
Gameknight999 Choose Your Own Adventure

by TheSnakeWhoKills


            For those of you who do not know what a choose your own adventure story is, it is a story in which you, the reader, choses the path that your character will go. 

            In this story, you, the user, will be taken along a journey through the digitizer, and into Minecraft with Gameknight999 and the gang. Although there are many endings, some clearly bad, and some with a feeling that things could be better, there is only one true ending that ends as all good Gameknight fans should hope a story like this should end.

            Congrats, and…good luck.


            You walk down the road to your friend Tommy’s house. It’s noon, and your parents and his parents have agreed to let you have a sleepover. When you walk inside the house, Tommy meets you and leads you down to the basement where his dad’s inventions are stored. You pull out a computer from your backpack and open up Minecraft, while Tommy opens it up on the computer in the basement.

            You make a joke to Tommy about the new minecraft update, Tommy laughs; it’s a normal sleepover playing Minecraft. Once you both are logged in, you debate on whether you should join a minigames server, or a good old survival server. In the end, you chose the survival.

            You remember that your older brother told you about a cool survival server that he played on, and you tell Tommy that you’re going to type it in as a surprise for him. Gameknight moves away from the computer and you quickly type in the IP address into his computer and your own, then you watch as your characters form in the world.

            When Gameknight looks at the screen he lets out a gasp. You ask what’s wrong, and he tells you that he knows this server. You quickly move your user around, taking in the sights of the waterfall, and the faint outline of a village in the distance…but something’s wrong. Your suspicions are confirmed when you hear a trumpet sound, and spot some pillagers and a ravager moving towards the village. You tell Tommy that the village is under attack from a raid, and he gasps again.

            He quickly changed to creative mode and double jumps to fly, then he moved over the village, and you move behind Tommy’s computer to watch. The user that caused the raid was long gone, and the villagers were getting destroyed. It seemed that there had once been a wall around the village, but a lot of TNT or creeper blasts had destroyed it.

            Tommy quickly gets up and turns to one of his father’s inventions, the digitizer, and powers it on. He turns to you and says that he’s going into Minecraft to help the villagers, when you ask why, he tells you that all the Gameknight999 books are true. You realize what he’s saying, and turn to the village, understanding that his

friends are down there. You tell Tommy that you’re going with him, and he doesn’t argue.

            At that moment, Tommy’s sister walks down into the basement and notices the screen. Her eyes go wide, and as Tommy quickly explains everything to her she turns and runs back up the stairs. She returns with Tommy’s dad, who moves towards the digitizer and gets it all set up. Tommy has a slight argument with his sister, and then with his father, but they all outvote him, and say that they’re going in as well.

            The digitizer springs to life and all four of you are sucked into Minecraft. When you land, Gameknight springs to his feet and rushes for the village, Monkeypants, Monet, and you close behind. When you reach the village, Gameknight draws two swords out of his inventory and attacks the monsters, Monet pulls out a bow and shoots at some Vex being summoned by an Evoker, and Monkeypants joins his son.

            You don’t know where to go, there seem to be two options, join Gameknight and Monkeypants, or go and help some villagers trapped in a house by three vindicators and a pillager.

To go to Gameknight and Monkeypants go to PAGE 4#

To go and help the villagers go to PAGE 2#


            You decide to go and help the villagers.When you check your inventory you realize that you’ve got nothing, but you notice an iron sword on the ground, the last owner dead, and you scoop it up. You charge the illagers and begin hacking at the last one, a vindicator. It turns and grunts at you, and you swing the sword at it’s head, but it’s axe leaps up and knocks the sword out of your hands, and then tears life out of your shoulder.

            You fall backwards on the ground, stunned by the pain that you feel, and the vindicator looms over you. It’s just about to swing it’s axe at you again, when an arrow embeds itself into his shoulder, pushing him back a few blocks and lighting him on fire. You scramble away and scoop up your sword again, but it doesn’t matter. Your savior, a female NPC with fiery red hair fires three more arrows into the monster, killing it.

            She then turns her bow on the house with the monsters inside it, drawing them out and destroying them. You catch a glance of a monster behind her, it’s a vindicator, and it’s about to attack her. You dart behind her, and this time you put all your skill into destroying the monster, and you quickly do, but not before it got a few glancing blows on you. The NPC turns and watches as you deliver the final blow, and she nods. She says that you’ve got spunk, and moves off to find more victims.

            You judge by the amount of monsters that came for this wave, that the raid is over, and you find Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Monet with the redhead Gameknight is annoyed that you took off, but since the redhead (who’s name was Hunter) told him where you were he knew you were safe. More villagers come up, and Gameknight introduces them as Herder, Crafter, Digger, and Stitcher.

            Monkeypants asks Crafter what happened, and Crafter says that this raid was the 10thone. The same user was coming to this specific village, over and over again, and he always came with a Bad Omeneffect. Gameknight says that they need to move the village so that the user can’t find them again.

            They quickly round up all the villagers and move out. As you’re going along, you make friends with a few of the villagers, and travel alongside the rest of the group in a small group of your own. Then one of your friends comes to you and says that he’s spotted a small group of zombies following the villagers. You take your group and investigate, and when you do you see about 10 zombies with headgear on, no other armor, and no weapons at all except their claws. One of your friends scoff and say that they should be ignored. Another says that you can wipe them out easily, and a third says that you should tell Gameknight about them.


To ignore the zombies go to PAGE 8#

To attack the zombies go to PAGE 3#

To warn Gameknight go to PAGE 9#



            You chose to attack the zombies, there are only 10 of them, and it’ll be an easy kill.You draw you iron sword and your friends draw theirs as well. One of your friends hands you some iron armor, and you put it on. You all charge the zombies, slaying most of them without one touching you. Two of the zombies escape, and you pursue them to eliminate them once and for all, but when they cross a hill a horde of zombies comes in their place.

            You all freeze, obviously the 10 that you attacked were only a scouting party. The zombies attack you and you struggle to defend yourself. It’s really no battle at all. Your friends are dropping one after another, and you’ve sustained so many critical hits to the armor that soon it’ll break and you’ll be left with nothing. Suddenly Gameknight appears, shouting his battle cry, and the village rushes down upon the zombies.

