
PART III of Operation TPoT by Comwiz180

Operation TPoT – PART IIIby Comwiz180 Lesson Mu: GrievingEthan failed at this. Really bad. Here’s an example.Let’s assume you were on the Titanic, and it was sinking. Obviously, you will probably get onto a lifeboat, unless a flying monkey decides to...

Here’s something new from Joey

Chapter 1 SchoolThe school bell rang. The loud sound made Austin jump in his seat. No other sound followed, but Mrs. Williams’ fifth grade class all were hiding cries of excitement inside. They had just been through the paradox of what Mrs. Williams called “an...
Protected: Your story’s Concept and Premise

Your story’s Concept and Premise

I’ve been working on my next book, called The Giant’s Giant, and I’ve had a lot of trouble getting it going. For some reason, I start writing a couple of chapters, then get stuck and don’t know where the story is going. I start over, and again I’ve gotten stuck. It’s...

The Algae Voices of Azule – Chapter 11

Chapter 1: https://markcheverton.com/the-algae-voices-of-azule-chapter-1/  Chapter 2: https://markcheverton.com/the-algae-voices-of-azule-chapter-2/ Chapter 3: https://markcheverton.com/the-algae-voices-of-azule-chapter-3/ Chapter...

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