
Shawny’s tale


     In one single moment all of the server had stopped. Gameknight999 just did something unbelievable, he had ended 20 players hard work, he had just blown up all of his future chances of joining the server. The chat room exploded full of angry messages such as “Ban him” and “Admin, kick him” All shawny could do is take his hand off his keyboard and slap it onto his face sighing.

“Tommy what did you just do?” He moaned quietly to no one. Taking his hand off his face and placing it on his keyboard he began to type “Gameknight what did you just…” Before he could finish his friend vanished, disappearing from the game. He knew why he had left, Gameknight had pulled off the biggest grief in all of Minecraft and now he had nothing to do on the server anymore. A couple of minutes before the explosion, Shawny and his best friend Gameknight999 where on an Capture the Wool, PvP server, and their team was winning until Gameknight decided to blow them away! (explosion joke) Shawny thought to himself ”I knew that he would pull some sort of trick, “That is why everyone calls him The King Of The Griefers”

He also wondered how no one had caught him when he grabbed full inventory of enchanted diamond armor, and an enchanted diamond sword and not forgetting about the TNT. He didn’t understand why his friend found other people’s creations being destroyed amusing.

Following Gameknight off the server and quietly typed in an new IP. His character spawned in a whole new world. Immediately shawny looked up into the blocky sky.

“Looks like it’s mid­ afternoon” Shawny said to himself.

Shawny looked back down started to glance at the area around him. While he was looking around, a distant glow caught his attention. He started to make his way over to the dim light, but before he could get to the light a familiar name popped up in the basically non existent chat room. It was Gameknight and what he said made Shawny curious.

Reading the message to himself, he could feel that it was urgent. It read “Shawny TP to me”

So he typed in the command to teleport to Gameknight, not knowing he was about to enter the largest fight of his life.

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