
The Stolen Memories

Evil Arises

Goldman44 drew his shimmering enchanted sword. The iridescent glow of the weapon lit his surroundings just enough so that he could see. He was surrounded by mounds of pale yellow endstone.

He shuddered as he realized where he was. He was in the End, a dark dimension full of floating islands made from end stone, and a massive creature called the Ender Dragon. You would not want to be hit by that… thing.

Goldman looked down into the darkness below the massive island of end stone stretching down into the Void. If he fell down there…

Goldman decided not to think about it. Instead, he peered into a black cube floating in midair. It seemed to be some kind of portal. But he had never seen it before, it was either a new update to the game or something evil…

Goldman’s curiosity shattered his will. He reached into his inventory and pulled out an ender pearl. The small, black pearl seemed to stare balefully back at him.
Goldman threw the pearl into the black cube. The pearl sank into the portal as if it were made of shadow, and disappeared into the blackness. He was starting to wonder if he had made a mistake.

Suddenly, pain filled his senses as he was teleported into whatever that dark block was. His HP (health points) decreased as he materialized in pitch darkness. Then his vision cleared.

He was back in the End, but there was a strange feel to it. Tall, purple stems rose out of the ground and ended high in the dark sky.  Welcome to the end city, a voice said in Goldman44’s mind. Goldman scratched his head. End City? Hmmmmm…

Suddenly, Goldman heard a chuckling sound behind him. He whirled around to face this new threat. But before he could draw his sword, a blow struck him in the head, causing Goldman to black out.

Chapter 2

Goldman44 slowly woke. He was lying in the grass. But why? Had he passed out? Had he died? WHAT HAD HAPPENED? Before he even had the chance to think, the golden user thought he still heard a chuckle. When he turned, NOTHING WAS THERE!!!

Goldman44 shuddered. He pulled out his golden blade and looked around. For a second he thought an enderman was watching him over a hill. Then it disappeared.
The user then looked to the east. Nothing.
He looked at the southern horizon. Nothing.
Goldman peered up to the north. Still nothing.
Ooh, civilization! Goldman44 thought as he looked to the west. There was a large fortified village. He began to sprint when he heard a loud CLANG! CLANG! CLANG!  He’d been spotted.
Goldman sheathed his enchanted blade and readied himself for a deadly wave of arrows. But surprisingly, he heard voices.
“HE’S BACK!” they yelled.

Goldman44 rubbed his head. But then it dawned on him. Why were they shouting, HE’S BACK!? It was almost like…
Suddenly, gates in the village burst open as a large group of villagers burst forth. But why were they here? Did they know him? He definitely did not recognize any of them.
“Goldman!” a villager in diamond armor said. “You’re back!”
Do I know you? Goldman thought. The villager’s voice seemed familiar but was not ringing any bells. He did NOT know these people.

“Goldman?” one that had leather armor mottled with pinks, purples, and greens asked. “Why are you acting so strangely? I’m Painter. We’ve been on many adventures together”
Goldman44 began to back away slowly, but one of the villagers wrapped an iron-coated arm around his shoulder and pulled him into the town.

“Is this a joke?” Goldman asked. “No.”, said a villager with a dark blue smock. “I am Crafter, the leader of this village. You came to us around a year ago and saved us from the oppression of Scald, the blaze king. You led an army of villagers from all over Minecraft to the nether and extinguished his threat.” “I don’t think I did,” said the golden user. Crafter’s face darkened, and his striking blue eyes dimmed. “How have you forgotten us?” “I don’t know,” Goldman replied, “but I will take your word for it. Do I have a house here?” “Yes,” another villager replied. “But now is not the time to rest.” “Indeed,” Crafter affirmed, “We must reclaim your past. Follow me.”

As they journeyed through the village, Goldman couldn’t help noticing all the villager’s greeting him. Smithy, Cobbler, Farmer, Fisher, Tanner, Digger, Hunter, Herder, Brewer, Miner, Butcher, Mapper, Keeper, and lastly a short villager named Fencer, who insisted that he had been Goldman’s best friend. When Goldman finally arrived at his destination, the village library, he had become convinced that he had, in the past, been here.  

“Here in the library, we store the village histories,” Crafter muttered, “and since you were such a big part in our history, both before and after you befriended us, you, the golden user, are mentioned quite a lot. “What do you mean, before and after you befriended us?” asked Goldman.

