the castle bridge, but stopped.

Expecting some sort of trap, the mobs didn’t dare cross the bridge, but the skeletons kept firing upon the defenders. One archer stood up to try and fire at the skeletons, but was instead pegged by twenty arrows. The villager, flashed red in pain over and over, and then he was gone.

TronCreeper200 was full of sadness and rage towards the monsters at this sight.

I didn’t even know that NPC’s name, but he still fought for me, He thought, before anyone else is hurt I need to get rid of these mobs, but they won’t cross the bridge!

“Wait! I know what to do!” He thought aloud. “Hey you!” he pointed towards a villager who was next to the two switches, one of which controlled the gate. “Open the gate!” The villager’s face was full of confusion. “Just do it!” TronCreeper yelled. The gate opened and TronCreeper walked out. Everything went silent. The skeletons stopped firing, the zombies stopped moaning. All eyes were on him.

Then TronCreeper200 began to speak. “You mobs are a disgrace! Your are only a bug that Notch accidently created! And you have terrorized the villagers, as well as all of Minecraft for far too long! You are all brainless to think you can defeat us! You may not hurt me nor this village! But it’d be cute to see you try.”

The monsters screamed out in rage and all surged forward in attack. One thought was moving through every monster within earshot. Kill TronCreeper200 and his village.

TronCreeper quickly ran back through the castle gates. The villager by the switches began to shut the gates as the horde of mobs approached.

“NO!” TronCreeper shouted. “We need them inside the castle. Trust me! I have a surprise in store for them.”

The gates began to open again and the mobs surged through. “Swordsmen and cavalry! NOW!” Quick as a flash, swordsmen and women ran out to face down the monsters, some on horses, some by foot.

The iron swords of the villagers found both flesh and bone. Zombies flashed red, but they weren’t the only ones in pain. The villagers were damaged by arrows, explosions from the creepers, and the decaying hands of the zombies.

“Archers!” TronCreeper yelled. “Fire down on the mobs!”

Giving the command was unnecessary. The remaining archers were already focusing their arrows on the mobs within the castle. TronCreeper200 jumped off the wall and joined the chaos.

He swung his diamond sword and brought it down on the head of a zombie, then to the ribs, then the chest, the zombie flashing red with each blow, and then it disappeared with a pop, leaving behind a few pieces of rotten flesh as it blinked out of existence. TronCreeper kept fighting off the approaching mobs, but as he fought he heard the screams of pain and defeat as nearby NPC’s perished.

Where’s Henry? I need to find Henry! Quickly he scanned the battle, and saw him off in the distance fighting off a zombie. TronCreeper ran towards his friend, and destroyed any mobs that dared to approach him on the way. Soon he reached his destination.

“So what brings you here?” Henry asked with a smile as he fought off a spider.

“We need to work together.” TronCreeper said. “If we don’t we will be picked off by our opponents and perish.” Henry nodded his rectangular head.

“Alright then. Let’s do this!” The two fought off everything that came their way. They were a whirlwind of destruction, one attacked while the other defended. The villagers around them saw their skill and courage, and were inspired to do the same. All the NPC’s began to work together, as a team, rather than apart. The monsters could see that they were losing and unless they fled they would be destroyed.

Many of the monsters began to cross the bridge. TronCreeper200 yelled out, “Pull the second lever now!”

The villager by the levers pulled the second lever, and the TNT under the bridge ignited. The bridge then exploded and mobs went flying in every direction. Many of the monsters were destroyed from the explosion, and the rest met their fate when they hit the ground.

The few monsters who hadn’t tried to cross the bridge were trapped. They tried to go back and take out their rage on the remaining NPC’s, but before they could even move, the archers shot their backs until they disappeared. The villagers had won. A joyful cheer erupted from the village.

“We did it!” said one villager.

“We won! We really won!” said another.

“ENOUGH!” TronCreeper shouted. Silence fell upon the villagers.

“But we won!” protested one villager.

“NO!” TronCreeper yelled. “No one has won today. Many fellow friends and neighbors have perished in this battle. Violence is almost never the answer and you should never celebrate killing, even if it is our enemies.” TronCreeper said. “Look around you!” He looked around the battlefield. rotten flesh, strong, bones, and gunpowder laid on the ground everywhere. But there were also many iron swords and armor strewed about the field, which once belonged to living villager’s.

“We are not only surrounded by the remains of our enemies, but also our friends.” He said as he pointed towards the iron armor and weapons that bobbed up and down on the ground.

“This is only the first battle we will face, and when the mobs come back, they will most likely return with even greater numbers.” He said. “So today may we not celebrate the death of our foes, but the survival of our neighbors who stands with us!”

TronCreeper200 raised his sword over his head. He didn’t know why, but it felt right. The villagers cheered and began to congratulate each other on the night’s battle.

TronCreeper looked back to the nearby forest. He saw some figure, was it a villager or user, he wasn’t sure. The figure had bright white eyes, full of overwhelming hatred for every living thing. TronCreeper looked away from the strange character and went to go congratulate Henry.

The figure appeared before TronCreeper’s eyes. It was ghostly and transparent.

“You have messed with something you don’t understand, TronCreeper200. And for this, you will truly pay.” Then as quick as the figure appeared, he was gone.


Chapter 5

The Update


TronCreeper200 slowly woke up with a yawn. He looked outside the window to see the sun slowly rising over the horizon.

TronCreeper looked around. He saw a crafting table, a few chests here and there, as well as Henry, who was sleeping in a bed on the other side of the house. It was Henry’s house after all.

As TronCreeper sat up in bed, Henry slowly began to wake up. Thoughts of last night’s battle swirled through TronCreeper’s head. After the battle, what was that thing I saw in the distance? A villager? A user?

Quickly Henry stood up. “Good morning” he said. Suddenly TronCreeper had a tingling sensation that radiated through his body, but as soon as the feeling came, it was gone.

“You feel that?” TronCreeper asked.

“Yes.” Henry replied. “Must have been a update.”

TronCreeper’s was skeptical. “An update?”

An update? He thought, Wait a minute! I bet Minecraft 1.9 finally came out!

“ I know what to do!” TronCreeper said aloud.

“What are you talking about?” Henry asked, confusion painted on his blocky face.

“We need to craft shields, and some more swords as well.” Henry’s face was still full of confusion.

“Could I have two iron ingots?” TronCreeper asked.

“Um… sure.” Henry tossed him two ingots. TronCreeper walked over to a crafting table. He imagined making the crafting recipe in his mind, one stick and two iron ingots. Suddenly he was holding a iron sword in his hand. He walked back to Henry and said.

“Watch this.” TronCreeper then took his diamond sword out of his inventory, it glowed with purple and blue waves of enchantment, adding to the light of the first rays of sunlight peeking over the horizon. Suddenly TronCreeper was not holding one sword, but two, one sword in his right hand, another sword in his left. Henry gasped.

“How?” He asked.

TronCreeper smiled. “I told you.” He said. “The newest Minecraft update just came out, and it’s adding many new things, such as shields, dual wielding, and some other stuff.”

But it also adds shulkers. He shivered at the thought of facing one.

“So what’s our next move?” Henry asked.

TronCreeper thought it over and over. “I want some more information. But the only person or thing I can think of is notch, and I don’t think we’ll be able to find him.” Henry and TronCreeper both thought deeply.

Then Henry said, “The stronghold.”

“What?” TronCreeper200 asked. “Why would we want to go there?”

“Because.” Henry said, “We could get information from the library.”

TronCreeper considered it. “Maybe, but we’re going to have to have some sort of plan.”

Okay. So first things first, we’re gonna need some eyes of ender if we’re going to the stronghold. So we’re gonna need a portal to the nether so we can get that blaze power.

“Okay. First let’s send some miners to find ores, as well as any iron or diamonds they can find. Were also going to need more warriors than just this village, so send out scouts to more villages so we can begin to create our army.”

Henry nodded and ran out of the house, most likely to carry out his orders. “Okay. While he does that I’m gonna go practice getting used to using two swords instead of one.” He said to himself. TronCreeper walked out the door of Henry’s house and headed towards the training area. He walked over to the hand to hand combat area. The area was set up so the warriors could walk up to an armor stand and then hit it with their swords to practice their techniques and skills in hand to hand combat.

TronCreeper walked up to the armor stand and starting to swing his sword, first a blow to the head, then the ribs, then the waist to get a feel for using two swords at once. Henry ran to the other side of the village where most of the villagers were lingering around, doing whatever villagers do.

“Who would like to volunteer to go mining? We need villagers to go mining and get some stone for the wall, as well as any iron or diamonds you can find. Anyone who’s willing please raise your hand.” Henry said.

Quickly hands filled the air. “Okay… I’ll take you eight,” He said as moved his hand over the selected villagers. The villagers nodded there heads and pulled out there iron pickaxes.

