
After the fall of the new skeleton empire, and the in there was a long year of peace. In the time of peace, a great city was built, where users and villagers could live in peace. This city was called New Seattle. The peace lasted, but of course ended. A massive horde of monsters invaded this city. With mediocre defences, the city fell under control of the monsters. The civilian casualty rate is high. The Republic of Users have made a decision to combat this incursion. They plan to send users and villagers equipped with elytras on slime block flying machines into the city. The new council of crafters opposes this decision, claiming that it is a “suicide mission”. The Republic of Users, having more power made the decision. Gameknight999 is leading this squad of “Drop Troops”. The other users will be on a skype call to communicate with each other. The fate of the city rests in their hands.

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