“Before you befriended and saved us, you were the worst of the worst: a griefer. Someone who went around, ruining Minecraft through any means possible. And not just for players, NPCs suffered too. Just ask Digger. When you griefed this village, you killed his entire family in an explosion.” Crafter’s face was grim. “When you returned after the awakening, he and many others almost killed you. If not for Smithy and Fencer, you’d be dead.”

Goldman felt terrible. Had he killed these peaceful residents of Minecraft for fun? How many others had perished before he had stopped? Keeper, the librarian, seeing Goldman’s worry, reassured him. “Even the best are never perfect. Just look at Smithy. Before he became Smithy of the two swords, leader of the village army, he was a brash child, running off to wrestle with cows and whatnot. My point is, everyone can change.” And with that, he handed Goldman an old moth-eaten book.  The History of Minecraft: Volume 1, it read. Goldman cracked it open to a random page and began to read.


It all began with the destruction of Herobrine. Herobrine was a virus that made its way into Minecraft’s systems and it wanted to rule all. So the virus organized a monster army, led by his enderman king Teleportus, to march on the base of the rebels and destroy them once and for all.
The seven users of hope fought back against the tide. But Herobrine’s army was much too massive, and the monsters won that battle. Luckily, the creator of Minecraft, Notch, sent in the antivirus program Arc101. With renewed strength, the villagers and users fought back and pushed the mob back into the shadows, and this conflict ended with the destruction of Herobrine.
Arc101 collected Herobrine’s XP himself, and the villagers rejoiced, as he had saved Minecraft.

Goldman shut the book and looked at Crafter. “What’s this supposed to do???” He asked. “This is about some stupid virus, not me.” “Continue reading,” Crafter replied. “The answer will become apparent.

But what Arc101 didn’t know was Herobrine’s evil XP still contained the smallest amount of his evil. This evil became the virus Nightcrafter. And slowly, the virus grew and took over Arc101 before destroying him once and for all. Nightcrafter was even more powerful than Herobrine. He had the powers of his predecessor, AND the hindsight that his creator did not possess, along with many new powers, such as the ability to summon new creatures never seen before, and wipe the memories of NPCs and players, to create new servants.

“That’s it!” Goldman yelled, “My memories were stolen! By this Nightcrafter thing.” “That is the conclusion that I drew too,” said Crafter, “But Nightcrafter was defeated by the elder of Minecraft, the silver mage, and the ARC.” “Evidently, he is back” replied Goldman, “and has taken my memories.” “Yes,” Crafter affirmed. “But why?”

Suddenly, an alarm bell rang, spreading its dissonant sounds throughout the massive village. “Monsters!!!!” Keeper screamed. “Get to the walls!” Crafter and Goldman hurried through the village, stopping at the armory to give Goldman new armor made from iron, instead of the yellow leather he was wearing. Wearing his new armor and wielding a new sword enchanted with sharpness IV and knockback II, Goldman raced for the ramparts, only to see the army of villagers, so organized hours before, running in a panic, as spiders overwhelmed the battlements. “NO!” Crafter screamed, “Hold them!” But the villagers were too frightened to heed his words and soon Crafter, Smithy the general, and Goldman found themselves alone.

“Back to back,” growled the scarred blacksmith, swinging his hammer and sword to keep the monsters at bay. “That’s the only way to-” he stopped, as Goldman, wielding his iron sword and another sword made out of gold, charged the arachnids head on!

Goldman rushed into the mob of spiders, his twin blades whirling and flashing, rending the spider’s HP from their hairy bodies, and causing them to flash red again and again. Seeing this obvious display of bravery in the face of extreme danger, the panicked villagers began to rally and push the spiders back to the gate.

When the last spider was destroyed, the villagers cheered. “Goldman! Goldman! Goldman!” they screamed. “Wait,” the golden user said. “I did not do this alone. We could not have won if not for the brave sacrifice of those who gave their lives for this village.” He looked out to the crowd, focusing on the many gaps, and piles of items where the dead once stood. “Do not forget those who gave the final sacrifice.” With this, the crowd’s happiness dimmed, and they turned to mourning their lost loved ones.

Goldman turned towards Crafter, who was talking with Smithy and Fencer. “Something was wrong with that attack,” He told them, “spiders are solitary creatures. They don’t work in huge packs.” “That’s what we noticed,” said Fencer, his hazel eyes clouded with worry. “That hasn’t happened since the reign of Herobrine.