“Alright, start building a mine over there.” Henry said as he pointed to some empty space on the side of a tiny hill with a few trees growing on the top of it. “I will also need some warriors to protect the miners in case they encounter any monsters.” Henry continued. “Anyone who would be willing to protect the miners raise your hand now.” A dozen hands filled the air.

Henry swelled up with pride for his village. “Alright you five, You can protect the miners.” Henry said as he pointed to a group of five villagers. The five warriors moved over to where the miners had started to dig and surrounded them to make sure no mobs would hurt them.

“Okay, now I need some scouts to go out to the other villagers and bring me and TronCreeper more villager’s, if we’re going to stand up to the mobs we’re going to need an army. So anyone who wants to be a scout raise your hand.”

Every villager that heard Henry raised there hand, both the weak and elderly, including all the children.”

Henry picked out eight scouts. “Okay… I need you villagers to split up, strike out in random directions and try and find another village, but make sure you travel straight so you remember how to get back. You may use a horse, as well as bring a bow, sword and some food.”

The scouts ran out to get the required equipment.

“Last but not least I’m going to need some builders. The scouts will hopefully bring back more villager’s, so we’re going to need some more food as well as houses.” Henry continued, “I need everyone else here to either be building a house or farming for more food. So split in half, one group farms, the other builds.”

Henry ran off to the training area, he wanted to get to TronCreeper, but also to try out dual wielding.

TronCreeper200 pulled out his shield. Another villager named Max gave it to him earlier.

Max was a young villager child. He had a brown smock, and he always seemed to be trying to help someone out. TronCreeper tried attacking with his diamond sword while blocking attacks with his shield at the same time.

I think I’m finally getting the hang of this! He thought. Max was sitting to the side, watching TronCreeper. Max asked if he could watch so he could learn how to fight. TronCreeper200 had agreed, but knew that he would never let Max near the battlefield.

Max seemed to be maybe ten or eleven, but TronCreeper never asked. He also had blond hair and steel blue eyes.

I hope he’s not too disappointed when we have to fight the mobs, TronCreeper thought. He’s just too young and inexperienced, and I don’t even wanna think about what would happen if any of my friends don’t make it.

TronCreeper kept swinging his sword at the armor stand. A blow to the side, then the chest, then the killing swing, the head. “I think I’m gonna practice my archery.” TronCreeper said to both himself and Max. He walked over to a another training area, there was a target, about maybe twenty or thirty blocks away. To his right he could see other villagers practicing firing their bows. TronCreeper added the sound of his bow to the symphony of arrows firing at their intended targets.

Max walked up beside TronCreeper, pulled out a bow from his inventory and shot at his target with surprising accuracy. Huh, i didn’t know he was good at archery! TronCreeper thought. He kept firing at the target, hitting it almost every time.

TronCreeper200 looked off to the side to see Henry approaching.

“TronCreeper!” Henry said. “I gave your orders. At the moment we have the scouts heading out to retrieve villagers, miners finding the ores we need, as well as builders making homes for the incoming villagers and farmers preparing food for the new villagers.” Henry said to TronCreeper.

“Good, but there’s a couple more things we need to do.” TronCreeper walked over to a group of villagers who weren’t doing anything in particular. “I need half of you to climb up onto the castle wall and keep on a lookout for mobs. They all pulled out their bows and sprinted towards the wall. “I need the other half to craft bows, arrows, as well as iron swords and armor. When the new villagers arrive they’re going to need equipment.”

The remaining villagers placed down crafting benches and began their tasks. Something tugged on TronCreeper’s leg and he looked down to see Max.

“I want to help too.” He said. TronCreeper200 smiled.

“Actually I got a job for you to.” He said. “We’re going to need more than just the villagers to defeat the mobs. You see those wolves over there?” He said as he pointed towards a pack of wolves that were just beyond the castle wall. “I need you to make them our friends, wolves can be useful in battle.” TronCreeper said as he tossed max a stack of bones.

Max’s face lit with excitement, and then he ran off towards the wolfs. Suddenly Henry was standing by TronCreeper’s side. They talked as they watched Max making friends with the wolves from the safety of the castle wall.

“He’s a good kid,” Henry said. “ He really likes his animals.”

“And he’s great at archery.” TronCreeper said. He looked off into the distance to see the sun begin to fall behind the mountains in the far distance. Suddenly he heard a villager yell, “MOBS!” TronCreeper and Henry quickly looked down to see zombies approaching the castle gate.

Oh crap! I forgot to place traps! He thought. Surprisingly enough, there were only zombies, no creepers, skeletons, spiders, and endermen. “Why are there only zombies?” TronCreeper thought aloud.

“I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter, we still need to stand and fight.” Henry replied. “Archers to your positions!” Henry yelled. As Henry gave more commands to the other villagers, TronCreeper jumped off the castle wall. He thought about one of his favorite movies, Lord Of The Rings, and yelled, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” Then he charged at the monster horde, his swords ready for battle.

Chapter 6

The Zombie King


As the zombie horde approached, TronCreeper200 ran out to meet them. The archers stayed on the castle walls, but the cavalry, swordsmen and swordswomen ran out after TronCreeper to meet the army of zombies. Arrows began to fill the sky. the archers were firing upon the zombies. They fought with the first wave of zombies. TronCreeper’s blade found rotten flesh as he tore through the zombies. One sword attacked while the other defended. He took a risky glance to see how the other villagers were doing. He could see Henry fighting off zombies. He seemed outnumbered, but considering that two zombies were charging at TronCreeper, he couldn’t reach Henry at the moment.

We need more villagers for this battle, but the scouts are still out there and haven’t brought the villagers here yet, He thought as he brought his iron sword down on a zombie’s head. We have so much iron left over that we can put to use… Wait… Iron! That’s it!

TronCreeper retreated back into the village. The gates opened for him, but closed fast enough to not let any zombies in. He ran over to a chest and pulled out a stack of iron ingots, most likely a little something the miners had found. Then he pulled out a few pumpkins and smiled knowing he might be able to to turn back the tide of zombies. TronCreeper ran back to the battle field and began placing down iron blocks as well as placing pumpkins on top. Instantly iron golems appeared. There were about 5 of them. Although the iron golems were outnumbered, they easily beat any zombie in skill and strength. They lumbered over to the battle and sent zombies flying into the air and they disappeared with a pop on contact with the ground. The iron golems were tearing through the zombie army. Just a little bit more and they could be victorious. Suddenly he heard a wolf howl, then another, and another. TronCreeper looked for the source of barks and howls to see a large pack of wolves running towards the zombie horde. At first it didn’t make sense to him, but then he realized what was going on. Max must have made a lot of wolf friends, He thought. The zombies tried to hit the wolves with their blunt green rotting hands, but the wolves were too fast. The iron golems and wolves were wreaking havoc on the mobs. TronCreeper ran out to join the villagers and began to help turn back the tide on the zombies. Soon there were only about 4 or 5 zombies left.

The hunters had become the hunted, they tried to retreat but were to slow for the archers.

Suddenly a zombie charged out of the forest. It wore a set of iron armor and carried a diamond sword. All the villagers froze to look at the zombie.

“I am Zoran, the zombie king! I am here to restore honor to the zombie empire, and to do this I challenge TronCreeper in a duel!” Zorans voice was low and gravely, and it almost sounded more like a group. Once the zombie king finished his little speech the villagers snapped into action. The archers drew back arrows ready to fire and the swordsmen charged.

“ENOUGH!” TronCreeper yelled. “This is my battle, my fight! Zoran challenges me to a duel and I accept!”

The villagers stopped to stare at TronCreeper, then the zombie king. The villagers then cleared room for the two.

TronCreeper tried to look strong and confident, but it was hard. Zoran charged at TronCreeper with surprising speed for a zombie. The zombie king tried to wing his sword down on TronCreeper’s head, but he deflected it with his diamond sword as he attacked with his iron. The iron sword hit Zoran in the side and he flashed red in pain, but his coat of iron armor blocked most of the damage. Zoran gave TronCreeper a kick to the stomach and TronCreeper bent over in pain. The zombie king tried to bring down his diamond sword on TronCreeper’s head, but he rolled away just in time to avoid what would have been a fatal hit. TronCreeper jumped to his feet and brought his diamond sword into Zoran’s ribs. The zombie screamed out in agony and rage. Zoran drove his diamond sword into TronCreeper’s diamond chest plate. TronCreeper fell back from the blow onto the ground. He tried to roll away but the so called zombie king pinned TronCreeper’s arms to the ground with his feet.

“It is time for you to meet your fate! Goodbye TronCreeper!” Zoran slowly raised his sword over his head and was about to bring it down on TronCreeper’s head. Suddenly he heard a growl from behind him. Zoran turned around to see a pack of wolves charging straight for him.

Zoran’s face changed from confidence to fear, Then he looked back at TronCreeper. “You got lucky this time TronCreeper,” Zoran said. “But be assured we will meet again, and when we do, you’re in for a lot of pain.” Zoran charged off into the darkness of the forest to avoid the furry white creatures. TronCreeper laid there for a few seconds, letting everything sink in. Suddenly he felt a hand grab him and pull him to his feet. He was face to face with Henry.