            The zombies are caught off guard and many of them die before they retaliate, but by then the villagers grab you and what’s left of your friends and get them away. Then a group of horsemen, led by Herder, blaze down and circle the zombies, bunching them up and not letting them move. Monkeypants and a group of NPC’s then build one block bridges overtop of the bunched up group of zombies and place TNT at the ends, the horsemen gallop away, and the TNT is lit. The zombies are all but destroyed, and any stragglers are quickly rounded up and killed.

            After the battle, Gameknight whirls on you and furiously demands what you were doing, you try to explain, but he doesn’t listen, he keeps on telling you that this isn’t a game, that there are real lives involved, and that your dangerous behavior could cause the entire village to be destroyed. You listen in silence, and when he storms off you move to the back of the group with what’s left of your friends.

            When you camp down for the night, you can’t sleep and eventually get up and wander around the camp. When you see Gameknight standing watch you think about turning around, but he turns and motions for you to come to him. When you get to him he apologizes for what he said before. You forgive him, and to lighten the mood tell a lame joke that pertained to this situation. Gameknight laughed at it, but Then he suddenly stopped. When you look at where he is looking, you see a band of white light reaching up into the sky, you don’t know what it means, but Gameknight does.

            Gameknight rouses everyone and moves on, telling them all that a user is near, and it’s probably the user that caused the raids. You move along, when suddenly a group of spiders leaps out at you, and skeletons arrive with them. Everyone draws their weapons and attacks.


If you attack go to PAGE 10#

If you hide go to PAGE 11#



            You follow Gameknight and Monkeypants, and on the way you scoop up an iron sword. They’re helping a small NPC battle against an Evoker, who is summoning Vex. Because of the extra swords the monster is quickly destroyed, and the NPC child introduces himself as Crafter. Together you destroy more monsters, but you spot a user far away, watching the battle. He’s got a white thread connecting him to the sky from his head, and when you point that out Gameknight turns to him.

            Crafter explains that the user is the one who started the raid, and Gameknight says that they need to go after him. Monkeypants and Crafter say that they need to stay and help the villagers with the rest of the raid.


To stay with Crafter and Monkeypants go to PAGE 28#

To go with Gameknight go to PAGE 5#




            You agree with Gameknight, if you can stop this user once and for all there won’t be any more raids.You and Gameknight go off after the user and he leads you into a cave system. Gameknight gives you a spare set of armor so you are protected against monsters down there and you both go in.

            No sooner than the light from outside died, and Gameknight placed a torch, 3 zombies clad in gold armor and holding iron weapons, and a spider jockey greet you. Gameknight begins to attack the zombies, he isn’t able to do much damage to them, but they aren’t doing much damage to him either. It’s a stalemate.


To help Gameknight attack the zombies go to PAGE 6#

To attack the spider jockey go to PAGE 7#



            You decide that two swords are better than one, for both monsters, so you decide to help Gameknight destroy the zombies and tackle the spider jockey later. But the spider jockey had friends, 5 more jockeys come out, as well as 3 chicken jockeys. You and Gameknight try your best, but it’s no use. The combined force of skeletal arrows, chicken jockey swiftness, and spider claws and teeth are to much, and you both die.

Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



            Divide and conquer. That’s your motto, and so you attack the spider jockey while Gameknight eventually destroys the zombies. You both continue down into the caves, coming across the odd zombie or skeleton, but nothing that you can’t handle.

            Then, when you turn the corner you see the user, illuminated by a block of lava. He is dumping random ingredients into a cauldron of boiling water, and the liquid is changing color each time an ingredient is put in.

            For blaze power, red. Ghast tears, grey. Spider eyes, black. And so on. Suddenly he stops. He hurries over to a chest and withdraws three more items. A wither skeleton skull, a diamond, and a dragon egg. As he drops each item in, he murmurs something. For the diamond he talked about skin as sharp as diamond, for the skull he said something about three heads, and for the egg he remained silent. The potion exploded, and wisps of light shot out around him, and from the cauldron came a creature.

            It was small, about the size of a silverfish. It was electric blue, shaped like a dragon, but with three heads. The user started cackling, then laughing, then all out bellowing. He scooped up the dragon and held it in his hands. He cried out that this was the key to the destruction of the villagers.

            Gameknight clenched his hands around his diamond sword, and you can see he’s just itching to fight the user and the monster, but he turns to you and whispers that he’s leaving the decision up to you because you’ve probably got some common sense.


To attack the user and monster go to PAGE 16#

To leave and warn the rest of the villagers go to PAGE 17#




            You decide that you should ignore the zombies. There’s only 10 of them, what harm could they do? And besides, they aren’t doing any harm, so they shouldn’t be killed just for being zombies. Right? Wrong. You quickly catch up to the rest of the village and eventually find a place to camp.

            In the night a horde of zombies sneaks through and infects or murder’s the entire village. It’s obvious that those 10 zombies were just a scouting group for the main army. There’s nothing anyone can do, and Crafter’s village becomes zombies.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button




            You decide that it’s best to warn Gameknight. You don’t fully understand this world yet, and it’s better to put things in the hands of someone who knows and understands it.

            When you tell him, he sends out some scouts and discovers that there’s a huge zombie army behind the 10, thirsting for blood. When you hear that, you’re really glad you didn’t attack the zombies.

            Gameknight sets a trap, he positions archers in the trees and horsemen on the ground. The plan is to lure the zombies in with a group of unarmed NPC’s, and surprise them by showing that they’re surrounded by the horsemen, then the archers will rain down arrows on them, slaying them all.

            Gameknight gives you a choice, to join the archers or be on the ground with the horsemen.


To chose to be an archer go to PAGE 34#

To chose to be a horsemen go to PAGE 12#


PAGE 10#

            You bravely draw your sword and attack the mobs. Even though Gameknight apologized, you don’t really think he ment it, and you hope that you can show him that you’re sorry by attacking. You team up with your 3 friends that are left and move from mob to mob, destroying them and helping other NPC’s who are in danger. In the process, you are pushed out of the rest of the group.