Chapter 3

Crafter immediately called for a meeting of the village elders, to discuss the rising threat of Nightcrafter. “No, no, no,” said Mason, the eldest villager, “The silver mage or the ARC would’ve warned us of his return!” “You don’t get it, do you?” asked Painter, shaking her head in disgust. “He is back or returning. The spider attack and Goldman’s missing memories prove this!” Humbled, the old villager did not reply and silently returned to his seat in the council room.

“We need more information,” commented Fencer. “Without it we do not know how to defeat Nightcrafter or even where to find him.” All the villagers nodded, as the truth of this sunk in. “Very well then! A quest to find the information we need!” shouted Crafter. “Who will go?” Goldman asked. “Your old questing group: You, Herder, Painter, her sister Hunter, and Digger. However, you should also take Mapper, he knows this server like the back of his hand.” “Very well,” the golden user replied. “Where will we be going to find this information?”

“I have an idea.” Mapper’s cracked voice rang out “In a dark forest biome many leagues from here, there lies an enormous mansion, populated by Evokers, the masters of magic and lore. They keep extensive libraries, and will certainly know where to find Nightcrafter or how to stop him. “Excellent!” Hunter said. “We should head over there right away!” “There’s just one problem.” said Mapper, “The Evokers and their servants, the vindicators will kill us on sight.”

The chamber filled with cries as this was announced, and Crafter had to yell at the top of his lungs to restore order. “SILENCE!” Once order was restored, the young villager proceeded to exit the chamber. “Meeting dismissed.” Crafter said, “Adventurers, follow me.” As the small party wound through the village, Goldman was deep in thought. Why were my memories stolen? Where is Nightcrafter? What will I do to stop him? “Goldman?” He snapped out of his thoughts to see Painter in front of him. “Do you have a plan to beat the Evokers?” “Yes.” Goldman smiled. “But it’s reckless, dangerous, and might get us all killed.” “I love it already,” she said. “But Crafter won’t.”

“Here,” Crafter said, “this way.” He led the adventurers down a tunnel into the heart of Minecraft. “Where are we going?” asked Herder. “To the crafting chamber to equip you with everything you need.” As he said this, he opened the door into a massive storeroom filled with chests of every size imaginable, all clearly labeled with what they contained. Food, Potions, Weapons, Blocks, Armor. The list went on and on. “Here. All of you take some iron armor, and food, as well as one or two potions of healing. This quest won’t be easy.” However Goldman was not listening. He was on the far side of the chamber before a set of enchanted gold armor. “Wasn’t this mine?” he asked. “Yes,” Crafter replied. “When you disappeared off into the forest surrounding this village days ago, I put it here for safekeeping. It is rightfully yours.”

The golden user donned his armor. It fit him perfectly and he could feel the ripples of power running down the golden suit. “Goldman?” Crafter said, “I have a gift for you. Put away your iron sword and use this.” He pulled out a sword that seemed to be made of glacial ice, enchantments rippling down its blade. Goldman was thunderstruck. “An ENCHANTED DIAMOND SWORD? They’re super rare” “Yes,” the young NPC replied, “This was passed down through all the crafters in this village. It was made by the silver mage.”

By the time Goldman and his party were equipped, night had fallen, and it was time to sleep. “You’ll start tomorrow,” Crafter assured him, “but first, rest.” Goldman made his way to his house, a two-story nether brick building near the center of the village, that the villagers assured him that he had built, even though he couldn’t remember doing so. He took off his golden plate and put it on an armor stand, exchanging it for a well-worn leather tunic and pants. The golden user pulled back his covers and fell fast asleep.

Chapter 4
The Realm of Dreams

Goldman was in a massive cavern underground. Monsters scurried in and out, avoiding the lava in the center, as blazes poured their inner fire to make the molten stone hotter. “More…” a voice echoed through the chamber. Somehow, the golden user knew it was nightcrafter. “More fire… and find more NPCs to mine the obsidian for my new body…” A massive enderman in the middle of the chamber nodded. “It will be done maker!” it screeched. “Good… Teleportus, go and find Xa-Lok, the king of zombies… Tell him to send a surprise to our dear friend Goldman….” “Yes, sire!” The enderman disappeared.