“You did great out there!” Henry said. Max ran up to TronCreeper as fast as he could.

“How’d I do?” Max asked.

“You did great! You and your wolves saved me. I owe you one!” Max’s face beamed with pride at the news. “Come on. We should all get inside before they send any reinforcements.” TronCreeper said. He took a step forward and winced in pain.

“My health is low, I think I need to lay down,” He said.

“Here, take this,” Henry said as he handed him an apple.

“Thanks.” He said. TronCreeper slowed down to eat the juicy red fruit. As he ate it the pain began to fade away slowly, but it was still there. As they were about to enter the castle gates, he looked back in pride. He thought he could see something strange. It had blazing white eyes and a skin that looked quite familiar. TronCreeper had to squint to see it, but it didn’t really matter to him. Once they reached the castle gates he was greeted with the villager’s celebration, patting each other on the back and cheering in the sheer joy of winning the battle.

Max said something, but TronCreeper couldn’t hear it over the cheering of the villagers. Then Max ran off to his house, most likely to get some sleep, but Henry stayed with TronCreeper.

“I need to lay down. I’m so tired.” TronCreeper said. Henry nodded with a look of understanding on his face. Soon enough they reached his house and the front door opened with a creak. Henry walked over to his bed and sat down. TronCreeper walked over to the other side of the room where the second bed sat. TronCreeper laid down and closed his eyes. He could hear the soft snoring of Henry on the other side of the room. Thoughts of the night’s battle swirled through TronCreeper’s head, and then he was out like a light.


Chapter 7

Herobrine awakens


TronCreeper200 slowly opened his eyes. He looked around to see he was in Henry’s house. He climbed out of bed, the wood floor creaking beneath his feet. feeling better considering the battle that occurred last night. TronCreeper thought about his battle, no, the village’s battle with Zoran and his zombie horde, as well as the villager or user or whoever that mysterious figure was that always seemed to be watching him. Just thinking of the mysterious thing sent a chill up his spine.

We’re going to need more soldiers in this army before the next attack, or we’re doomed! He thought. Hopefully the scouts get back soon, we’re going to need those villagers for the next battle.

Sunlight streamed into the dimly lit house through one of Henry’s windows. TronCreeper looked out the window. He saw the sun rising above the faraway mountains and villagers slowly preparing for the day’s hard work. TronCreeper looked away from the window to see and back to Henry’s bed to see him sleepy climbing out of bed.

“We have a lot of work ahead of us today, so let’s get to it,” Henry said.

Suddenly a memory flashed through TronCreeper’s head. That guy who always watches the battles I fight is getting a little strange. Maybe Henry might know something about this guy.

“I have a question.” TronCreeper said. Henry looked at him with full attention.

“I’m listening.” Henry said.

“Okay…” TronCreeper said. “This is going to sound weird, but every time we have a battle, like the one last night with Zoran, at the end I always notice someone who’s just standing there watching me. He has glowing white eyes, I’m not sure if he’s a villager or a user, but I thought you might know a little bit about him.” Henry’s unibrow creased with confusion to fear.

“I think I know who you’re talking about, but…” Henry’s face was painted with fear.

“Well… who is it then?” TronCreeper asked. Henry looked back at him and slowly said one word, in such a way he made it sound like the word itself might destroy them.


“Wait… what?” TronCreeper yelled in surprise and fear. “But Herobrine isn’t supposed to be real, he’s just a old Minecraft legend! It HAS to be something else!” TronCreeper said.

“I know… I didn’t think he was real either,” Henry replied.

TronCreeper went into a state of shock.

“We can’t be up against Herobrine! First Zoran and now him! They’re probably gathering an army of monsters at least five times greater than our army will ever be! We don’t stand a chance!” TronCreeper yelled, awakening villagers nearby.

Henry looked at TronCreeper with a look of calmness and understanding in his eyes.

“Hey, don’t worry about how many monsters they have in their army. Don’t think about facing Herobrine or Zoran. If you focus on your fears they will cloud your judgement and your ability to think, so just focus on putting our little army together and maybe setting a trap or two, and everything will be fine.”

TronCreeper gulped and nodded, a mixture of fear and determination on his face. Most of his fear extinguished, but some still lingered within his soul, he was going up against Herobrine after all.

“Thanks. Maybe I’ll do as you say and focus on putting together an army that just might rival Herobrine’s.”

A grin spread across TronCreeper’s face. Henry answered it with a smile of his own.

“That sounds like a good idea. We’re gonna need more villagers. Hopefully the scouts will get back sometime today with a reasonable amount of villagers,” Henry said. TronCreeper replied with a nod. “That sounds about right, but there is one more thing I think we should do.” Henry was confused.

“And what’s that?” Henry asked.

“Well,” TronCreeper began. “I think we should try to contact Notch, not only will he probably know a thing or two about Herobrine, but he might be able to help me with my being stuck in the game as well.” Henry nodded his head in agreement.

“There’s only one problem I see about the plan so far.” TronCreeper200 said.

“What is it?” Henry asked.

TronCreeper sighed. “Contacting Notch of course! How are we going to reach him? It’s not just everyday where you’re strolling around in Minecraft, and then you just see Notch.”

Henry looks out the window, a look of confusion on his face, which then turned to understanding, and then to fear. Henry looks back and TronCreeper. “I think I might know where we could find some information, but it’s risky, dangerous, and might not work.” Henry said.

“Well… tell me.” TronCreeper said.

“It’s not like I can think of anything,” Henry’s face was full of sadness, for he knew many villagers could be lost in the plan.

“A stronghold. I’m sure that you have seen a library in those things, there full of books and could hold some valuable information on both Herobrine and Notch, but getting there will be tough, and even if we do it would be hard to find the book were looking for out of the hundreds stored there.” TronCreeper nodded his head.

“Hmm… Then we will need eyes of ender, some blaze rods, but then the portal…” TronCreeper thought aloud. The puzzle pieces tumbled through his mind, a few clicked together, but he couldn’t solve it all, at least not yet.

“Okay,” TronCreeper said. “I think I know what to do, but it might take a while.” TronCreeper200 said.

“What is your plan?” Henry asked. TronCreeper grinned. “First of all we’re going to need some eyes of ender to find the stronghold,” TronCreeper said. “And that means we’re going to need some blaze powder and ender pearls.”

“I think I know where you’re going with this.” Henry smiled.

“Okay, I’m going to need to tell some NPC’s the part of plan that way we can begin to put it in action, but not the whole thing, i don’t wanna stress them out.” TronCreeper said. “I need you to go ask Max to try and get some more wolves, as well as some horses, because we could definitely use some.” TronCreeper200 said. Henry nodded.

“Consider it done.” Henry said, and then he ran out of the house to go find Max. TronCreeper followed Henry out of the house, for he had to reach the miners before they began to mine into the depths of the world. He sprinted towards the mine as fast as his legs would carry him. He could see the miners approaching with their diamond picks over their shoulders.

“WAIT!” TronCreeper yelled as soon as he was within earshot. The small party of miners turned around.

“What is it?” One of them asked. TronCreeper walked next to the miners.

“I have a new plan, or at least I have an idea on what to do next.” TronCreeper said. “I need you to not only try and find your normal types of ores, but if you find any obsidian, mine it. Were going to need to make a nether portal.” TronCreeper said.

Suddenly one of the miners stepped up in front of TronCreeper. This miner looked stronger than the rest and appeared to be the leader of the little group.

“We will do what you ask, but this task may take time.” The miner said.

“That’s what I want to hear!” TronCreeper200 replied with a smile. The group of miners turned and walked over to the mine and started down the stairs that would lead them far under the surface of Minecraft.

Well that went better than it could have, TronCreeper thought. He looked up into the sky to see the blocky sun staring down at him. Good, we still have a lot of time till sunset, and that’s when Herobrine is most likely to attack, He thought. I’ll go start setting up some redstone traps, were going to need them if we want to stand a chance against Herobrine.

TronCreeper sprinted towards the castle gate. He weaved his way through the villagers that were walking about. As he ran by the villagers would call his name and cheer, but TronCreeper200 didn’t stop to chat with the villagers. As he neared the cobblestone wall, he spotted villagers posted along the wall and archer towers, the NPC’s were squinting into the distance, watching for both the scouts, and Herobrines monster army. Suddenly the alarm went off, one of the sentinels placed on a watch tower hitting a shield with the flat side of the sword. “SCOUTS! THE SCOUTS ARE HERE!” The villager shouted for all to hear. I need to see this for myself. TronCreeper thought. TronCreeper jogged over to the bottom of the watch tower and looked up. The tower was maybe fifteen or twenty blocks high, its summit reaching out into the sky. He marveled at the beauty of the structure, it’s stone surface contrasted against the green grass and bright blue sky. TronCreeper200 walked through the entrance and into the watch tower to be met by a spiral staircase. He raced up the stairs, torches were placed here and there, illuminating the staircase with orange and yellow light. Eventually TronCreeper200 reached the top of the tower, a villager stood in front of Troncreeper, looking into the distance. “The scouts have been spotted?” TronCreeper asked. The villager turned around, a look of surprise crossed his face, but then was replaced with confidence and joy.

