
Here’s a cool spy story by Emma

The Lost Planet (excerpt) By Emma Chapter 1 Hello, my name is John Garvetto. You probably haven’t heard of me before. I live on the planet Sartak. Haven’t heard of that either? I don’t blame you. I am part of a top secret division of the United...

Another great contribution by Enderdashx5x

A DESTRUCTIVE REALITY BY ENDERDASHX5X   1:New School, New Life, Old Memories   Tommy Feynman had messed up big time. Well, he hadn’t known it yet, but soon he will. Soon he will figure out that he had cured his world-and life-with a terrible darkness....

PART III of Operation TPoT by Comwiz180

Operation TPoT – PART IIIby Comwiz180 Lesson Mu: GrievingEthan failed at this. Really bad. Here’s an example.Let’s assume you were on the Titanic, and it was sinking. Obviously, you will probably get onto a lifeboat, unless a flying monkey decides to...

“My Minecraft Story” by Besse in France

ENGLISH VERSION BELOW   Minecraft, contrairement à ce qu’énormément de gens n’ayant jamais joué à ce jeux pensent, est un monde magnifique (surtout depuis la mise à jour “caves and cliffs”), malgré sa composition de cubes. On peut le rendre...
Here’s a great story by cooly1233 and ShadowGeneral

Here is an epic tale from Cooly999124

What is Minecraft? Minecraft is a sandbox game. A sandbox game is a game where there is no real objective, you just, survive, create, and explore! In Minecraft there are many modes, but the most common ones are Survival, creative and hardcore. In survival you...

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