
“My Minecraft Story” by Besse in France

ENGLISH VERSION BELOW   Minecraft, contrairement à ce qu’énormément de gens n’ayant jamais joué à ce jeux pensent, est un monde magnifique (surtout depuis la mise à jour “caves and cliffs”), malgré sa composition de cubes. On peut le rendre...

Check out this Minecraft story from Andy

Clash of the skeletons Chapter 1 Blaster sat on his bed in his room, looking out at his window. It had been day’s, even weeks, since the battle with Za-nul and his army. Standing up, he opened his door to go visit his friends. ‘Danger’ Someone said in his head....

The Algae Voices of Azule – Chapter 1

I thought I’d share with you something I wrote a long long time ago. I’ll be posting chapters every now and then; I hope you like it! The Algae Voices of Azule Mark Cheverton The Algae Voices of Azule, Copyright © 2012 by Mark Cheverton   CHAPTER 1  ...

This is “Demon Tales” by Nicky

Demon Tales chap 1. Under the scorching heat of the sun, the surrounding air vibrates and distorts. Within the desert, and this one in particular, the land is withered and twisted with corruption. Purple marshes and vegetation dot the landscape, often times releasing...

Here is a great story from Raina_The_Rogue

PART 1 MAIN STORYLINE Cali slid into her desk chair and turned her computer on. She sighed. She was glad that the school year had finally ended. Her middle school class had a big party. She just stayed out in the hallway. She didn’t like parties. They were too noisy....

Here’s a story from Andy

The Attack of the Zombies   Chapter 1 Blaster was standing on the watch tower in Villagetown, where he lived. It was Afternoon, and soon Monsters will come out. Then, he spotted something green. Then, Blaster looked even closer. It was a Zombie. Blaster quickly...

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