“Yes! And it looks like they have a lot of soldiers with them.” The villager said. “Great! I have to see this for myself.” TronCreeper200 said.The NPC obediently stepped aside, giving TronCreeper a better view.

He could see Max just beyond the castle gate, about twenty wolves following him as well as around fifteen horses.

That kid sure has a way with animals, TronCreeper thought. He looked farther off into the distance, he thought he could see something in the distance, but the early morning fog had lingered farther into the day than he thought it would.

The shape seemed to be a horse with a rider on top, whether it be a user or villager, but he could not tell. Then he realized it must be one of the scouts, trotting towards the castle with many figures walking behind him. Suddenly several more villagers on horseback emerged from the fog.

The scouts! TronCreeper200 thought.

“Wow your right. I’m going to go down and let everyone know.” TronCreeper said.

TronCreeper 200 headed for the staircase and started down the stone stairway, but the NPC who spotted the scouts stayed, keeping a watch for the monster army. In no time at all, TronCreeper reached the bottom of the tower and raced towards the gate. Once TronCreeper200 reached the gate of the castle he climbed on top of the wall and stood above the castle’s gate with his back towards the forest and incoming villagers.

All the villagers of the village were gathered near the gate. Geez, that villager I met in the watchtower spread the word really fast! He thought. The villagers were talking amongst themselves about the scouts, the word of their arrival spreading like a virus.

“QUIET!” TronCreeper yelled. Suddenly all conversation broke and the NPC’s looked up at TronCreeper. “Yes, what most of you have been told is true, the scouts have been spotted.” The villagers cheered before he could say anything else, but it was short listed and they became quiet again to let TronCreeper continue. “That means we will need to prepare. Miners, hand your ores over to the the villagers by the crafting benches. They will turn the ores into weapons and armor for the incoming villagers. I need all the villagers who helped build the houses greet the new villagers and walk them into their new homes. I also need everyone who helped gather food for the incoming villagers to also greet them, they may be hungry so give them food, and if they want, show them around the village. I need the crafters to give the new villagers armor and weapons once you finished crafting everything. Okay everyone, begin your tasks! We need to be ready!” TronCreeper exhaled, as if was holding his breath the whole time.

All the NPC’s ran off to do their assigned tasks. TronCreeper200 jumped off the wall and to the inside of the castle. A small group of villagers lingered around the gate, the villagers that would greet the incoming army. Henry was standing with Max at his side, who was stroking the fur of one of his many wolves. “Henry! I need you to help lead the incoming villagers to there new homes.” TronCreeper said. Henry nodded and walked up to the castle gate and opened it in welcome to the scouts and the new troops.

TronCreeper walked across the castle bridge with Henry and Max, as well as the other villagers behind him as he went to talk with the incoming NPC’s. Five scouts rode straight into the castle, but two of them stopped and trotted over to TronCreeper. One of the scouts had blond hair and bright blue eyes, the other with short cropped brown hair and emerald green eyes. The duo hopped off their mounts and stood before him.

“You both have done a job well done. Because of your efforts we just might be able to defeat the mobs. Thank you.” TronCreeper200 said. Both of the villagers beamed with pride. “Once you enter the castle, NPC’s will give you the armor, weapons, and tools that you will need to fight the mobs, if you want to train then go to the training area, you’ll be able to practice hand to hand combat and archery there.” The blond one nodded and thanked TronCreeper, who then rode across the bridge and into the castle, with the brown haired scout on his tail. Soon the hundreds of villagers were inside the castle walls, preparing for the battle that could occur that night.

Okay, last battle I made the big mistake of not setting some traps, so let’s not make that mistake again, he thought. First TronCreeper went to the forest and set up tripwires between almost every tree that was close to the village. When the tripwire is activated it would shot a firework into the sky, signaling the approach of the mobs. In the trek between the castle and forest, he put arrows bombs attached to tripwires, that way he wouldn’t have to shoot them for the arrows bombs to activate. Then he created some tunnels that connected to the inside of the castle. Then he filled the tunnels with rails, and set TNT minecarts on the rails. When you pushed the minecart, it would race down the track, then explode when close enough to the mobs. This was one of TronCreeper’s favorite traps, which he liked to call mine bombs. He ran back inside the castle and posted a villager to send the mine bombs into the battlefield when he said to.

“These traps are what I like to call mine bombs, basically when I tell you to just push the minecarts onto the tracks, you push it down the tracks, and then watch the mobs explode.” TronCreeper200 said to the NPC. The villager nodded and smiled.

“Okay, just tell me when and the TNT will be out in the field.” The villager said. TronCreeper200 climbed onto the castle wall. He looked off into the distance. The sun was nearing the mountains. Night was approaching but they still had a little time.

Suddenly a green and yellow firework rocketed into the sky. TronCreeper thought. What? It’s too early for the mobs to have arrived, so what activated the trap? TronCreeper200 looked off into the forest. He noticed two figures at the edge of the forest, walking towards the village. At first he had to squint to see the outlines of the two figures, but as they neared he could start to make out the details.

A name tag was above each of the figures, one read BatmanNicki, and the other Kaigott. These were users,but not just any users. These two were friends of TronCreeper’s.

Kai and Nick! I can’t believe it’s them! How can I convince them that I’m stuck in the game? He thought. If I can convince them, they could sure help out the village!

Questions tumbled in his mind as TronCreeper200 quickly down the castle wall. A villager who was posted to control the gate saw him running towards it, and without a word opened the gate and let TronCreeper through.

“Whats going on?” Henry asked as he started running up behind TronCreeper200. “I think I know some people who can help us!” TronCreeper replied. He sprinted the final stretch and reached the two users. Henry tried to catch up to TronCreeper, but noticed they were users and dropped his weapons and armor to the ground and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Nick! Kai! Guys… I need your help!” Kaigott reached TronCreeper first.

“What you need help with? Building a castle? Some sort of redstone contraption?” Kaigott asked. BatmanNicki walked up next to TronCreeper.

“Yeah, what do you need help with?” Nick asked. Henry walked up to TronCreeper, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Okay. this will sound strange, but I’m stuck in Minecraft, i’m not crazy, i’m not lying, it’s all real. I bought this thing called a computerizer, and it pulled me into the game. I’m not just playing the Minecraft, now I’m in the game, i can feel the sunlight on my face, i can feel a skeletons metal tipped arrow, it’s all real.” Nick and Kai shared a look.

“No way. That’s not possible, you just can’t be in the game, unless you’re playing as a user.” Kaigott said matter of factly.

“Yeah. It’s simply not possible, I mean, even if it is, and that’s a big IF, there’s no way you’d be the person who owns the thing that brings you in.” Nick added.

TronCreeper200 sighed “I know this doesn’t sound possible, but it is! I got pulled into the game, and nothing is what we thought it is. All the creatures in Minecraft, villagers, creepers, everything, are alive and self aware. The mobs are creating a massive army and are trying to destroy all the villagers along with all of Minecraft! We need to do something before it is too late!” TronCreeper said.

Kaigott and BatmanNicki looked at each other, then shook there heads. TronCreeper looked at Henry. “Please Henry, you need to prove to them that you’re self aware, the users could be of great help to the army, not just in numbers, but also in skill and strategy.”

Henry stayed silent, his arms crossed over his chest. But he had a look of deep thinking on his face, a game of tug-a-war was playing in his mind. Slowly Henry’s arms fell to his sides and he turned to look at the players.

“What TronCreeper tells you is true, all the creatures in Minecraft are alive and self aware. But the monsters are creating a colossal army, and are trying to take over all of Minecraft.” Henry said.

A gasp escaped from BatmanNicki. “He talked?” He said in surprise and confusion.

Kaigott just stared in speechless astonishment. “But why haven’t I seen the villagers using their hands before? Or speaking? Or really anything?” Kaigott asked. TronCreeper looked at Kaigott.

“It’s against their code to speak or use their arms in front of users. But like Henry said, the mobs are creating a gigantic army, and we need the players help. Are you with us?” TronCreeper asked.

BatmanNicki smiled.

“Of course.” Kaigott replied. Henry and TronCreeper grinned.

“Alright. Well first, let’s get in the castle. Nightfall is approaching and we don’t wanna be out here alone when it happens.” Henry said. TronCreeper nodded.

“Yeah… let’s get inside.” BatmanNicki said. Quickly they sprinted for the castle gates. The villager who controlled the gate opened it, and it slowly creaked open. TronCreeper was the first to pass through the gates, with Henry on his heels, and the two players close behind. As soon as BatmanNicki and Kaigott entered the castle, all the villagers stopped working and quickly connected there arms over their chests.