In his wake came a large skeleton, wearing a golden crown leading a long line of villagers all chained together. “You are now the property of Nightcrafter. You will work to recreate his body and shall serve as his attendants. Any disobedience will result in punishment and death.” there he shot an arrow into a cobbler, tearing his grey smock and making him flash red. “I didn’t do anything.” he moaned. The skeleton shot him again and again, and he flashed red again and again. “You will not respond unless spoken to!” he growled. The villager disappeared with a pop, leaving behind stone blocks and a pick as well as several glowing balls of XP. “Villagers!” a new enderman appeared, along with a zombie in red leather armor. “This is Ta-Vur, your overseer. You will do as he says!” “Yes. Of course… Certainly…” the villagers moaned. “Villagers! You will mine obsidian from the edge of the lava lake to contribute to the maker’s new body! Now, mine!” the zombie ordered.

Goldman shuddered. The poor NPCs, forced to work under the threat of death. And Teleportus was going to go find more! “What will I do?” The golden user thought. Just then he saw a small figure sneaking out of the cavern. A baby villager, small enough to wriggle out of his chains. The villager took one more look at the cavern and ran through the tunnels. “NO!” Nightcrafter’s voice rang out. “A villager has escaped! Find him! Kill him before he gets to the golden user!” The cavern shook as hundreds of zombies poured from the tunnels, going in search of the young NPC, leaving Goldman alone, as the dream changed.

“Goldman! Where are you?” a worried voice filled the dream. Pushing through the mist Goldman saw a warrior in diamond armor. “Who are you?” he asked. “You don’t remember me?” the warrior asked, “I’m your friend, Stormy.” “You aren’t a villager…” the golden user observed. “You are a user like me” “Yes, stormy replied, “Where are you?” “At Crafter’s village” “I’ll send help. I’ve been crafting an army to oppose the hordes of zombies that have been attacking me, but it seems that you could use it more than I could.” A screechy laugh echoed through the landscape, and both users turned to face it. Teleportus, enderman king faced them, an army of illusioners and fellow enderman at his back. The users drew their swords and turned to face the army, Stormy’s black and purple speckled sword crackling with electricity. “What the-” Goldman began, “The sword of lightning.” Stormy replied, “I found it in a mysterious realm known as the far lands. And It is quite a weapon.” As he said this, his eyes glowed bright blue, and lightning streaked from the sky, tearing into the army. Together, the users charged, as the dream shook and tore apart.

Chapter 5
The Journey Ahead

Goldman sat up quickly, taking in the morning sun, filtering through his windows. What had happened. He had dreamed of Nightcrafter being reborn and had battled an army with a user called stormy, who had promised to send help to fight Nightcrafter. As he put on his armor and exited his house he found Herder, Painter, Hunter, Digger, and Mapper Waiting for him. “The zombie awakens,” Hunter quipped. “We’ve been waiting for hours.” “Oh-” Goldman’s face filled with embarrassment. “Sorry, I was sleeping.” “No dibs.” Painter replied. “I dreamt of Nightcrafter.” He quickly filled them in on what had happened. “Stormy?” Digger asked. “Yes,” Goldman said. “That’s wonderful news! Stormy is a great wizard, capable of crafting armies of Redstone golems! He will certainly be able to help us fight the zombies Nightcrafter is sending to stop us!” “Speaking of zombies…” Crafter had come up silently to join them. “You guys should leave before the zombies get here. Your quest is a race against time to succeed.”

“True,” Painter replied, “we should. Are the horses ready?” “Yes they are!” said Herder, “They are all equipped with saddlebags, armor, and extra food.” “Then let us ride!” Digger bellowed, “No zombies are going to stop us!” As the small group rode out of the village, Goldman turned and took one last look at his home, before setting out into the birch forest.

“How long will it take us to get there Mapper?” Digger asked, “If we ride fast and hard-” here Mapper paused, “We may be able to get to the midnight bridge before nightfall. That’s about halfway there. Then we will cross the great desert and finally arrive in the dark forest, where the mansion is.” “Right,” Herder grunted, “So basically it will take a while to get there.” “True.” Painter answered, “But by the time we get there, we will certainly be ready for the fight to come.”

As the day progressed, the small party continued on, talking little, to conserve energy. Suddenly Goldman saw a long red shadow behind one of the trees. What the- The shadow vanished, but it left no doubt in Goldman’s mind. They were being followed by Teleportus, king of the enderman. “Hunter, Painter, get out your bows!” the golden user yelled, “We’re being followed.” The sisters whipped out their bows, and rode to the front, covering every angle. “I don’t know, Goldman, I don’t see anything.” Hunter replied. “I swear! There was an enderman.” “He could’ve just been a normal enderman, not one working for nightcrafter.” Digger chipped in. “Hmmm… Maybe I was just seeing things.” Goldman admitted. “But stay vigilant just in case.”