            Suddenly the user appears, and he raises his sword into the air. Hundreds of monsters wash over the army, creepers, skeletons, zombies, spiders, slimes, silverfish, endermites, endermen, and a few blazes.

            Emboldened by your survival, you stand firm with your men but are attacked by a wave of zombies. These zombies have armor on, but no weapons and you manage to dispatch them, but immediately after the zombies die, three spiders come on you. After them, a creeper and a spider jockey, they all die, but you’ve received heavy wounds and aren’t getting the chance to take a break.

            Gameknight sees your predicament and rushed toward you, his swords held at his sides. He attacks the monsters before you and gives you a chance to take a breath, but while you are taking it 3 blazes come down from the sky and incinerate your friends, then turn their fireballs upon you. It’s hopeless, you’re to weak to run, and to weak to bat the fireballs back at the monsters.

            3 fireballs hit at the same time and you fall to the ground. A second later, you disappear, with 3 XP balls in your place and some items.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 11#

            It’s too much for you, you’re terrified, and you dig down three blocks and place a block above your head, then you crouch down so that your username won’t show. You spend hours there, then, when you think that the fighting has stopped you open up your hidey-hole and climb out.

            It’s carnage. All the monsters are dead, but at least half of the villagers went with them. The ground is pocket marked by creeper and TNT blasts, and items are strewn everywhere. Gameknight catches sight of you and moves towards you, you are slightly nervous and ashamed that you hid.

            When he reaches you he asks you where you went and you tell him the truth. He puts a hand on your shoulder and says that it’s ok. It’s all right to be scared, but that they need soldiers, not runners. You get the hint, Gameknight is asking you not to do that again. You nod and help with the cleanup.

            Once the cleanup is done they move into an ice spikes biome. You veer around polar bears, with nobody because your friends all died in the battle. You try and make some new friends, but nobody talks to you. They don’t want to be friends with the coward.

            Small groups of mobs spring out at them and are quickly destroyed without loss of life. Gameknight forms small groups of 10 NPC’s to deal with the monsters as they come, rotating between group and group. You’re placed in a group, but all the rest in your group look at you with distain. They obviously don’t think you’ll be much use.

            Suddenly Gameknight stops and holds up a hand to stop everyone else. He see’s something that is out of place. The user suddenly appears overtop of an ice spike. He plunges his sword into the ice and shouts for something to attack. Nether creatures by the thousands appear all around them, blazes and ghasts in the sky, zombie pigmen and magma cubes on the ground, and wither skeletons weaving in and out between the two, they have on elytra and in one instant swoop down to slash at an NPC, and in the next chug a potion of leaping to fly off into the sky again.

            The villagers do their best, but they’re all being destroyed. Dozens of villagers fall every 5 minutes, but you’re fighting with all your might. The rest of the villagers in your group look at you in amazement as you take down mob after mob. You’re terrified of them all the time, but you’re still doing it. Suddenly all the fighting stops, you see the user on the ground battling with Gameknight, the two swords of Gameknight and the one sword of the user flashing.


To go up to Gameknight and make a sneak attack on the user go to PAGE 38#

To remain where you are and wait go to PAGE 18#


PAGE 12#

            You’ve always loved horses, so you chose to be a horseman. Herder gives you a beautiful jet-black stallion and you mount it, and then equip it with some iron armor. The zombies come, and the trap goes perfectly up until the time when the archers are supposed to fire down upon the zombies.

            It seems as if the zombies saw the trap and came up with one of their own. A group of 50 zombies appear in the trees, and they shove all the archers down off the treetops, killing them all. They do this until only three are left, Hunter, Stitcher, and Monet. They are fending off the zombies but they will eventually fall.

            Thinking quickly, you leap off your horse and climb up into the trees. The final three archers are separated from each other and you have to make a choice about which one to help.


If you chose Hunter go to PAGE 15#

If you chose Stitcher go to PAGE 13#

If you chose Monet go to PAGE 14#



PAGE 13#

            You don’t really know who to go for, but Stitcher seems as good a choice as any. You bulldoze through a couple zombies in front of her, and yank her out of the way as a big stocky zombie charges her. Using the zombie’s own weight against it, you shove it off the tree.

            You deal quickly with the rest of the zombies surrounding her, and move on to Monet. You’re making some headway, when you hear a scream. Hunter is in thin air, clutching onto a leaf block with one hand.

            Stitcher draws in a strangled gasp, and you rush to the zombies, but it’s too late. One zombie kicks at her fingers, and the female NPC plunges into the air, landing on the ground and dying. Stitcher collapses on the ground, her whole body shaking with sobs, and you and Monet quickly deal with the rest of the zombies.


Go to PAGE 24#


PAGE 14#

            You decide to go for the one who you actually know kinda. You dive in and skewer a zombie who was about to shove Monet off the side, and then she fits an arrow to her bow and fires point blank at a zombie.

            You hear terrified screaming, and when you turn around you find that both Hunter and Stitcher in thin air, shoved off by the zombies. Their screams of terror fade away and finally silence as they hit the ground and die.

            Monet collapses down in grief, and you’re left to deal with the rest of the zombies. Soon, more NPC’s come up and help you kill the final ones, and Gameknight comes up to help his sister down, and Monkeypants as well.


Go to PAGE 27#


PAGE 15#

            You’ve read the Gameknight books, and you realize that if you save Hunter she’s the one who will be most likely to be able to save the other two, so you go for Hunter. You body slam three zombies off and onto the ground, but one zombie, seeing no other alternative, laches it’s claws onto Hunter and leaps off.

            Your hand shoots out and grasps Hunter’s, and you yank her back onto the treetops. She nods her gratitude and you both dispatch the rest of the zombies easily. When you get down to the ground you find that the rest of the zombies are dead. Gameknight praises you for your quick thinking and the village moves on.

            You enter an ice spikes biome and make a camp there. During the night you awake, and see a figure moving away.