All eyes were on TronCreeper and his friends. Silence fell over the crowd of villagers. TronCreeper cast a nervous glance at Henry, the only villager whose arms weren’t connected, then he looked back at the army of villagers around him.

“I know that speaking, and using your arms in front of users is against your programing,” TronCreeper said. “But desperate times call for desperate actions. The players are not only experts in PVP, but also strategy, and we need their help if we are ever to oppose the monsters.” The NPC’s shared nervous glances, deciding on what to do. TronCreeper200 sighed.

I guess the villagers won’t listen to me. This is hopeless. Once Herobrine comes to get us, we’re doomed! He thought. Suddenly Max stepped forward to TronCreeper.

“I don’t care what the rules are, I will stand with you!” Max said. After hearing Max’s words, another villager spoke up. “Me too!” Said one.

“As will I.” Said another. Seeing Max’s courage, all the villagers were inspired and strived to the the same. TronCreeper200 smiled as he watched the villagers accept BatmanNicki and Kaigott into their community. All the NPC’s arms slowly went back to normal. TronCreeper walked towards the castle wall, and signaled Henry and the two players to follow. Henry and the players caught up to TronCreeper.

“What are we doing?” Henry asked.

“Yeah, what’s up with this?” BatmanNicki added. Once they reached the top of the wall TronCreeper pointed at the sun as it began to sink down below the horizon, the sky turning from a light blue to a warm red.

“The sun is about to go down, and that means nighttime. I don’t know how but I know that Herobrine will strike tonight. We need to get everyone in position.” Henry nodded, and then ran down to get everyone ready, for they were racing the clock with only a few minutes left.

“Wait… did you just say Herobrine?” Kaigott asked. TronCreeper sighed.

“Yes, at first I thought we were up against Zoran, the zombie king. But Henry and I recently found out that the real enemy is Herobrine.” TronCreeper200 shuddered at the thought of fighting such a creature.

“Normally, if you told me Herobrine was real, I wouldn’t believe you. But considering the circumstances I think I might have been more surprised if you said we weren’t against Herobrine.” BatmanNicki said.

TronCreeper laughed for the first time in who knows when. The three friends watched the villagers begin climbing the ladder and getting in battle position, sentinels were placed on the walls and watchtowers, watching for the incoming flood of violence and destruction.

The warm red sky turned to a dark, menacing blue, and then to a cold black. Stars topped off the dark sky like sprinkles on a cake. Suddenly a firework went off, then another, and another. Explosive colors of light filled the sky.

The mobs set off my trap! They’re coming to the castle! There’s got to be hundreds of mobs in that army to set off that many fireworks. He thought, the fireworks continued to set off. It was a beautiful display, but it was short lived. Zombies, slimes, creepers, skeletons, endermen, every mob you could imagine walked out of the forest and towards the castle. The sounds of the fireworks began to stop as the last of the mobs poured out of the forest.

TronCreeper200 looked over the monster army. There was at least a thousand of them, maybe more.

This isn’t good, TronCreeper thought. All the mobs suddenly stopped once they were all out of the forest, like they were waiting for some sort of silent command. Then A enderman appeared in front of the horde, with Herobrine to his left, and the zombie king to his right.

TronCreeper200 looked into Herobrine’s blazing white eyes, A look of menacing hate for joy and all living things filled them. Herobrine stared at TronCreeper, a sinister smile spread across his face. “Aww… the villagers are trying to fight back? Isn’t that cute.” Herobrine said to both his monsters and TronCreeper’s villagers.

The zombies did something between A moan and laugh, and the vile enderman chuckled his sinister laugh. But Herobrine wasn’t finished. “And who is this? TronCreeper200? Just because you beat my mobs before doesn’t mean you can do it again. Something is different now. I am here. You and your little friends will all perish!” Herobrine shouted.

TronCreeper at his foe and gave them the most hateful look he could muster. “You mobs have terrorized villages all throughout Minecraft, and taken the lives of many users and NPCs alike just to satisfy your own need for death and destruction! You may no longer hurt my friends! If you want to hurt these villagers then you’ll have to get through me!” TronCreeper200 shouted at his opponents with as much disrespect as possible.

“You are nothing but a programming mistake! You are no match for me!” TronCreeper shouted. Herobrine was furious, now shaking in rage.

“ATTACK!!!” Herobrine screamed. All the mobs surged forward, with one thought in their little minds: Kill TronCreeper200.

Chapter 8

Surprise for Herobrine


The mob army raced forward as fast as they could towards the gates.

“Archers, open fire!” TronCreeper200 ordered. The villagers posted along the walls and watchtowers opened fire on the monsters, but it did little to turn back the tide of destruction.

“Remember, don’t hit the endermen! Be careful with your aim!” TronCreeper reminded the villagers as well as himself. TronCreeper pulled out his bow and notches an arrow first he shot a creeper, than a zombie, then a spider. The victims of TronCreeper’s bow and arrow disappeared with a pop, and left glowing green and yellow orbs of XP on the ground. Suddenly two figures stepped up next to him. BatmanNicki and Kaigott stood at his sides, adding their arrows to the deadly rain on the monsters.

Suddenly there was an explosion, and then about twenty more arrows rained onto the mobs. They activated the arrow bombs! TronCreeper thought. We should send the mine bombs out there soon, but it’d probably be more effective if I let all the arrows bombs activate first. After one of the arrow bombs exploded, another was set off, then another, and another. The arrow bombs began activating each other with the explosion in a deadly chain reaction. The explosives and the arrows from both archers and the bombs destroyed some monsters, but most survived.

“Send the mine bombs! Send them all out!” TronCreeper ordered as the last arrow bomb exploded. The surviving monsters charged at the castle, thinking that there were no more traps. The mine bombs raced through the underground tracks towards the incoming army of mobs. One after another, the mine bombs passed over a detonator rail, and the mine bombs ignited.

Explosions rocked the ground and walls like a small earthquakes, but luckily the wall stood its ground. The spiders, who were generally the fastest at running compared to the other monsters, where at the front of the horde. Spiders, creepers, zombies and skeletons went flying in all directions.

Those that were not killed by the TNT itself were destroyed on contact with the ground. The mine bombs kept coming and coming, destroying many of the mobs. The NPC’s had stopped shooting for a moment to watch the mine bombs destroy the monsters.

“Keep shooting the mobs! The mine bombs alone won’t destroy them! Keep shooting!” TronCreeper said. The villagers snapped into action and began to fire their arrows once more. TronCreeper looked at the army of monsters.

What if the plan doesn’t work? What if they get past the castle wall? What if… TronCreeper thought. No! I can’t think of the what if! I need to focus on defeating the mobs, not focus on what happens if they defeat us. TronCreeper shoved his fear aside and focused on the battle.

Suddenly the explosion of the final mine bomb went off. Oh no! We’re out of mine bombs! TronCreeper thought. The mine and arrow bombs had easily cut the mob’s numbers in half, if not more, But there was still an overwhelmingly large number of mobs running towards the castle. TronCreeper put away his bow and drew his diamond sword. Blue and purple waves of enchantment ran across its blue surface.

“Archers, keep shooting at the mobs! Swordsmen and cavalry, follow me!” He ordered. TronCreeper lept off the wall and began to sprint towards the monsters, cavalry and swordsmen on his heels.

As he ran the skeletons shot at him from a distance. A arrow skimmed off his diamond coated shoulder, a gift from one of the skeletons.

Arrows rained on the mobs, shot by the archers in the village. The skeletons focused their fire on the archers, and having much better shots, slowed the fire of arrows from the castle. TronCreeper shot a look back at the castle to see the castle gates open, surprisingly enough, Max emerged from the gates, coated with iron armor, with a stone sword in hand. Max ran across the bridge, towards TronCreeper, towards the mobs. A pack of wolves trailed behind Max, followed by two colossal iron golems. TronCreeper turned back to the army of monsters and sprinted straight towards it.

One way or another, let’s get this done! TronCreeper thought. TronCreeper crashed into the first wave of monsters, destroying mobs left and right. Suddenly he was face to face with a spider. The spider lunged at TronCreeper, and landed a critical hit to his leg. Although his diamond armor protected him from most of the pain, it still stung, and flashed red, taking damage. TronCreeper snapped into action. Without thought, TronCreeper lept over the spider, bringing his iron sword down onto it’s back as he passed over. He landed with a soft thud behind the spider. As soon as he was on the ground he brought his diamond sword on the spider. It flashed red again, showing it took damage. The spider turned around to face TronCreeper. It’s red eyes full of overwhelming rage. It jumped at TronCreeper’s head with it’s legs outstretched, black claws at the edge of each one of its eight legs. Before TronCreeper could react a arrow whizzed by his ear and sank into the spider’s soft abdomen. The spider fell to the ground and disappeared with a pop, a few threads of string and a spider eye fell on the ground, the only evidence that it ever existed.

“What the?” TronCreeper thought aloud. He turned around expecting to see a skeleton, but instead saw Max, a bow in his hand.

“Hi TronCreeper!” Max said. TronCreeper sighed in relief.

