
This is a new story from Morgan

Me and my grandfather were setting up camp in the very center of the woods, where magic was strongest. We had already finished the last few stages of camp and were ready for some magic. “Bill, could I borrow your staff for a moment, please?” my grandfather asked. I...

Here’s a cool Minecraft story by Coltyn

Within the blocks By Coltyn   All the heros were still falling when they fell into another portal. Carson asked,”where are we?” “You’re in Becon town the finest little town you will ever see,”Petra responded. “Radar,”Jesse said smiling. They both hugged. Radar...

This is a story by Magicemmar

Gameknight’s POV I was napping peacefully when….”Tommy…..Tommy…..THOMAS FEYNMAN” My eyes snapped open, caught off guard he shocked me into sitting up straight. ”Yes, Mr. Plank?!” I yelped. I was in History class, Mr....
Story Planning – Opposites

Story Planning – Opposites

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I approach my story planning. In the last couple of books, I’ve focused on designing the character first, but using opposite characteristics to make the character or environment more interesting. In The Giant’s Giant, I made a...

I like this story from Bob

The Stolen Memories CHAPTER 1Evil Arises Goldman44 drew his shimmering enchanted sword. The iridescent glow of the weapon lit his surroundings just enough so that he could see. He was surrounded by mounds of pale yellow endstone. He shuddered as he realized where he...

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