
“Tommy,lunch’s ready!” Tommy’s mom called from upstairs. “Ok, hold on,just gotta kill this zombie!” Tommy replied from the basement. “Stay there,I’ll bring it down.”Tommy’s mom said, coming down the basement stairs. “Are you playing Minecraft again?” Mom asked. “Yup, we all are, wanna play?” asked Tommy to his mother. A couple of weeks ago, Tommy’s mom finally agreed to get everyone new laptops for themselves.The only promise is that, Jenny,Tommy and Tommy’s dad, had to show Tommy’s mom how to play. They did, and now she has an account.
She is currently known as, CoolMom555. Tommy’s mom went upstairs, grabbed her new laptop and came down. Her whole family had theirs plugged into one of her husbands inventions,so called the digitizer. She did, and while she plugged it in, her elbow accidentally pushed a circular blue button. Immediately, a low buzzing sound filled the room. Tommy,Jenny and Dad, looked up in alarm. They saw just in time to see their mom and wife, sucked into the game of Minecraft. Immediately,Gameknight ran into the digitizer and went in. So did Monet and  MonkeyPants. After they left, the buzzing stopped.


“Where am i?”  said CoolMom555 groggily. She could see a realistic Minecraft stretching out before her. A cow mooed in the distance. “You’re in Minecraft.” came her husbands voice. Her husbands voice startled her, she looked around and could see him in his Minecraft skin.  It looked so real. “Are you alright?” said her son and daughters skins. “Yeah,but what is going on?” CoolMom555 asked. “Look down.” said MonkeyPants271. She did and nearly fainted. She was in Minecraft. “I’ll explain everything later.’ said Gameknight999 ‘ It is getting dark.” They ran to a village, surrounded by a cobblestone wall. “You know, you took this a lot better than dad.” said Monet113. “Dad,has been in here?’ CoolMom555 said unbelievingly ‘you’re all grounded, when we get back.” CoolMom added. “Yea rig-.” started Gameknight but was cut off when the village alarm sounded. But stopped, when the iron gates opened. They went in. A crowd of villagers came around them chanting.”Gameknight!” “Gameknight!” CoolMom noticed that every villager was different. She noticed these things, for she was a photographer. She saw things like that everyday in her job.”So,who did you bring this time?” asked a small villager with blonde hair. “My-” but once again, was cut off when….”Hello Gamknight999, we meet again.” said a low deep voice. Villagers scattered. Gameknight turned around just in time to see his mom in the arms of an evil Steve and disappear. Herobrine has somehow returned.


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