
Another great contribution by Enderdashx5x

A DESTRUCTIVE REALITY BY ENDERDASHX5X   1:New School, New Life, Old Memories   Tommy Feynman had messed up big time. Well, he hadn’t known it yet, but soon he will. Soon he will figure out that he had cured his world-and life-with a terrible darkness....

Here’s Chapter 3 from WonderWriter2000

Chapter Three Leaving     The next morning, Gameknight woke up with a start when Harvester ran down the hall screaming, “THEY’RE ON THE MOVE! LETS HIT THE ROAD!”Gameknight jumped up and ran out the door. He found himself in a spruce wood corridor with white...

Here’s another great contribution from Raina

Part 1             As the spaceship the size of Manhattan descended upon the capital of Minnesota, the only thing running through my mind was, “Oh crap.” I clenched my fists. This was bad. This was very, very bad. And it was all my fault. “If I had just stopped him...

“The Lessons I Learned” by Ellie

Thomas Feynmen was called by many names. Gameknight999, Defender of Minecraft, the User-That-Is-Not-A-User, the Legendary Hero- the list went ever on. These names provided a kind of solace for him, a reminder that he had made it through hundreds of challenges and come...

Here’s a cool Minecraft adventure by Serin

The Mystery of Herobrine By: Serin My name is Peenike and I have three friends Igav, Nohik and Czech.  We play Minecraft and mess with Joe most of the time.  This all starts when I picked up Joe’s bike. Chapter 1     Joe screamed, “Hey that’s my bike, get back...
Protected: Character Descriptions

Character Descriptions

Describe your character while keeping the story moving It’s important to describe your character so that the reader can clearly imagine them in their minds, but also imagine all the other characters and keep them separate. I hate it when characters have similar names...

Here is Joshua’s story

Chapter 1 Jim Tim was farming in his field when he noticed some villagers running fast and screaming as he looked over his shoulder. He saw pillagers with grey noses and crossbows in their hands shooting the villagers, gradually killing them one by one . Then the...

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