To follow the figure, go to PAGE 44#

To stay go to PAGE 45#


PAGE 16#

            You and Gameknight decide that the monster is too dangerous to let live, so you agree to attack it. Gameknight leaps down with his swords drawn and immediately attacks the user while you sneak down to attack the mob.

            The plan works, at the beginning. The user quickly defeated Gameknight, and before you can lay a hand on the monster he disarms you as well. He waves his hand and you both disappear, to reappear in the Nether, in a jail.

            You both try and destroy the cell walls, but it doesn’t work. Eventually you are zapped back into the Physical World where you are met by Monkeypants and Monet, who tell you that the user destroyed Crafter’s village.


Congratulations! You kinda made it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 17#

            You both turn around and leave, you need to tell the rest of the villagers what is happening, but when you leave a spider drops down and surprises you, knocking you back and you fall off into the chamber, where the user attacks you and slays you.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 18#

            You’ve proved that you aren’t a coward, but attacking the user would be suicide. You stand by and watch with the rest of the NPC’s as they watch the battle unfold.

            Suddenly Gameknight twirls one sword and slashes with the other, knocking the user’s sword out of his hands and ending with a terrible slash to the torso. The user falls to the ground, nearly defeated.

            Gameknight stands overtop of the fallen user, but you catch a glimpse of somethingbehind the spike of ice near Gameknight.


To stop Gameknight go to PAGE 20#

To not stop Gameknight go to PAGE 19#


PAGE 19#

            You don’t stop Gameknight, it’s probably nothing, and he’s so close to destroying the user! But when Gameknight lifts up his sword for the final blow on the user, a terrible roar splits the silence. Two more roars join the first until they are harmonizing into one terrifying roar.

            A dragon leaps into view, it’s electric blue, but with three heads. It pounces on Gameknight, crushing him. All the NPC’s scream and attack the three-headed-dragon, but it’s no use. The dragon tears away at Gameknight’s HP, killing him.

            The user gets up and screams for something to attack, and a wave of monsters join the first one in destroying you and the villagers. It’s hopeless, the monsters destroy every NPC. Without Gameknight, the villager’s lost their will to fight and they die.



Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 20#

            You suddenly snatch a bow and arrow from a nearby NPC and fire it at Gameknight’s sword, stopping him. Everyone turns to look at you, their expressions turning to hatred.

            You shout out about the monster, and at that moment it crashes through the snow. It’s an electric blue, but with three heads instead of one. It snatches up the user and flies with him up to an enormous ice spike.

            The user summons a diamond sword and plunges it into the tip of the ice. Blue shafts of light shoot out from his sword, hitting all the monsters, and transforming them into deadlier beasts, all based around ice.

            A wither skeleton made of ice strikes out at an NPC beside you, and when it’s sword hits the villager the villager turns to ice. You stumble back, but an Ice Blaze fires a ball of blue light, and when it hits the ground a small wave of ice hits all the villagers nearby, turning the ones closest to the center into pure ice, and the ones nearby partly into ice.

            You dash through the monsters and NPC’s until you get to Gameknight. You quickly ask him what the plan is, but it seems as if he’s ignoring you. You look where he’s looking and see that he’s looking at the user, standing on the ice spike directing his moded monsters.

            Thinking quickly, you shove past Gameknight and pull out your bow and fit an arrow to it, aiming it at the user. You think that you can quickly end this battle and take out the user with one arrow, but just as you’re about to fire your arrow Gameknight screams out at you to not fire it.

            You’re torn between obeying Gameknight’s orders, or trusting your instincts and ending the battle.


To obey Gameknight go to PAGE 23#

To fire at the user go to PAGE 21#


PAGE 21#

            You ignore Gameknight’s orders. You can see the user right there! He had no idea that you’ve got an arrow on him, and you release the arrow.

            It flies up, twirling through the air on a collision course with the user’s chest. But something gets in front of it. Someone on elytra was flying through the air with a diamond sword in hand, and under the effects of an invisibility potion that wore off just before your arrow plunged into the figure’s side.

            The figure falls and lands on the ground, a voice screams and Stitcher rushes to the fallen figure. You realize who it was even before Stitcher screams out it’s name. Hunter. Her red hair spread out on the ground as Stitcher sobs. Hunter flashes red once more and vanishes.

            You freeze; you realize that you killed Hunter and that nobody knows that you killed her. Except Gameknight.

            He rushes to Stitcher’s side as she collapses on the ground, her whole body shaking with grief. Gameknight looks up at you, with an expression of pained sorrow, that changes slowly into hatred.


To leave go to PAGE 35#

To stay go to PAGE 22#



PAGE 22#

            You know the right thing to do is to stay here and apologize, so you take a step forward, but his glare intensifies. You take a step back, so strong was his hate, and you feel a slight stabbing in the back. An ice blue sword protrudes from your chest as you feel your entire body turning to ice.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 23#

            You aren’t a fool. Gameknight knows what he’s doing, you don’t relax the string, but you wait, and just at that moment a figure with elytra shimmers into existence before the user. It’s Hunter, and she’s holding a diamond sword that she plunges into the user’s chest, slaying him instantly.

            The dragon roars and lunges at Hunter, but you release the arrow and it sails into the dragon’s center head, killing the beast. All the fight and power goes out of the monsters, and they revert back to their original states and turn and scatter.

            Hunter soars down to what’s left of Crafter’s village. Gameknight moves up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. He thanks you for listening to him, and at that moment you realize that you’d have hit Hunter if you hadn’t listened to him.

            You and the rest of the village move off to build another village in the ice spikes biome, the villagers become perfect at climbing the spikes and fighting around them, and you, Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Monet leave, but you make a promise to yourself to come back again soon.


Congratulations! You made it! I wouldn’t recommend doing it again, because the other endings are not as happy as this one!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To comment and tell me how much you like the story scroll down to the bottom and continue


PAGE 24#

            You get Stitcher down from the trees. She numbly follows, too consumed with grief to object.

            As you continue along you come into an ice spikes biome, and you make camp there. In the night the user comes and wakes up everyone, he kills those who resist, and herds the rest of you into a giant cage.

