
Here’s chapters 7, 8, and 9 from Joey

Chapter 7 Fire OgreLuke kept on stumbling for a while, the bat horse had depleted his energy fast. “You see that?” the Master asked. “Define that,” Luke said, unable to see where the Master was pointing, since he was a disembodied voice in Luke’s mind. “In front of...
Show it before you need it

Show it before you need it

  There’s a rule in writing, and of course, whenever I say there’s a rule, I’ll think of multiple ways of breaking it, but so far, I’ve never broken this rule, and it goes like this: Rule #10: If your hero needs a gun at the end of the...

Here’s Chapter 3 from WonderWriter2000

Chapter Three Leaving     The next morning, Gameknight woke up with a start when Harvester ran down the hall screaming, “THEY’RE ON THE MOVE! LETS HIT THE ROAD!”Gameknight jumped up and ran out the door. He found himself in a spruce wood corridor with white...
SHOW . . . Don’t Tell!!!

SHOW . . . Don’t Tell!!!

  Learning how to show your story to your reader, rather than telling them about it is difficult. I struggle with this in every book I write, because telling is easy and showing is hard. Sometimes, telling is useful to do in your story. I’ve used it to tell the...

This is a great story by Kiara

Howlers: Morning of the Midnight Chapter 1             Dagger stood there, facing the empty air. He could feel a dark presence following him. “Hello? Anybody there?” SWOOSH! A shadow swirled past him, leaving one paw print. “Huh? A … dog?” Dagger was both confused and...
Designing Flawed Characters

Designing Flawed Characters

Recently, when I start thinking about a new story, I find myself really focusing on the character and their flaw. Character flaw – Every hero must have some kind of flaw to them. They can’t be perfect, and they can’t be totally despicable. We want the reader to root...

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