
This is fantastic, from FrozenBoy20

The Minecraft Diaries – Secret under the Surface: GameKnight’s Dream (This story takes place in Mark’s first book in the fourth series (Maybe???) and FrozenBoy20’s third book in the first series.) GameKnight999 – The Dream “User-that-is-not-a-user, you look… tired...

Check out this story from Brendan

Chapter 1 Da story begins …Loading terrain…Whoosh!!! The dust flies everywhere as Steve steps onto the ground. “Where am I?” Steve said standing in a grass biome. “You are I the world of Minecraft!” said a voice. “Who’s there!? Show yourself!” Steve shouted. “No...

Check out this story by LionGirl05

He moved through the taiga forest in the moonlight. The gentle wind blew his tattered white cloak across the air. He gripped his shadow sword in his hand firmly, ready to kill anything on sight, hostile or not. His pitch black skin almost made his a part of the cold...

A great baseball story by Gavin

The Catch Chapter I Despite its location Dots Donut Shop was about to get famous. People were already screaming because Jay Docker, a rookie from UCLA, was going in there and making it a madhouse. Although this seemed pretty abnormal for a MLB player it wasn’t for Jay...

This is Chapter 4 from WonderWriter2000

Chapter 4 – The Failures        Herobrine/Sky teleported away from their massive army. They appeared at the edge of the birch and oak woods that bordered Crafters village. “No,” Herobrine hissed. Comet and Hail were flying above the village. They laughed...
Show it before you need it

Show it before you need it

  There’s a rule in writing, and of course, whenever I say there’s a rule, I’ll think of multiple ways of breaking it, but so far, I’ve never broken this rule, and it goes like this: Rule #10: If your hero needs a gun at the end of the...

“Mage” by Judah

MAGE By Judah   Chapter 1 – The last day The military stinks. No, it literally does stink. I’m pretty sure that no one in the history of most of the universe’s militaries has taken a shower. That’s one thing I’m going to miss. Yes, that’s...

Here’s a great story from TheDiamondKid 2.0

Who Is Superbrine Well this is the story about Superbrine you probably don’t know him he is Herobrines cousin. Herobrine is Notch’s brother and the white eyed killer. Here is a picture of Superbrine. Yeah he is very very creepy. Ok so let me tell you my...

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