“Thanks Max, I owe you one.” TronCreeper said. Max grinned.

“No problem.” Max said, a smiled spread across his face from ear to ear.

A growl came from behind TronCreeper. He turned around to become face to face with a zombie, it’s cold dead eyes filled with hate.

The zombie punched TronCreeper in the side, pain radiated through his body. TronCreeper snapped into action, and drew both swords, diamond in his right, iron in his left. The zombie tried to punch TronCreeper again, but his sword was already there. TronCreeper easily deflected the blow with his iron sword and brought the diamond one down on the zombie’s head. The zombie screamed out in agony and rage. Why do the monsters hate the villagers so much? What could have started this war? TronCreeper thought as he hacked at the zombie’s chest. What ever started this, I can’t try and figure it out now, I have to get rid of this zombie! TronCreeper blocked another punch from the zombie, and gave the undead beast a kick in the stomach. The zombie flashed red and doubled over in pain from the blow. TronCreeper didn’t give the zombie time to recover, he quickly brought his diamond sword down on the zombies head, and it disappeared with a pop, a small pile of XP and rotten flesh bobbed up and down where the zombie once lay.

TronCreeper looked back at the castle. He could see the archers firing down on the mobs, but the skeletons were shooting back, whittling down the archers numbers. “Focus your attack on the skeletons! We can’t let them destroy our archers!” TronCreeper shouted.

He didn’t wait for a response. TronCreeper sprinted for the skeletons before they could take out any more NPCs.

I can’t let another villager’s life be taken! I hate being responsible for everyone! How can I defeat Herobrine and keep everyone safe at once? He thought as he ran over to the skeletons. He glanced back to see what everyone was doing. The iron golems stayed back and were attacking the zombies, spiders, and creepers. A few villagers stayed back alongside the iron golems to hold off the horde, but most of the villagers were following TronCreeper towards the skeletons, including Max and his pack of wolves.

“BRING IT ON!” TronCreeper200 yelled as he crashed into one of the skeletons. The skeletons tried to shoot at TronCreeper with their arrows, but he didn’t give the skeleton a chance to charge up its bow. He knocked the skeleton’s bow away with his iron sword, then brought it into the skeleton’s ribs. The skeleton flashed red and grimaced in pain. The bony archer looked like he wanted to shoot his bow, but the was too far away to reach, and it’s face turned from anger to panic and fear. TronCreeper swept the skeleton’s legs out from under it with his iron sword, and then his diamond one down on its head. The skeleton flashed red and disappeared.

TronCreeper200 surveyed the battlefield. XP, bones, rotten flesh, string and spider eyes littered the ground. All around TronCreeper the villagers were pushing back against the skeletons, along with the help of the wolves. TronCreeper turned around to see another skeleton standing at the edge of the moat, firing arrows up at the archers. TronCreeper pulled out his own bow and aimed at the skeleton, hoping that it would work. The skeleton hadn’t noticed him yet, so it kept firing at the archers. TronCreeper let go of the bowstring. The arrow went flying towards the skeleton. It hit the bony monster in the back of the head and made it lose its balance, causing it to fall into the moat.

Suddenly a hissing sound came from TronCreeper’s side. He turned his head to see a creeper, it’s green body expanding and about to explode.

“Oh no, you don’t!” TronCreeper yelled. He hit the creeper in the side of it’s head. For a instant the creeper’s ignition process stopped, but it started up again a second later. Before the creeper could explode, TronCreeper brought his iron sword into the creepers stomach. The creeper disappeared and left behind a few pieces of gunpowder.

“This could be useful if I ever need more TNT.” TronCreeper said to himself as he picked up the spoils of war.

TronCreeper pulled out his own bow once more. He aimed at another skeleton, and fired. The arrow flew threw the air towards its intended target, magical flames stuck to the arrow’s metal tip. It hit the skeleton in the back, and it flashed red in pain. The bony mob disappeared and left small amount of XP on the ground. TronCreeper aimed at another skeleton, and fired. Then another, and another, his arrows tearing through the bones of the pale white skeletons. Maybe we can do this! Maybe we can defeat the mobsters! Just maybe… He thought as he fired at the skeletons. The skeletons numbers slowly dropped. Soon there were only three skeletons left. A villager clad in iron armor crashed into one of the remaining skeletons, his iron sword destroying the monster before it could even get an arrow.

An archer fired an arrow at another skeleton, then another arrow, and another until it disappeared. A few wolves attacked the last surviving skeleton. The skeleton tried to shoot at the wolves, but the furry creatures were too fast, and the skeleton’s arrows sank harmlessly into the ground. The wolves jumped at the at the skeleton, making it flash over and over until it disappeared, a few orbs of XP stood in its place.

The skeletons were defeated. The villagers cheered, raising their bows and swords into the air in celebration.

But the victory was short lived, for there were still many monsters to take care of.

Suddenly TronCreeper200 heard a screech of anger, and instantly turned his head to find a enderman, it’s mouth agape. A look of rage filled its purple eyes.

Oh no! Some one enraged the endermen! This isn’t good! The rest of the endermen turned to see their damaged ally, and became enraged, giving them the ability to join the battle. A few endermen chuckled with glee. The laugh sent a chill up TronCreeper’s spine.

Oh crap! This is bad! What do I do? What do I do? He thought as he watched the terrible scene unfold.

Enderman teleported behind villagers, there black fists punching into the villager’s health. TronCreeper could hear screams of agony as lives were lost.

Ok Jonah. Think, think! What could we do? Well an enderman’s best ability is to teleport, so… wait, that’s it! An idea quickly popped into his mind.

“Everyone get back to back! We have stop the endermen from attacking us from behind!” TronCreeper ordered. All the villagers obediently followed his command without question. The endermen attempted to teleport behind the villagers, but were surprised to find defense at both sides, iron swords tearing into the endermen’s health.

TronCreeper found himself back to back with BatmanNicki and Kaigott, the duo’s swords destroying mobs left and right. The rest of the mobs snapped into action. Zombies, Spiders, and Creepers joined the fray.

“So you think we can really do this?” TronCreeper asked.

“Do what?” BatmanNicki asked as he brought his iron sword into the side of a zombie.

“Defeat this army, defeat Herobrine? Do you really think we can do all that? All of these villagers are relying on me, but I’m just a kid.” TronCreeper replied as he brought his diamond sword into a spider’s back.

“I… I don’t know, but we just… just can’t give up. We have to stand and fight, giving up and running away won’t solve this problem. All we can do is stand and fight, and hope for the best.” BatmanNicki stuttered. A creeper ran up next to them, it’s body blinking, about to explode, but both BatmanNicki and TronCreeper’s swords were already there. Nick’s iron sword tore into the creeper’s side while TronCreeper’s hit it in the side of the head. The creeper disappeared and left a couple of orbs of XP where it once stood.

Where’s Henry? TronCreeper asked himself as he scanned the battlefield for his friend. His eyes shifted from creature to creature until he found Zoran, the zombie king, with Henry standing next to him. Henry was trapped, his iron sword cast aside, and Zoran’s diamond sword ready to destroy his last few bits of health.

NOOOOOO! TronCreeper thought. He wanted to charge at Zoran with his sword, but he was simply too far away to reach him. TronCreeper pulled out his bow and notched an arrow, aiming it towards the zombie king. He made ever so slight adjustments to his aim, because if he missed, then Henry would have little chance of survival.

Zoran held his diamond sword over his head, ready to bring it down on Henry.

“Prepare to meet your end, foolish villager!” The zombie king yelled as he brought his diamond sword around in a wide arch towards Henry’s head.

The arrow flew through the air towards Zoran. Just before the diamond sword hit Henry, the arrow sank into the zombie king’s butt. Zoran dropped his diamond sword and fell to ground in pain.

Henry turned to look at TronCreeper200, a look of surprise covered his face, and was soon replaced by joy. TronCreeper waved to his friend, a friendly smile covered his face. Henry picked up his iron sword, but before he could destroy the zombie king once and for all, a endermen appeared. The enderman grabbed Zoran and teleported away to edge of the battle field, taking the injured zombie king with him.

Suddenly a horrendously loud screech of anger and frustration rang across the battlefield.

TronCreeper turned towards the sound and saw Herobrine. A look of rage filled his pale white eyes.

“You have meddled with my plans for the last time TronCreeper! Prepare to meet your doom!” One of the endermen grabbed Herobrine, and teleported him about fifteen blocks away from TronCreeper.

“Come on Herobrine! Let’s do this!” TronCreeper yelled. Herobrine drew his diamond sword and ran towards TronCreeper and got ready for his attack. The two diamond swords crashed together with the force of a bolt of lightning. The strength of the two swords numbed TronCreeper’s arm, but he managed to keep a hold on his sword. TronCreeper tried to stab Herobrine with his iron sword but it was deflected with ease.

