
“Monster Invasion” – Chapter 5 by Moussa

Monster invasion chapter 5 Chopper stared at the spider, her red eyes full of hatred. Just staring at it gave him the goosebumps as he trembled in fear. He wanted to turn around and look away, but he couldn’t look away. He was paralyzed with fear. Sweat ran...


I wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned when it comes to writing exciting and engaging dialogue. In some of my first novels, my dialogue was compared to a microwave burrito (not my best review, but one of my favorites). After receiving that rebuke, I...

I like this story by Autumn

 The Cats And The Cute   One morning I was sleeping and my mom yelled, “ Time to get up!” I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After I ate, my mom came in the room and she said, “You’re going to be late!” So I got on the bus and went to...
Rewriting my Novel

Rewriting my Novel

Writing is Rewriting Writing is rewriting is a phrase many authors hear, but not as many employ. Rewriting my novel is always an important process to me; this where you get the story to really shine. I spent a lot of time rewriting my latest Young Adult fantasy novel,...

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