
Here’s a story from Fabian in Germany

English Version below: Schaddows  Fabian.K  Kapitel 1  Ich wachte auf.   Alles war rot und in einer Ecke des Raumes stand ein Klavier.  Auf dem Klavier spielte eine Bleiche Frau.  Das Licht schien sie förmlich zu durchleuchten.  Dann verschwand sie im nichts.  Ich...

“Otter Fun” by Morgan

The lights powered on as Jennifer and I entered the room. “This is going to be really exciting!” I said enthusiastically, dipping my hand into the water. Webbing formed in between my fingers, and I stared at my newly webbed hand in amazement. Just then, I heard...

I really like this story from awesomepetra

Sonic the Hedgehog, minecraft’s hero I awoke from my comfy bed in the middle of the night. I heard some pounding on my wooden door that sounded like a KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I knew that this was important, so I opened the door, still in my PJ’s....

This is “The Cat Clan” from Hosanna

-The Cat Clan- -Prologue- Wind blew over the rocks, making ghostly noises as One Ear padded up to the woods, his black fur bristling and his tail twitching. The woods towered over him, big and majestic. Leaves crunched as his paws led him into the dark canopy. His one...
Sensory Emotions

Sensory Emotions

      While attending a writer’s conference last year, I was introduced to the idea of writing about the physical effects of emotion on a character. In most of my Minecraft-inspired novels, I’d say, “Gameknight was overwhelmed with fear.” Or “Fear...

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