            You turn to Gameknight and ask how the user managed to get in, and he tells you that there weren’t enough guards with all the archers dying. The user tells you that he is going to release you one by one into an arena where a horde of zombies are waiting.

            Each villager will add to their numbers, but they also might take some away. Then he flips a leaver and one villager disappears, moments later you hear screaming, and later, zombie moaning.

            So it happens, that day after day a new villager is taken, until all are gone, and all the users are ejected together. You look around and realize that all that are left are a few zombie villagers. The one that used to be Crafter, Stitcher, Herder, and Digger.


To attack and kill them go to PAGE 25#

To wait go to PAGE 26#



PAGE 25#

            They’re now monsters, and they have to be destroyed. You draw a sword from the ground and wail upon them, they moan and attack you, but you don’t stop. Gameknight, Monkeypants and Monet eventually join you, and together you kill them. Then you are transported out of Minecraft.

            Tommy doesn’t do anything but stare aimlessly at the wall, a blank expression on his face.


Congratulations! You kinda made it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 26#

            You can’t kill them. They used to be living, breathing, NPC’s, so you turn to Gameknight, who is looking at a pile of items. He rummages through them and picks up a few potions of weakness and some golden apples. He turns to you and you both have the same idea.

            You grab the potions and pelt the zombies with them, and Gameknight throws the golden apples onto them. The apples dissolve onto them and they start to change.

            The user fires an arrow into the arena and kills Herder, but at that moment the rest turn back to villagers. Digger wakes up just in time to see the arrow causing Herder to flash red once, and then vanish.

            You pick up a bow and start spamming arrows at the user while Gameknight, Monkeypants and Monet try and get the NPC’s out of there. Suddenly a flash of white light engulfs you all and you appear back in the Physical World, with Digger, Stitcher and Crafter.

            They move out and rent a house next to Tommy’s, and they slowly get settled into life in the Physical World.


Congratulations! You kinda made it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 27#

            Monet numbly follows you down and out of the trees. When you reach the ground she goes over to the place where they both died and collects their inventory. You continue along, but over the next couple of days Monet is very distracted, staying on her horse all the time, messing with things in her inventory. The only time she gets off her horse is to kill monsters.

            She puts her inventory in a chest on the mule behind her, and she gallops to the battle, using everything she can to destroy the mobs. She tramples over them, fires at them with her enchanted bow, and if there are any ravines or holes nearby, she will shove them into them.

            You finally reach an ice spikes biome and set up a temporary camp, but the user comes and attacks you, and Monet drives him off. He attacks multiple times, and each time Monet drives him off, but he comes one final time. This time, he uses an army to shove you under an overhanging of snow.

            Monet was working on something all that time on her horse; she was working on how to make TNT arrows. She drew one of them and fired it at the user who was floating in the sky, it exploded around him, knocking him down, but also shaking the overhanging, causing a bit of snow to fall. Gameknight yells at his sister to not fire anymore, that it’s too dangerous, but she ignores him. She fires at the body of the user on the ground, and the resulting explosion is enough to shake the snow free.

            It falls to the ground, crushing all the villagers and monsters beneath it. You, Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Monet only survive because you’re teleported back into the Physical World, where Monet stares dumbly at the screen of what happened because of her. Then she starts to cry.


Congratulations! You kinda made it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button

PAGE 28#

            Gameknight is your friend, but you don’t know this world very well, so you remain with Monkeypants and Crafter. Gameknight stays as well, because he knows that it’s suicide to go on a spy mission with only one person. Once the raid is over, Monkeypants, Crafter, Gameknight, and Monet introduce you to some more villagers, Hunter, Stitcher, Herder, and Digger.

            Everyone is arguing about what to do. Should they remain here and try to rebuild? Or should they leave and try to build something somewhere else? Crafter, Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Digger are for going somewhere else, but Hunter, Stitcher, Herder, and Monet are for staying.


To side with Gameknight Monkeypants Crafter and Digger go to PAGE 39#

To side with Hunter Stitcher Herder and Monet go to PAGE 29#


PAGE 29#

            You aren’t up for a long journey, so you side with Monet and her group. Since your vote decided the problem, everyone begins to repair the village, and you help. Monkeypants is put in charge of defenses, and goes off with a few villagers to discuss some redstone traps.

            Gameknight is put in charge of the swords, and he begins to train the villagers in new sword fighting techniques. Monet, Hunter, and Stitcher are put in charge of the archers, and they begin to organize archers into groups. Herder is put in charge of the animals, and enlists several NPC’s to help with moving the livestock and healing the wolves.

            Digger and Crafter are put in charge of the rebuilding. They’re taking cobblestone and other hard rock to mend the holes in the walls, and to reinforce them. It seems as if every NPC has a job, but you don’t.


To go with Monkeypants and do redstone stuff go to PAGE 30#

To go with Gameknight and help train with sword fighting go to PAGE 33#

To go to Monet Hunter and Stitcher and help with the archers go to PAGE 34#

To go with Herder and help with the animals go to PAGE 31#

To go with Digger and Crafter to help rebuild the walls go to PAGE 32#


PAGE 30#

            You like redstone and go off with Monkeypants. You already know quite a bit, so Monkeypants doesn’t need to instruct you on anything about pistons, repeaters, redstone torches, and all that good stuff. You’ve even built multiple elevators using different patterns.

            You and Monkeypants begin laying the redstone for the first trap, a false floor. When a mob walks overtop of it, pistons will take away the blocks that the mobs are walking on and drop them into lava.

            These false floors were placed seemingly randomly, but they were placed in such places as to corral the monsters that will come to a specific spot, an even larger false floor, but one that has been set up to only open after a 30 seconds, hopefully enough time to let a large body of the monsters get on.

            You finish the false floors and place some dispensers full of arrows to help the monsters along, as well as some underground dispensers that will fire up lingering potions of poison, harming, weakness, blindness, and other harmful effects.

            You finish the final dispenser just as a figure flies overtop of the village, and a raid horn sounds. You scamper back inside and take a bow and arrow with Monkeypants to wait and see if your traps worked.


