
This is a new story by Aidan

Wild Horses Orientation: She knew that the horses were distressed and galloping away, but she couldn’t get her mind on what could be troubling them. Suddenly, a rogue thought popped into her head: what if the horses were running from a predatory animal? It didn’t make...

Here’s a cool wolf vs. villain story by Daniel

One day a villain was walking around. He would walk around in the city. He thinks a lot of people are thinking, “What’s a villain doing walking in a city and in town?” It was dark and the sky was blank all he heard was the wolf’s howling at the moon. The villain...
The Important Power Of Being You!

The Important Power Of Being You!

Understanding What’s Important  A lot of us look at others and wonder, Why can’t I be like them? I worked with someone who was super successful. They were promoted, received raises, and climbed the corporate ladder with ease. Everyone was impressed with...
Rewriting my Novel

Rewriting my Novel

Writing is Rewriting Writing is rewriting is a phrase many authors hear, but not as many employ. Rewriting my novel is always an important process to me; this where you get the story to really shine. I spent a lot of time rewriting my latest Young Adult fantasy novel,...

Here is a new story from Flutters

Subject: Meeting GameKnight999 and Crafter Flutters is in a deep sleep as she lays on her blocky bed, twisting and turning at ever living second. Morning daylight arose as the blocky god in the sky shined it’s bright light into her glass pain windows. She has...

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