

As Dan TDM woke up, he found himself in a dark and long room, there were crafting tables on either side. “Uh, Where am I?” He asked. Just then, a diamond clad user stood in front of him. “You are in The Crafting Chamber” the user said. “Huh? Crafting wha?” Dan asked as he looked around the room. There were villagers everywhere. But somehow they had weapons and armor. He saw his companion villager, Trayorus, next to a crafting bench. ” Trayorus!” he yelled. “Huh, oh, I see you have met our new recruit. You know him?” a young voice said. Looking down, he saw a young villager, with black clothing on. “Wait a minute…” Dan TDM said. “You are Crafter…”The minecraft expert said as he turned to look at the user with diamond armor “…so that means that you’re Gameknight999! The User-that-is-NOT-a-user.”Dan continued. “I have always wanted to meet you.” “Well, I guess that you are a smart user.” Crafter said. “No, he’s Dan TDM!” Gameknight said. “…and that librarian is his companion, Trayorus!” BOOOOOMMM! A large explosion could be heard from the surface. “Uh, oh” Crafter said witha worried look on his face. When they reached the surface, Gameknight saw that cobblestone wall in pieces and an NPC on the ground. “Stonecutter!” He yelled as he ran to the big NPC. “There were…to many…cough…creepers. They blew up and…I fell off. I was going to warn you, but…”Stonecutter said as he faded away. “NOOOOO!” Gameknight yelled as he grabbed his diamond sword. “C’mon, monsters, let’s dance”

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