
Check out Caitlin’s story . . . great job!

Maxwell’s Story Caitlin D. Prologue   A gentle thunder rumbled above, drowning out the sound of heavy raindrops as they fell to the earth in sparse amounts. It was the midnight hour. Darkness engulfed the land, a pitch black blanket of storm clouds covering up...
This is Why Perseverance Matters

This is Why Perseverance Matters

Why Perseverance Matters  Yesterday, I met with Mrs. Proler’s 4th-grade class, and I had a great time talking with her students. We had a great discussion about Perseverance and Growth-Mindset. I shared with them the many failures I had to endure when I started...

“Haunted Halloween” by Jacob

Chapter 1 The night before haunted Halloween in the woods near midnight. Six teenagers were about to vote to see if Jacob was going to stay. But, the vote was 2-3 then, Jacob left. The next night the midnight society went trick-or-treat, but near midnight the streets...

This is “Silver” by Artbot15

I entered through the door and closed it shut behind me. “This is it,” I said to myself, walking up to a nearby pedestal, which had a cyan colored gemstone perched atop. This was no ordinary jewel, though. This gem was a Chaos Emerald. Although this was a Chaos...


As many of you know, I started as a self-published author. I didn’t do this out of choice, rather necessity. You see, I’d written four science fiction novels and I tried to get them published. It was a disaster. I stopped counting my rejections when they...

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