Over the next hill, Teleportus smiled. “I have many surprises for you user.” he screeched, “ You will not make it to the mansion alive…”

As night fell, the travelers found themselves on the edge of a large ravine, reaching down into the depths of minecraft. “Here we are,” Mapper announced profoundly, “the midnight bridge.” “Uh, I hate to break it to you Mapper, but there is no bridge.” Painter said. “That’s because it’s further west. We have around a mile left to go, I think.” As they drew closer to the bridge, Goldman began noticing lights. “What’s making the light?” he asked, half expecting silence. “The village.” Digger replied. “On the other side there is a large desert village. That will be where we spend the night. As the group rode to the bridge, they began hearing sounds of conflict. “Zombies!” yelled the golden user. “Everyone, weapons out!”

Goldman and the others rode into the fray and dismounted, carving up the advancing horde, digger with his pickaxe, Hunter and Painter with well placed arrows, Mapper with an old quarterstaff, and Goldman with his ever spinning swords. Soon the ground was littered with rotten flesh and glowing balls of XP. Goldman walked to the one zombie that was left. “I want you to give Nightcrafter a message.” he growled. “Grrr… This zombie will do nothing for the user scum…” it suddenly flashed red as Goldman hit it with his sword. “One more hit,” the user warned, “and you will disappear forever.” Goldman could see the fear on the zombie’s scarred face as it answered. “This zombie will… grrr… take a message to the maker….” “Tell him that his doom is approaching. And that the golden user is coming for him.” With that, Goldman turned the zombie off into the dunes to deliver his message.

“We need a place to stay.” commented Mapper. “I’m sure that we could-” “We will be glad to let you stay with us!” a voice interjected. The adventurers turned to see an older villager with a dark purple smock. “I’m Cobbler, leeder of this village, and we would be honored to let you stay for the night. After all, every villager is in the golden user’s debt when he saved us all from Scald.” In short order, the party was given quarters in the crafting chamber, and assured that their horses would be well taken care of. With nothing on his mind Goldman drifted off to sleep.

Goldman was in the realm of dreams. He pulled out his gold sword, feeling it’s comfortable weight in his hand. “Who’s there?!” he cried. Greetings user. I received your message, and was rather offended. Nightcrafter himself stepped out of the mist. I thought you found using messengers below you. That is why I am here. To deliver a message. “You will never win!” the golden user shouted back. Oh. Really? Olive green armor formed on Nightcrafter’s body. Do you like my new suit? It’s made of steel leaf, a material found only in the twilight forest. It looks better than diamond plate, and is much stronger. And you haven’t even felt my sword. The virus smiled malevolently, as he drew a steel leaf sword, with enchantments rippling down its length. Goldman gritted his teeth and charged. Nightcrafter parried, and swung back, the sheer power of his swords shattering Goldman’s weapon. Mwah ha ha ha ha… You can’t win, even in a realm of unlimited power. Imagine what will happen when you face me in the real world… The evil shadowcrafter then brought his sword down, breaking the dream in two.

Goldman sat up so fast he hit his head on Digger’s broad, tanned face. “OW! You users have hard heads.” he moaned as he massaged his bruised scalp. “What-where-oh, right…I guess it’s time to get going?” “Yup” Painter entered the room, her auburn hair soaked. “Why are you wet?” asked Goldman. Thunder boomed. “Oh. I see.” The storm is dying though, we should be able to leave. Freshly equipped with food and water for the desert, Goldman thanked the villagers for their kindness, waved, and set out to the desert with his friends.

Chapter 6
The Great Desert

“There’s too much sand.” muttered Hereder, his lanky frame bent in half from exhaustion. They had been riding in the desert for hours and had already used up all their water.  “K-k-k-keep going…” Painter moaned, “There has to be a well somewhere. We’ll find it and refill our water bottles.” “Think of it this way,” Mapper said, “We are halfway through the desert. Only 6 hours to go!” But it did not really seem that he believed this. “I hope.” Hunter added. “I know what will cheer you up!” Goldman shouted from the next dune, “there’s a desert well!”