“Is that all that you got TronCreeper?” Herobrine taunted. Don’t get mad, don’t get mad, just focus on the battle, not what he says, TronCreeper thought. Herobrine tried to bring his diamond sword onto TronCreeper’s head, but he blocked with his own. He tried to bring his iron sword into Herobrine’s waist, but Herobrine brought his diamond sword down and hit TronCreeper’s iron sword so hard that he lost his grip on it, and it was cast off to the side. Before TronCreeper could react Herobrine faked an attack to the left and struck TronCreeper to the right. He flashed red and screamed out in pain.

“Ha ha ha! You think you can defeat me? It’s going to take more than that, you fool!” Herobrine said.

TronCreeper took Herobrine by surprise and struck out at Herobrine’s left leg with his diamond sword. His sword found flesh and tore into Herobrine, biting into his health.

“You’ll pay for that!” Herobrine shouted in rage. He tried to hit TronCreeper in the side of his head, but TronCreeper’s diamond sword was already there. Herobrine’s diamond sword crashed into TronCreeper’s with such a force it almost made Herobrine drop his sword.

TronCreeper200 pulled his diamond sword back and swung it with all his might in attempt to hit Herobrine in the side. Herobrine quickly blocked what would have been a lethal blow and then cast TronCreeper’s diamond sword to the side. Oh no! My sword! Oh crap, this is bad!

“HA HA HA HA HA!” Herobrine cackled. His sinister laugh sent a chill up TronCreeper’s spine. Herobrine brought his diamond sword around and struck TronCreeper in his left shoulder. TronCreeper flashed red as Herobrine’s sword bit into his health. What do I do? Oh man this is bad! What do I do, what do I do? He thought.

Suddenly Herobrine swept TronCreeper’s legs out from under him, forcing him to the ground. Before he could get up, Herobrine brought down his diamond blade down on TronCreeper, and again, and again. Herobrine’s sword but a blur as it teared through TronCreeper’s health.

TronCreeper200 could hear the sounds of war around him, mobs screaming in pain as there lives were taken. As Herobrine’s sword teared through TronCreeper’s health, the sounds of war slowly beginning to fade away. Herobrine’s evil laugh, the screams of monsters and villagers alike perishing in battle. He could barely make out Herobrine, with his diamond sword raised high, and he brought it down onto TronCreeper again. The diamond sword made TronCreeper flash red, and everything went black.

Chapter 9

The survivor


TronCreeper200 slowly opened his eyes to see a wooden ceiling. “What the?” He asked himself as he slowly climbed out of bed. “Why am I here?”

TronCreeper looked around the room. He was standing in one of the village’s houses, but strangely not Henry’s.

Suddenly he heard a the sound of wood creaking beaneth feet coming from behinde him, and turned to see Henry, as well as Max, standing beside him.

“I’m not dead?” TronCreeper asked. Henry breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thankfully, no. That was a close one.” Henry said. Max walked over to TronCreeper.

“Don’t do that again! You scared us! We thought you were dead!” Max said as he gave TronCreeper200 a light punch in the arm.

“I’ll try, but I can’t promise you anything.” TronCreeper said with a smile.

“So… what happened?” TronCreeper asked.

“Well, after you blacked out, I guess Herobrine thought you were dead, because he left the battlefield. After that, most of the monsters decided to retreat. I don’t know if it was because it was almost dawn, or that Herobrine had left, or if it was because we were actually winning the battle, but they retreated as soon as Herobrine did. After that I and a few other NPC’s rushed you to one of the houses and put you in bed, gave you some splash potions of healing and hoped for the best.” Henry answered.

“Huh. Well… that could have gone worse.” TronCreepe200r said. “But there is much to do today. We must prepare for the nether.” TronCreeper said.

“The nether? What do we want to go there for?” Max asked.

TronCreeper gave Max a reassuring smile.

“I’ll explain later, but first we need to do a few things. Come on, we need to prepare.” TronCreeper200 said as he walked out the door of the small wooden house, with Max and Henry close on his heels.

“Max, I need you to get your wolves ready for battle, were going to need all the help we can get.” TronCreeper said. Max smiled, and without a word ran off to meet his wolves. TronCreeper could hear howls and barks of happiness as the wolves greeted Max. Henry smiled as they both watched Max stroking his wolves and giving them food.

“He’s a good kid.” Henry said.

“Yeah, he’s always ready to help. Anyways, I need to tell our army about how we’re going to go to the nether and all, so try and get everyone to the castle gate, I’ll be waiting there to tell them everything. While you’re doing that I need to talk to BatmanNicki and Kaigott.” TronCreeper said.  Henry nodded and then ran off to try and get everyone to go to the castle gate.

TronCreeper200 walked away, looking for Kai and Nick. Where could they be? TronCreeper thought as he strolled through the village. Villagers shouted his name and patted him on the back as he passed by, celebrating the survival of their leader. Eventually he walked by the blacksmith’s shop and spotted BatmanNicki standing on the porch.

“Nick!” TronCreeper shouted. Nick turned his head to face TronCreeper.

“Oh, hey dude!” Nick said.

“Where’s Kaigott?” TronCreeper200 asked.

“He’s inside with the blacksmith, helping him craft weapons and smelting ore, stuff like that.” BatmanNicki replied.

“Ok then, let’s go inside. We need to discuss something.” TronCreeper said.

They were quickly met by the smell of smoke as they entered. They must be smelting a lot of iron, TronCreeper200 thought to himself.

“Oh, hi! What’s going on?” Kaigott asked Nick and TronCreeper. John the blacksmith was at the other side of the room, putting some more coal and iron ore into a furnace.

“I just want to ask you two about something. Anyways, as you guys already know, now we’re up against not only Zoran, the king of the zombies, a monster army, but now Herobrine as well.” TronCreeper200 said. Both Nick and Kai nodded.

“I think that even a NPC army won’t be enough to stop a threat this size.” TronCreeper continued. “We’re going to need some more users, and not just you two, I mean like a hundred, or more. Anyways, I was wondering if you could try and get some more users to help us defeat Herobrine.” TronCreeper said.  Nick and Kai shared a concerned look, then looked back at TronCreeper200. “I know I’m asking for a lot, but if we don’t get some users, then it’s game over. So just please try and convince someone, you’re friends, other users, youtubers, anyone.”

BatmanNicki and Kaigott shared another glance, but instead of a concerned one, it was of courage and hope.

“We’ll do what we can, but most people probably don’t believe us. I’m sure we can convince our friends, and maybe a few strangers.” Nick said.

“I could post a video about the Herobrine problem on my channel to try and get people to help, and probably use some other social media sites to try and convince people.” Kai added as there plan began to form. TronCreeper200 smiled.

“Thanks guys, this really means a lot to me. If this works, we might just stand a chance against Herobrine.” TronCreeper said.

“Okay, just don’t get your hopes up.” Nick said.

Kai stuffed the armor, weapons, and smelted iron that he was using for crafting into a nearby chest, and then stood before TronCreeper, with BatmanNicki at his side.

“Assuming this all works, how will we know when to bring all the users to you and the NPC army?” Kai asked.

“I’ll signal you. Trust me, you’ll know when. But until that time, if the users agree, then send them mining to get iron and diamond. They will need it if they’re going to help.” TronCreeper200 answered.

“Okay, see ya later!” Kai said.

“I’ll catch you later dude!” Nick added.

“Good luck!” TronCreeper said as the two users logged off of Minecraft to try and convince people to help fight Herobrine.

“Hey John, Henry’s gathering everyone by the castle gate. I have a big announcement to make, so we should probably head over there.” The blacksmith turned around.

“Oh, alright then, let’s go.” The two stepped outside, the wooden door creaking as it closed behind them.

“So what’s this announcement about anyways?” John asked as they walked towards the castle gate.

“Well, me and Henry have been able to piece together a plan, but it’s best I don’t tell you now, you’ll hear it when I make the announcement.” TronCreeper200 said. They began to near the castle gate, villagers gathered around the castle gate. They were clumped together, talking amongst themselves about what the whole announcement was even about. TronCreeper watched as Henry herded the last few villagers into the group, then stood there with the rest of the NPCs, waiting for the arrival of TronCreeper200.

As they entered the crowd, TronCreeper quickly lost sight of John as walked towards the castle gate. Quickly he climbed the ladder that stood against the wall, leading him to the top of the castle wall, and in no time at all, he was on top of the gate, looking down on the NPCs. As everyone noticed TronCreeper, all conversations ceased, and all eyes were on TronCreeper.

