
Here is a story about Oxus from Snake

The New and Evil Oxus (as requested by Enderpriest)           The story: As many of you know, Oxus is the creeper king, who was famous for:   1#: Deserting Herobrine (in Attack of the Shadowcrafters)   2#: Being one of the only monster kings that wanted...

The Algae Voices of Azule – Chapter 5

Chapter 1: https://markcheverton.com/the-algae-voices-of-azule-chapter-1/  Chapter 2: https://markcheverton.com/the-algae-voices-of-azule-chapter-2/ Chapter 3: https://markcheverton.com/the-algae-voices-of-azule-chapter-3/ Chapter 4:...
Show it before you need it

Show it before you need it

  There’s a rule in writing, and of course, whenever I say there’s a rule, I’ll think of multiple ways of breaking it, but so far, I’ve never broken this rule, and it goes like this: Rule #10: If your hero needs a gun at the end of the...
SHOW . . . Don’t Tell!!!

SHOW . . . Don’t Tell!!!

  Learning how to show your story to your reader, rather than telling them about it is difficult. I struggle with this in every book I write, because telling is easy and showing is hard. Sometimes, telling is useful to do in your story. I’ve used it to tell the...

This is “Escaping the Wave” by Kayci

CHAPTER 1    “Are you ready for the trip?” Mom asked.       I was not ready for this trip.  Me and my family were going to a trip in Hawaii. I am afraid of any kind of storm. My older brother Brandon is just sitting on the couch playing video games. Mom walked...

Give this one a read from Christian

Zach stood motionless as he basked in the glow of the mythical object, it was beautiful. Pulling open his inventory he cautiously placed the weapon in his hand. Swinging it around, it made a hissing sound as it sliced through the air like a knife slicing a piece of...

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