
“There’s no way that’s possible.”

EddieAwsome1 was playing his favorite game in the world with his best friend DaniBoy101 on the private server (a realm, as it was called in this game) his parents had bought him for christmas: Minecraft.  Although minecraft is supposed to teach survival skills, (also creativity & circuitry) they both knew that you can’t punch a tree to chop it down.  They also knew that it can’t float in the air.  There were many things in minecraft that just weren’t possible in reality.  “Hey, I have an idea!” Eddie exclaimed.  “What is it?” daniboy asked.  “Let’s see if we can find a magic typewriter that makes anything written become reality!”  “That sounds like a good idea!” daniboy said excitedly.

After two days of searching high and low, they finally found an… odd-looking typewriter at a garage sale.  It had what looked like ancient lettering spewing out of it.  Strange.  “Let’s go see how much this thing is.” Daniel said.  “Because it doesn’t have a price tag, as far as I can tell.”  “ok.” Eddie agreed.  So they did.  “Excuse me, how much is this typewriter?” Eddie asked when they found the owner.  “Its free.” the man said quickly, a look of panic twinkling in his eyes.  Oooooooook, Eddie thought.

“Thank you!” they rode home on their bike happily and excitedly to have their own typewriter now.   “I wonder why he wanted to get rid of it so quickly”, Eddie said. “But whatever.” Eddie and Daniel rode their bikes as fast as he could, until they reached home. They ran into Eddie’s room and started typing. Minecraft physics now work in reality. Eddie typed. Nothing happened. quickly changing their minds, Eddie placed a new sheet on and started typing.  Minecraft physics no longer work in reality.  Eddie ripped the paper into shreds, and started on a new sheet of paper. Gameknight999 suddenly exists and is now my brother, Eddie typed. They heard a knock on their door.

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