Go to PAGE 44#


PAGE 31#

            Animals. You really like animals, so you follow Herder. Along the way Herder introduces you to his wolves, he’s got only 7 of them because of the previous raids that killed his other ones. He names them as Spike, Brutus, Hercules, Fang, Max, Daisy, and Ruby.

            You really like Hercules, he’s a very big and strong looking dog, and he takes a shine to you as well. When you reach the animal pens you find that most of them are dead, with little piles of meat or leather, or feathers, or wool on the ground.

            Herder puts a few NPC’s in charge of gathering the dead animal’s items, and the rest he pairs with one of his wolves to help herd the rest of the animals into the center of the village.

            You get teamed up with Hercules, and together you get the cows and pigs moving. You really like it, and wish that it would never end, but when you finally get the animals in their pens it does.

            Next Herder tells the ones with a wolf that they need to arm it for battle, and he gives out some armor. You’re amazed at the workmanship of it, it will cover the dog’s head and back, with bands of it encircling the legs as well. There’s also another part to it, a mouth covering that will fit inside the mouth and provide protection from mouth shots, while at the same time giving the teeth more power.

            Herder says that he only had 7 pairs, and he needed to wait until he found the dogs for the armor. Suddenly you hear a raid horn blowing. Your eyes shoot up to the sky and you see a figure hovering overtop of the village.

            Herder gathers his wolves and arranges them into a formation while you and the rest of the NPC’s gather bows and arrows and meet at the top of the wall, you notice that Crafter and Digger did a great job with it, and when you get to the top you see all the traps.


Go to PAGE 44#


PAGE 32#

            You’re a builder, not an animal lover or a fighter, or even a redstone expert, you enjoy building things, so you go with Crafter and Digger to help them. They hand you some cobblestone and you start patching up parts of the wall, and during that time you think of something.

            You go and tell Crafter that, since the walls are 3 to 4 blocks thick, why not place a layer of lava or water after the first block layer? Crafter thinks that it’s a good idea, and you take some buckets of water and do it.

            You finish the walls, and a raid horn sounds. You don’t know where it’s coming from, but all you know is that you need to get up on the walls with a weapon. You grab a bow and head up there to await the raid.


Go to PAGE 44#


PAGE 33#

            You don’t really know anyone else, and besides, you enjoy sword fighting, so you go with Gameknight. He begins to teach some NPC’s some new sword fighting techniques, and you offer advice here and there, then you remember a new maneuver that you learned on a minigames server.

            It takes 5 individuals at least, three of them arrange into a triangle, and the other two go on the left and right back of the triangle. The triangle pushes through the enemy forces like a wedge, and the ones to the left and right clean up the sides. It can be done with an enormous amount of individuals, and at the same time only 5.

            You tell Gameknight this maneuver, and you also remember another one, this one was more of use for a larger army. It also takes 5 individuals, but this time that’s all it can take. The five push through the enemy in a wedge shape, then, once they’ve gotten far in, circle up and fight. This is only effective if there are many groups of five, attacking different spots. Some of the enemy will be focused on the small forces inside, while most are useless. Then the circles push towards each other and when they meet up they form a larger circle and push for the other circles.

            When you tell Gameknight this, he nods and begins to teach the basic properties to the villagers. Then, once they’ve fully mastered it, a raid horn sounds. You glance at Gameknight, and he motions you up to the wall. He tells you that they will be ok down here, and that you’ve got to get up there.

            You hurry up, grabbing a bow and a couple arrows along the way, and wait.


Go to PAGE 44#


PAGE 34#

            You’re an archer through and through. You follow Hunter, Stitcher, and Monet as they take their archers up and onto what’s left of the wall. As you watch, the trio explain that, in some cases, it’s smart to just fire arrow after arrow and overwhelm the enemy, but they also say that in other cases, it’s smart to find a buddy and fire at the same target, destroying it and then moving onto another one.

            They demonstrate, and then motion for you and the rest to copy them. While you’re doing it, you remember something from a minigame that you played a while back. You don’t remember the minigame, but you remember what you learned. When you’re facing attacks from the air, as you most likely will because of the Vex, it’s a good idea to draw the flyers in with a few scattered arrows, and then overwhelm them with an enormous volley of arrows.

            You think that the same thing could be used on ground creatures; it’s the same principal. Annoy the creatures, pull them in, and then destroy them. You mention the idea to Monet, and she considers it, and then agrees with it. She tells Hunter and Stitcher about it and they agree as well.

            Suddenly the raid horn blows and it seems that everyone is on the wall that is now fixed.


Go to PAGE 44#


PAGE 35#

            You like bows, you like trees, it’s no question as to what you’d chose. You grab a bow and a bunch of arrows and go up into the trees with the rest to await the trap. Everything goes according to plan, but then you see a villager go flying off.

            You whirl around to see zombies coming up and throwing the villagers off, you try and resist but it’s futile, you get thrown off and hit the ground to hard.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 36#

            You’re terrified about what they’ll do to you, so you turn and run. You shove an NPC off a horse and clamber on, not even registering the fact that the NPC was turned to ice. You urge the horse on, and you chance a glance back.

            All the Ice Blazes are in the sky, not looking at you, but at the NPC’s. They let loose with a barrage of ice balls, and you turn around. You know that nothing could’ve survived that. You scamper out onto a field, and you dimly remember where the ruined village was, and you point the horse in that direction.

            It takes a day of full out riding, but you finally reach it. Your horse is heaving with exhaustion, and you jump off it and take it to a house that isn’t all the way destroyed. When you go into the house your stomach rumbles. You’re hungry, but your only source of food is the horse…


To kill the horse, go to PAGE 38#

To not kill the horse, go to PAGE 37#



PAGE 37#

            You can’t kill the horse. You’ve done enough killing today, and you just want to rest. You lay down on a bed and close your eyes. In the middle of the night, you die of starvation.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 38#

            You walk out of the house and look at your fists. You need food, and that horse is all you’ve got. You wail on it and kill it, then you eat the meat raw, and it satisfies your hunger.