The NPCs made it the last 20 yards and rejoiced. It was true. Cold, fresh water. After a lengthy water break during which Herder refilled the water bottles and watered the horses, they set out again at a stronger pace. “Well…” hissed a solitary spider high on a cliff. “We know where you are, and we will destroy you.” The spider scurried off to alert Xa-Lok to send his shock troops, the elite warriors known as husks, former NPCs that had died in the desert.

The spider scuttled through the desert at a maniac pace, only slowing when she saw a large cliff, a waterfall pouring down its side to meet the lava at the bottom. This was the domain of Xa-Lok, zombie king. She pressed on the single cobblestone block and proceeded into the zombie town. “I have a message for the king of zombies…” she hissed at a guard before entering the throne room. “Xa-Lok.” “Shalivak. Why have you come.” Xa-Lok paced in front of his throne room, clad in chain mail, a huge gold broad sword at his side. “I have located the user.” the spider said, snapping her fangs. “Now your troops must kill him.”

“Vo-Kil-” the massive king snapped his decaying fingers. “You will lead the attack on the most hated fool.” Vo-Kil, clad in full iron armor stepped forward. “This zombie will kill the fool.” “Good. Now go!” “In addition, Nightcrafter sends a message.” the spider snapped. “Yes…” the king rumbled, “You are to find more NPCs to work on his rebirth. There is a large village near here. Its leader, Cobbler is a friend of the fool storm.” “Stormy.” the vile king smiled. He had never forgiven Stormy after the user had killed an army of his best troops, and severely wounded him. “It shall be done.”

Goldman and his friends were nearing the edge of the desert when they heard the first growls. “Husks.” Painter said. “The shock troops of Xa-Lok.” The friends formed a tight circle, surrounded by Herder’s wolves, as the horde of husks crested the dune. Goldman was shocked. No, he was flabbergasted. The horde was even bigger than he imagined, composed of thousands of husks. “Wow.” said Digger, “Xa-Lok really pulled out all the stops on this one.” “Great.” Mapper replied. “Another battle with a hundred foes.

The party readied their weapons and braced for the fight as the husks crashed into the circle of wolves, flashing red as the furry warriors bit into them, making them flash red again and again. But gradually there were more growls than barks and the last wolf vanished with whine, leaving the ground littered with bones and XP. The undead savages then turned their attention to Goldman and the NPCs. “RUN!!!” Goldman yelled, “If we fight, we die!” Turning around, they all fled for the edge of the desert, where it belonged with the huge oak forest. “We’ll be able to lose ‘em in here!” Painter yelled, as she crashed through the brush.” As the moans of the husks faded away, they finally caught their breath. “Everyone here?” Goldman asked. “Mapper!” Digger screamed, “He’s gone!”

“Okay.” Goldman said. “We will wait for a bit. He may have just gotten lost for a minute.” After an hour had passed Goldman decided to go look for Mapper. “Hunter, Painter come with me.” Herder, Digger, stay here, and try to find more wolves. Do not under any circumstances leave.” As he set out, he wondered if Mapper was ok. “Where are we going?” asked Painter. “We’ll look for tracks and dropped items.” Goldman responded. “He may have been taken prisoner.” As they searched, the sun dipped lower and lower on the blocky horizon. Finally, once night had almost fallen Hunter cried out. “Here! There’s a trail of items heading into the desert! Mapper has left us a trail!”

Chapter 7
Mapper’s Trail

As Goldman, Hunter, and Painter followed the trail, they found themselves farther and farther away from the forest. The items, once plentiful, began to become more and more spread out, so that it had been dark for quite a while until the items ended at a cliff.  “Ah…” Goldman said, “I think I remember something like this. It’s a zombie town right?” “I think so,” said Painter. “Usually,” Hunter muttered as she started to try to push blocks, there is a hidden entrance.” As she said this, a lone block of stone depressed, and an opening appeared in the face of the cliff. “Mapper was probably taken in here.” Hunter said. “There’s no other place he could be.

The friends entered the cavern together, expecting a fight. Instead, they found it mostly deserted, with only a few guards speckled here and there. Goldman’s twin swords flashed as he took care of the closest guard. “This way,” he whispered, as he picked up a flower dropped by Mapper. “C’mon.” The tunnels wound deeper and deeper underground as Goldman followed the trail, Hunter and Painter behind him. “Where do  you think-” Painter stopped as she saw what was in front of her. A massive chasm, filled with silverfish bridged only with a crumbling wood bridge. “Uh-oh.” The golden user gulped.
On the far side he could see the hallway continuing, and at the end of it, a row of cells. “Mapper’s in there, I’m sure of it,” Hunter affirmed. “Right. Now to cross the crumbling bridge.” Goldman said. As the party crossed the bridge, it began to crumble. “Whoa!” Painter yelled as she almost lost her balance. “This is so not fun!” Goldman and Hunter merely kept quiet and conserved their energy on not falling to their deaths.