“As you guys can see, I survived Herobrine’s attack. I’m just as surprised as you guys that I survived. I don’t know how, or why, but I did. Anyways, you are all wondering why I called this meeting. Now I’m sure you all know about the Herobrine problem and everything by now, and me and Henry have made a plan on what to do next. We can’t just stay here and keep fighting them every night. We lose more and more lives every battle, and Herobrine will just come back with more mobs each time. We all know that monsters don’t work together very well and only do so if forced. I think that if we defeat Herobrine, then the monsters won’t know what to do. But right now we desperately need information on how to defeat Herobrine. The only two sources of information we can come up with is the stronghold library and Notch. Maybe the stronghold library could give us information on how to find Notch, or maybe just let us know how to defeat Herobrine right there. Who knows? But to get there, we need eyes of ender. We already have lots of ender pearls from our battle last night, so now we need to go to the nether and get some Blaze powder. But first things first, are you all willing to do this task? I understand if you are afraid, I am too, only a fool wouldn’t be, but today I ask you to travel with me to the nether, fight the fiery beats we will find there, and hopefully defeat Herobrine. Will you do this task with me?” TronCreeper200 said.

The villagers looked around at each other, looks of deep thought covered their blocky faces. TronCreeper waited for an answer standing on the gate, waiting for someone, anyone to respond, but everyone remained silent. They don’t believe me. They aren’t willing to do it. I guess I’ll have to do this on my own. What do I do, what do I do? I’m just a twelve year old kid! TronCreeper thought to himself.

He looked at the ground, regret and sadness filling his soul. He wished he’d never bought the computerizer, wished he hadn’t been pulled into Minecraft, and wished he didn’t have to go to the nether, and face Herobrine alone. Suddenly a voice broke the silence.

“This is my battle too TronCreeper, I am with you.” TronCreeper looked up from the ground to see that Henry was the one to speak up. His emerald green eyes glimmering in the sun with a look of courage. TronCreeper200 smiled. Well, looks like I’m not alone after all, He thought.

Then another voice spoke up. “Count me in!” John said. TronCreeper looked at the blacksmith, his fear slowly subsided.

“Don’t forget about us!” Max and Ally said, the two holding their bows over their heads over their heads to try and be noticed, and Max’s wolves barked in agreement. Suddenly another NPC spoke up, joining TronCreeper200, then another, and another.

“I will stand with you TronCreeper!”

“As will I, my sword will be by your side!” Said another. One after another, The villagers joined TronCreeper200 and agreed to do the great task laid before them.

“Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me, now we may stand a chance against Herobrine. Now when I go to the nether, I will only take a small party of warriors with me, I don’t want to risk too many lives, or draw too much attention to ourselves while we’re there.” TronCreeper said as he jumped off the castle wall. He winced as he took a little damage, but not much, and recovered a few seconds later.

“First thing we need to do is decide who to bring to the nether with me. Henry! Come here for a second!” Henry strolled over.

“Yeah?” He whispered to his friend.

“I know a few people I want to pick, as long as they volunteer, but after I pick my few people, I want you to pick some more people for the job, because you know these villagers better than I do, so you’d probably make a better decision on this one then I would.” TronCrepper said. Henry nodded, and then both of them turned back to the crowd.

“Alright, anyone who is willing to venture with me to the nether, raise your sword, or bow, above your head.” Instantly, swords and bows filled the air. TronCreeper200 swelled with pride for his village, his army, his people. TronCreeper scanned the crowd for the strongest people he could find. TronCreeper pointed at one of the stronger looking ones.

“Okay, I’ll take you.” He said. The villager smiled and then stepped beside TronCreeper200. “And I’ll also take you… and you.” TronCreeper said as he pointed out at the strongest and most capable looking men and women. After a few minutes, TronCreeper200 had picked a group of about 15 villagers.

“Okay Henry, if you want to pick anyone, you should probably do it now.” TronCreeper said to Henry. Henry went about, pointing at more villagers, and having them join the party. After another minute or two, they had about 5 more villagers in the group.

“Is that all?” Henry asked. TronCreeper200 shook his head.

“There’s two more people. Max! Ally! Could you guys come here for a second?” TronCreeper asked.

“What is it?” Max said as he walked over, concerned. Ally stood at Max’s side, and the wolves behind them.

“I was wondering if you two wanted to come with me to the nether.” TronCreeper200 said. Max and Ally seemed just as shocked as Henry. But quickly the look of shock on Max’s face was replaced by excitement.

“Yeah! This gonna be so cool! I’m going to go get the rest of the wolves!” Max said as he turned around and ran off towards to the wolf pen.

“Max! Wait!” Ally said as he sprinted after him.

“We can’t let those two go to the nether! They’re just kids! They’ll get killed!” Henry said. TronCreeper shook his head.

“No monster would call Ally a kid when she has a bow in hand, and Max’s wolves could definitely help us. I’ve seen those two take care of themselves better than a lot of adults.” TronCreeper200 said. “But anyways, there still a few things we need to do. I’m going to make the nether portal. ALL MINERS! I need you over here quick!” The miners all jogged up to TronCreeper.

“What is it?” One of them asked.

“I’m going to make the nether portal. Could I see the obsidian you guys got?” TronCreeper200 asked. The miners pulled out the blocks of obsidian, and tossed them to TronCreeper. “Thanks guys.” TronCreeper200 said. Quickly TronCreeper built the nether portal out of the obsidian, but made the corners out of cobblestone to conserve. Obsidian is hard to find, but also hard to break and can prove useful at times.

“Henry, could I have some flint?” TronCreeper200 asked.

“Sure.” Henry said as he tossed a piece of flint from his pocket.

“Thanks.” TronCreeper said as he placed down a crafting table. TronCreeper200 thought of the crafting recipe for flint and steel, put the two items down on the crafting table, and a second later, a piece of flint and steel popped into TronCreeper’s inventory (He still wasn’t really sure about how the whole crafting and inventory thing worked).

TronCreeper200 walked over to the ring of obsidian and pulled out his flint and steel. With a flick of the wrist, a loud scraping sound rang through the village. Sparks flew and the portal activated. Purple particles danced across the surface of the portal. They were the same particles that surrounded endermen when they teleported. The purple portal itself was filled with purple swirls that spiraled in an endless loop. TronCreeper turned around and tried to find John.

“John! I need to talk to you for a minute!” The blacksmith emerged from the crowd of villagers that were still lingering about, and walked over to TronCreeper.

“Yeah?” John asked.

“When me and my friends venture to the nether, I need someone to be in charge of the villagers who stay here while I’m gone. I was wondering if you would like to be in charge while I’m gone.” TronCreeper said. The blacksmiths eyes lit up with excitement.

“Of course! I’ll do my best to take care of them.” John said.

“Thanks man, I really appreciate it. It might take a while for me to get back from the nether, but I’ll be back as soon as possible.” TronCreeper200 replied. “Everyone who won’t be going with me, try and set up some redstone traps for the mobs because Herobrine might attack while I’m gone, and if he does you’ll need to be prepared.” TronCreeper said. The villagers nodded and then ran off. Some went outside, setting up all the redstone traps. Others went to patch up scratches and missing blocks in the castle wall from creeper explosions. All of the villagers ran off to perform a task to help prepare, except for the warriors that would follow TronCreeper into the nether of course.

“Alright, let’s head to…” Before TronCreeper could finish, a voice spoke up.

“Wait! Don’t forget about us!” Everyone turned to see Max approaching, Ally at his side, and his pack of wolves following them. TronCreeper smiled.

“Okay, that looks like everyone. Today my friends, we will venture to the nether. We will push back against the blazes and ghasts, today, WE SAY NO MORE!” TronCreeper shouted and rose his sword over his head. The warriors cheered, and drew the swords and bows, getting ready to enter the hellish dimension; the nether.

“Alright everyone, let’s head out!” TronCreeper ordered. One by one the NPCs walked through the portal, disappearing on contact with the purple teleportation field. In a few minutes, only TronCreeper, Henry, Max, Ally, and of course the wolves remained in the overworld.

“See you guys on the other side!” Ally said as she jumped into the portal.

“Yeah, catch you guys later!” Max said as he threw himself into the portal after Ally, with his wolves close behind. How can I do this? Fight the creatures of the nether? Find the stronghold? They all think I’m a hero, but i’m just a twelve year old kid. I’m to scared to do something like this! TronCreeper thought.

“You coming or not?” Henry asked.

“Ahh… yes, I was just thinking.” TronCreeper replied.

“Well come on, we can’t just leave the soldiers waiting.

“See you in the nether!” Henry said as he jumped through the portal. TronCreeper sighed.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” He said to himself. And then TronCreeper200 sprinted through the portal after his friend.

Chapter 10

Into the Nether


TronCreeper200 emerged from the portal to be surrounded by a world of fire and smoke. The group of warriors stood at the foot of a netherack mountain, and at its edge  a bride of netherbrick. The bridge spanned out across the sea of lava before them, and lead to a nether fortress in the far distance. A nether fortress! We could probably find a lot of blaze spawners there! We could get so much blaze powder out of that fortress! But at what cost? We could lose so many lives on this mission, is it really worth it? TronCreeper thought as he studied the nether fortress, blazes and ghasts flew around the fortress, and zombie-pigmen stood around the netherack mountain, as well as dotted the netherbrick bridge. “Glad you could join us.” A voice said to the right of TronCreeper200. He truned to see Henry, a smile covered his face. TronCreeper shurgged, not being able to tell if his friend was being sarcastic or not.


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