            You live like that for days, hunting by night, killing zombies and pigs for food. Then, one day, the user with his dragon comes. You are so weak from your sparse diet that you can’t fight them off. The user takes you and molds you, turns you into something different. You are now his champion, a black knight, unable to have any control anymore, only able to follow him.

            He uses you to destroy Minecraft, then he takes you out and uses you to take over the world.


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To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 39#

            You feel as if Gameknight could use a bit of help. After all, the user won’t play fair, so you shouldn’t either. You quickly trade a few emeralds to a villager for a potion of invisibility, and you chug it down. Then you move silently through the NPC’s and the monsters, until you get up to the battle.       

            The user isn’t doing very good, but you can see his eyes, you know that he’s got a backup plan. You lunge for him with your sword outstretched, just as he yells something. An enormous electric blue dragon with three heads tears through the biome to get to it’s master. You continue along your present course and skewer the user with your sword, just as he gets to his feet.

            The user falls back down, his hands clutched at his stomach, and he weakly waves his hand at the dragon.

            Two heads whip down, one to grab you, another to grab Gameknight. The dragon shakes you both around, but then throws you up into the sky. It then uses it’s tail to smack you like a tennis ball towards a frozen pond, the ice breaks and you both are thrust down into the deep…deep…water.

            You HP drops like rain, and you and Gameknight both die.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 40#

            It seems to be foolishness to stay here longer, that user could come back with another raid effect, so you opt to side with Gameknight and his palls. Now that it is decided, everyone goes back to the village to gather supplies, but suddenly the user comes at the head of an army of zombies. The zombies attack the villagers, infecting who they can, and destroying who they can’t.

            You’re forced to leave without any supplies with the rest of Crafter’s village and retreat into the forest.

            You travel through the forest for days, until one night Crafter calls the village together in a meeting. He says that they can’t go on like this, that they need a base and supplies. He goes on to say that there are three bases that they know of.


To go to the Jungle Temple go to PAGE 41#

To go to the dungeon in the ice spikes biome go to PAGE 43#

To go to the Desert Temple go to PAGE 42#



PAGE 41#

            The Jungle Temple seems the safest option; after all, the Oracle created it! It’d be a great place to rest and regroup. Everyone agrees on the Jungle Temple and you begin to move through the forest. Soon you encounter zombies and spiders, nothing huge, and easily destroyed even with only the crude stone and wood swords that you have.

            Soon you get into the jungle and begin to encounter more creepers. Too many NPC’s are destroyed before Herder manages to tame some cats and scare the creepers away. Gameknight puts you in charge of the gathering of food.

            You handpick some NPC’s and send them out to get coco beans, watermelons, and pumpkins. You go with them and find plenty. When you get back to the group Gameknight says that they’re almost to the Jungle Temple, and when you round the corner you expect to see the mossy cobblestone of a Jungle Temple, but all you see is a crater.

            Creepers must’ve blown the temple to bits, destroying everything and everyone inside. While everyone is staring at the wreckage, dozens of creepers sneak up behind you all and blow you all to bits.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 42#

            The Desert Temple is the obvious choice. It’s easily defendable, plus it already has some archer towers and a high vantage point to spy your enemies. Everyone agrees and they move off. Along the way, husks and zombies by the thousands march upon you, hundreds of NPC’s die, leaving only a couple dozen left when you reach the temple.

            You set up the base there, and manage to defend against monsters for a little while, but during a lightening storm 5 villagers are transformed into witches and slay everyone.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 43#

            Ice spikes all the way. You’re a big fan of dungeons, so you decide to vote for going to the ice spike biome. Many of the other NPC’s agree with you, and you all head out to the ice spikes.

            Monster attacks are few and far between, and you make it there without any loss of life. Suddenly the user attacks, he brings with him an army of monsters, even greater than Crafter’s village. You attack the monsters with your NPC friends, and you manage to survive, but only at the cost of several others.

            The user keeps on sending monster after monster at you all, and soon, you die.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 44#

            You grasp your bow with both hands as the monsters move up. The army consists of at least 100 vindicators, with 200 pillagers, 50 ravagers, 50 witches and 75 evokers. Along with the occasional creeper, zombie, or spider. As the army moves towards the wall, a section of them drop down into a lava trap. All the villagers cheer as the monsters die, all but the witches who chug down potions and manage to survive.

            The army moves to the left, but a wall of empty space with lava at the bottom opens up, forcing the monsters to move to the right. After many more drops, taking significant numbers from the army, the Illagers get to a field where nothing happens. They wait for a few moments, expecting a trap, but then they charge. Suddenly an enormous pit with lava at the bottom opens up in the middle of the army, swallowing up a huge percentile of them all.

            The monsters scream in rage and charge the wall. The NPC’s open fire on the monsters, but the witches counter the arrows with potions of healing and regeneration distributed out around the army. A few creepers move up to the wall and blast through it, undoing all the hard work that was done on it. Screams of outrage greet your ears, but a layer of water pushes the monsters back. More creeper explosions sound, but this time lava greets the monsters, frying them alive.

            The archers begin again by firing off a few shots to get the monsters agitated and draw them in closer, before losing off a volley of arrows that tears through the monster ranks. The gates open, and seven wolves rush out, equipped with body armor, and begin to tear into the front line. Gameknight leads the army out in a wedge formation, then once they got through they split up into groups of five and formed circles to battle it out with the monsters.

            The archers are now firing haphazardly, striking monsters with every shot. Soon the entire force is destroyed, and the user, who was watching from the sky, teleports away. Everyone cheers and congratulates each other. Gameknight leads the army back in, and soon after that you, Monet, Gameknight, and Monkeypants leave.


Congratulations! You kinda made it! This way was the classical way that a story would go, but if you want a dark…deep…deadly turn to this story, continue!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 45#

            You tap into your inner snoop and follow the figure. It leads you through a winding path into the biome. It occasionally stops and places random buttons or switches, and sometimes redstone components. You always stop to observe his work, but you don’t think that it’s any good. You’ve seen this circuit before, it’s a circuit that, in the Physical World at least, will allow a humanoid robot to move, but what will he be using it for in Minecraft?