“Stop them!” A cry echoed out from behind the bridge. A lone zombie was standing there holding a redstone torch. “Xa-Lok will have our hides!” The rest of the zombies in the cave surged forward, onto the bridge. “Darn.” Painter muttered. “I knew this was too good to be true.”

Whipping out an axe Goldman began to silently cut down the bridge. Seeing what he was doing, Painter also took out her axe and began to help, with Hunter firing at the zombies in front. Snap! 3 planks to go. Crack! 2 planks to go. Crunch! 1 plank to go. Suddenly pain flared up Goldman’s arm, causing him to flash red with damage. Looking up, he saw a few skeletons at the back, sniping at him and Painter. With increased resolve, he hammered away at the last plank. And stopped. “Hunter, Painter! If we break the bridge, there will be no way back!” he yelled over the approaching moans of the zombies. “We’ll be trapped here!” “Just do it,” Painter yelled, “Better to die later then to die now!” With a final snap, the plank broke, cutting the bridge in two, and sending the zombies plunging down into the depths of the chasm. “Safe.” Painter announced. “G-g-g-Goldman?” a voice said. Mapper’s voice. “Hunter, Painter you guys stay here. Make sure no zombies enter.”

And with that, Goldman proceeded into the dark passageway leading deep into minecraft. “Mapper?” he called. “Here.” The sound was coming from the right. Goldman turned. Then the left. He turned again, ending in a small chamber. “Mapper?” he asked. “Over here in the corner,” the voice said. Goldman sighed with relief, walked over to the cell, and unlocked it. “Mapper.” “Goldman!” Mapper cried, “you saved me! How can I ever thank yo-” “We need to go. Like now.” the golden user said. “Follow me.” The pair backtracked and soon found themselves back near the fallen bridge. “Hunter? Painter? I found-” he stopped, realizing that the torches the sisters had placed were gone.

“What the heck?” Goldman drew his swords. “Where are you guys?!” “Help!” Painter’s muffled cry echoed through the chasm. “C’mon Mapper,” Goldman yelled, “We have to save them!” Mapper and Goldman ran back into the tunnels, following the sounds of shuffling feet. What happened? Goldman wondered. Zombies? Enderman? Or worse?  He doubled his pace, determined not to fail his friends.

Hunter was mortified. The zombie, led by that giant Xa-Lok, had taken her and Painter by surprise, capturing them without a sound. I should’ve known, she berated herself. I should’ve been able to fight. Zap. A tiny spark crawled down the frame of the lantern one of the zombies was holding. Seeing the spark, she remembered a dream Goldman had had about his friend, Stormy who could summon lightning. Could Stormy be here? She asked herself. Zap. Now it was Xa-Lok’s gold sword. Definitely electricity. And lightning did not occur naturally underground. That was when she saw a single figure in armor, discreetly following them. STORMY!

Laying a blocky finger to his lips, Stormy snuck past her, and drew his obsidian sword, lightning running up and down the edges. “Xa-Lok!” he cried, “STOP!” “The fool finally shows his face!” the zombie king rumbled. “Have you given up hiding in your house?” Here the undead king chuckled. “Did you like the present I sent you?” “Not really,” Stormy replied. “Here. You can have it back.” He took out stacks of XP and rotten flesh. “Enjoy.” He threw them at the zombie king and attacked the horde of other zombies, his sword glowing blue and calling down lightning to smite his decaying foes.

“HAAAAAAA!” with a cry Goldman and Mapper hurtled into the chamber, wielding their swords and cutting down the zombies, allowing Stormy to focus on Xa-Lok. “The fool has grown arrogant.” the zombie smiled. “Xa-lok will have fun smashing him to bits.” In return, Stormy merely smiled, and called down a lightning strike, causing Xa-Lok to flush red with damage. “GO!” Stormy yelled, “You have to escape!” He flashed red with damage as Xa-Lok’s sword bit into his side. “Run!” Stormy’s dark sword hummed with power as it clashed against the zombie king’s weapon.

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