            Suddenly the figure stops and holds out his sword at his side. Almost as if on command, a small group of monsters come out of the shadows. The group consists of 6 zombies, 3 spiders, 8 skeletons, 5 spider jockeys, 2 chicken jockeys, 10 slimes, and an enderman. The user lifts his sword into the air and lightening strikes the sword, blasting into the monsters, lowering their HP to almost nothing. Then the user takes a pickaxe and attacks an ice spike nearby, then he slowly raises his hands into the air, and the blocks from the spike rise as well. He shoves his hands at the monsters, and the blocks go into them. They are exactly the same, except they’re ice blue, and one block taller. The enderman and spider jockeys are 4 blocks high, the zombies, skeletons and slimes are 3, the chicken jockeys are 2 blocks high, and the spiders are also two blocks high.

            The user begins to tell the monsters things that you don’t understand. He points at each one of them and speaks in a different language, but suddenly the enderman turns to look at you. You freeze, looking into it’s eyes, then it suddenly screeches and vanishes. You turn and tear back through the biome, occasionally hearing the screeches of the enderman, but making it through and back to camp, where everyone else is gathering and getting ready to go.

            You find Gameknight and tell him what you’ve seen, and he orders for a makeshift fortress to be built, but it’s too late. The entire biome before you suddenly rises up into the sky, and by use of pistons and other redstone components shift around to create a giant ice robot. The user is standing on the shoulder of the robot, and he points his sword at you and the rest of the NPC’s. The robot takes a step, and crashes through one of the walls that was set up. Everyone screams and turns to flee, but the monsters are surrounding the walls that were set up, slaying all who leave. Gameknight shouts out and rushes the monsters, while Monkeypants and a few others go for the robot.


To join Gameknight go to PAGE 47#

To join Monkeypants go to PAGE 48#


PAGE 46#

            It’d be safer to warn Gameknight in the morning, so you don’t pay any attention to the figure.

            In the night, a giant thingcomes. It isn’t alive, but yet…it moves. One by one it steps on tents and shelters, destroying everyone inside. Gameknight suddenly awakes and rushes out of his tent and warns everyone, but hardly any make it out. The only ones who make it out are Gameknight, Monkeypants, Monet, Stitcher, Herder, Crafter, and 10 other NPC’s. All the rest, including you, are dead.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 47#

            Joining Gameknight and destroying the monsters seems the safest choice, so you do that. The monsters are destroying Gameknight and his army, and their armor is so advanced, that it practically takes 5 diamond swords to make a single flash. You realize that this battle won’t be won by brawn, it’ll be won by brains.

            You whip out your shovel and dig down 4 blocks, then you place some lava at the bottom of the pit. Gameknight realizes what you’re doing, and uses his sword to shove one of the zombies into the pit. You watch as the zombie flashes red once, then he starts melting.

            You get an idea, and whip out a bucket of lava. You pour it all out on the ground, and almost instantly the monsters around begin to melt. You take out another bucket of lava, but the robot saw what you were doing and poured water all over the lava and you, because of the temperature the water instantly freezes, and despite the best efforts of Gameknight and the rest, you die.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button


PAGE 48#

            The robot is what needs to be taken down, once it is gone, there won’t be an immediate threat against all the NPC’s. Monkeypants and Crafter are working on a machine to combat the robot, but you think you have a better idea. Instead of attacking on the outside, why not on the inside? You take out a pickaxe and, once it steps down, attack the leg, opening up a passage inside the machine.

            You make your way up the leg, and soon up through the torso and neck, finally, you get to the head. There are a bunch of little screens all over the inside of the head, showing hundreds of things, the user on the shoulder, and the arm that is pointing at the group on the ground. You hear a click, and hundreds of arrows fire from hundreds of dispensers all over the body. Dozen’s die, and among those is Herder, Stitcher, and Hunter.

            You push aside you feelings of anger, rage, and hate, and instead move to a block in the center of the head. It’s a pure ice block, but with lines of machinery operating from it. This is the control box, and you realize that to destroy the machine you have to destroy the block, but there’s also another option, to take control of the machine.

            You think on the two options, destroying the block will most likely kill you, but are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the villagers? And taking control of the machine, did the user install a failsafe program in it?


To take control of the machine, go to PAGE 49#

To destroy the block, go to PAGE 50#


PAGE 49#

            You’ve grown rather attached to your life, and decide to take over the machine instead. You place your hands on the block and shove your mind into it, forcing the user to relinquish control of the machine. Surprisingly, it’s not that hard, and the user begins to grin.

            When you try and take over the machine, nothing happens. The machine still works on destroying your friends. The user laughs and says that the block is a way to transfer the pain that is inflicted on the machine to someone else, it had originally been connected to the user, but now it’s connected to you. You try and break away, but it’s no use. You feel every arrow that hits you, and you feel parts of your body being destroyed from TNT traps and lava. Suddenly, the machine that Crafter and Monkeypants was working on comes to life, it shoves a spear through the machine’s torso, and inside the spear pistons come to life, pushing lava out.        

            You are burned up from the inside, and when the machine falls apart, you die.


Congratulations! You didn’t make it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

To leave click the exit button



PAGE 50#

            Destroying the block is the only option, and you attack the block with your pickaxe. You soon destroy it, and wait for the machine to fall apart, but it doesn’t, instead, it just freezes. You gasp with delight; you won’t die after all! The user is staring at the head, then he suddenly teleports inside the head with you and attacks you.

            You manage to fend off his attacks and launch some attacks of your own, but he knocks you down into the torso. You fall down into there, and your sword gets pushed down into one of the legs. You lay on your back as the user raises his sword above you, ready to give the killing blow.

            Suddenly, a spear-like thingstabs into the torso, and lava pours off of it. You scramble out of the way, but the user isn’t so lucky. He’s engulfed by the fire and dies. You get out of the machine and ask what that was, Monkeypants and Crafter say that it was their machine.


Congratulations! You kinda made it! You can start all over and try again, or you can scream at your screens in frustration and leave! Either way, it’s your decision!


To try again go to PAGE 1#

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